Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 1041 of 2639
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    That strategy didn't really help Toshiba.

    Actually, it did. Dedicated HD DVD players outsold dedicated Blu-Ray players essentially 2:1. What did it for Blu-Ray was that a certain popular game console included a Blu-Ray player for free, and who the hell ain't going to buy higher quality movies if your game console can play them? Free is the best price of all.
  • Reply 1042 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    That strategy didn't really help Toshiba.

    It is still working. If you remember to remove the free give away blu-ray players. The HD-DVD players are still outselling Blu-ray standalone players, but when you start counting free give aways, you can't really compete with that. Free players are even better than cheap players to consumers.
  • Reply 1043 of 2639
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Actually, it did. Dedicated HD DVD players outsold dedicated Blu-Ray players essentially 2:1. What did it for Blu-Ray was that a certain popular game console included a Blu-Ray player for free, and who the hell ain't going to buy higher quality movies if your game console can play them? Free is the best price of all.

    Everyone I know who purchased a PS3 primarily bought it for the cheap Blu-ray player. The ability to play games on it was a secondary concern.
  • Reply 1044 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Everyone I know who purchased a PS3 primarily bought it for the cheap Blu-ray player. The ability to play games on it was a secondary concern.

    Of course. Playing games is what the Wii is for. Everyone knows that.

    <ducks and runs for cover>
  • Reply 1045 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    It is still working. If you remember to remove the free give away blu-ray players. The HD-DVD players are still outselling Blu-ray standalone players, but when you start counting free give aways, you can't really compete with that. Free players are even better than cheap players to consumers.

    HD DVD also had promotions as well, along with giveaways as well. 5 free movies, 7 free movies, 10 free movies, free Xbox 360 add-ons, etc.

    So while picture you paint is somewhat true, it is not entirely true, as both sides have promotions...just so happens Blu-ray is better at this too.

    BTW, to be more accurate, the Blu-ray players aren't quite "free" as you have to by a $1,000+ HDTV that has the cost of the player in it. It just sounds "free" when we all know better than that.
  • Reply 1046 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Just a summarized list of the fallout from the Blu-ray Exclusive Warner announcement...

    02-04-08 Manga Films Goes Blu-ray Exclusive

    02-01-08 ADV Films Goes Blu-ray Exclusive

    01-31-08 Highlight Video (Germany) Goes Blu-ray Exclusive

    01-30-08 National Geographic Goes Blu-ray Exclusive

    01-30-08 EMI (Japan) Goes Blu-ray Exclusive

    01-30-08 Sonic Solutions Scenarist Goes Blu-ray Exclusive

    01-28-08 Woolworths Retail Outlet (UK) goes Blu-ray exclusive in store.

    01-22-08 Grant's Appliances to go Blu-ray exclusive in 2008.

    01-16-08 Senator Entertainment to go Blu-ray exclusive in 2008.

    01-16-08 Digital Playground to go Blu-ray exclusive in 2008.

    01-11-08 Constantin Film goes Blu-ray exclusive.

    01-10-08 HBO goes Blu-ray exclusive.

    01-05-08 New Line goes Blu-ray exclusive.

    01-04-08 Warner goes Blu-ray exclusive.
  • Reply 1047 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    In other words, you didn't have any real news to post, so you thought you'd recycle everything the thread has already covered?
  • Reply 1048 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    Why would they spend $3 million on a super bowl ad if they were not making any more players?

    If they had 100,000.00 players or more in inventory, or in the pipeline already. Or, the fact that their customers are threatening to take all the players of the shelves. They already lost circuit city, target, and I think Best Buy is already taking them off the shelves. $100 per player is $10 million dollars. Spending 3 million to recoup $2 million is another way of saving face. They don't want to be stuck with shipping costs on all the returns, and being stuck with a warehouse full of useless players either. You wanna talk about looking bad. That would be bad.
  • Reply 1049 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    If they had 100,000.00 players or more in inventory, or in the pipeline already. Or, the fact that their customers are threatening to take all the players of the shelves. They already lost circuit city, target, and I think Best Buy is already taking them off the shelves. $100 per player is $10 million dollars. Spending 3 million to recoup $2 million is another way of saving face. They don't want to be stuck with shipping costs on all the returns, and being stuck with a warehouse full of useless players either. You wanna talk about looking bad. That would be bad.

