Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 3721 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    The $ topic keeps coming around because consumers are more sensitive to $ than the industry.

    Your statement on the HDM software price is false, because most HD-DVD single titles are priced the same or below blu-ray. Only the the combo & special editions with multiplle discs cost more than norm. BTW, Warner decided not to support combos, so the average software prices will go down. However, I think that all HDM releases should be priced at the same level as the SD-DVD counter part to help with mass adoption.

    Once again, it's no longer a format war and none of the techie/spec talk matters, but it is turning into a game of "how low can you go". And consumers will repond to pricing game way faster than the spec game.

    My statment is false??? HMV and Virgin Mega stores would beg to differ with you, is, therefore your own statment false? or just self serving for you to believe it? please do link to proof (seriously)

    Warner decided to stop delivering combo discs, you say because average software prices were too high. isn't that what some of use were saying all along, but yourself and murch (where IS he? I miss him) proclaimed at the time that it was a benifit of HD-DVD a plus point in its favour, now however when it suits your position, all of a sudden the dropping of the SD-DVD layer is ALSO a plus!! which is it?

    I do of course whole heartedly agree that HDM pricing should be on par with SD-DVD releases, I could stomach a small price differential, in BD/HD-DVDs favour as its new media, but REALLY the studios are shouting about these formats being the NEWEST and LATEST thing, the FUTURE so why don't they FFS let DVD take the burden, and help foot the bill for introducing this new format of the future (whichever or "neither" one it is)

    How much for HD-DVD recordable media?

    How much for BD recordable media?

    Why oh WHY are we stuck on movies? mm I think that might be mainly Murchs fault. Can we have a disscussion about HD drives for computers please and what support for these drives is built DIRECTLY into Leopard? not in FCS Pro or anything like that but directly inside the OS. I thought the new iMacs were going to include HD drives, but then I thought the iMacs would be delayed till Jan 08 so does this leave us looking at the (overdue an update) Mac Pro getting BTO drives?

    {Sigh} I've been ripping at DVDs for the last few days, rather than doing "real" work I'm very fed up with it \
  • Reply 3722 of 4650
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Oh, please. Not that old chestnut. Sony is in a high technology field. They pioneer new technologies. Sometimes they fail. It happens to all companies on the cutting edge. Look at all the technologies Apple has championed that never caught on. Where's ADC today despite being non-proprietary? Did so much as one other PC maker ever adopt it, despite its clutter-reducing advantages? Did AppleTalk ever catch on other than on some Mac-only networks? Pippin? eMate? Macintosh TV? CHRP? Nubus? The Cube? The one-button mouse? Newton? Will the struggling AppleTV join them? Yet for all those failures, I don't see anyone here decrying Apple as a terrible company that they don't want to support because it has a "death grip" on the Mac market. It's just personal hatred of Sony, plain and simple, so just admit it and stop being hypocritical. And whoever said MiniDisc was a good idea? Or Memory Sticks, when so many other flash RAM formats already existed? Is it a good thing that we currently have something like 27-in-1 card readers available? Isn't universal support wonderful? \

    Yeah, you're right it's pure unadulterated hate of Sony. *Looks over at his sony tv, opens his drawer and looks at the sony mini disc player that served him well, takes a picture with his sony camera that uses memstick(non duo), answers his SE phone, plays his ps2 wishing tekken 6 was out*

    I own tons of sony stuff, I don't hate them at all. But I dont need them to own or make everything. I loved my minidisc but I hated sonic stage, when I upgraded the MS card in my camera, I needed to get a special cover to make it full size because they changed the size on me, I'd had the prongs on my SE chargers break a million times because they refuse to use something sensible like mini-usb. However each time the products themselves were solid. This is the kind of treatment I'm afraid of from them because it's what they do oh so well.

    BUT like I said I don't care who ultimately wins the format war, I just want it over.

