Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 3781 of 4650
    In addition to buying Transformers on HD DVD last week, I've signed up for The Netflix? and am having 3 HD DVD titles sent to me a month. Seems like a helluva way to enjoy films in HD without spending $30 a movie that may or may not be playable in 3 or so years. I will continue to buy my must-have movies, however.
  • Reply 3782 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    In addition to buying Transformers on HD DVD last week, I've signed up for The Netflix™ and am having 3 HD DVD titles sent to me a month. Seems like a helluva way to enjoy films in HD without spending $30 a movie that may or may not be playable in 3 or so years. I will continue to buy my must-have movies, however.

    Did you know that you can easily archive/rip HD-DVD's just as easy as you can with SD-DVD's?

    Once it's backup to HDD, you will be able to transform/transfer the data into any future optical/media disc formats at later time.

    BTW, how did you like your HD-DVD exclusive Transformers?.. I've already had about 4 viewings... 2 more for me and 2 for visitors....
  • Reply 3783 of 4650
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Did you know that you can easily archive/rip HD-DVD's just as easy as you can with SD-DVD's?

    Once it's backup to HDD, you will be able to transform/transfer the data into any future optical/media disc formats at later time.

    I did not realize that, no. Just make a disc image of it with Disk Utility? Won't the Mac just spit the disc back out after it realizes it can't read an HD DVD disc in it's Superdrive?

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    BTW, how did you like your HD-DVD exclusive Transformers?.. I've already had about 4 viewings... 2 more for me and 2 for visitors....

    I love it. It was a hectic week so I've only been able to watch the film through once in it's entirety (saw it 4 times in the theatre counting an IMAX viewing), but I was able to watch all of the special features on the second disc and some of the HUD stuff that comes up over the film itself. The Tech Inspector on the second disc that lets you view the actual final 3D models ILM used is supercool (I was originally concerned this feature would end up just being old recycled promo art). The film itself looks fantastic. Every shot, robot or not robot, is pure eye candy.

    I haven't been able to download any of the web-enabled features yet, I believe due to a problem with my router, but those should be fun as well.
  • Reply 3784 of 4650
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    I always laugh at the marketing gimmick of giving away a product for "free" with purchase of another product. Technically, you're just buying a bundle and neither is free.

    But I guess it works. People see the word "free" and trick themselves into thinking they are actually getting something for free. In reality, they still have to fork over money in order to get that product.

    Not that bundling is bad. I'm eagerly anticipating a standalone player and "free" movie bundle for around $200-$250. That's when I'll join in the fun.
  • Reply 3785 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    In addition to buying Transformers on HD DVD last week, I've signed up for The Netflix? and am having 3 HD DVD titles sent to me a month. Seems like a helluva way to enjoy films in HD without spending $30 a movie that may or may not be playable in 3 or so years. I will continue to buy my must-have movies, however.

    Netflix is a good deal, especially if you're selective in what you buy and are not one of those people who will buy anything put out in your HDM of choice no matter how bad the movie is. One thing to be aware about Netflix, there can be long waits more often then not on popular releases. This on the BD side and, from what I read elsewhere, true also of HD-DVD. But you're starting in so you have access to pretty much the whole catalog of HD-DVD, many of which will be in stock and available now.
  • Reply 3786 of 4650
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    I always laugh at the marketing gimmick of giving away a product for "free" with purchase of another product. Technically, you're just buying a bundle and neither is free.

    But I guess it works. People see the word "free" and trick themselves into thinking they are actually getting something for free. In reality, they still have to fork over money in order to get that product.

    Not that bundling is bad. I'm eagerly anticipating a standalone player and "free" movie bundle for around $200-$250. That's when I'll join in the fun.

    Bundling can be very attractive and can be the deciding factor as to whether to buy or not. It was in my case, when the Panny 10a came out it was at my pricepoint but I had planned on waiting to closer to Christmas. The 5 free BD discs included in the box convinced me to buy when I did. I probably would have waited if it was a mail-in offer on the discs, though. It also helped that 3 of the 5 movies were pretty decent titles.
  • Reply 3787 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    I did not realize that, no. Just make a disc image of it with Disk Utility? Won't the Mac just spit the disc back out after it realizes it can't read an HD DVD disc in it's Superdrive?

