France's Orange may be next to cut iPhone price, eat losses - reports



  • Reply 41 of 304
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    The iphone cannot be regarded as a success in the US for 3 reasons:

    1) AT&T's activation numbers stalled in the christmas quarter

    2) American sales numbers are not really American when 1/2 of them are shipped overseas

    3) Verizon Wireless did absolulely nothing to counter the iphone and still gets better postpaid net adds than AT&T since the iphone was launched.

    The only meaningful success is that the initial hype of people lining up to buy the iphone --- got 3 carriers in Europe to sign these idiotic revenue sharing deals with Apple.

    You said existing players were rattled --- yet the first carrier (Verizon) Apple talked to --- refused Apple outright. Verizon did nothing to counter the iphone, no price cuts on monthly plans --- nothing. Verizon still beat the crap out of AT&T on postpaid net adds.

    Name me 1 device in the same category which has done better than the iphone which is a failure in your books.
  • Reply 42 of 304
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    That's all totally irrelevant. One quarter is hardly important, especially one in which sales were poor for everyone. And what has Verizons sales versus AT&T sales got to do with anything? They sell many more phones than iPhones.

    Really if you want to say the phone is a failure go ahead. But all these meaningless reasons are pretty pointless in the face of it's overwhelming stature in the market place and millions of sales. What's your problem, did an iPhone cause the death of a loved one, or are you an sad, angry loner looking for an outlet?

    Consumer electronics live and die by the christmas quarter --- and the iphone was a dud in the christmas quarter.

    Verizon beating the crap out of AT&T means everything --- and I didn't mean selling phones --- I meant the number of subscribers signing 2 years contracts with Verizon. It showed the rest of the world that you can survive without the iphone exclusive.
  • Reply 43 of 304
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    It's not that simple. It's not just simply sales / population. The markets are entirely different.

    It's not really the gadget failing, but more the business model of an expensive phone, restrictive contract and expensive tariff with kickbacks to Apple. That's for the most part what Apple got wrong. The lack of 3G and certain software features is certainly part of the issue but it's more the business model.

    Their strategy in the USA seems pretty good but it just doesn't translate well to Europe.

    Well what makes you think they want change thier business model, they have already stated that they would change the model for different markets. Give them credit, this is their first phone, they haven't done that bad. Every body has things they can improve on, if the iphone is doing bad in Europe, others like Nokia aren't doing as well in the States, they could also improve like Apple.
  • Reply 44 of 304
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Name me 1 device in the same category which has done better than the iphone which is a failure in your books.

    My whole point is --- carriers don't need a iphone killer.

    Verizon Wireless sold 1.1 million LG Voyagers since middle of November 2007 --- not bad for a phone without people lining up on launch day.
  • Reply 45 of 304
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Well what makes you think they want change thier business model, they have already stated that they would change the model for different markets. Give them credit, this is their first phone, they haven't done that bad. Every body has things they can improve on, if the iphone is doing bad in Europe, others like Nokia aren't doing as well in the States, they could also improve like Apple.

    Sure they can, but we're discussing why Apple is doing badly in Europe, not why Nokia isn't doing well in the USA, and Apple's problem would seem to be it's business model and from the sounds of it they aren't changing it but expecting the European carriers to absorb the losses.
  • Reply 46 of 304
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Prove your stats young man..

    The word 'probably' gets me out of having to prove anything.

    But just for fun.

    European sales of N95 - 7m in under 12 months, iPhone 330,000.

    Thats only 21:1

    I was wrong then.
  • Reply 47 of 304
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post

    The word 'probably' gets me out of having to prove anything.

    But just for fun.

    European sales of N95 - 7m in under 12 months, iPhone 330,000.

    Thats only 21:1

    I was wrong then.

    Not to mention the N95 was sold out in most places for the 1st month of its launch.

    Here is another little tidbit that will be additionally hard to swallow for the hardcore iPhone lovers: (big glass of koolaid not supplied)
  • Reply 48 of 304
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    So let me get it, you're here on Apple site to tell people that the iphone is a failure, i hope that helps you sleep at night.

