Never too early for MWSF predictions....



  • Reply 61 of 186
    Originally Posted by Name101 View Post

    If you read your quote it does say "yet"

    But I changed it to make more sence.

    I was just trying to point out that it's "Mac" not "MAC". (MAC being a feature of all network devices.)

    kind regards :-)

  • Reply 62 of 186
    Any chance at all that the Macbook (base model 2.0 GHz / 80 GB HDD / Combo drive) will get any updates in MWSF '07 01/15 ???

    As I am a Macbook buyer on hold - nothing much seems to be up for revision except maybe the combo drive.... and will I be able to upgrade FOC if the OS X has a new version coming out?
  • Reply 63 of 186
    It's always POSSIBLE. With it being so close to January, I have to say wait. Wait a couple weeks after Mac World. To be safe. I assume you can? If not, you'll be ok. I know you will not be disappointed with the current MB
  • Reply 64 of 186
    Thanks Fishyesque... I know it is so close.... it is better to wait....just biting my lips and holding on... another 35 odd days for Steve to give his keynote speech....
  • Reply 65 of 186
    Believe me, I want one too

    Best of luck! And enjoy your new Macbook when you get it!

    Quick question: Is there something specific you're wanting it for, purpose wise, or just looking to get a new laptop?
  • Reply 66 of 186
    nceencee Posts: 857member
    Rumor has it, Steve's time slot is 2+ hours???

    A lot of time, for a lot of new cool stuff, and neat up-dates / grades.

    It has to be VERY tough, coming up with and announcing just the right amount of stuff each time they choose to do it.

    They must spend A LOT of money on research on consumers wants, needs and desires.

    - How much will they loose if they wait to long to announce a new?

    - Just what does the consumer want right NOW, and what are they willing to pay for said item(s)?

    - Now it's gotten to the point, they need to know what they can announce, at what price point, so as not to make folks, wish they had waited, but also leave them wanting more in a few months when they announce the Newest version of whatever they announce.

    Seeing almost anything they do announce is a want and not a need ? what do we all want right now?

    Just the ramblings of another happy user with to much time on his hands.
  • Reply 67 of 186
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    Rumor has it, Steve's time slot is 2+ hours???

    A lot of time, for a lot of new cool stuff, and neat up-dates / grades.

    It has to be VERY tough, coming up with and announcing just the right amount of stuff each time they choose to do it.

    2 hours is a long time and if true this could be a very interesting Expo.

    Originally Posted by ncee

    They must spend A LOT of money on research on consumers wants, needs and desires.

    That remains to be seen. Much of the quotes attributed to current and past Apple executives indicate they don't really do a lot of market research.

    Originally Posted by ncee

    - How much will they loose if they wait to long to announce a new?

    I doubt they would lose much of anything. It seems that most Apple users either will buy what's available from Apple or wait until something new is offered. A very loyal crowd us Apple users.

    Originally Posted by ncee

    - Just what does the consumer want right NOW, and what are they willing to pay for said item(s)?

    - Now it's gotten to the point, they need to know what they can announce, at what price point, so as not to make folks, wish they had waited, but also leave them wanting more in a few months when they announce the Newest version of whatever they announce.

    Seeing almost anything they do announce is a want and not a need ? what do we all want right now?

    I know what I want, but it will remained unnamed as to avoid long drawn out arguments.
  • Reply 68 of 186
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    Rumor has it, Steve's time slot is 2+ hours???

    Sorry, but as shown here on the Conference Program page, the keynote is scheduled for 90 minutes.
  • Reply 69 of 186
    Originally Posted by palter View Post

    Sorry, but as shown here on the Conference Program page, the keynote is scheduled for 90 minutes.

    That's just there to fool you!
  • Reply 70 of 186
    Hmm. I don't think the Mac Pro will be redesigned, it will just get new processors and graphics cards. Optional Blu-Ray drive. If Apple is really feeling generous, they'll release a Mac Pro with a single processor, half the RAM capacity, etc. at the $1500 price point (remember there used to be a single processor PowerMac G5).

    New cinema displays, similar to the current ones but with built-in cameras. If Apple wants to look to the future, they'll put DisplayPort inputs on them, but that's unlikely.

    Ultraportable Macbook- also unlikely. It's really a very small market. Instead, the Macbook and Macbook Pro both get redesigned with aluminum and black cases, identical keyboards, LED screens, etc. A consistent look for all of the laptops (but no real spec changes).

    The Mac mini will also get this aluminum-and-black look, and shrink in size as much as it can (which isn't very much).

    I don't know what else. 16GB iPhone?
  • Reply 71 of 186
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    Hmm. I don't think the Mac Pro will be redesigned, it will just get new processors and graphics cards. Optional Blu-Ray drive. If Apple is really feeling generous, they'll release a Mac Pro with a single processor, half the RAM capacity, etc. at the $1500 price point (remember there used to be a single processor PowerMac G5).

    New cinema displays, similar to the current ones but with built-in cameras. If Apple wants to look to the future, they'll put DisplayPort inputs on them, but that's unlikely.

    Ultraportable Macbook- also unlikely. It's really a very small market. Instead, the Macbook and Macbook Pro both get redesigned with aluminum and black cases, identical keyboards, LED screens, etc. A consistent look for all of the laptops (but no real spec changes).

    The Mac mini will also get this aluminum-and-black look, and shrink in size as much as it can (which isn't very much).

    I don't know what else. 16GB iPhone?

    Kind of my thinking too.