    Unfortunately, you need a HD-DVD drive like the xbox360 HD-DVD AO and win xp/vista to read the HDM. Doing this on MacOS would be nice, but I guess we'll know what Leopard has to offer in few days...
  • Reply 3788 of 4650
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Unfortunately, you need a HD-DVD drive like the xbox360 HD-DVD AO and win xp/vista to read the HDM. Doing this on MacOS would be nice, but I guess we'll know what Leopard has to offer in few days...

    The xBox 360 HD DVD add-on is actually my HD DVD player, and I have a copy of Windows XP installed via Parellel's; what else do I need? Thanks!
  • Reply 3789 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Walter, I think you're reading that wrong.

    It's the Heroes set free with the purchase of the HD-DVD drive, not the other way around.



    Walter throws hands up in the air and beseeches that the gods of "not reading something propperly on the internet and then getting into a petty argument" swallow up his deformed and ossified form, cast it into the etherial negative vortex where the words typed shall never be heard of again

    [puerile "no admitance" mode - ON] that in no way constitutes any form of admittance to any kind of wrongness, the perceived appearance of wrongness, or the inability to perceive wrongness on part of the reader on my part nor is it my intention to state that I got hold of the wrong end of the bunion and ran with it "no siree bob!" {Stamps foot}

    and so forth

    ....feel stupid much walter?

    still say its a firesale tho'
  • Reply 3790 of 4650
    Now back to "usual"


    Originally Posted by SpinDrift View Post

    Is it true that Woolworths are going Blu-ray only and dropping HD DVD movies? This will have a significant influence on the UK market if true.

    My piece of anecdotal store browsing : I was in Virgin Mega store today and of the 22 HDM on display downstairs only 6 of them were HD-DVD !! sad considering it was about 50/50 6 months ago. there was a better selection upstairs, but the ratio was much the same. thats your display size shrinking by more than 50% in 6 months!! thats not a good position to be in really is it?

    Even back in 2000/2001 VHS didn't shrink that quickly to DVD, so all thoughts of "fanboyism" aside, could the pro HD-DVD guys take a guess as to why that would happen? seriously, its not looking great, is it?


    as an aside

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Transformers?.. I've already had about 4 viewings... 2 more for me and 2 for visitors....

    Transformers, is it an age thing? an american thing? I can understand showing off the visuals of that movie to visitors/potential buyers, but persoanlly I (and more than a few others) thought that film sucked SO much balls, all tinsel and zero substance. I must be getting old .. deffo having trouble reading

    Right, I'm off to bed, but I'll be giving marks for good answers to the above questions {BIG TEXT won't get you extra points tho! ;P hahaha}
  • Reply 3791 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Transformers, is it an age thing? an american thing? I can understand showing off the visuals of that movie to visitors/potential buyers, but persoanlly I (and more than a few others) thought that film sucked SO much balls, all tinsel and zero substance. I must be getting old

    Well... I could make a statement about the continued dumbing down of America, but I'll resist. It's a Michael Bay film. Everyone knows upfront what that means - all visuals and no plot. Megan Fox was easy on the eyes, but four viewings? No, thanks.
  • Reply 3792 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    The xBox 360 HD DVD add-on is actually my HD DVD player, and I have a copy of Windows XP installed via Parellel's; what else do I need? Thanks!

    here's a free app, DVDFab HD Decrypter I'm sure there are more applications if you search online.
  • Reply 3793 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Transformers, is it an age thing? an american thing? I can understand showing off the visuals of that movie to visitors/potential buyers, but persoanlly I (and more than a few others) thought that film sucked SO much balls, all tinsel and zero substance. I must be getting old .. deffo having trouble reading