    WTF! Where did I say that? Just because one may not like one Apple product does not mean you cannot express it!!! GET OVER IT! Maybe you need the iPhone somewhere near to you to sleep at night!

    I was merely explaining what reasons one might cause one to say that but I did not call it that.
  • Reply 49 of 304
    sikrassikras Posts: 19member
    1. I phone is still on track or slightly behind Apple's target based on the last official conference at Apple's headquarters.

    2. Slowing sales of I phones is caused by rumors and reports of the new 3G I phone coming soon.

    That's all, and Apple has enough time to make up the numbers by the end of the year.

    3. Most cell phone companies are rushing and few have already introduced their version of a look a like Iphone which translates to the success of the Apple I phone.Would not make sense to copy Apple's product unless the competition sees the product as a threat, would you?

    4. Apple has only made 1 phone and set a goal of taking 1% market share from the competitors.

    What happens if Apple releases several types of phones similar to the way they have the I pod

    types of choices. We will find out and bet on their success, because not a single company saw it coming when the Ipods were released over 5 years ago.

    5. If Iphone was not a success the stock would not be at the current price which is over $160.

    It would be below $100 a share if the phone was a failure. Analysts, critics and millions of investors keep an eye specifacally on the phone sales before they look at the Macs and Ipods sales.

    :When is the last time the media was there or people stood in line for days to buy Nokia, Blackberry, Samsung, or others...... Not bad, Apple.

    For a company that never made a cell phone before.
  • Reply 50 of 304
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by sikras View Post

    :When is the last time the media was there or people stood in line for days to buy Nokia, Blackberry, Samsung, or others...... Not bad, Apple.

    For a company that never made a cell phone before.

    Only to drop the price $200 less than 3 months later and loose any more reasons to stand in line again.

  • Reply 51 of 304
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by sikras View Post

    1. I phone is still on track or slightly behind Apple's target based on the last official conference at Apple's headquarters.

    :When is the last time the media was there or people stood in line for days to buy Nokia, Blackberry, Samsung, or others...... Not bad, Apple.

    For a company that never made a cell phone before.

    What target is that?

    It's a moving target. 1% of the world market share in 2008 is 12.5 million units.

    Precisely --- nobody lined up for the LG Voyager and Verizon sold 1.1 million units since Nov 2007. 4 million blackberries were sold in the last quarter.
  • Reply 52 of 304
    rmm221rmm221 Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    If O2 managed to activate 200K iphones in about 3 months --- for a population of 60 million people in England. Then it has done a little better than AT&T activating 900K iphones in the christmas quarter --- for population of 300 million people in US.

    The iphone is not even a success in the US.

    You are a moron... The IPHONE has the highest consumer satisfaction level of any phone. Not everyone can afford a Porsche or BMW, but everyone wants one. Sounds to me like your just upset you can't afford an IPHONE and showing a little envy toward those who can.

    And just so you know... I don't own an IPHONE.. not because I can't afford one, but because I've been waiting for 3G first, and I'm still under contract with Verizon until July 1st. I'm not one to throw $175 cancellation fee down the drain, knowing the 3G phone is right around the corner. I decided long ago I was gonna wait until my contract was up and 3G was released before I made my purchase.

    In all honesty, I'm glad I waited.. because now I"ll get a newer, faster phone, with IPHONE 2.0 software with all the bugs and things worked out from the 1st year owners.

    Does no one realize how HUGE the IPHONE will be this summer? I bought a RAZR a little over 2 years ago from Verizon at the start of the decline of it's popularity. Verizon was giving them away for free with 2 year contracts... Loads of people bought those. I'm not the only person waiting for their 2 year contract to be up so they can switch to AT&T and get an IPHONE this summer.

    Has any $500 unsubsidized phone done as well as the IPHONE in history? I don't think so.. Apple's IPHONE is in a league of its own. It's selling portable computers and calling them phones... when will you "haterz" wake up and realize this.

    Anyway... 2-3 months and I'll have my 3G IPHONE.. can't wait.
  • Reply 53 of 304
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by rmm221 View Post

    Has any $500 unsubsidized phone done as well as the IPHONE in history? I don't think so.. Apple's IPHONE is in a league of its own. It's selling portable computers and calling them phones... when will you "haterz" wake up and realize this.

