He obviously means that yes, you pay for all these services with .mac, but maintains that one can't get such well integrated, high quality services for free anywhere.
Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension and spend less time being a jackass in every single post you have on this forum.
He obviously means that yes, you pay for all these services with .mac, but maintains that one can't get such well integrated, high quality services for free anywhere.
Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension and spend less time being a jackass in every single post you have on this forum.
one can't get such well integrated, high quality services for free anywhere.
So then, you and the original poster are implying that these services can be had elsewhere, but for a price. .mac comes with a price.
Maybe you and your ilk should take the time to think about what you're saying before you post, and maybe this place wouldn't be cluttered with nonsense posts.
It's easy to make that judgement when I have almost all the features that .mac offers for FREE.
It's not hard if you look for them. Don't for get it's not only a $100 purchase.
It's a reoccurring service every year. $500 for 5 years? Get real!
I love Mac OS X but .mac is for suckers.
It's only $70 at Amazon and possibly cheapaer on eBay.
I'd like to know these .Mac features that you have for free. I get a new machine a couple times a year. To setup a new user I simple have to input my .Mac creditinals and nearly all my important items sync to my new machine. I can be up and running on my new machine like it was my previous one in no time flat. For the Applications and codecs I keep all that on an external drive and merely execute a simple AppleScript to do the rest. I suppose I could create an AppleScript for everything else too but .Mac makes it simple. Also, if I'm using someone else's computer I can access my address book through the web portal; though, that less needed since my iPhone holds all that data. Also, I'm assuming using Back To My Mac will take the preemptive tasks of knowing your IP address out of using VNC.
That is why I like it, and while it does have problems, it is slower than i think it should be and more expensive I do find the time it saves and peace of mind of backing my stuff up worth it.
Originally Posted by Frank777
For the last time, Apple will not put a Blu-Ray drive in the Apple TV, since the quality would surpass that of the rental service Apple is going to debut.
Apple is not stupid enough to spend millions launching iTunes Movie Rentals and then undercut the download service by having customers say that discs are better.
I agree. Which is also why they won't put a TV Tuner in the Apple TV until the studios have vacated iTunes.
Originally Posted by aegisdesign
AFAIK there's no spectrum available for WiMax in the UK. Pipex (a broadband company) bought up spectrum a while back and trialled it in Milton Keynes but to roll it out nationally it'd take a huge act of regulation to get everyone to co-operate. The UK isn't like the US where everything is spaced out and interference and WiMax don't get on.
There was no real EDGE network in the UK, Germany and France, either.
Originally Posted by techfreak85
Look guys its kinda obvious..... Something in the air refers to wireless(think we already hammered that out). So what would happen if Apple releases our "macbook air"(people have no imagination)--completly wireless, right? Wireless internet, wireless usb, wireless sound(i guess\), and Wireless power. But well, were's it going to get all that? From the new AIRPORT EXTREME! Its gonna be redesigned so its more of an extension of your desk. Its a base station for all the needs of the new 'book. just set it down and start working. ya gotta put the pieces togeather.... 10 bucks says it has an ipod/iphone dock on it!
Wadja think?
The tag line is too vague to be incontrovertible, but am leaning toward an ultra-thin notebook.
These are all the synonyms for air in Mac OS X Dictionary.
1hundreds of birds hovered in the air sky, atmosphere; heavens, ether.
2open the windows to get some air into the room breeze, draft, wind; breath/blast of air, gust of wind.
3an air of defiance expression, appearance, look, impression, aspect, aura, mien, countenance, manner, bearing, tone.
4 (airs) : putting on airs affectations, pretension, pretentiousness, affectedness, posturing, airs and graces.
5 a traditional Scottish air tune, melody, song; literary lay.
1a chance to air your views express, voice, make public, ventilate, articulate, state, declare, give expression/voice to; have one's say about.
2the windows were opened to air the room ventilate, freshen, refresh, cool.
3the film was aired nationwide broadcast, transmit, screen, show, televise, telecast.
one can't get such well integrated, high quality services for free anywhere.
So then, you and the original poster are implying that these services can be had elsewhere, but for a price. .mac comes with a price.
Maybe you and your ilk should take the time to think about what you're saying before you post, and maybe this place wouldn't be cluttered with nonsense posts.
And, eat sh*t.
I'm really at a loss as to how you've managed to make so many posts to this forum without being permanently banned.
