Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 2301 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    I loves my Dreamcast

    And "most of the commercials are aired in japan, and they have been airing since the launch of the ps3" You didn't give me proof of this. I know they have them, I didn't need you to find them. You were supposed to back up what YOU said. They are aired in Japan and have been airing since launch? Prove it. So you found a TV spot. How do you know it's still being aired? Can you show me how many times it's been shown?

    you're being ridiculous. i don't know how many times they aired them, but they have aired commercials since launch. i just showed you the tv spots that were shown, how often? i don't know, that wasn't my point.
  • Reply 2302 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    You still didn't prove your point that they're still showing them.

    Isn't someone here from Japan? Can they clear this up?

    I'm not trying to prove you wrong, I just want to know if they're still showing FFXIII commercials.

    You're so funny.
  • Reply 2303 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    Gears Of War 2 will be the biggest game this fall, are you going to argue that?

    argue? with you?? what would be the point?

    and isnt that further proof that when YOU forecast, you are "right" but anyone else "forecasting" against your views is "wrong"

    I think though a small wager in regard to any large Wii title being the biggest seller, say the "very hard to find" wii fit, might be interesting.

    Personally I'd take TOTAL sales over "for the week" or "for a season" any time, but those are harder to get "right now" and the xbox and PS3 seem to have large sales "in the first xxx" whereas the Wii software sales are showing considerable "legs" in total sales terms. different demographic I suppose, though you will no doubt disagree or be dismissive, as is your want.

    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    both consoles seem to be slowing down, but again this is the slowest point of the year for gaming.

    I was thinking more in terms of the EVIDENCE of the slow down in sales of the xbox YEAR OVER YEAR.
  • Reply 2304 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Isn't someone here from Japan? Can they clear this up?

    but could they though? I mean once you factor in the opinion that the 360 is such a great overheating machine.. err.. games machine \

    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    You're so funny.

    well there is that at least
  • Reply 2305 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    argue? with you?? what would be the point?

    and isnt that further proof that when YOU forecast, you are "right" but anyone else "forecasting" against your views is "wrong"

    I think though a small wager in regard to any large Wii title being the biggest seller, say the "very hard to find" wii fit, might be interesting.

    Personally I'd take TOTAL sales over "for the week" or "for a season" any time, but those are harder to get "right now" and the xbox and PS3 seem to have large sales "in the first xxx" whereas the Wii software sales are showing considerable "legs" in total sales terms. different demographic I suppose, though you will no doubt disagree or be dismissive, as is your want.

    I was thinking more in terms of the EVIDENCE of the slow down in sales of the xbox YEAR OVER YEAR.

    no, when i forecast i make sure i do so with firm footing. Gears of War is a flagship title, the first installment sold close to 5 million copies in, if you came in here and read what i said and thought "wtf is he talking about" you could have gone and done your own research. You would have seen the overwhelming reception for the game, the hype for the second installment and then compared it to the other games being released during the same time frame. Gears of War 2 could possibly and will probably be the biggest selling game this holiday season.

    when someone in here says "the ps3's software offerings will surpass the 360's" i go and look what's already out, what will be coming out soon, and what is planned for the future. afterward, i come back and say "ummm, how'd you come up with that"

    isn't this fun?

    the wii is a different beast all together. it's a casual machine riding insane hype and this "cool" to own a wii fad. oh, and please don't get me started on wii fit. if i want to see my girlfriend hula hoop i'll buy her a 50 cent hula hoop and save myself the 140 dollars or whatever that damn thing costs.
  • Reply 2306 of 2639
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    err, which shows at the current rate it would take the ps3 20 years to catch up and surpass the 360.

    Looking at the slopes it doesn't look like 20 years to me. The PS3 didn't shallow out like the 360 did and maintains a higher slope.

    Interesting enough the PS3 chart doesn't look too different from the PS2 chart.

    This isn't to say that MS didn't do a great job because the 360 is doing a lot better than the XB did.

