France's Orange may be next to cut iPhone price, eat losses - reports



  • Reply 61 of 304
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    The only morons are those who insists on exclusiveness of a hand-built European luxury car --- when robots in Japan can build a car that will have much better quality than any humans can.

    These people are so satisfied with the iphone that 1/3 of the users have to carry a second phone.

    Game, set, match: Samab.

    Exactly. If the iPhone were the complete phone, why are so many people carrying it along with another phone? For me it is simple. The iPhone can not match my Nokia N82 in terms of telephony features. However as a media player, the iPhone is nothing more than an iPod with phone, but it is great at playing back video's and other media. Here, because if its smaller screen, the N82 is lacking. However, Nokia has something on the horizon (got a few friends that work there) that will directly challenge the iPhone in the media department, and for sure out pace it in the telephony department.
  • Reply 62 of 304
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    My whole point is --- carriers don't need a iphone killer.

    Verizon Wireless sold 1.1 million LG Voyagers since middle of November 2007 --- not bad for a phone without people lining up on launch day.

    And how much have they sold since, show that they have sold more than the iphone or are they also a failure.
  • Reply 63 of 304
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post

    The word 'probably' gets me out of having to prove anything.

    But just for fun.

    European sales of N95 - 7m in under 12 months, iPhone 330,000.

    Thats only 21:1

    I was wrong then.

    Show me some sources to back up all those numbers your supplied.
  • Reply 64 of 304
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    Sure they can, but we're discussing why Apple is doing badly in Europe, not why Nokia isn't doing well in the USA, and Apple's problem would seem to be it's business model and from the sounds of it they aren't changing it but expecting the European carriers to absorb the losses.

    What if Apple were to change their business model but make less money, they are out there to make money. What if the iphone was on every carrier but Apple as a whole made less money, they chose the business model which they believe will bring the most money. There are companies like Motorola who have phones on every carrier but yet they are losing money and cutting jobs, Apple is doing what they believe to be working, they have also said they are open to change their business model.
  • Reply 65 of 304
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    What target is that?

    It's a moving target. 1% of the world market share in 2008 is 12.5 million units.

    Precisely --- nobody lined up for the LG Voyager and Verizon sold 1.1 million units since Nov 2007. 4 million blackberries were sold in the last quarter.

    And how many have they sold since, how many different model blackberries does RIM sell.
  • Reply 66 of 304
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    What target is that?

    It's a moving target. 1% of the world market share in 2008 is 12.5 million units.

    Precisely --- nobody lined up for the LG Voyager and Verizon sold 1.1 million units since Nov 2007. 4 million blackberries were sold in the last quarter.

    They've already lined up their excuses for when Apple sells 10 million units this year, it should have been 12.5 million instead.
  • Reply 67 of 304
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    And how much have they sold since, show that they have sold more than the iphone or are they also a failure.

    We are going to know every soon --- how many iphones are sold in Q1. Even Munster have reduced his target to 1.6 million iphones for the quarter. Let's see how many of that are activated by AT&T.

    As I said repeatedly, they don't need to beat iphone sales to be an iphone killer. Verizon survived and beat AT&T's postpaid net adds for both quarters since iphone was launched. That's the main lesson for the other carriers around the world --- you don't have to say yes to Apple.
  • Reply 68 of 304
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    We are going to know every soon --- how many iphones are sold in Q1. Even Munster have reduced his target to 1.6 million iphones for the quarter. Let's see how many of that are activated by AT&T.

    I'm still waiting for your figures showing that the LG outsold the iphone, we all know the iphone sold 4 million and that was back in January, show us where that phone outsold the iphone, is that phone also a failure.
  • Reply 69 of 304
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by rmm221 View Post

    You are a moron... The IPHONE has the highest consumer satisfaction level of any phone. Not everyone can afford a Porsche or BMW, but everyone wants one. Sounds to me like your just upset you can't afford an IPHONE and showing a little envy toward those who can.

    And just so you know... I don't own an IPHONE.. not because I can't afford one, but because I've been waiting for 3G first, and I'm still under contract with Verizon until July 1st. I'm not one to throw $175 cancellation fee down the drain, knowing the 3G phone is right around the corner. I decided long ago I was gonna wait until my contract was up and 3G was released before I made my purchase.

