Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 2261 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    What are you talking about? Who said anything about RROD?

    And it still affects new consoles, obviously just not as much. That or the people I've talked to lied.

    I still think built in wifi should be included in the 360.

    And what's this about Sony not allowing manufacturers to release cheaper Blu-ray players? Bull. First off, there already ARE cheaper Blu-ray players available.

    Secondly, onlooker, have you seen anything about LBP?

    I freaking can't wait for that game.

    the new units are within industry standards now. it doesn't mean it may never fail on you, just means it will fail as likely as your ps3 or wii would.

    why should the 360 have built in wifi? do you online game a lot? online gaming should never be done through wifi unless absolutely necessary.

    show me some decent blu-ray players going for less than the ps3.
  • Reply 2262 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    You didn't say 'decent' Blu-ray players, you said Blu-ray players in general.

    Like that, for example.

    And yes, I do online game a lot, all through wifi. What's your point? Are you trying to say that it ruins the experience? Nope. I rarely, rarely have lag issues. Everything is smooth through wifi.
  • Reply 2263 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member

    One even under $300.

    Where on earth did you read that Sony was holding back manufacturers?

    And where do you get the data that shows that the newer 360s have the same failure rate as the Wii and PS3?
  • Reply 2264 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    One even under $300.

    Where on earth did you read that Sony was holding back manufacturers?

    And where do you get the data that shows that the newer 360s have the same failure rate as the Wii and PS3?

    well, i meant to say decent blu-ray player, not some shoddy piece of crap. wifi isn't needed for gaming, and it isn't recommended for gaming so why would a majority want to pay for a feature they wont use nor need?

    if you need wifi because you must have it then you buy it separate. i don't care if you think you get no lag, wifi isn't as good as a hard line connection.
  • Reply 2265 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Do you even talk to 360 owners? All the 360 owners I know and talk to have had to buy the $100 wifi add on. Why wouldn't wifi be useful? Not EVERYONE can be close to their modem. Some people have more than 1 floor in their house. EVERY 360 owner I know wants wifi. Of course it isn't as good as a hard line connection, but it is good enough that you don't notice a difference.

    I don't think, I know.

    Wifi is something is more than something people need sometimes, it's what people want. Do you really think everyone who has a console has it close to the modem?

    Go learn what people actually want for a change.

    And that Blu-ray player isn't a 'shoddy piece of crap.'

    It's so funny that you're unlike most gamers out there, and act like everyone else thinks the same way as you.

    Have you come across someone by the username of 'i have to pee'?

    You guys would make good friends.
  • Reply 2266 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Do you even talk to 360 owners? All the 360 owners I know and talk to have had to buy the $100 wifi add on. Why wouldn't wifi be useful? Not EVERYONE can be close to their modem. Some people have more than 1 floor in their house. EVERY 360 owner I know wants wifi. Of course it isn't as good as a hard line connection, but it is good enough that you don't notice a difference.

    I don't think, I know.

    Wifi is something is more than something people need sometimes, it's what people want. Do you really think everyone who has a console has it close to the modem?

    Go learn what people actually want for a change.

    And that Blu-ray player isn't a 'shoddy piece of crap.'

    It's so funny that you're unlike most gamers out there, and act like everyone else thinks the same way as you.

    Have you come across someone by the username of 'i have to pee'?

    You guys would make good friends.

    ok, this is why we get off on a bad foot in here. all i do is play online games on my 360 and the main complaint (which is the main complaint in most online games) is lag and bad connections. why on earth would the majority of people online want to deal with more bad connections due to wifi?

    just because the few people you know with 360's want wifi does not mean the majority of owners do, and thats a lot of owners (17 million).

    including wifi means adding the price to the console upfront and i do not want to pay for wifi i dont need upfront. if you cant get the modem by your console then you go and get wifi.

    anyone playing games online should attempt as hard as possible to hard line their xbox 360 for the most optimal experience. you clearly don't know what you're talking about but after all your online experience consists of one of the worst services out there = \\
  • Reply 2267 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member

    Ok sweetie, you think that.