    Onlooker, I've ignored the "clearing out the inventory" posts because I didn't think it was worth the time to comment on the ridiculous assertion. But you seem to be taking this as fact.

    You are saying that Toshiba has made a decision to kill off HD-DVD and is clearing out inventory under the guise of marketing the format as a going concern.

    You are aware that such actions would open them up to all kinds of class action litigation right?
  • Reply 1050 of 2639
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Onlooker, I've ignored the "clearing out the inventory" posts because I didn't think it was worth the time to comment on the ridiculous assertion. But you seem to be taking this as fact.

    You are saying that Toshiba has made a decision to kill off HD-DVD and is clearing out inventory under the guise of marketing the format as a going concern.

    You are aware that such actions would open them up to all kinds of class action litigation right?

    I'm under the same impression as Onlooker. Companies start and stop production all the time. Couldn't Toshiba simply say it hopes to spark increased sales and desire for HD-DVD? Others are still selling the units and their associated media.
  • Reply 1051 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Its not my "cause" sonny.

    Well, sonny from here you really come across that way.
  • Reply 1052 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I'm under the same impression as Onlooker. Companies start and stop production all the time. Couldn't Toshiba simply say it hopes to spark increased sales and desire for HD-DVD?

    Yes, but if one American lawyer got their hands on a stop production order prior to the Superbowl commercial Toshiba would be on the hook for tens of millions of dollars in potential settlement costs and legal fees.
  • Reply 1053 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Actually, it did. Dedicated HD DVD players outsold dedicated Blu-Ray players essentially 2:1.

    Only in FUD town USA, the rest of the world dont really know what HD-DVD is.
  • Reply 1054 of 2639
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    It is still working. If you remember to remove the free give away blu-ray players. The HD-DVD players are still outselling Blu-ray standalone players, but when you start counting free give aways, you can't really compete with that. Free players are even better than cheap players to consumers.

    What about the FREE players Tosh are/were giving away when you bought 3 then 5 then 7 discs?

    when you START counting them, remember to count them all .. do I get to call YOU "fanboy" now?


    I really should read further down the thread sometimes
  • Reply 1055 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    In other words, you didn't have any real news to post, so you thought you'd recycle everything the thread has already covered?

    um.. did you have any HD-DVD news to post?
  • Reply 1056 of 2639
    Originally Posted by jimmac View Post

    Well, sonny from here you really come across that way.

    You must be new to this thread "Dad"
  • Reply 1057 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Yes, but if one American lawyer got their hands on a stop production order prior to the Superbowl commercial Toshiba would be on the hook for tens of millions of dollars in potential settlement costs and legal fees.

    That would REALLY help HD-DVD wouldn't it?

    So before is bad, but after is ok then?

    Funny how I get the impression if it was Sony, Panasonic, LG, Samsung or Sharp, you would be clucking for that?
  • Reply 1058 of 2639
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Everyone I know who purchased a PS3 primarily bought it for the cheap Blu-ray player. The ability to play games on it was a secondary concern.

    Do you know anyone besides yourself who bought a PS3?

    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Only in FUD town USA, the rest of the world dont really know what HD-DVD is.

    And what is the number of dedicated Blu-Ray players sold outside the United States? I'm guessing not many, considering you or Marz have never bragged about some worldwide figure beyond the PS3. An HDM player is a luxury accessory for a luxury item (HDTV), and beyond Americans most people in the world aren't able or willing to be that financially irresponsible. Case in point: the United States alone accounts for 1/3 of worldwide PS3 sales. Methinks the other 2/3 accounts for Blu-Ray's 9:1 lead in HDM sales outside the US; beyond PS3 owners who might as well buy HDM content because their game console can use it, I'd wager HDM is almost virtually non-existent. Hell, that's true for the United States, too \
  • Reply 1059 of 2639
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Do you know anyone besides yourself who bought a PS3?

    Six people directly and around 4 through other people. The 6 I know also have Wiis which that play more. Though not as much as they play WoW, on both Macs and PC. These people are gamers but seem to be more intrigued with the graphics of the game than the games themselves.
  • Reply 1060 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    You must be new to this thread "Dad"

    Nope not at all " Green Horn ".
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