    The PS3 looks fine. The Wii statistics skew perceptions immensely because it tapped into a new market and not just the hardcore console market.
  • Reply 2307 of 2639
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Oh and don't whine about VG Charts. It had charts and it was quick.
  • Reply 2308 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    the wii is a different beast all together. it's a casual machine riding insane hype and this "cool" to own a wii fad. oh, and please don't get me started on wii fit. if i want to see my girlfriend hula hoop i'll buy her a 50 cent hula hoop and save myself the 140 dollars or whatever that damn thing costs.

    I bet your a real blast in person

    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    It has effectively taken Sony 2.5 years to release their first triple AAA title.

    Something didnt quite gel with me when I read that, you see the PS3 has only been out 19 full months come the end of june, if you actually want to call the days it was on sale in November 2006 a full month that takes it up to 20 months.

    Last time I looked there were 12 months in a year.

    but hey don't let logic or evidence stop you.
  • Reply 2309 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    The PS3 looks fine. The Wii statistics skew perceptions immensely because it tapped into a new market and not just the hardcore console market.

    Well, PS3 has tapped into a new market called "media/video enthusiast market" not just the hardcore game console market. Sony had been and still markets PS3 as the media console and if you lurk around AVSforum, PS3 had been known as the best Blu-ray player on the market since the day of the release, Nov. 2006. This was only good for short sighted strategy, obviously.

    Anyway, your statement about the Wii having some specially skewed perception is wrong. The Wii is simply a better game console compared to PS3 and Xbox360, hence more people are willing to buy it over the competing consoles within the same market condition. It may not be the hi-tech console with super computing specs, but the mass consumers are not bothered much about that. The current mass market demand for Wii is the proof.
  • Reply 2310 of 2639
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Well, PS3 has tapped into a new market called "media/video enthusiast market" not just the hardcore game console market. Sony had been and still markets PS3 as the media console and if you lurk around AVSforum, PS3 had been known as the best Blu-ray player on the market since the day of the release, Nov. 2006. This was only good for short sighted strategy, obviously.

    Anyway, your statement about the Wii having some specially skewed perception is wrong. The Wii is simply a better game console compared to PS3 and Xbox360, hence more people are willing to buy it over the competing consoles within the same market condition. It may not be the hi-tech console with super computing specs, but the mass consumers are not bothered much about that. The current mass market demand for Wii is the proof.

    I think you are completely wrong to say "the Wii is the better console", technically it is inferior.

    It would be more accurate, and support your point better to say it is the more easily accessible of the 3 consoles both on price and in the perceived skills required to play it.

    the iPod was constantly (and probably still is by a few hold outs) pointed out as "not being as good" as the "better" mp3 players that had an FM radio. technically the mp3 players with a radio had more/better features, but yet the more easily accessible iPod has sold more.

    your idea of better has always been skewed on this thread though, so.. beg to differ away all you want.
  • Reply 2311 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I think you are completely wrong to say "the Wii is the better console", technically it is inferior.

    It would be more accurate, and support your point better to say it is the more easily accessible of the 3 consoles both on price and in the perceived skills required to play it.

    the iPod was constantly (and probably still is by a few hold outs) pointed out as "not being as good" as the "better" mp3 players that had an FM radio. technically the mp3 players with a radio had more/better features, but yet the more easily accessible iPod has sold more.

    your idea of better has always been skewed on this thread though, so.. beg to differ away all you want.

    He means better in the logical sense that it is superior in popularity, not technically. Gaming console prime concern are gaming enjoyment, which the Wii does in spades. I personally think it is just a big fad and for the most part games are repetitive, but I am not in the majority.
  • Reply 2312 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post


    Anyway, your statement about the Wii having some specially skewed perception is wrong. The Wii is simply a better game console compared to PS3 and Xbox360, hence more people are willing to buy it over the competing consoles within the same market condition. It may not be the hi-tech console with super computing specs, but the mass consumers are not bothered much about that. The current mass market demand for Wii is the proof.

