Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 981 of 2639
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    Laserdisc was introduced 20 years before D-VHS (1978 vs 1998). MovieCD was also mid to late 1990s.

    Quite true.

    I was using them as examples of formats that "lost" without making another competing next-gen format the "winner".
  • Reply 982 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
  • Reply 983 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Numbers are in, and yet another week of Blu-domination...

    Of course, the healthy skepticism about BR in these parts is due mostly to Marz's incessant use of silly terms like "domination" for the last three years.

    This guy's done more to sabotage his own side of the debate than anybody else on the board.
  • Reply 984 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Of course, the healthy skepticism about BR in these parts is due mostly to Marz's incessant use of silly terms like "domination" for the last three years.

    This guy's done more to sabotage his own side of the debate than anybody else on the board.

    "Healthy skepticism"!=Self Delusion which is what you are suffering from. Healthy skepticism ended after the first 9 months of 2007 when there was a clear trend toward Blu-ray, and it remained, despite the bribe of Paramount by HD DVD.

    Moreover, I'm not sure of what sabotage, you speak of,...if you mean by sabotage, proving you and other HD DVD faithful here wrong week in and week out by sabotage, then sure I can buy that.

    Really now, your comments are gravitating from illogical to just plain petty. Don't hate the playa, hate the game....that you lost.
  • Reply 985 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Don't hate the playa, hate the game....'re not a 'playa' in this game. A actual 'playa' would have bought into the format he's promoting.
  • Reply 986 of 2639
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    The shameful debate tactics haven't been limited to one side or the other. Hell, i've been slinging mud from the sidelines even.

    But seriously, let's forget the petty squabble stuff. There is still plenty left to debate...

    With HD-DVD doing a nosedive, will blu-ray sales go up? This gets back to the topic I was harping on... Will the failure of one next-gen format beneffit the other next-gen format still in the game? I don't the answer is as clear cut as it first appears.
  • Reply 987 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Moreover, I'm not sure of what sabotage, you speak of,...

    He's probably referring to how your non-stop Blu-ray cheerleading made passive guys like me really want Blu-ray to lose horribly so we could tell random guys on the internet like you "Nyah nyah "

    Seriously, for awhile there I wanted an HD DVD victory just so you'd shut the hell up. It's all in good fun though. Now, that doesn't amount to actual sabotage since I didn't have the money to buy a Blu-ray player then (nor now) anyway. But if I had, I just might have held off which would've cost the Blu camp some money and exposure.
  • Reply 988 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post're not a 'playa' in this game. A actual 'playa' would have bought into the format he's promoting.

    I did buy into the format...with my time, effort, and FUD-slashing skills.

    Not to mention my phase-hydra benefits...

    Not to mention that I'm the one who started "the game." You best go check yoself befoh you wreck yoself.
  • Reply 989 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    He's probably referring to how your non-stop Blu-ray cheerleading made passive guys like me really want Blu-ray to lose horribly so we could tell random guys on the internet like you "Nyah nyah "

    Seriously, for awhile there I wanted an HD DVD victory just so you'd shut the hell up. It's all in good fun though. Now, that doesn't amount to actual sabotage since I didn't have the money to buy a Blu-ray player then (nor now) anyway. But if I had, I just might have held off which would've cost the Blu camp some money and exposure.

    That's the spirit! All in good debate.
  • Reply 990 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member


    IMATION SCRAPS HD DVD BLANK MEDIA production, will back Blu-ray exclusively under its TDK brand.

  • Reply 991 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Why the hell did we have HD DVD blank media without burners in the first place?
  • Reply 992 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Not to mention that I'm the one who started "the game."

    Whining on internet forums isn't "the game" and you're still just a 'playa without a player'.

    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    Why the hell did we have HD DVD blank media without burners in the first place?

    Who knows. This has been a strange war from the get go.
  • Reply 993 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Whining on internet forums isn't "the game" and you're still just a 'playa without a player'.

    Who knows. This has been a strange war from the get go.

    I think you're the only one doing the whining bro.

    Also, I am a "playa that has seen playas in action playin many playa's Blu-ray movies" and really, that's all that counts--that you've experienced it. And yes, yes I have, first hand, many, many times. Your litmus test may be ownership, but we all know how well that worked out for you.
  • Reply 994 of 2639
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    Or put another way. This thread is at least partially about which will succeed or prevail. It is impossible to have an intelligent discussion on that topic without consideration of DVDs.

    The complaints seem more like emotional, knee-jerk responses to a simple assertion. That assertion was: It is more accurate to say that HD-DVD has "lost" than to say that blu-ray has "won". Simply because, if any format has "won", it is DVD.

    HD format adoption doesn't trail DVD all that much. That it does trail is to be expected because of the format war and that the improvement of Blu-Ray over DVD isn't as stark as DVD over VHS.

    You can't say DVD has "won" in this context unless it is the last mass market disc format before we transition to digital downloads.

    You can't say Blu-Ray has "lost" vs DVD for at least another XMas. If Blu-Ray can't sell at least 1M standalone units in 2008 and 4M units in 2009 then you can say its likely a niche format.

    These numbers would match DVD uptake if you start from the effective end of the format war (Jan 2008). Personally, I think 4M units in 2009 might be a high estimate since I don't think that Blu-Ray will have the same rapid adoption rate as DVD.
  • Reply 995 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    Woo hoo hoo hoo... So certain are you? Our own council will we keep on who is to be on topic. This one, a long time have I watched; All these threads as he looked away.. to the future. Never his mind on where the format war was! Hmmm? What he was postin? Don't underestimate the powers of the DVD. Mind what you have learned. Save your format it can, or suffer UMD's fate Blu-ray will.


    Now when THAT film/series comes out on BD I would imagine "sales there must!"
  • Reply 996 of 2639
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    It is funny that when HD-DVD was still in the game, its supporters never seemed to mention said 'elephant'. But now that Blu-ray has a strong lead, they need to find some other way to marginalize the victory.

    Get over it, guys. This is a hurdle that both formats faced, and it doesn't change the fact that HD-DVD just faceplanted.


    and some other text I have to include
  • Reply 997 of 2639
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    Or put another way.

    dead horse much?
  • Reply 998 of 2639
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    Quite true.

    I was using them as examples of formats that "lost" without making another competing next-gen format the "winner".

    ahh and so omitting the years between, such as DVD 1997 BD/HD-DVD 2006

    9 years of sales.. of corse TOTAL SALES look worse for the newcomer, Have you got for instance the comparison of sales since inception for both?

    EDIT : damn its late and Vinea said it better
  • Reply 999 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    and that the improvement of Blu-Ray over DVD isn't as stark as DVD over VHS.

    I keep seeing this statement crop up from time to time. I'll accept that it's true of small HDTVs and of course SDTVs, but on any HDTV over let's say... 42" I just can't take that statement seriously. Are you just referring to the general sub 42" sub HDTV populace or are you saying it's not as big a difference under any viewing conditions?
  • Reply 1000 of 2639
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    It is funny that when HD-DVD was still in the game, its supporters never seemed to mention said 'elephant'. But now that Blu-ray has a strong lead, they need to find some other way to marginalize the victory..

    What's this "now" business? Blu-Ray supporters were saying 12 months ago that Blu-Ray had already won.
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