Since you have had problems following what happened earlier in this thread, I'll explain it to you:
AquaMac contended that the services offered by .mac can be obtained elsewhere for free.
iPhelim responded to this, but without quoting the post he was responding to. iPhelim said:
Originally Posted by iPhelim
Really? Wow! Show me where i can sync photos from within iPhoto to a stunningly beautiful web gallery with 10GB of storage for free! Show me how i can do the same from within iWeb for free. Show me how to do Back to My Mac for free.
Clearly, he is citing services offered by .mac, which you have to pay for, and is enquiring of AquaMac where he reckons these services can be obtained for free, as AquaMac seemed to imply earlier should be possible.
Your responses to iPhelim and Flounder therefore demonstrate that you have grasped the wrong end of the stick, or perhaps the wrong stick entirely.
While we are out there, here?s a proposal: Take on the banks. They are even more outmoded and unhelpful than the music guys. It's the next big thing for Apple, which needs gigantic things to do, now that it?s one of the big dogs.
The iTunes Store is about halfway there. I want an Apple Money client, to replace Quicken in my life, along with all the services that Apple can build in related to finances: banking, investing, ebillings, etc.
* Apple is into selling electrons, not atoms?music, video. Selling atoms is Amazon's world. But money is like music today?almost all electrons.
* Apple does best when it can attach a content stream to run through its hardware: Music, now video. And money may be the ultimate content stream. It's certainly the ultimate revenue stream.
If anyone can make money handling cool, it?s Apple:
Exellent point! Imagine: all the cables going into a Airport Base Station (3.5mm audio jack, USB stuff, built in iPod dock... and even DVI). That'd be really great! Combine that with a Bluetooth Might Mouse (or perhaps a new WiFi MM? ) and all you've got on your MacBook is an occasional MagSafe. (What the hell are you talking about with wireless power?! There's no such thing, except for an experimental lighting of a lightbulb!)
But still..... but the whole air thing means its now centraled arround the airpot extreme.....
For the last time, Apple will not put a Blu-Ray drive in the Apple TV, since the quality would surpass that of the rental service Apple is going to debut.
Apple is not stupid enough to spend millions launching iTunes Movie Rentals and then undercut the download service by having customers say that discs are better.
As to cyrusthevirus, I am affraid it is only the reflection of the window of a bus on the iPhone calling screen picture
Look Closer. On the right edge of the blue background (desktop) above the iPhone interface. Two QuickTime file icons. Looks like the iPhone (maybe the Touch too?) will be able to browse the iMac (Mac Mini, Mac Pro, MacBook, etc...) desktop wirelessly.
Look Closer. On the right edge of the blue background (desktop) above the iPhone interface. Two QuickTime file icons. Looks like the iPhone (maybe the Touch too?) will be able to browse the iMac (Mac Mini, Mac Pro, MacBook, etc...) desktop wirelessly.
Look Closer. On the right edge of the blue background (desktop) above the iPhone interface. Two QuickTime file icons. Looks like the iPhone (maybe the Touch too?) will be able to browse the iMac (Mac Mini, Mac Pro, MacBook, etc...) desktop wirelessly.
i don't think that means what you think it does. since that iphone is a huge model i believe those quicktime files might be the movie that the iphone model plays to show its interface. it's likely connected to a mac somewhere back there to run the video. notice that the top part of the iphone has a standard macintosh desktop wallpaper. i think we're seeing the desktop of the computer that controls the "iphone screen" in the display.
I think the something is "content" - your content at home, your content on your Leopard servers or MS Exchange server, or your content at the iTunes Store or other stores. And you can get to it via the "air" anytime, anywhere on your Apple products (iPod Touch, iPhone, AppleTV, laptops, desktops, etc).
For the time being, "anytime, anywhere" is limited to wi-fi access (and wired Internet access of course), except iPhone has access via EDGE for some content. When iPhone gets 3G later in the year, then additional content will be opened up to it. (I doubt current or new Mac laptops will have 3G built-in; it'll still be via an optional card.)
Apple has already shown us Back to My Mac - accessing your home Mac disk via .Mac from any Internet-connected Mac. Now this will include access your AppleTV disk, or an Airport Extreme-connected home server disk. And for businesses, it will now include access to Leopard servers or MS exchange servers. And it will now include additional access to content directly at the iTunes Store - for rent or for purchase, and to "content" at other stores, like purchasing not just songs but coffee at Starbucks.