    I guess this really depends on what you're looking for in a movie. One thing I know for sure is that I didn't spend my hard earned money upgrading to HiDef video & audio to only view Hamlet. Actually, Hamlet will do fine in any form of viewing, but Transformers need the latest and the greatest AV HT system to be thoroughly enjoyed. You have to see and hear it...then feel it at your own HT to appreciate Transformers. Even at my second viewing, I was so involved with the movie, it was like the first time. For those viewing Transformers in HD-DVD in the future, make sure the HT system has 20Hz calibrated subs ready for a work out. The Transformers in HD-DVD is by far the best HiDef presentation/demo created to date.
  • Reply 3794 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member

    The biggest original film of the year from director Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Spielberg, in association with Hasbro, Inc. (NYSE:HAS), is also the best-selling DVD day one for the year with over 4.5 million units sold on Tuesday. Additionally, the smash hit has exploded into the high definition market, selling over 100,000 HD DVDs its first day of release, rocketing past previous releases to become the best-selling day one high definition title on either format since their inceptions. TRANSFORMERS has sold over 190,000 HD DVDs in its first week making it the fastest and best-selling week one release on either high definition format as well as the best selling HD DVD ever.

    Over 190K overgrown children buying it in the first week means something. I'm sure this isn't just an american thing.
  • Reply 3795 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Well... I could make a statement about the continued dumbing down of America, but I'll resist. It's a Michael Bay film. Everyone knows upfront what that means - all visuals and no plot. Megan Fox was easy on the eyes, but four viewings? No, thanks.

    america dumbed down? say it isn't true!

    I think I get the "all visuals and no plot" bit, I just don't understand WHY studios/this director are treating their audience like idiots, give the viewer a CHANCE, and you might find that they are capable of following a story.. Lord of the rings? Flags of our fathers?

    I'm not talking about plot thick and stupidly hard to follow for no apparent reason, but a LITTLE more than the oh so basic plot and no subplot IS actually a rewarding experiance and will make plenty of people go back to the movie countless times "Citizen Kane" "Gone with the Wind" "Brief Encounter" "12 Angery Men" "To Kill a Mocking Bird" "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" "The Great Escape" "The Green Mile" "Shawshank Redemption" "Shindlers List" to name a few, could you honestly count Transformers in amongst that lot?

    Even "all visuals" films like "Wizard of Oz" "some Like it Hot" "Jaws" "Gladiator" "King Kong (1933)" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" have plots.

    Maybe I just see myself as "not an idiot" I like my art to stimulate my brain (thats not a jibe at anyone BTW just my frustration at the studios) take some damned RISKS!

    I wish murch would comment on this next bit as he likes his importing foreign films angle or anyone really

    have any of you watched the Russian films

    Night Watch and Day Watch? Day Watch isn't long out, both films are pretty effects rich, in Russian with Subs (although REALLY easy to read as theres not a lot of text) and are VERY plot thick IMO, a little hard to follow due to the east/west cultural diffs, but pretty amazing films.
  • Reply 3796 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    I guess this really depends on what you're looking for in a movie. One thing I know for sure is that I didn't spend my hard earned money upgrading to HiDef video & audio to only view Hamlet. Actually, Hamlet will do fine in any form of viewing, but Transformers need the latest and the greatest AV HT system to be thoroughly enjoyed. You have to see and hear it...then feel it at your own HT to appreciate Transformers. Even at my second viewing, I was so involved with the movie, it was like the first time. For those viewing Transformers in HD-DVD in the future, make sure the HT system has 20Hz calibrated subs ready for a work out. The Transformers in HD-DVD is by far the best HiDef presentation/demo created to date.

    WOW funny cos I LOVE HAMLET!!! one of my favorite Shakespeare plays

    I watched Transformers on screen one of the local multiplex, all speakers set to stun, I just wasn't stunned. Although you do raise an interesting point, If a film has to rely on "the best set-up" in order for one to appreciate it.. kinda makes you wonder how it has a strong point? as noted above, Shawshank Redemption and 12 Angery Men still hold up as very rich stories even on a 14" black and white portable TV, as long as you can hear them in mono then you will still be entertained, If Transformers NEEDS a stunning HT audio set up to "work" then.. pfft.

    I have no problem with anyone enjoying it, or saying its an amazing Demo disc for the audio or visuals, but to hold it up as an example of high art in cinematic terms sorry to rain on your parade but, I don't think so.