    In all honesty, I'm glad I waited.. because now I"ll get a newer, faster phone, with IPHONE 2.0 software with all the bugs and things worked out from the 1st year owners.

    Does no one realize how HUGE the IPHONE will be this summer? I bought a RAZR a little over 2 years ago from Verizon at the start of the decline of it's popularity. Verizon was giving them away for free with 2 year contracts... Loads of people bought those. I'm not the only person waiting for their 2 year contract to be up so they can switch to AT&T and get an IPHONE this summer.

    Has any $500 unsubsidized phone done as well as the IPHONE in history? I don't think so.. Apple's IPHONE is in a league of its own. It's selling portable computers and calling them phones... when will you "haterz" wake up and realize this.

    Anyway... 2-3 months and I'll have my 3G IPHONE.. can't wait.

    Studies have shown that users love their iphone, iphone has the highest satisfaction ratings for phone, we love our iphones, we don't need people coming and telling us it's a failure. Apple has a good product and the whole industry has taken notice.
  • Reply 70 of 304
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by sikras View Post

    Many stocks plummeted in the last 3 months, on fears of recession, not just Apple.

    Nothing to do with Iphone sales. Have you seen or heard Nokia's recent terrible news?

    It's global economic slow down.

    Is that the best you can do?

    You might want to be more careful about who you reply to. The original poster - teckstud - wrote this:

    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Only to drop the price $200 less than 3 months later and loose any more reasons to stand in line again.

    He was referring to peoples disappointment/anger at the large drop in price of the iPhone shortly after it was released, not a drop in the value of the stock!

    Your 'reply' is a complete non sequitur, having nothing to do with what he said.
  • Reply 71 of 304
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Studies have shown that users love their iphone, iphone has the highest satisfaction ratings for phone, we love our iphones, we don't need people coming and telling us it's a failure. Apple has a good product and the whole industry has taken notice.

    When is the wedding? Do you plan on having children?
  • Reply 72 of 304
    rmm221rmm221 Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Game, set, match: Samab.

    Exactly. If the iPhone were the complete phone, why are so many people carrying it along with another phone? For me it is simple. The iPhone can not match my Nokia N82 in terms of telephony features. However as a media player, the iPhone is nothing more than an iPod with phone, but it is great at playing back video's and other media. Here, because if its smaller screen, the N82 is lacking. However, Nokia has something on the horizon (got a few friends that work there) that will directly challenge the iPhone in the media department, and for sure out pace it in the telephony department.

    Hate to break it to you.. but Apple has something on the horizon also.. and i bet it'll be to the market before your Nokia surprise.

    Who are these mystery people that carry around another cell phone alongside their IPHONE? And for what logical reason? The N82 you refer to looks nice.. but it looks like my canon digital camera interface... which isn't the most intuitive by any means. It retails for $629 and isn't supported or offered for sale on any US networks. The only features it offers that best the IPHONE are a better camera definitely and the GPS. But apple has visual voicemail, multi-touch, bigger screen, and is slimmer... I'll trade camera and gps for better interface and better design any day. Just personal taste...

    I work in the entertainment industry... so the IPHONE is FAR ahead of any phone in meeting my daily needs. I need to send quicktimes to clients from my mac on a daily basis. Most of the executive producers are out and about and check the quicktimes on the go. Not to mention the multimedia features are excellent for displaying my reel ect.

    I want a phone that syncs and works well with my mac at home and at work... I'd imagine posters on Apple Insider would want the same... but i guess you guys all use PC's... in that case keep your windows mobile phones, makes sense why you prefer them.
  • Reply 73 of 304
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by sikras View Post

    Many stocks plummeted in the last 3 months, on fears of recession, not just Apple.

    Nothing to do with Iphone sales. Have you seen or heard Nokia's recent terrible news?

    It's global economic slow down.

    Is that the best you can do?

    ??I'm not even talking about stock prices , I'm talking about waiting in line for hours.

    Read before you comment, please.
  • Reply 74 of 304
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Studies have shown that users love their iphone, iphone has the highest satisfaction ratings for phone, we love our iphones, we don't need people coming and telling us it's a failure. Apple has a good product and the whole industry has taken notice.