And, of course, it could also include a new mobile product - sized in-between iPhone and the MacBook. And as I've said in previous posts, it explains why the iPod Touch has flash instead of a hard drive - all along, Apple has intended for it to be able to get new content (downloaded and stored, or just streamed) when you have wi-fi access.
Finally, it may include a FON type of distribution scheme to increase the presence of wi-fi for Apple's devices. We know that the FON CEO met with Jobs and was interested; we haven't heard from him for awhile, so it's even possible that Apple has quietly bought out FON and will announce it at MW.
I'm really at a loss as to how you've managed to make so many posts to this forum without being permanently banned.
Since you have had problems following what happened earlier in this thread, I'll explain it to you:
I would suggest that everybody disregard this guy (Wilco). Obviously he is either an idiot or a couple of points above, and really just gets his kicks demonstrating his benign lack of intelligence. Best way to handle his kind, ignore them.
I agree. Which is also why they won't put a TV Tuner in the Apple TV until the studios have vacated iTunes.
I think a TV tuner with CAbleCArd would be a smart move. Much like letting Macs run Windows was.
ONly if they could add the two for a low cost of course.
But the idea is that it acts like a bit of a trojan horse. You get the box to replace your set top box and save $5/month rental fee in some cases. And then you check out the extra features the ATV offers. A bonus is that Cablecard doesn't support on-demand content and that's where iTunes comes in. I mean it's not like most folks don't have CAble or Satellite anyway and I don't think the ATV can quite replace those services yet because iTunes doesn't have that breadth of content.
Who knows what kind of neat overlays you could do if the ATV also spit out your cable signal. Check sports scores whenever you wanted to. Read email. You wouldn't have to switch inputs.
Also helping this is that set top boxes are due to go retail finally and Cable Cos are mandated to support CableCard. Even the Comcast CEO said proprietary set top boxes are dead at CES.
Or imagine if they partnered with a Satellite company like the iPhone/ATT partnership. Satellitetech ain't really set up to offer a lot of on-demand content and DirectTV or Dish would be a good partner for Apple/iTunes.
Weather it's a revised MacBook or a new line... the laptop will be optimal with a new kind of Airport Extreme Unit with DVD-R. NO Optical. Having access to the external HDD frees up the need for extensive flash drive space. You won't have to get the APX, external optical and HDD's will be the user's choice, but everything to me is going in the direction of Hubbed world for Mac users. The first Gen iMac was floppy driveless... which was bold. I think this is the future direction... everything points to a Mac Users World as being Hubbed.
Before looking too closely at the iPhone display, keep in mind that the photo of the iPhone is not taken at the convention center where Macworld will take place, but rather at the Apple store just up the street. I doubt that Apple would set up an iPhone display outside their store with hints about upcoming features on a phone they are selling inside.
As for my guess (or rather hope) for the "something in the air" teaser... I would hope that Apple, having already changed the way people in the US perceive and use their cell phones, will now take us the next step by moving ahead with NFC integration in the iPhone--an area where we are lagging behind much of the world.
Anybody else have a bad feeling that this Macworld is going to shortchange the mac, just like last year? They should start calling it Appleworld.
I think there will be plenty of Mac News. Of course it's becoming trickier to define the boundaries of what a Mac is. Would the new Newtonish-multi-touch device be a Mac or an iDevice? And aren't the iPhone, iPT and ATV all kind of Macish, i.e., running OS X, Safari, a variant of Front Row, etc.?
But there will be up to three new device lines. An ultra portable seems a fairly sure shot, however advanced its wireless features are. And we may finally perhaps see the Mythical Mid-Range Mac -- if not now (after moving the MP line further upscale) when?? -- and maybe a bigger screen multi-touch device) along with some refreshes of Mac stuff.. ..AExtreme sounds ripe for the theme and then there's some MBP's that haven't much changed in a while, LED screens to add to MacBooks at some point to keep the "green" promise, very long in the tooth Cinema Displays (unless Apple plans to exit this biz, and probably not a MacWorld announcement anyway). So Mac news alone could already be a full keynote if much of it's to be.
Yet most of that seems peripheral to the (Peter Gabriel!) theme. So I dunno....