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Over 190K overgrown children buying it in the first week means something. I'm sure this isn't just an american thing.

    Great, but it would likely have sold far more on BD. Little Mickey Bay has popped up again to say he thinks BD is the way to go, aww, bless him.
  • Reply 3797 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    WOW funny cos I LOVE HAMLET!!! one of my favorite Shakespeare plays

    I watched Transformers on screen one of the local multiplex, all speakers set to stun, I just wasn't stunned. Although you do raise an interesting point, If a film has to rely on "the best set-up" in order for one to appreciate it.. kinda makes you wonder how it has a strong point? as noted above, Shawshank Redemption and 12 Angery Men still hold up as very rich stories even on a 14" black and white portable TV, as long as you can hear them in mono then you will still be entertained, If Transformers NEEDS a stunning HT audio set up to "work" then.. pfft.

    Do you not like your PS3 as a Blu-Ray player? You don't seem to be very enthused about NextGen HDM experience on Blu-Ray.

    Sounds like you'll be just fine with AM radio shows like the old days. Please enjoy your 14" B&W TV with higher cinematic arts. And please do leave us kids alone with NexGen AV HT toys and benchmark HDM material to enjoy NexGen AV & HT nirvana.

    It's hard to imagine why you even bought a PS3 because you don't even like HiDef stuff. Is the PS3 much better at HiDef games?
  • Reply 3798 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Speaking of Michael Bay and Transformers...


    Director Michael Bay is feeling Blu once again with recent comments regarding Paramount's decision to release his blockbuster hit 'Transformers' only on rival format HD DVD. "It's short-sighted and it has delayed consumers' moving to HD," he commented. "As a director, my critical eye is that Blu-ray is where my money is. Consumers are smart, and they are going to wait it out."

    Bay's on-again, off-again, on-again relationship with Blu-ray began when he posted critical comments on his website regarding Paramount's decision to go HD DVD exclusive. A few days later, he retracted those words by reiterating the same talking points used by all HD DVD supporters. But now, as Paramount is announcing huge sales of the Transformer DVD and HD DVD, Michael Bay is at it again, criticizing the decision and the format his movie was released on.

  • Reply 3799 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Do you not like your PS3 as a Blu-Ray player? You don't seem to be very enthused about NextGen HDM experience on Blu-Ray.

    Sounds like you'll be just fine with AM radio shows like the old days. Please enjoy your 14" B&W TV with higher cinematic arts. And please do leave us kids alone with NexGen AV HT toys and benchmark HDM material to enjoy NexGen AV & HT nirvana.

    It's hard to imagine why you even bought a PS3 because you don't even like HiDef stuff. Is the PS3 much better at HiDef games?

    Way to go! hats off to you spinning that round from a disscussion about how hollywood has dumbed down, into how the PS3 isn't any good - you are a real artist with spin

    I've said many times, I have an Apple TV with TONS of free films I haven't watched yet and am financially restrained at the moment So I'm watching them.. I'm also doing a fair bit of traveling just now, so sadly most of my entertainment over the last week or 3 has been comedys on the iPod!!! yeah I know

    I'm gonna sit down with 300 as soon as I have time ok with you?

    Managed a few games and a look at a few of the free demos I donwloaded from the PS Network the other day, some cool stuff all in high def

    so, there :P

    now back to the really childish namecalling I guess, we all seem to be really comfy there
  • Reply 3800 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Blu-ray / HD DVD Sales Figure Comparison for Software

    ^^^This says it all. Notice how the SI numbers simply keep ticking down, and down, and down for HD DVD? I think more of the same will be found this 4th quarter...although I do think this week's Nielsen's figures are HD DVD's best chance in actually taking a week with Transformers.

    Also, what do you all think about the numbers Paramount is touting with 190,000 HD DVD discs "sold?" I'm wondering if they are using the Microsoft Xbox 360 ploy of saying "sold" as in "sold to retailers" and not actual consumers. Microsoft did this with the 360 at the end of '06, and I'm wondering if the same exercise is being practiced here by Paramount.

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