  • Reply 2268 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post


    Ok sweetie, you think that.


    i will think that. you have no data to back up your claim that people want wifi for gaming.

    i'll make an assumption and say you were never an avid PC gamer and therefore cant understand why any online gamer wouldn't want wifi. gamers that primarily play online want the most optimal experience possible, going wifi is counter productive in that regard.
  • Reply 2269 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Way to make a 'shoddy' assumption.


    You're too precious.

  • Reply 2270 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Way to make a 'shoddy' assumption.


    You're too precious.

    sure, i mean what online gamer would want to sacrifice connection quality for wifi? unless your a casual player and wifi is an absolute must i don't see the benefits. considering most computers come with wifi already there isn't much of a requirement to have multiple computers hard lined.
  • Reply 2271 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Awww, you're so adorable.
  • Reply 2272 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Hey Elixir, what's your top 5 favorite single player games?

    Oh, and how is there not a gaming thread in this place?
  • Reply 2273 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    i will think that. you have no data to back up your claim that people want wifi for gaming.

    i'll make an assumption and say you were never an avid PC gamer and therefore cant understand why any online gamer wouldn't want wifi. gamers that primarily play online want the most optimal experience possible, going wifi is counter productive in that regard.

    I do, so STFU!
  • Reply 2274 of 2639
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    ok, this is why we get off on a bad foot in here. all i do is play online games on my 360 and the main complaint (which is the main complaint in most online games) is lag and bad connections. why on earth would the majority of people online want to deal with more bad connections due to wifi?

    Because lag isn't happening across your wifi but somewhere on the internet? My ping times and sustained data rates to the wireless router greatly exceed anything that happens AFTER my router.

    On the other hand, I do not have CAT6 running to my gaming TV. Nor am I about to drill any holes, fish any wires or lay any conduit to do so.


    anyone playing games online should attempt as hard as possible to hard line their xbox 360 for the most optimal experience. you clearly don't know what you're talking about but after all your online experience consists of one of the worst services out there =

    Unless you have a significant signal strength issue the odds are that the packet drops and latency between you and your wireless endpoint is not the limiting factor for online gaming. Yes, you might see a bad lag burst now and again if there's some kind of RF interference but it's probably your cable modem or even FIOS that's the LOCAL limit with the number of hops between you and the server being the REAL determination of lag.
  • Reply 2275 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    i will think that. you have no data to back up your claim that people want wifi for gaming.

    i'll make an assumption and say you were never an avid PC gamer and therefore cant understand why any online gamer wouldn't want wifi. gamers that primarily play online want the most optimal experience possible, going wifi is counter productive in that regard.

    I don't use the wifi for my PS3 because of the fact that I know a hardline is always going to have a sustained maximum speed. I play a lot of warhawk, and I've never had any online issues. I know IRL the #1 support gunner in Call of Duty 3 (out of how many thousands of people) and he doesn't have any issues. Hardwired also.
  • Reply 2276 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Hey Elixir, what's your top 5 favorite single player games?

    Oh, and how is there not a gaming thread in this place?

    single player? hmm, thats tough. i'd have to think about it.

    i'm mainly a multiplayer person.
  • Reply 2277 of 2639
    Ah. Do you have any classic games you love? As in, the days before online play?
  • Reply 2278 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    and you guys would still deny that Blu-ray is a PS3 format?

    I guess it really doesn't matter to Sony but, it is still hard to tell whether PS3 is saving blu-ray or the blu-ray saving PS3.

    BTW, last weekend I was lucky to find wii fit from local BB and my wife uses it now. It's pretty cool toy with lots of free games. I really need to make plans for a new game room.
  • Reply 2279 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    i don't care if you think you get no lag, wifi isn't as good as a hard line connection.

    Errr... WTF? This sentence's logic seems to implode to me. If I think I get no lag then I've got no lag. If I have a wifi connection and get no lag, that's better than a hard line connection that also gets no lag.
  • Reply 2280 of 2639
    He's simply implying that a hardline connection will always (on paper) have better speeds.

    But yeah, the whole 'i don't care if you think you get no lag' was a pretty lame statement to make.
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