    I believe sony can make a good product but as they've shown time and time again it's the implementation they slip up on.
  • Reply 3723 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Seems schizophrenic to me. On the one hand, you're claiming Sony always screws up. On the other, you claim you keep buying their products. Why would anyone do that? I don't like Lexmark printers. So I don't buy them. I know I wouldn't buy any more phones from a company after the third time or so their chargers broke on me, rather than wait "a million times" and still complain about them. If Sony can do no right, then stop buying their stuff. If they're hit and miss, then why bitch and moan? For all you know, this could be one of their "good" products like the ones you keep buying. BTW, why rip Sony for their charger ports when pretty much everybody had proprietary ones? Only a few phones use mini-USB right now. Nokias don't. Neither does the iPhone nor most lower-end phones that don't need data transfer abilities. As for Memory Stick changing sizes, ask the people who have to deal with SD and mini-SD and micro-SD. You're starting to sound almost Murch-like here by saying you don't really care, but hope it's not Sony. It's a contradiction.
  • Reply 3724 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Seems schizophrenic to me. On the one hand, you're claiming Sony always screws up. On the other, you claim you keep buying their products. Why would anyone do that? I don't like Lexmark printers. So I don't buy them. I know I wouldn't buy any more phones from a company after the third time or so their chargers broke on me, rather than wait "a million times" and still complain about them. If Sony can do no right, then stop buying their stuff. If they're hit and miss, then why bitch and moan? For all you know, this could be one of their "good" products like the ones you keep buying. BTW, why rip Sony for their charger ports when pretty much everybody had proprietary ones? Only a few phones use mini-USB right now. Nokias don't. Neither does the iPhone nor most lower-end phones that don't need data transfer abilities. As for Memory Stick changing sizes, ask the people who have to deal with SD and mini-SD and micro-SD. You're starting to sound almost Murch-like here by saying you don't really care, but hope it's not Sony. It's a contradiction.

    I have to agree with your assesment here. Just to add, I think it would help those here to step out of the Sony=Blu-ray mindset and realize that 170+ companis=Blu-ray.

    Just because you--ecking--don't like Sony and/or you don't wan't them to own everything, is it necessarily bad that Panasonic, Pioneer, Sharp, LG, Samsung, Hitachi, Philips get on the game too? What is the alternative? Have Microsoft and Co. with Toshiba own everything? I want them as far away from my living room as possible. It is enough that I'm fixing their flaky OS on a constant basis per my occupation, but heh they provide job security via their shottiness. However, when I get home, I wan't my entertainment to work, and with the brands in the BDA, it will most assuredy work.
  • Reply 3725 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Meijer offers only Blu-ray on Web site


    For now, Blu-ray Disc has an edge at regional mass merchant Meijer, which began offering Blu-ray titles exclusively on its Web site in mid-September.

    The site offers about 300 Blu-ray titles, which is a full representation of releases that studios have streeted to this point.

    Numbering about 180 outlets across Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky and Ohio, Meijer does offer a limited number of both Blu-ray and HD DVD titles in stores.

    The Meijer site is selling hardware in both formats, including Toshiba?s HD DVD and Samsung Blu-ray set-top players.

    Meijer director of e-commerce marketing Dawn Bronkema said there are plans to also carry HD DVD titles on the site, but current in-store sales trends pushed the retailer to act first on expanding its Blu-ray selection.

    ?Blu-ray is currently outselling HD DVD with a ratio of four-to-one,? Bronkema said.

    Another joins the Blu-ray fold.
  • Reply 3726 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    I wonder how much the format war is effecting regular DVD purchases. For instance, I don't think HDDVD is going to make it. Even if I did I don't have an HDTV and won't be getting one for awhile so no HDM players of either kind for me. So I've skipped on buying Transformers altogether for now. I can't even remember the last time I bought a DVD. Most movies I don't consider worth buying and the ones I do consider worth buying I'm willing to wait to buy them in HD. I suppose I'm probably in the minority, but still, makes me wonder.
  • Reply 3727 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    I wonder how much the format war is effecting regular DVD purchases. For instance, I don't think HDDVD is going to make it. Even if I did I don't have an HDTV and won't be getting one for awhile so no HDM players of either kind for me. So I've skipped on buying Transformers altogether for now. I can't even remember the last time I bought a DVD. Most movies I don't consider worth buying and the ones I do consider worth buying I'm willing to wait to buy them in HD. I suppose I'm probably in the minority, but still, makes me wonder.

    If you know what has been going on with HDM sales this week alone, SD-DVD sales will be impacted sooner or later. The number of AV enthusiasts are still too small to put a dent on the SD-DVD numbers, but HDM sales are increasing. Espeically, when the format war continues aggressively as currently slashing 50% off the software store prices with all HDM prices under $29.99, it will promote itself better than the SD-DVD copies just because it cheaper. Current sales/promo only applies to participating stores, but most consumers do know when/where to go to save $.