    Dear Sheeple, did you ever hear of the N95 (made by Nokia)?
  • Reply 54 of 304
    sikrassikras Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Only to drop the price $200 less than 3 months later and loose any more reasons to stand in line again.

    Many stocks plummeted in the last 3 months, on fears of recession, not just Apple.

    Nothing to do with Iphone sales. Have you seen or heard Nokia's recent terrible news?

    It's global economic slow down.

    Is that the best you can do?
  • Reply 55 of 304
    rmm221rmm221 Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    My whole point is --- carriers don't need a iphone killer.

    Verizon Wireless sold 1.1 million LG Voyagers since middle of November 2007 --- not bad for a phone without people lining up on launch day.

    haha.. its a cheap plastic toy. Trying hard to copy the IPHONE...

    Sure, it sold ok.. but they still sold less than the IPHONE sold... and the IPHONE sold for twice the price originally. You can get a voyager for $299.. when the IPHONE top model retailed at $599 originally.

    Apple is making money hand over fist on IPHONEs... and all the way giving users free software updates and adding features. Just wait until IPHONE 2.0 software is released... and everyone starts making apps for the IPHONE.

    No phone will be able to compete in that market...
  • Reply 56 of 304
    rmm221rmm221 Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Dear Sheeple, did you ever hear of the N95 (made by Nokia)?

    Try in AMERICA you idiot... N95 isn't even available for sale in US. Apple is just getting started in foreign markets... Apple's knew all along that 3G would sell better in foreign markets. But wanted to milk all they could out of the current IPHONE...

    this summer is summer of the IPHONE.. i'm telling you.
  • Reply 57 of 304
    sikrassikras Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    What target is that?

    It's a moving target. 1% of the world market share in 2008 is 12.5 million units.

    Precisely --- nobody lined up for the LG Voyager and Verizon sold 1.1 million units since Nov 2007. 4 million blackberries were sold in the last quarter.

    Thank you for making a success point for Apple. 12.5 million units less sales competitors lost because of Apple. Dell sells millions more computers than Apple too, but apple has the highest rate of growth in computer sales than any company. Has it occurred to you growth is a part of success to a company. Give a little credit to Apple.
  • Reply 58 of 304
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by rmm221 View Post

    Try in AMERICA you idiot... N95 isn't even available for sale in US. Apple is just getting started in foreign markets... Apple's knew all along that 3G would sell better in foreign markets. But wanted to milk all they could out of the current IPHONE...

    this summer is summer of the IPHONE.. i'm telling you.

    You need to leave your mom's basement more bonehead. Push the empty pizza boxes, two liter bottles of diet Pepsi away, and half used tubes of Clearasil aside and do some research before opening your mouth. The N95 have been avail in the US for over six months and in two incarnations: an 8 gig version and the standard version.

    Here's an idea. Try getting a life.
  • Reply 59 of 304
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by rmm221 View Post

    haha.. its a cheap plastic toy. Trying hard to copy the IPHONE...

    Sure, it sold ok.. but they still sold less than the IPHONE sold... and the IPHONE sold for twice the price originally. You can get a voyager for $299.. when the IPHONE top model retailed at $599 originally.

    Apple is making money hand over fist on IPHONEs... and all the way giving users free software updates and adding features. Just wait until IPHONE 2.0 software is released... and everyone starts making apps for the IPHONE.

    No phone will be able to compete in that market...

    Then the only reason why iphone outsold the voyager was that Apple desperately wanted some sales figures and drop the price by 200 dollars.
  • Reply 60 of 304
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by rmm221 View Post

    You are a moron... The IPHONE has the highest consumer satisfaction level of any phone. Not everyone can afford a Porsche or BMW, but everyone wants one. Sounds to me like your just upset you can't afford an IPHONE and showing a little envy toward those who can.

    The only morons are those who insists on exclusiveness of a hand-built European luxury car --- when robots in Japan can build a car that will have much better quality than any humans can.

    These people are so satisfied with the iphone that 1/3 of the users have to carry a second phone.
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