Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 3681 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    correction.... there are more HD-DVD supporters when counting ownership. However, the lip service supporters for Blu-Ray definitely seem louder.

    Bite, are you sure about ownership? It seems pretty even to me and there might be more BD owners if you count the PS3.

    I think both camps' major spokespersons do a good job of hyping their HDM of choice.

    Question for Marz, are you getting a PS3 for Christmas?
  • Reply 3682 of 4650
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    A certain Blu-Ray backer has been continually spamming the board for almost two years with every BR press release and news tidbit he can find.

    So true. So true.
  • Reply 3683 of 4650
    I noticed tonight on the end of a spot for "reign over me" that they now say "own it on DVD and Blu-Ray hi-def". I guess they added the "hi-def" part because nobody knows what the feck a Blu-Ray is. Smart move.
  • Reply 3684 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    correction.... there are more HD-DVD supporters when counting ownership.

    Wheres your evedence? or is this another number you have pulled from the darkness?

    Oh and as everyone seems to have missed this

    Price beats all?

    As a repeater of the "price beats all" meme, you should be running quickly to purchasing one of these players? no? thought not.
  • Reply 3685 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Wheres your evedence? or is this another number you have pulled from the darkness?

    Well, we can start from you...

    How long have you owned your PS3 and how many Blu-Ray movies have you bought/rented?
  • Reply 3686 of 4650
    I've been an HD DVD owner for one week, and own five HD DVD's (not counting the five free ones that will eventually arrive by mail).
  • Reply 3687 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    I've been an HD DVD owner for one week, and own five HD DVD's (not counting the five free ones that will eventually arrive by mail).

    wow... Good attach rate!...

    I guess I forgot to give my info...

    I bought my first HD-DVD player, HD-XA1, in summer of 2006, and bought the 2nd gen player, HD-XA2, in March 2007.

    I've not been very active on the HDM purchases lately, but I've got about 70 HD-DVD titles, not including ones from the 5 free rebate.(still waiting for mine, sent out my rebate kinda late)

    I have not rented any HDM, but still do buy/rent SD-DVD.
  • Reply 3688 of 4650
    Since we're doing show-and-tell, I presently have 11 BD discs, 6 purchased and 5 came with the Panny player. For the October to December period I plan to buy 7 of the new releases and rent an additional 4.

    One of the things that totally amazes me reading AVSforum is the number of people who will buy and watch a crap movie just because the PQ is great. Personally, my time is valuable, as there's a lot of other things to do and a lot of great books out there, so I tend to be very selective in the movies I watch.

    Bite, out of the 70 HD discs that you've purchased, how many do you think you'll ever watch more than once? Also, are you "double dipping", that is buying discs that you already have on SD-DVD? I'm trying to stay away from doing that except maybe some early non anamorphic DVDs.
  • Reply 3689 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Bite, out of the 70 HD discs that you've purchased, how many do you think you'll ever watch more than once? Also, are you "double dipping", that is buying discs that you already have on SD-DVD? I'm trying to stay away from doing that except maybe some early non anamorphic DVDs.

    Unfortunately, about half of the 70 HDM discs are double dips. I kept telling myself not to but I just can't help it. Also, more than half of the HDM collection had been viewed more than once by my immediate family, and have hosted multiple HiDef showing demos for friends & neighbors.

    I recently doubled dipped on Top Gun and have Face Off on the pre-ordered list for another double dip. Only the Transformer will be a new purchase for me this month. The next two coming months will be another double dipping time.... just can't pass up on the Harry Potter series and more.
  • Reply 3690 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    I bought my PS3 in May and have 24 Blu-ray movies (i've rented 3).
  • Reply 3691 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    I bought my PS3 in May and have 20 Blu-ray movies (i've rented 3).

    Nice. I have a honest question, though. Did you get your PS3 as a designated Blu-Ray player or as a game console?.

    I was always interested to know whether the gamers with PS3 would buy more than 5 - 10 HDM within a year.

    BTW, I went home and counted exact number of my HDM and it was 64 not including the 5 Free rebate, or AV testing/calibration discs.
  • Reply 3692 of 4650
    My PS3 is BluRay player first, game machine second.
  • Reply 3693 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending October 7th

    WE: BD-68% HDD-32% YTD: BD-66% HDD-34% SI: BD-61% HDD-39%

    1. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

    2. Knocked Up

    3. 300

    4. Bram Stoker's Dracula

    5. Top Gun

    6. 300

    7. Troy: Director's Cut

    8. Halloween

    9. Planet Earth


    Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer, outselling HD DVD's top title by 5:1. Nice! I think Blu-ray's numbers will be even higher next week. However, the week after that, HD DVD will have a sportin chance (due to Transformers) to win their first week in sales all year. We'll see...
  • Reply 3694 of 4650
    Thanks for the update.
  • Reply 3695 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Nice. I have a honest question, though. Did you get your PS3 as a designated Blu-Ray player or as a game console?.