    I was standing in line at CC checking out my HD-DVD copy of Transformers at the cashier which ringed up as $15 while the SD-DVD copy was $15.99 from the next cashier. The guy picking up SD-DVD copy seemed little confused for paying more on the SD-DVD copy. The same guy walked directly to HD-DVD transformers demo showing at the store after he was done with cashier, so who knows whether the guy got himself a new toy......

    I believe such promo/sales will conitinue through out the holidays. Cheaper movies mean more sales.
  • Reply 3728 of 4650
    Walter, the nerve! Trying to get this thread back on track. That would be no fun!

    Bite, the big problem I'm seeing on these special price promotions is that they're only for a limited number of select titles. Most of the offers are to buy one get one free. Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time finding two titles that I want to own-- one yes, two no. Until these 1/2 price specials cover a studios whole catalog and they start putting out titles that people really want, these "specials" are essentially worthless to me.

    Does anyone believe that HDM sales are more than 1 ? 2% of total DVD sales? The big problem for HDM adoption, besides the format war, is lack of HD TVs out there. A poll that I quoted maybe 3 1/2 weeks ago showed a figure of 18.1%. Even if HD sets are "flying off the shelf", they have a long way to go to make a significant impact. I don't forsee a big jump in HD TV purchases until 4Q 2008, when manufacturers really start pushing them like mad because of the February 2009 all digital TV mandate. I wonder if both or even one HDM format will last until then?

    Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy watching BD movies, as I'm sure HD-DVD owners do with their format. But to buy now one needs not to be faint of heart and have enough discretionary income to not be hurt if their format/s don't make it.
  • Reply 3729 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    100% agree with you. There is a HUGE chicken vs egg problem here. DVD adoption was easy because it worked with current tvs (not to mention the fact that it had MANY more features over the previous gen). Gotta have HDTVs out there before the next format will pick up. And that includes J6p and Red Neck joe.
  • Reply 3730 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Does anyone believe that HDM sales are more than 1 – 2% of total DVD sales?


    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    The big problem for HDM adoption, besides the format war, is lack of HD TVs out there.

    I'd go as far as saying it's the bigger problem. For most people, DVD-quality is perfectly fine.

    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    I don't forsee a big jump in HD TV purchases until 4Q 2008, when manufacturers really start pushing them like mad because of the February 2009 all digital TV mandate.


    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    I wonder if both or even one HDM format will last until then?

    They will. The Paramount deal was for 18 months, so HD-DVD will be around.

    However, 16 months from now HD downloads will be a huge factor. We'll probably be on Apple TV 3.0 by then. Plastic disc movies will continue to be sold, but I doubt they will be as pervasive as VHS or DVD was. For the first time in a long while, the Movie Purchase and Rental markets will be split in terms of the medium of delivery.
  • Reply 3731 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Bite, the big problem I'm seeing on these special price promotions is that they're only for a limited number of select titles. Most of the offers are to buy one get one free. Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time finding two titles that I want to own-- one yes, two no. Until these 1/2 price specials cover a studios whole catalog and they start putting out titles that people really want, these "specials" are essentially worthless to me.

    I know Amazon does/did offer BOGO only on the Disney HDM, but did you try Circuit City? When I was there yesterday, the 50% off offer was good for anything below $29.99 and this included both HD-DVD & Blu-Ray movies. I didn't have much time to fish through the shelves, but they did have about 50 different titles which required looking through each stack.

    Anyway, I would expect to see more of these "specials" and whether I have something I want or not, it still is a good thing for bargain seekers. Just like when going through the $4.99 dvd stacks at Walmart, there are only few you want to buy even at that price, but often has none I want.

    I expect to see a lot of good HDM deals over the holidays.
  • Reply 3732 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    $399 40GB PS3 Goes Worldwide


    Sony Computer Entertainment has announced that they will release a 40GB PS3 to all regions this fall for the new price of $399US. This new console, which lacks backwards compatibility to PS2 games, is $100 cheaper than any previous PS3 model. What hasn't changed is the PS3's ability to play Blu-ray movies, making it the most popular - and now one of the cheapest - Blu-ray players on the market.