    Newly redesigned 13.3", 15.4" and 17.1" MacBooks with LED-backlighting, black bezels, aluminum cases with mag-latches, white, flat keyboards, and hopefully "Pro" moniker gets kicked.

    13.3" version MacBook (hopefully) in colors, and fully customizable up to professional standards.

    16GB iPhone is 90% certain in my mind, and is early iPhone SDK.

    Mac mini, no mention IMO.

    New Cinema Displays, 50% thinner with LED back-lighting and iSights.

    That's it.


    Mac touch Macworld 2009
  • Reply 72 of 186
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Believe me, I want one too

    Best of luck! And enjoy your new Macbook when you get it!

    Quick question: Is there something specific you're wanting it for, purpose wise, or just looking to get a new laptop?

    Well Fishyesque, after years of Windows and PCs (2 Thinkpads, 1 HP Pavillion and many desktops) - I finally feel the incredible need to shift to Apple and OS X....

    I need the Macbook for personal use: surfing the net, creating and storing some documents, work with my digital photos and watch a movie or two... I love the size, the hardware and the OS on the Macbook...

    The wait is unbearable... I know that the Macbook is not slated for any improvements after the recent 3rd Rev.... but i am expecting some minor upgrades in the the hardware and maybe the next version of OS X ? ..... even if those don't happen... it is just that it is too darn close to January 15th now.... so decided to wait...
  • Reply 73 of 186
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by rickag View Post

    That remains to be seen. Much of the quotes attributed to current and past Apple executives indicate they don't really do a lot of market research.

    I do believe this is the case and would likely explain many of Apples screw ups. That is products with a lot of design effort into them that did not sell.


    I doubt they would lose much of anything. It seems that most Apple users either will buy what's available from Apple or wait until something new is offered. A very loyal crowd us Apple users.

    I go out of my way to avoid doing that. I'd rather spend my money on something that fits my needs even if Apple doesn't make it. In Apples case the thing that is really catching my eye is the iPhone. It is so almost there that I'm just hoping that Apple does the right thing in the coming months.


    I know what I want, but it will remained unnamed as to avoid long drawn out arguments.

    Ohhh come on now you can tell us. I know what I want even though very few here thinks that Apple will make it. We are talking portable tablets here, well tablets/iPhones. I'm getting more and more of a feeling though that nothing iPhone/tablet related will come with this show. I suspect that there will be some sort of presentation aligned with the SDK delivery.

    I do hope that I'm wrong.

  • Reply 74 of 186
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Kind of my thinking too.

    I tend to think the opposite. That is going to Penryn involves all new support chips and RAM. At least some chipsets do. So internally the machine will be redesigned. The case externally likely won't change much because frankly it doesn't need to.


    Newly redesigned 13.3", 15.4" and 17.1" MacBooks with LED-backlighting, black bezels, aluminum cases with mag-latches, white, flat keyboards, and hopefully "Pro" moniker gets kicked.

    I like!!!!!!

    As to Pro they need t keep something around to distinguish the lower cost machines from the high cost machines. To put it frankly I like the ability to get Apple quality at a lower price.


    13.3" version MacBook (hopefully) in colors, and fully customizable up to professional standards.

    16GB iPhone is 90% certain in my mind, and is early iPhone SDK.

    Yes the fat iPhone. Even more so I want them to deliver a software update that provides for a complete OS. That is full support of Bluetooth and all the other features. SDK's are nice but if it doesn't have access to the hardware then what is the sense.


    Mac mini, no mention IMO.

    That is a possibility. At this point I think Apple realizes they need to re factor this machine. The question is where do they want to go with it. More so is there a chip set out there that actually enhances what is already in the machine.



    I'm still of the mind that I want a tablet/iphone like device that provides a bigger screen than what iPhone currently has. Maybe not iPhone 2 but its big brother.

  • Reply 75 of 186
    MacBooks with LED-backlighting....(hopefully) in colors, and fully customizable up to professional standards....

    umm... what more would make me happier???

    1) 24x slot-loading Combo drive makes way for the 8x slot-loading SuperDrive in the base model Macbook...

    2) the integrated Intel GMA X3100 graphics processor makes way for the NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics processor in all Macbooks...

    3) a slightly improved OS X v10.5.2 .....

    ummm... what else... ummmm...
  • Reply 76 of 186
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Newly redesigned 13.3", 15.4" and 17.1" MacBooks with LED-backlighting, black bezels, aluminum cases with mag-latches, white, flat keyboards, and hopefully "Pro" moniker gets kicked.

    Yes. Like the iMac, the aluminum case with black glass bezel and new-style keyboard are the future of consumer Mac design.
  • Reply 77 of 186

    15" MacBook

    16GB iPhone

    decent display in cinema display

    decent GPU updates
  • Reply 78 of 186
    nceencee Posts: 857member
    And I'd LOVE to see this show before the end of tax season.

    Then we could get the latest and greatest once a year. Now we purchase something at the end of the year, and (sometimes) again, at the first part of the year when they announce something really cool.

    Of course this ends up giving us 2 purchases a year, but I'd be happy with one.

    Hell, we could be happy with what we have, and not up-grade - but that would not be much fun.

  • Reply 79 of 186
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post


    15" MacBook

    16GB iPhone

    decent display in cinema display

    decent GPU updates

    Just curious, is this a prediction or a wish list.
  • Reply 80 of 186
    xflarexflare Posts: 199member
    Id like to see them announce the death of the Combo Drive... it will be 2008 for gods sake, not 1998.
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