Originally Posted by mr O
I am thinking the same. Apple is going to redefine the 13", 15" and 17" portable by getting rid of the slot loading optical drive (Combo Drive and Superdrive) in favour of extra battery and Flash memory. At home you will be able to connect a drive to your portable.
Owmygod, can't wait
And maybe the optical drive will sync up wirelessly?
Originally Posted by iPhelim
It's hard to make that judgment as no other service directly compares, .Mac integrates with OS X so much.
Well, with the latest upgrades it's somewhat less of a rip-off for those who actually use and benefit from its features. Myself, I feel I spent a Ben Frank to avoid learning how to FTP my iWeb page to a more economical service and that's, except for the fact that the Apple Backup program that came with .Mac is still functional for saving to USB keys sans subscription, about it.
Originally Posted by Frank777
For the last time, Apple will not put a Blu-Ray drive in the Apple TV, since the quality would surpass that of the rental service Apple is going to debut.
Apple is not stupid enough to spend millions launching iTunes Movie Rentals and then undercut the download service by having customers say that discs are better.
People don't want more and more devices and more and more remotes in their home theatres. Apple, unlike Sony and MS with their console loss leaders, makes money on a) Hardware and b) hardware sales begetting sales of other compatible hardware that makes living in an all Apple digital world possible. Media sales are the bait to sell devices, not the other way round.
So if Apple gives us a device that does some of the following, they'll sell enough of them (and Macs and iPhones and more to go with 'em) to actually increase the base of potential media download customers, even if they enable other media uses and build the whole Jobsian ecosystem of "just works together" devices. The following: play discs (HD and standard), DVR capability (remember TiVO's adding internet to broadcast material, so convergence is coming whether from Apple or someone else), purchase and download media from the couch, play any downloaded or streaming media source on any PC on the home network from the couch.
Still sounds stupid?
Originally Posted by casper3
Exellent point! Imagine: all the cables going into a Airport Base Station (3.5mm audio jack, USB stuff, built in iPod dock... and even DVI). That'd be really great! Combine that with a Bluetooth Might Mouse (or perhaps a new WiFi MM? ) and all you've got on your MacBook is an occasional MagSafe. (What the hell are you talking about with wireless power?! There's no such thing, except for an experimental lighting of a lightbulb!)
Originally Posted by retiarius
There's resonance power coupling in existing products like the Sonicare toothbrush.
It's not hard to imagine iPods coupling to other Apple equipment wirelessly for
both power and data, though this seems like overkill.
I'm hoping for the iTesla Coil -- a big honkin' device in the corner of the living room zapping huge sparks everywhere, and doubling as light show for iTunes music.....!!
I may have just cracked the code? "There's something in the air."
This is Apple's way of marketing an extremely light notebook. "So light it floats." Bla bla bla.
Also, if you look at those banners you will see they are merely a cover for other banners, they are wrinkled material. When Steve announces this flash notebook they will remove those material banners to reveal the real banners with product photos etc.
How is any of the above "free"?
He obviously means that yes, you pay for all these services with .mac, but maintains that one can't get such well integrated, high quality services for free anywhere.
Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension and spend less time being a jackass in every single post you have on this forum.
He obviously means that yes, you pay for all these services with .mac, but maintains that one can't get such well integrated, high quality services for free anywhere.
Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension and spend less time being a jackass in every single post you have on this forum.
one can't get such well integrated, high quality services for free anywhere.
So then, you and the original poster are implying that these services can be had elsewhere, but for a price. .mac comes with a price.
Maybe you and your ilk should take the time to think about what you're saying before you post, and maybe this place wouldn't be cluttered with nonsense posts.
And, eat sh*t.
It's way over priced.
It's easy to make that judgement when I have almost all the features that .mac offers for FREE.
It's not hard if you look for them. Don't for get it's not only a $100 purchase.
It's a reoccurring service every year. $500 for 5 years? Get real!
I love Mac OS X but .mac is for suckers.
It's only $70 at Amazon and possibly cheapaer on eBay.
I'd like to know these .Mac features that you have for free. I get a new machine a couple times a year. To setup a new user I simple have to input my .Mac creditinals and nearly all my important items sync to my new machine. I can be up and running on my new machine like it was my previous one in no time flat. For the Applications and codecs I keep all that on an external drive and merely execute a simple AppleScript to do the rest. I suppose I could create an AppleScript for everything else too but .Mac makes it simple. Also, if I'm using someone else's computer I can access my address book through the web portal; though, that less needed since my iPhone holds all that data. Also, I'm assuming using Back To My Mac will take the preemptive tasks of knowing your IP address out of using VNC.
