Never too early for MWSF predictions....



  • Reply 141 of 186
    Is there any way that the Mac Pro could yet again be forgotten? Penryns are supposed to be here in quantity now and it has been almost 2 years without a significant update.

    All else is fine and dandy and I hope there are good updates all around, but if the the top-of-the-line goes without again I will begin to wonder if Apple's eye is solely focused on its consumer products to the exclusion of the pro platform.
  • Reply 142 of 186
    Originally Posted by donebylee View Post

    Is there any way that the Mac Pro could yet again be forgotten? Penryns are supposed to be here in quantity now and it has been almost 2 years without a significant update.

    All else is fine and dandy and I hope there are good updates all around, but if the the top-of-the-line goes without again I will begin to wonder if Apple's eye is solely focused on its consumer products to the exclusion of the pro platform.

    Only 499 days!
  • Reply 143 of 186
    buddhabuddha Posts: 386member
    Originally Posted by donebylee View Post

    Is there any way that the Mac Pro could yet again be forgotten? Penryns are supposed to be here in quantity now and it has been almost 2 years without a significant update.

    All else is fine and dandy and I hope there are good updates all around, but if the the top-of-the-line goes without again I will begin to wonder if Apple's eye is solely focused on its consumer products to the exclusion of the pro platform.

    I think it's definitely going to get updated. The question is, is Apple going to make it a full-fledged update with everything top of the line (including it's graphics card), or will they just make it some half-ass update and focus on consumer products?

    I'm having faith and predicting that it will be a solid update.
  • Reply 144 of 186
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by buddha View Post

    I think it's definitely going to get updated. The question is, is Apple going to make it a full-fledged update with everything top of the line (including it's graphics card), or will they just make it some half-ass update and focus on consumer products?

    I'm having faith and predicting that it will be a solid update.

    And that's coming straight from buddha. Ohhhhmmm.
  • Reply 145 of 186
    I think it's really disturbing that we haven't heard many details about the Mac Pro update. Much less so than any other product. What we know has mostly come from analysts and hunches based on what Intel is releasing. \
  • Reply 146 of 186
    the iMac will definitely be updated to Penryn.
  • Reply 147 of 186
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    The Mac Pro received it's last real update in August - 2006.

    The iMac just had one in August - 2007.

    The iMac was updated a full 365 days sooner than the Mac Pro. My bets go for the Mac Pro getting updated. Just a guess.
  • Reply 148 of 186
    Let's hope you're right. I have the money and the place at my desk, all I need is a current platform and it is a go.

    C'mon Apple don't you want my money?
  • Reply 149 of 186
    19 days to go and AAPL hit $200
  • Reply 150 of 186
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    19 days to go and AAPL hit $200

    Mac Pro: 500 days and counting.
  • Reply 151 of 186
    Originally Posted by Royboy View Post

    Mac Pro: 500 days and counting.

    Maybe there should be a widget that counts UP how many days the premier platform has been neglected.

  • Reply 152 of 186
    royboyroyboy Posts: 458member
    Originally Posted by donebylee View Post

    Maybe there should be a widget that counts UP how many days the premier platform has been neglected.

    I was thinking about that, but I was a little bit too embarrassed to ask. Thanks for doing the asking.
  • Reply 153 of 186
    [QUOTE]I have the money and the place at my deskQUOTE]

    me too!
  • Reply 154 of 186
    Panasonic just announced a 9.5mm Blu-Ray drive, so I think BTO options for blue-ray are very possible for Macworld.
  • Reply 155 of 186
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    Panasonic just announced a 9.5mm Blu-Ray drive, so I think BTO options for blue-ray are very possible for Macworld.

    It's not a slot-loading drive. At least, not in any of the pictures attached to the press release.
  • Reply 156 of 186
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    I want Apple to come out with a headless home server, think Mac mini meets Drobo meets AirPort Extreme Base Station, with some X10 home automation action thrown in…

    I want an Apple TV that has a next-gen optical drive, a CableCard slot & DVR functionality…

    I want an Apple multi-touch slate-style Mac tablet for controlling everything, surfing the web, email, iChat, etc. I could work with a 13" panel…

    And finally, I want an iPhone nano; focusing on cellphone, camera & MP3 duties. GPS in phone would work with tablet as interface, phone would also work as tether to connect tablet to internet when WiFi was not available.

    And for 'One Last Thing' - Apple sunglasses with built-in headphones, microphones, cameras & monitors; all feeding to/from the tablet & cellphone. So I can be a gargoyle like in Snow Crash; just with more style…
  • Reply 157 of 186
    haha - will post my version of a "must add as a home page or bookmark" counter till MWSF in may be one or two hours
  • Reply 158 of 186
    Originally Posted by casper3 View Post
    • Leopard 10.5.2

    • iTunes 8? (rentals)

    • dubled iPod touch (and iPhone ) capacity, same price

    • new Apple Displays + a new Mac Pro

    • updated (hardware + design?) MacBook Pro

    • aluminum (grey + black, a la iPod nano) MacBook with
      • 13'' LED LCD

      • faster CPU

      • more storage (still HDD, 100+GB)

    • One More Thing: MacBook nano/thin/whatever-you-call-it-with
      • XX'' LED LCD

      • Intel Core 2 Duo

      • 1GB or 2GB RAM

      • 32GB and 64GB flash memory

      • Intel GMA X3100

    Hey Casper 3... I was planning to buy a Macbook right after the MWSF '08... and I will be in Zagreb during that period for a business trip... can you please let me knoe if there are any Apple stores or resellers there????

    Thanks a Ton!
  • Reply 159 of 186
    Ok here it is... 5 hours spent apple countdown page

    here some FAQ answers:

    Q: aaa... the time is kind of wrong...

    A: that's the main problem, it works the following way: there is the time and date set and it counts down the time till that moment according to the time on your pc, when the moment is reached it redirects you to the so it shows different results on different computers. so my suggestion is to set some time when the presentation video will be on the web site it is something like 10 hours later that 9 am, 15th of january, any suggestions?

    q: can't see the time left under Fire Fox

    A: mmm... it doesn’t work under Fire Fox, however works under IE and Safari...

    q: It is safe?

    A: Yes it is! It is hosted on my server, no spy ware, no nothing... It uses flash, JavaScript (for better IE compatibility - a must use from the moment Microsoft included "Press here to activate this control" thing)

    q: how much traffic is this?

    A: it is 500kb.

    q: Is it functional?

    A: It can be used instead of an if you have it as you homepage. No search function and news updates however, other main links work just the way they should...

  • Reply 160 of 186
    i like it! all new Mac Pros!!!
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