    And I bet you just luv AT&Fee
  • Reply 75 of 304
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by rmm221 View Post

    Try in AMERICA you idiot... N95 isn't even available for sale in US. Apple is just getting started in foreign markets... Apple's knew all along that 3G would sell better in foreign markets. But wanted to milk all they could out of the current IPHONE...

    this summer is summer of the IPHONE.. i'm telling you.

    You're stuck with AT&FEE and you're calling him an idiot???
  • Reply 76 of 304
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by rmm221 View Post

    Hate to break it to you.. but Apple has something on the horizon also.. and i bet it'll be to the market before your Nokia surprise.

    And Nokia is getting kicked around by LG.

    The LG Voyager was 6 months behind the iphone launch. Verizon didn't spend a dime on their Voyager. No people were lining up for the Voyager.

    Verizon sold 1.1 million Voyagers in 4.5 months --- no bad for something that is not as polished as the iphone.
  • Reply 77 of 304
    Heh heh, fascinating to read all the back-and-forth. I can understand the people who like the iPhone singing its praises and defending it. What I can't understand is why those who can't stand this thing (and presumably, therefore don't own it) waste their time venting their spleen. Don't you guys have something else to do - like, don't you have a job or life or something? (Esp. that guy who was dispensing advice to someone to get out of his mother's basement, etc).

    Please know that this is truly an honest question: Why are you wasting so much of your time over something you do not own and hence really shouldn't matter a great deal from the standpoint of your existence?

    Some of you sound bitter,* like you've either been laid off by phone companies or got dissed by Apple's SDK folks or..... whatever......

    *Don't intend to sound Obama-esque.
  • Reply 78 of 304
    rmm221rmm221 Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    And Nokia is getting kicked around by LG.

    The LG Voyager was 6 months behind the iphone launch. Verizon didn't spend a dime on their Voyager. No people were lining up for the Voyager.

    Verizon sold 1.1 million Voyagers in 4.5 months --- no bad for something that is not as polished as the iphone.

    Just goes to show.. knockoffs sell well also. Proves nothing else. If Verizon offered the LG VOYAGER and IPHONE side by side... at the same price points... LG Voyager would be collecting dust.

    All it proves is Verizon is good at tricking people into thinking the LG Voyager is as good as the IPHONE... They are better used car salesmen over there at Verizon. It doesn't take anything away from the IPHONE.
  • Reply 79 of 304
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Heh heh, fascinating to read all the back-and-forth. I can understand the people who like the iPhone singing its praises and defending it. What I can't understand is why those who can't stand this thing (and presumably, therefore don't own it) waste their time venting their spleen. Don't you guys have something else to do - like, don't you have a job or life or something? (Esp. that guy who was dispensing advice to someone to get out of his mother's basement, etc).

    Please know that this is truly an honest question: Why are you wasting so much of your time over something you do not own and hence really shouldn't matter a great deal from the standpoint of your existence?

    Some of you sound bitter,* like you've either been laid off by phone companies or got dissed by Apple's SDK folks or..... whatever......

    *Don't intend to sound Obama-esque.

    What a smarmy and supercilious attitude you display. What exactly is your contribution to the topic? Do you have an opinion as to why the iPhone is not a hit in Europe or are you too busy licking your iPhone to a pristine gleam, the better to admire your smug reflection in, to bother thinking about it?

    Just to help point you in the right direction, I would just like to point out a central fallacy in your position. The iPhone is a wonderful device, my gripe, and those of many others, is with the inappropriate sales model in the European context and the poor value it represents.

    You want to hear only praise and adulation for your beloved toy. Well tough, I see more to criticise than praise as things currently stand, and have no hesitation to say what I think. If you don't want to hear bad words from all those nasty people, I suggest you make an audio tape dedicated to your darling shiny one, singing her praises, and play it over and over until the cruel words are just a faint memory.
  • Reply 80 of 304
    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post

    What a smarmy and supercilious attitude you display.

    Smarmy and supercilious? Me? Try this small sampling from the thread (trust me, I am only cutting-and-pasting):


    "And I bet you just luv AT&Fee"

    "Do you plan on having children?"
    (I'll bet you'll pretend you don't recognize that one).

    "The only morons are those who insists on exclusiveness of a hand-built European luxury car --- when robots in Japan can build a car that will have much better quality than any humans can."

    "Here's an idea. Try getting a life."


    Do you want me to go on?
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