Apple stuns Macworld crowd with multi-function iPhone device



  • Reply 301 of 439
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Two places I think the iPhone falls a bit short.

    1. Single carrier. Apple should have gotten Cingular and T-Mobile.

    This was probably the only way they could get Cingular. They have more than twice the customers here in the US, T-Mobile has just a few million more altogether when including Europe.

    If Apple insisted, Cingular could have called their bluff.


    2. 3G support. Jobs did say they would develop 3G phones in the future. It should be much sooner than later. I've been reading some pretty unfavorable reviews of Cingular's Edge.

    I already went over this, but I'll do it again.

    This phone isn't FCC approved yet. 3G makes the process more difficult. Apple might want to get this out, and then have time for an update, or upgraded phone. Cingular might want to charge more than Apple thinks is good. Maybe they're talking about it now.

    The phone isn't finished yet. It could still make it in.
  • Reply 302 of 439
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Maybe they tried. It's possible that T-Mobile--and others--wouldn't agree to alter their systems to accommodate for the new technologies (i.e.: Remote Access Voicemail) and paradigms that Apple is offering.

    I just remembered the report of the CEO of T-Mobile being excited about Apple's software.

    Since T-Mobile is also in Europe, Apple and T-Mobile may be working on a broader plan and were not ready to announce yet.

    I really hope Apple can launch on Cingular and T-Mobile. I cannot imagine too many people not already on Cingular rushing to sign up with only Cingular.


    This was probably the only way they could get Cingular.

    Yes 58 million customers does make Cingular the logical choice if you had to pick between the two.

    But at the same time if Edge sucks that doesn't help the iPhone very much.
  • Reply 303 of 439
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Even if it does become available to other carriers, how many do you think will be clamoring to change their networks to support things like visual voice mail?
  • Reply 304 of 439
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    Even if it does become available to other carriers, how many do you think will be clamoring to change their networks to support things like visual voice mail?

    If they feel that they will pull subscribers from other networks, they will.

    If Cingular pulls 1 million subscribers in because of this, and the average subscriber just pays $50 a month, that's $600 million a year. 2 million would be $1.2 billion, etc.

    How much would it cost to do the changes in the system? Mostly it would be software.
  • Reply 305 of 439
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    If they feel that they will pull subscribers from other networks, they will.

    If Cingular pulls 1 million subscribers in because of this, and the average subscriber just pays $50 a month, that's $600 million a year. 2 million would be $1.2 billion, etc.

    How much would it cost to do the changes in the system? Mostly it would be software.

    But do you think this is one of Apple's 200 patents? Or would the changes made to support visual voice mail be something Cingular would patent?
  • Reply 306 of 439
    dentondenton Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    Even if it does become available to other carriers, how many do you think will be clamoring to change their networks to support things like visual voice mail?

    I think that depends a lot on how well the iPhone does. If companies like Nokia, Motorola, etc start taking advantage of Cingular's RAV with their phones, then it will force other networks to implement this just to keep up with demand. If Cingular can sell this unique innovation to customers, then the rest will follow (if they can -- it might be patented!).

    EDIT: everyone thinking the same things: Jupiter and Melgross beat me to both points...
  • Reply 307 of 439
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    But do you think this is one of Apple's 200 patents? Or would the changes made to support visual voice mail be something Cingular would patent?

    That's a very good question!

    I don't have an answer.

    The patents are online. If we poured through them, we might be able to tell.
  • Reply 308 of 439
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by thrang View Post

    No, I wasn't referring to an HD in the iPhone, but in a "future" true video iPod with the same/similar interface as the iPod portion of the iPhone. That's viable.

    Yes I would agree with that.
  • Reply 309 of 439
    Originally Posted by DeaPeaJay View Post

    During the keynote when he was describing what OS X had he included Core Animation. Now, isn't that a leopard technology? If so, the iPhone *is* running leopard and will probably be released when leopard is through with testing. He said FCC approval takes 2 months, if that were the only holdup it'd be released in late february or march wouldn't it?

    My thoughts, exactly.

  • Reply 310 of 439
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I really hope you CAN sync contacts, address book, bookmarks, playlists, and access your library via .Mac.

    I'll go back and watch the keynote again but I thought he already said this would happen. I thinking that if you backed up your iTunes content on .Mac you could access it from your iPhone. This wasn't said at the keynote but I'm just connecting the dots.
  • Reply 311 of 439
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    From Penny Arcade:

    Despite the savageries I have borne for purchasing a Zune, I did buy it for a reason, and I held this reason tight in my palm like a mystic amulet. The strip focuses on Gabriel's growing zealotry, its dark seeds bursting into clutching vines. The credit card was out, he was ready to buy, and I'll be God damned if I wasn't right there with him.

    It's always the wrong time to buy an MP3 player, always, which is what kept me from seriously investing in one until 2006. But I didn't just purchase the wrong one, at the wrong time: I purchased it virtually on the brink of its dissolution. I can hardly look at it now, it's like holding a dead squirrel. On its 4:3 screen - the exact ratio of obsolescence - I can see destroyed futures. I don't have to tell you that the iPhone is the future of that platform, as opposed to an aberration. iPods just have touch interfaces now, multipoint touch interfaces with clever gesture controls that you use to manipulate a rich video environment on a screen that is best in show.