That is why I like it, and while it does have problems, it is slower than i think it should be and more expensive I do find the time it saves and peace of mind of backing my stuff up worth it.
For the last time, Apple will not put a Blu-Ray drive in the Apple TV, since the quality would surpass that of the rental service Apple is going to debut.
Apple is not stupid enough to spend millions launching iTunes Movie Rentals and then undercut the download service by having customers say that discs are better.
I agree. Which is also why they won't put a TV Tuner in the Apple TV until the studios have vacated iTunes.
AFAIK there's no spectrum available for WiMax in the UK. Pipex (a broadband company) bought up spectrum a while back and trialled it in Milton Keynes but to roll it out nationally it'd take a huge act of regulation to get everyone to co-operate. The UK isn't like the US where everything is spaced out and interference and WiMax don't get on.
There was no real EDGE network in the UK, Germany and France, either.
Look guys its kinda obvious..... Something in the air refers to wireless(think we already hammered that out). So what would happen if Apple releases our "macbook air"(people have no imagination)--completly wireless, right? Wireless internet, wireless usb, wireless sound(i guess\), and Wireless power. But well, were's it going to get all that? From the new AIRPORT EXTREME! Its gonna be redesigned so its more of an extension of your desk. Its a base station for all the needs of the new 'book. just set it down and start working. ya gotta put the pieces togeather.... 10 bucks says it has an ipod/iphone dock on it!
Wadja think?
The tag line is too vague to be incontrovertible, but am leaning toward an ultra-thin notebook.
These are all the synonyms for air in Mac OS X Dictionary.
one can't get such well integrated, high quality services for free anywhere.
So then, you and the original poster are implying that these services can be had elsewhere, but for a price. .mac comes with a price.
Maybe you and your ilk should take the time to think about what you're saying before you post, and maybe this place wouldn't be cluttered with nonsense posts.
And, eat sh*t.
I'm really at a loss as to how you've managed to make so many posts to this forum without being permanently banned.
Since you have had problems following what happened earlier in this thread, I'll explain it to you:
AquaMac contended that the services offered by .mac can be obtained elsewhere for free.
iPhelim responded to this, but without quoting the post he was responding to. iPhelim said:
Really? Wow! Show me where i can sync photos from within iPhoto to a stunningly beautiful web gallery with 10GB of storage for free! Show me how i can do the same from within iWeb for free. Show me how to do Back to My Mac for free.
Clearly, he is citing services offered by .mac, which you have to pay for, and is enquiring of AquaMac where he reckons these services can be obtained for free, as AquaMac seemed to imply earlier should be possible.
Your responses to iPhelim and Flounder therefore demonstrate that you have grasped the wrong end of the stick, or perhaps the wrong stick entirely.
The iTunes Store is about halfway there. I want an Apple Money client, to replace Quicken in my life, along with all the services that Apple can build in related to finances: banking, investing, ebillings, etc.
* Apple is into selling electrons, not atoms?music, video. Selling atoms is Amazon's world. But money is like music today?almost all electrons.
* Apple does best when it can attach a content stream to run through its hardware: Music, now video. And money may be the ultimate content stream. It's certainly the ultimate revenue stream.
If anyone can make money handling cool, it?s Apple:
Exellent point! Imagine: all the cables going into a Airport Base Station (3.5mm audio jack, USB stuff, built in iPod dock... and even DVI). That'd be really great! Combine that with a Bluetooth Might Mouse (or perhaps a new WiFi MM? ) and all you've got on your MacBook is an occasional MagSafe. (What the hell are you talking about with wireless power?! There's no such thing, except for an experimental lighting of a lightbulb!)
But still..... but the whole air thing means its now centraled arround the airpot extreme.....
For the last time, Apple will not put a Blu-Ray drive in the Apple TV, since the quality would surpass that of the rental service Apple is going to debut.
Apple is not stupid enough to spend millions launching iTunes Movie Rentals and then undercut the download service by having customers say that discs are better.
Stupid or greedy?