    I bought it primarily as a movie player - I only have two games that I haven't played for months and once in a while I download a demo.
  • Reply 3696 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    I bought it primarily as a movie player - I only have two games that I haven't played for months and once in a while I download a demo.

    thanks for answering that. It seems that PS3 is and will continue to be the most popular Blu-Ray player for awhile.

    I had also at one point considered getting a PS3 to go neutral again about 6 months ago, but I decided to wait for full spec'ed BD/HD Combo player at much later time. The PS3 option still seems to be the best choice for Blu-Ray, especially with rumored $399 40GB model coming out. Too bad, the 40GB PS3 is even more crippled than the 80GB model for not being able to play PS2 games at all, but I guess it will still be the cheapest BD player for the holidays retailing at $399. Perhaps, the true bargain would be finding $499 60GB PS3 on special fire sale for this holiday season.
  • Reply 3697 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Well, we can start from you...

    How long have you owned your PS3 and how many Blu-Ray movies have you bought/rented?

    Why "start with me" ?? you likely have FAR more disposable income than I do, certainly at the moment, I've made it known here that I'm paying out for lots of "real world" things at the moment, unforseen stuff that NEEDS to be bought, unlike movies, who REALLY needs those. evidence of this is your own admission that about half of your HD collection are double dips!! you don't REALLY need to get them, but you have plenty of disposible income, so can afford to.

    I did a little math, there are 5 million PS3s sold (its currently "RANKED" number 2 on the UK Amazon site ) and a wide range of figures given as to how many are used for BD playback, one of the lower figures is 20% now if we say that the AVERAGE number of discs PER PLAYER is 5 then thats 5 million BD discs sold. a fair old chunk of the HDM market by any account.

    I have also bought an Apple TV and have a HUGE collection of digitally recorded movies that I have converted for it. watching those takes up my time, and given they are free and I have less disposable income at the moment, they are taking priority.

    I have also stated here more than once that I "bought in early" on DVD and so paid out what I now consider a LOT of money (had more disposable income then) as I have watched SD-DVD prices fall, I intend not to get caught again, so am prepared to wait until prices drop to a level that I consider more affordable.

    All this should sort itself out in the new year (my cashflow and HDM prices) so I'm not going to spend myself into a frenzy just to try and keep up with the likes of you.

    To answer your question however I've only just gotten round to ordering 300 which will bring my small BD collection up to 11 and to be honest thats somewhere in the region of where my SD-DVD collection was this far into ownership back in 2000 so given the restraints on my spending currently, I don't think thats too bad.

    Please feel free to sneer though, certainly seems like you want to, with your "fire sale" type comments.
  • Reply 3698 of 4650
    TDK says Blu-ray is great and they are bound to know SOMETHING about media formats, right?


    TDK judged the Blu-ray Disc recordable and rewriteable product concepts to be the superior format in terms of capacity, durability and performance.


    Jean-Paul Eekhout of TDK says: In our recording media domain, there isn't much of a war going on. Today HD recording is 100 per cent in the hands of the BD-R/RE products. The format benefits of BD are undisputable indications that BD-R/RE will in fact be the only format that matters for high-definition recording. In our recordable market segment, capacity, data transfer rate and widest format support guarantees the winning position for BD-R/RE.

    Interesting, no war going on, I suppose thats true what with HD-DVD recorders being practically nonexistent.
  • Reply 3699 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    To answer your question however I've only just gotten round to ordering 300 which will bring my small BD collection up to 11 and to be honest thats somewhere in the region of where my SD-DVD collection was this far into ownership back in 2000 so given the restraints on my spending currently, I don't think thats too bad.

    Thanks for answering that. I do agree that there is no need to go on a HDM purchase frenzy. I'm waiting on the day where I can walk into Walmart, Target, and BestBuy to pick up HDM deals at $5.99 on many of the future double dips.

    Ones I doubled dipped were mostly the movies I love to watch over and it is worthy of one time $18 fee for me. I did, however, buy few HDM not worthy of upgrade in the begining, but most of the HDM review sites did not exist at the time, and that is just part of an early adopter syndrome.

    Anyway, 11 HDM count is pretty good actually. It's 11 more than many of us here. If those are 11 BD exclusives, then you have 11 of HDM's I do not have and I'm sure I would like to have some of them in HiDef at my home.
  • Reply 3700 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Blu-ray Dominating the Amazon Sales Rank Charts...

    ^^^Although I don't find it an accurate indicator or overall sales alone (the SALES RANK status from Amazon), I thought I'd share this phenomena over at their site. Considering that Blu-ray continues to dominate overall Nielsen/Videoscan sales 2+:1 over HD DVD, when coupled with this data over at Amazon, it lays more credence to what we all have been seeing via overall sales.

    Regardless, it is interesting to speculate, especially considering that Blu-ray has 46 our of the 50 ranks locked up out of the top 50. More than likely it is due to this,...

    ...and I have to say kudos to the BDA on a well timed sale. It'll be very interesting if HD DVD can recover even with Transformers this week, given how well the Blu-ray sale is going. Time will tell.
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