    I wonder what the mood is at the Microsoft booth over at CES - I would imagine that it is apocalyptic. I'll be down there soon, so I'll know for myself. I've imagined the following scenario:

    Young men and women are seated on low red couches, their eyes glistening, the blood gone from their face. Their badges identify them as Microsoft employees. Many of the kiosks are empty, but there is a devastated young man standing like a statue near an Xbox 360. The monitor connected to it is turned off. From the intensity of his stare, he is either deep in thought or has discerned some secret message woven into the carpet.

    I approach him.

    "So," I say.

    There is no response.

    "Hey. is the, um..." I feel like he really needs a friend right now. "Is the Xbox, you know... I mean, is the Xbox cool?"

    He doesn't speak so much as the word just falls out of his mouth.

    "Yeah," he mumbles. "I guess."

    (CW)TB out.

    I'll show you my dark secret

    First Back Comic Strip
  • Reply 312 of 439
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Two places I think the iPhone falls a bit short.

    1. Single carrier. Apple should have gotten Cingular and T-Mobile.

    I came across this interesting read on the developement of the iPhone.

    Secrecy with this project was paramount and cingular played ball so to speak. Perhaps T Mobile was unwilling to do so. Cingular bought into the iPhone without ever seeing a demo of it till the very end. I think it was a couple of weeks before the keynote.
  • Reply 313 of 439
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    The current 4GB ($199) and 8GB ($249) NAND based, iPod Nanos have only a $50 difference, while the 4GB ($499) and 8GB ($599) iPhone a $100 apart.

    - Are there $50 worth of extra features for the 8GB model?

    - Is this the result of less subsidization percentage by Cingular?

    - Something else?
  • Reply 314 of 439
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    This guy think that the iPhone wil fail miserably due to it's high cost and contract with Cingular. He does some sense, but I have a feeling that Apple is much smarter than s/he is.
  • Reply 315 of 439
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    He may be right IF Apple just plan to sell this model. I think they will release another model, perhaps two, at lower price points with scaled down features. This sentiment is echoed by everybodies expert, The Wu. Hopefully Apple will try to gain market share quickly before the competition has a chance to respond.
  • Reply 316 of 439
    kendokakendoka Posts: 110member
    Will the QUERTY-keyboard scale (grow) if the iPhone is flipped into landscape??

    It would definitely make it easier to enter text...
  • Reply 317 of 439
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    how much is the price difference (for the handset) on the market and from service providers like Cingular and t-mobile? $50 to $150???

    I will get one without contract and used in my t-mobile, 2 contracts are useless and tied with one service provider ...

    i think only in US wireless providers are so difficult, in other countries you can get service (phone line) without contract and of course no phone...

    i took a one year (minimum) for no reason with t-mobile (i did not wanted the cheapo phone they are giving for 2 year contract) ... and used my previous Moto Slvr GSM phone

    cingular "MAY" invested in the project "iPhone" so may be preferred partner

    wireless providers they have any connection with senators???

    i hope i will get the iPhone from apple store and service from apple store sooner or later

    time to give up that CDMA, CDMA is it not old technology?
  • Reply 318 of 439
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    This guy think that the iPhone wil fail miserably due to it's high cost and contract with Cingular. He does some sense, but I have a feeling that Apple is much smarter than s/he is.

    Contracts are NO GOOD! who ever may be the service provider is

    most of the wireless providers are tied us with (contracts) BAD SERVICE NOT with SERVICE

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  • Reply 319 of 439
    Originally Posted by IHateRegistering View Post


    This is what Apple initially wanted to Newton to be.

    Remember, this was just a demo of a prototype. Not all features were shown.

    I expect that Apple and 3rd party developers will create a LOT of widgets for the iPhone.


    Handwriting / notetaking

    Voice recording


    iChat functionality (AIM, Yahoo IM, etc)

    Video conferencing (although, repositioning of the camera would be required)

    Ability to connect to your computer for internet access through the phone

    Office, or an Office clone (similar to Documents 2 Go on Palm)

    Video recording

    Can you get it inscribed when you order from the Apple Store?

    I'm suprised they did not show the Calendar and To Do functions. This is the Killer-app on my Treo. I'd be lost without it.

    Someone brought up lack of IR, so it cannot be used as a remote. At first I thought that was a pretty gay suggestion, but now I think if anyone could solve the problem of TOO MANY REMOTES, it's Apple.

    Not sure why everyone is whining about screen smudges. I NEVER clean the screen of my Treo, and when it's ON it looks perfect. You only see the smudges when the screen is off. I'm also rought on it, and carry it in the same pocket with keys, etc, and the screen holds up remarkably well against scratches. I'm sure the iPhone will, too.

    I doubt we'll see a hard-drive version. But the memory will eventually increase.

    Why do so many people want 2 batteries?

    I think the price is right. Costs less than my Treo 650 did when new.

    The iPhone will change the world.

    BTW: new iPods sporting the same design as the iPhone will appear soon.

    i agree. there's no way that this is the final product. it has six months before it's even on the market, and it's APPLE! correct me if i'm wrong, but in roughly 10 months they went from clickwheel ipod to ipod photo to ipod color to ipod video. not to mention at the same time, ipod mini - ipod mini upgrade - ipod nano. at the same time, they were rewriting all of os x for intel computers, updating their computer line, and much more that we don't even know about. so.. six more months of development is my guess.
  • Reply 320 of 439
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    but do not announce it on WWDC! we like to some new Macs atleast @ WWDC 07 (too early for discussion hehehe)
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