As to cyrusthevirus, I am affraid it is only the reflection of the window of a bus on the iPhone calling screen picture
Look Closer. On the right edge of the blue background (desktop) above the iPhone interface. Two QuickTime file icons. Looks like the iPhone (maybe the Touch too?) will be able to browse the iMac (Mac Mini, Mac Pro, MacBook, etc...) desktop wirelessly.
It is just above the battery
Look Closer. On the right edge of the blue background (desktop) above the iPhone interface. Two QuickTime file icons. Looks like the iPhone (maybe the Touch too?) will be able to browse the iMac (Mac Mini, Mac Pro, MacBook, etc...) desktop wirelessly.
ranum thank a lot, you manticipated my reply!
That's it
Perhaps it's a new multi-touch screen where you can virtually "pinch one off" -with olfactory feedback!
Look Closer. On the right edge of the blue background (desktop) above the iPhone interface. Two QuickTime file icons. Looks like the iPhone (maybe the Touch too?) will be able to browse the iMac (Mac Mini, Mac Pro, MacBook, etc...) desktop wirelessly.
i don't think that means what you think it does. since that iphone is a huge model i believe those quicktime files might be the movie that the iphone model plays to show its interface. it's likely connected to a mac somewhere back there to run the video. notice that the top part of the iphone has a standard macintosh desktop wallpaper. i think we're seeing the desktop of the computer that controls the "iphone screen" in the display.
I think the something is "content" - your content at home, your content on your Leopard servers or MS Exchange server, or your content at the iTunes Store or other stores. And you can get to it via the "air" anytime, anywhere on your Apple products (iPod Touch, iPhone, AppleTV, laptops, desktops, etc).
For the time being, "anytime, anywhere" is limited to wi-fi access (and wired Internet access of course), except iPhone has access via EDGE for some content. When iPhone gets 3G later in the year, then additional content will be opened up to it. (I doubt current or new Mac laptops will have 3G built-in; it'll still be via an optional card.)
Apple has already shown us Back to My Mac - accessing your home Mac disk via .Mac from any Internet-connected Mac. Now this will include access your AppleTV disk, or an Airport Extreme-connected home server disk. And for businesses, it will now include access to Leopard servers or MS exchange servers. And it will now include additional access to content directly at the iTunes Store - for rent or for purchase, and to "content" at other stores, like purchasing not just songs but coffee at Starbucks.
And, of course, it could also include a new mobile product - sized in-between iPhone and the MacBook. And as I've said in previous posts, it explains why the iPod Touch has flash instead of a hard drive - all along, Apple has intended for it to be able to get new content (downloaded and stored, or just streamed) when you have wi-fi access.
Finally, it may include a FON type of distribution scheme to increase the presence of wi-fi for Apple's devices. We know that the FON CEO met with Jobs and was interested; we haven't heard from him for awhile, so it's even possible that Apple has quietly bought out FON and will announce it at MW.
I'm really at a loss as to how you've managed to make so many posts to this forum without being permanently banned.
Since you have had problems following what happened earlier in this thread, I'll explain it to you:
I would suggest that everybody disregard this guy (Wilco). Obviously he is either an idiot or a couple of points above, and really just gets his kicks demonstrating his benign lack of intelligence. Best way to handle his kind, ignore them.
I agree. Which is also why they won't put a TV Tuner in the Apple TV until the studios have vacated iTunes.
I think a TV tuner with CAbleCArd would be a smart move. Much like letting Macs run Windows was.
ONly if they could add the two for a low cost of course.
But the idea is that it acts like a bit of a trojan horse. You get the box to replace your set top box and save $5/month rental fee in some cases. And then you check out the extra features the ATV offers. A bonus is that Cablecard doesn't support on-demand content and that's where iTunes comes in. I mean it's not like most folks don't have CAble or Satellite anyway and I don't think the ATV can quite replace those services yet because iTunes doesn't have that breadth of content.
Who knows what kind of neat overlays you could do if the ATV also spit out your cable signal. Check sports scores whenever you wanted to. Read email. You wouldn't have to switch inputs.
Also helping this is that set top boxes are due to go retail finally and Cable Cos are mandated to support CableCard. Even the Comcast CEO said proprietary set top boxes are dead at CES.
Or imagine if they partnered with a Satellite company like the iPhone/ATT partnership. Satellitetech ain't really set up to offer a lot of on-demand content and DirectTV or Dish would be a good partner for Apple/iTunes.
