Never too early for MWSF predictions....



  • Reply 81 of 186
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by rickag View Post

    Just curious, is this a prediction or a wish list.

    xMac - wish list others are prediction
  • Reply 82 of 186
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post


    15" MacBook

    16GB iPhone

    decent display in cinema display

    decent GPU updates


    That's like asking Steve to bring out the iDildo - never gonna happen.
  • Reply 83 of 186
    Originally Posted by Denton View Post

    So I suppose that we should be getting video on iTunes any day now, right?

    How does eating crow taste?
  • Reply 84 of 186
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post


    That's like asking Steve to bring out the iDildo - never gonna happen.

    Funny that's what everybody said about every new product released from Apple in the last 10 years.
  • Reply 85 of 186
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Funny that's what everybody said about every new product released from Apple in the last 10 years.

    Hope springs eternal. But I have to side on the never going to happen viewpoint, at least not for the consumer. Here's hoping I'm wrong.
  • Reply 86 of 186
    this year things look strange, not even one single rumor seems to be materialized in MWSF 08...

    some says thin macbook but other deny it , apple is keeping a great job of keeping things secret

    nothing is confirmed so far, not even capacity increase in iPhone

    Dec 13th too early for MWSF? four more weeks to go with lots of holidays in between
  • Reply 87 of 186
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by rickag View Post

    Hope springs eternal. But I have to side on the never going to happen viewpoint, at least not for the consumer. Here's hoping I'm wrong.

    I think you're not.
  • Reply 88 of 186
    Will there be a MacWorld Expo 2008 section?
  • Reply 89 of 186
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    some says thin macbook but other deny it , apple is keeping a great job of keeping things secret

    nothing is confirmed so far...

    I think it is a given that MWSF will be a notebook event. Thin, thick, I don't know, but Apple cannot go too far with the current MBP design. It is almost 5 years old, it has to change like it did in the iBook -> Macbook transition (again a 5 year old design ). The new rumor about the metal case sightings in Apple's campus, if not a hoax, further supports this point of view.
  • Reply 90 of 186
    buddhabuddha Posts: 386member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    this year things look strange, not even one single rumor seems to be materialized in MWSF 08...

    some says thin macbook but other deny it , apple is keeping a great job of keeping things secret

    nothing is confirmed so far, not even capacity increase in iPhone

    Dec 13th too early for MWSF? four more weeks to go with lots of holidays in between

    Um it sounds exactly like every other MWSF. Apple has always done a good job at keeping future products secret.

    You said that there isn't "one single rumor" and then you mentioned people talking about a thin Macbook

    I can't remember the last Apple release that was confirmed a month before hand aside from OS's.
  • Reply 91 of 186
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    what i meant

    we guessed/expected (even though it is rumor)

    June 05 - intel switch?

    Jan 07 - kinda of phone with internet capability - iPhone?

    i know they never confirmed, we know something is coming ...

    may be iPhone is the "new" for next couple of years, hmmm i do not know we are expecting too much and too soon from apple
  • Reply 92 of 186
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    I think it is a given that MWSF will be a notebook event. Thin, thick, I don't know, but Apple cannot go too far with the current MBP design. It is almost 5 years old, it has to change like it did in the iBook -> Macbook transition (again a 5 year old design ). The new rumor about the metal case sightings in Apple's campus, if not a hoax, further supports this point of view.

    Those gun metal enclosures come out every year because Apple uses gunmetal enclosures for most of their prototypes, and does not show anyone the the actual case designs. But if your still seeing the gunmetal enclosure 4 weeks away from MacWorld, I wouldn't expect it to be ready for purchase the day of the show. Not by a long shot.
  • Reply 93 of 186
    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    I think it is a given that MWSF will be a notebook event. Thin, thick, I don't know, but Apple cannot go too far with the current MBP design. It is almost 5 years old, it has to change like it did in the iBook -> Macbook transition (again a 5 year old design ). The new rumor about the metal case sightings in Apple's campus, if not a hoax, further supports this point of view.