    In some regions, the a limited number of consoles will be bundled with the Blu-ray release of the Spider-man 3, allowing customers to experience first-hand what Blu-ray is all about. Details vary by region.

    All other PS3 models have received a price reduction as well, and will continue to be sold until stock is depleted. Again, availability and reductions vary by region.

    $399!...and the rumors proved true. Great sign for Blu-ray and its market dominance this 4th quarter.
  • Reply 3733 of 4650
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    $399 40GB PS3 Goes Worldwide

    $399!...and the rumors proved true. Great sign for Blu-ray and its market dominance this 4th quarter.

    So marz, is this price drop enough to make you pull the trigger so you can enjoy BD in your own home? Think what a great Christmas present this would make for the whole family.
  • Reply 3734 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post


    However, 16 months from now HD downloads will be a huge factor. We'll probably be on Apple TV 3.0 by then. Plastic disc movies will continue to be sold, but I doubt they will be as pervasive as VHS or DVD was. For the first time in a long while, the Movie Purchase and Rental markets will be split in terms of the medium of delivery.

    Maybe for a lucky few but most of us are stuck with speeds that make downloading an HD movie painful if not downright impossible, with little hope in sight for improvement. Besides we old people want physical media anyway, not these new fangle download stuff. Seriously, downloading HD material is a long way off, if ever, for the majority of consumers.
  • Reply 3735 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    $399 40GB PS3 Goes Worldwide

    $399!...and the rumors proved true. Great sign for Blu-ray and its market dominance this 4th quarter.

    So... this new $399 PS3 supposed to save Blu-Ray HDM format or PS3 as a gaming console? I thought many PS3 owners play more PS2 games on PS3 than PS3 games on PS3.

    Not sure whether it's such a good strategy, but I guess we'll know soon enough.
  • Reply 3736 of 4650
    It's true, it was a lame decision to take out backwards compatability, and they'll soon be taking it out of all PS3s. Frustrating.. oh well.
  • Reply 3737 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Maybe for a lucky few but most of us are stuck with speeds that make downloading an HD movie painful if not downright impossible, with little hope in sight for improvement. Besides we old people want physical media anyway, not these new fangle download stuff. Seriously, downloading HD material is a long way off, if ever, for the majority of consumers.

    I don't know about old people, , but most enthusiasts would most likely want physical media. Unless the downlaodable can lively stream 2160p right now. But there are less enthusiasts than J6P, the mass of iPod sounds good enough generation.
  • Reply 3738 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Maybe for a lucky few but most of us are stuck with speeds that make downloading an HD movie painful if not downright impossible, with little hope in sight for improvement. Besides we old people want physical media anyway, not these new fangle download stuff. Seriously, downloading HD material is a long way off, if ever, for the majority of consumers.

    Sorry, but that's nonsense. While it's true that there will continue to be a purchase market for discs, the rental market is about to be completely switched over to downloads. Everybody knows that.

    Service providers have been rolling out small scale tests for high bandwidth downloads and the systems work. The upgrades are very pricey. Once the movie sector gets their house in order, the opportunity to monetize the upgrades will be there for the telcos.

    The idea is to get to the point where a 2 hour film can be downloaded within an hour or two. That's about the same time as making a special trip to Blockbuster for the movie and popcorn.

    That can be done right now with SD-films, as the strong growth in black market discs shows.

    You may be surprised at how fast HD-films reach this target.
  • Reply 3739 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    So... this new $399 PS3 supposed to save Blu-Ray HDM format or PS3 as a gaming console? I thought many PS3 owners play more PS2 games on PS3 than PS3 games on PS3.

    Not sure whether it's such a good strategy, but I guess we'll know soon enough.

    PS3 sales were supposed to cement Blu-Ray's position in the market.

    Now Sony has been reduced to trying to use Blu-Ray as a feature to sell the PS3.

    How the mighty have fallen!
  • Reply 3740 of 4650
    Haha love reading this thread every once in awhile....

    SO how 'bout that Transformers release? Supposed to be HD DVD's killer release and Blu-ray looks like its still going to pull out another win this week according to which does NOT have the BOGO sale going on for Blu-ray this week.

    But nonetheless we'll have to wait and see the Neilson numbers for this week before we can actually say much of anything.
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