As for my guess (or rather hope) for the "something in the air" teaser... I would hope that Apple, having already changed the way people in the US perceive and use their cell phones, will now take us the next step by moving ahead with NFC integration in the iPhone--an area where we are lagging behind much of the world.
Definitely sounds like iTunes/Apple TV 2 to me.
Anybody else have a bad feeling that this Macworld is going to shortchange the mac, just like last year? They should start calling it Appleworld.
I think there will be plenty of Mac News. Of course it's becoming trickier to define the boundaries of what a Mac is. Would the new Newtonish-multi-touch device be a Mac or an iDevice? And aren't the iPhone, iPT and ATV all kind of Macish, i.e., running OS X, Safari, a variant of Front Row, etc.?
But there will be up to three new device lines. An ultra portable seems a fairly sure shot, however advanced its wireless features are. And we may finally perhaps see the Mythical Mid-Range Mac -- if not now (after moving the MP line further upscale) when?? -- and maybe a bigger screen multi-touch device) along with some refreshes of Mac stuff.. ..AExtreme sounds ripe for the theme and then there's some MBP's that haven't much changed in a while, LED screens to add to MacBooks at some point to keep the "green" promise, very long in the tooth Cinema Displays (unless Apple plans to exit this biz, and probably not a MacWorld announcement anyway). So Mac news alone could already be a full keynote if much of it's to be.
Yet most of that seems peripheral to the (Peter Gabriel!) theme. So I dunno....
I am thinking the same. Apple is going to redefine the 13", 15" and 17" portable by getting rid of the slot loading optical drive (Combo Drive and Superdrive) in favour of extra battery and Flash memory. At home you will be able to connect a drive to your portable.
Owmygod, can't wait
And maybe the optical drive will sync up wirelessly?
It's hard to make that judgment as no other service directly compares, .Mac integrates with OS X so much.
Well, with the latest upgrades it's somewhat less of a rip-off for those who actually use and benefit from its features. Myself, I feel I spent a Ben Frank to avoid learning how to FTP my iWeb page to a more economical service and that's, except for the fact that the Apple Backup program that came with .Mac is still functional for saving to USB keys sans subscription, about it.
For the last time, Apple will not put a Blu-Ray drive in the Apple TV, since the quality would surpass that of the rental service Apple is going to debut.
Apple is not stupid enough to spend millions launching iTunes Movie Rentals and then undercut the download service by having customers say that discs are better.
People don't want more and more devices and more and more remotes in their home theatres. Apple, unlike Sony and MS with their console loss leaders, makes money on a) Hardware and b) hardware sales begetting sales of other compatible hardware that makes living in an all Apple digital world possible. Media sales are the bait to sell devices, not the other way round.
So if Apple gives us a device that does some of the following, they'll sell enough of them (and Macs and iPhones and more to go with 'em) to actually increase the base of potential media download customers, even if they enable other media uses and build the whole Jobsian ecosystem of "just works together" devices. The following: play discs (HD and standard), DVR capability (remember TiVO's adding internet to broadcast material, so convergence is coming whether from Apple or someone else), purchase and download media from the couch, play any downloaded or streaming media source on any PC on the home network from the couch.
Still sounds stupid?
Exellent point! Imagine: all the cables going into a Airport Base Station (3.5mm audio jack, USB stuff, built in iPod dock... and even DVI). That'd be really great! Combine that with a Bluetooth Might Mouse (or perhaps a new WiFi MM? ) and all you've got on your MacBook is an occasional MagSafe. (What the hell are you talking about with wireless power?! There's no such thing, except for an experimental lighting of a lightbulb!)
There's resonance power coupling in existing products like the Sonicare toothbrush.
For computers, it's been extended by
to Herman Miller office furniture:
It's not hard to imagine iPods coupling to other Apple equipment wirelessly for
both power and data, though this seems like overkill.
I'm hoping for the iTesla Coil -- a big honkin' device in the corner of the living room zapping huge sparks everywhere, and doubling as light show for iTunes music.....!!
This is Apple's way of marketing an extremely light notebook. "So light it floats." Bla bla bla.
Also, if you look at those banners you will see they are merely a cover for other banners, they are wrinkled material. When Steve announces this flash notebook they will remove those material banners to reveal the real banners with product photos etc.
It's for the ultra-light MacBook, mark my words.