    I don't know if it is a "given" that it will be a notebook event. The MBP could use a new case, but why change the design when it is one of the best out there still? They also would need to change the design of the Power Mac because the two machines seem to go hand-in-hand with each other and it would be weird to have the prosumer laptop look so much different than the professional desktop.

    I could see a MB revision soon. Even though they are still beautiful computers, I see them matching the new iMac design.

    Overall, though, I still am putting money down on a new Mini and a new product (whether ultra-portable or tablet or iPhone2) at MWSF. I like the idea of a new Mac Pro, but I still don't see that announced on the 15th.
  • Reply 94 of 186
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    MacPro and ACDs at MWSF for sure.

    Ultra-portable seems very likely there too.

    MacBook Pro, I would expect it around NAB in April.
  • Reply 95 of 186
    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    I think it is a given that MWSF will be a notebook event. Thin, thick, I don't know, but Apple cannot go too far with the current MBP design. It is almost 5 years old, it has to change like it did in the iBook -> Macbook transition (again a 5 year old design ). The new rumor about the metal case sightings in Apple's campus, if not a hoax, further supports this point of view.

    i hope, lots of news related to notebook segment
  • Reply 96 of 186
    buddhabuddha Posts: 386member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    what i meant

    we guessed/expected (even though it is rumor)

    June 05 - intel switch?

    Jan 07 - kinda of phone with internet capability - iPhone?

    i know they never confirmed, we know something is coming ...

    You listed two things and the intel switch isn't even product specific. The specs, look, abilities of the iPhone were completely unknown and the rumor wasn't even confirmed. There is the same chance for Mac Pro updates in January as the iPhone was likely in 07. There's also a very good chance for a slimmed down notebook.

    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    i know they never confirmed, we know something is coming ...

    It doesn't help your argument if you contradict yourself.
  • Reply 97 of 186
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    7" - MacBook Mini

    13" 15" 17" - MacBook

    19" 20" 24" iMac

    Mac Mini, xMac, Mac Pro

    will be too much to ask i guess!
  • Reply 98 of 186
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    7" - MacBook Mini

    13" 15" 17" - MacBook

    19" 20" 24" iMac

    Mac Mini, xMac, Mac Pro

    will be too much to ask i guess!

    Yeah it would, a 7" notebook would be like Microsoft would do. As for a 19" and a 20" iMac? Who the what now.
    • 2.7" iPhone nano, 3.5" iPhone

    • 10 or 11" Mac touch (MT tablet)

    • 13", 15" and 17" newly designed aluminum notebooks, with LED-backlit, mag-latch and new white, flat keyboards across the board (13" available in 5 colors)

    • 20", 24" aluminum iMacs

    • New design for Mac Pro

    • 20", 24" and 30" new displays, 50% thinner, 40% lighter, LED LCD-backlit, built-in iSight.

    I am Steve Jobs
  • Reply 99 of 186
    I am thinking it's going to hark back to the good ole Macworld days where it's Macs, Macs, and more Macs.

    I am thinking it's going to be at the very least —

    1. An aluminized 13-inch MacBook to complete Apple's transition away from polycarbonate plastic.

    2. A re-designed MacBook Pro line-up

    3. One more thing: Ultra-portable 12-inch MacBook.

    A bonus will be the Mac Pro desktop and Apple Cinema Displays...these will probably be up first and out of the way as Apple's market is centered more around the portable market than desktops.

    Macworld history favors notebooks as 3 out of the last 6 Macworlds have had major notebook announcements (Titanium, 12- and 17-inch PowerBooks, and the MacBook Pro).
  • Reply 100 of 186
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    As for a 19" and a 20" iMac? Who the what now.

    resolution is the main reason, 22" LCDs soon will be become standard and 20" will disappear like 17" did

    19" - 1440 x 900

    22" - 1680x1050 - i suggested this a year ago, but that time it was expensive - now u can get for $225

    24" - 1900x1200 - (27" is still expensive so 24" will rule for a while)

    but then again, not sure how much $$$ apple needs to redesign 20" casing to 22" casing...
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