    The only thing that the Wii has is not hardcore the gaming market, or hardcore gamers, but parents that are not willing to shell out the kind of money that real consoles cost.
  • Reply 2313 of 2639
    jd100293jd100293 Posts: 11member
    Well I guess we all know how this turned out
  • Reply 2314 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    He means better in the logical sense that it is superior in popularity, not technically. Gaming console prime concern are gaming enjoyment, which the Wii does in spades. I personally think it is just a big fad and for the most part games are repetitive, but I am not in the majority.

    wow, we actually agree on something.

    i know a lot of people with a Wii, and not a single one of them plays it more than 15min a week if at all after the initial purchase.
  • Reply 2315 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    wow, we actually agree on something.

    i know a lot of people with a Wii, and not a single one of them plays it more than 15min a week if at all after the initial purchase.

    we have one at my work that I play on lunch from time to time, great way to kill time and definitely a multiplayer must but at home I want to use a regular controller and play some NHL!
  • Reply 2316 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I think you are completely wrong to say "the Wii is the better console", technically it is inferior.

    It would be more accurate, and support your point better to say it is the more easily accessible of the 3 consoles both on price and in the perceived skills required to play it.

    the iPod was constantly (and probably still is by a few hold outs) pointed out as "not being as good" as the "better" mp3 players that had an FM radio. technically the mp3 players with a radio had more/better features, but yet the more easily accessible iPod has sold more.

    your idea of better has always been skewed on this thread though, so.. beg to differ away all you want.

    I guess someone else posted an answer to your usual misunderstanding.

    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    He means better in the logical sense that it is superior in popularity, not technically. Gaming console prime concern are gaming enjoyment, which the Wii does in spades. I personally think it is just a big fad and for the most part games are repetitive, but I am not in the majority.

    The market focus may be slightly different for wii compared to PS3 & xbox360, but the point is that wii is able to execute and create higher demand for the targeted consumers than both competing game consoles in the gaming console space. Since wii seems to be creating it's own demands in the gaming market, it is a much better product and much successful game console.

    I'm not much of a game person but I did use to play first person shooter type games online via pc. And I would continue to use PC for such type gaming, which I rarely play unless we host a LAN/wifi party with bunch of family.


    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    The only thing that the Wii has is not hardcore the gaming market, or hardcore gamers, but parents that are not willing to shell out the kind of money that real consoles cost.

    This is another commonly misspoken statement. Most people I know who currently owns Wii actually paid premium price online because they still can not find one around our area. I was lucky to find it at local toysrus, however. Just for the sake of argument, wii remote+nunchuck cost more than a single super duper wireless remote for PS3 or xbox360. I don't think it's the cost thing at this point.
  • Reply 2317 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    play some NHL!

    oooooooooh do you??? it's too bad you're not on xbox live, i'd love to dangle your a55 silly. NHL08 is probably the most in depth realistic hockey game to date. EA must be applauded for their achievement.

    Edit: and this is where it astonishes me that you wouldn't want to use the xbox 360's controller. the skill stick is impossible on the PS3's remote, i don't know how you do it.
  • Reply 2318 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    NHL08 is probably the most in depth realistic hockey game to date. EA must be applauded for their achievement.

    I absolutely agree. Such a sweet game.

    And I disagree on the controller. I've played it a good amount on both consoles, and I enjoy it on both, and the difference isn't enough between either for me to make me notice it.
  • Reply 2319 of 2639
    seeing as how we've been dragged to games..

    and seeing how some people were tying to spread their own version of the truth.

    I thought I'd post this

    Horses mouth??


    MGS4 assistant producer Ryan Payton said there is "still a lot of room for filling in the gaps as far as Big Boss is concerned." When asked about the possibility of a Metal Gear Solid 5, Payton responded, "There are some misunderstandings that this is the final Metal Gear game. But it's really the final chapter of the Solid Snake story. That's all."

    my highlights added.
  • Reply 2320 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Yeah, saying it was their last game was basically to get people really worked up. I don't know how some of you can stomach a game with 10+ hours of cheesy cringe worthy dialogue and convoluted story telling anymore after this final chapter.

    I guess cuz it's a game trying to get away with trying to be like a movie it's ok but hell i tried playing this at a friends (yes i have 1 lonely friend with a ps3, but he does have a 360 as well) i literally did nothing for the first 30 min of the game. walked a few feet boom cgi cut scene, walked into a building boom cgi cut scene, crawled under a truck.....

    i think we know what the bluray disk was filled with now.
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