Apple says Steve Jobs feeling a little under the weather recently



  • Reply 41 of 224
    macfandavemacfandave Posts: 603member
    Originally Posted by McHuman View Post

    Everyone I know here in los angeles has a cold right now. Its going around the west coast cities. I know I for one look like major ASS when I get a bad cold.

    But what do you look like when you are well?

    My wife, the woman who supposedly loves me, says that on my best days, my best days!, that I look like Lieutenant ASS!
  • Reply 42 of 224
    If anything does happen to Steve Jobs, I'd be pretty sad . Knowing how much he has done for Apple and knowing how much he gave back to his customers. He truly made Apple "his" and I hope that Apple will keep it that way. I never in my life considered a mac probably until Steve Jobs came around and gave the company his own little twist. I'm proud of him even if its just a cold.
  • Reply 43 of 224
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by macFanDave View Post

    But what do you look like when you are well?

    My wife, the woman who supposedly loves me, says that on my best days, my best days!, that I look like Lieutenant ASS!

  • Reply 44 of 224
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    To correct the line above about Steve Jobs being a vegan, he isn't. He is a Pescetarian. Big difference and it allows us to avoid that whole "vegans look sick" thing.

    To keep on theme, the only "fishy" thing about the announcement IMO was the reference to antibiotics. You don't take antibiotics for a cold, flu, etc. unless you are an idiot and Steve Jobs is no idiot. That alone, if true, is a tad suspicious.

    It's clear that he is phasing himself out of the role of being the top presenter at the shows, but that doesn't mean he's sick (although he may be of course.) Bottom line is it's his business and all that crap about the shareholders having a "right to know" is BS in my opinion.
  • Reply 45 of 224
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    To correct the line above about Steve Jobs being a vegan, he isn't. He is a Pescetarian. Big difference and it allows us to avoid that whole "vegans look sick" thing.

    To keep on theme, the only "fishy" thing about the announcement IMO was the reference to antibiotics. You don't take antibiotics for a cold, flu, etc. unless you are an idiot and Steve Jobs is no idiot. That alone, if true, is a tad suspicious.

    It's clear that he is phasing himself out of the role of being the top presenter at the shows, but that doesn't mean he's sick (although he may be of course.) Bottom line is it's his business and all that crap about the shareholders having a "right to know" is BS in my opinion.

    I don't agree with you. Jobs' health is Apple's health. Of course, no one is irreplaceable, but a replacement is not as valuable as the original in this case.
  • Reply 46 of 224
    macfandavemacfandave Posts: 603member
    Originally Posted by Mac-sochist View Post

    In my days of simply lurking on this forum, I read any number of ouragan's tirades about how Steve Jobs didn't deserve his success because he was "the illegitimate child of an unwed mother and a Syrian father," and because he "didn't have the persistence or moral fiber to complete a university education." (Like Bill Gates did, for example?) I've almost been motivated to reply on several occasions, if only to say how offended I am by these arguments, but I usually just say to myself: "Well, everybody's entitled to their opinion."

    However: saying that kind of thing on this particular thread is at least bad taste....

    I agree.

    Maybe it is ironic, but because I had the opportunity to get an advanced degree in engineering, I recognize that there are talents that can best be realized with a bachelor's degree or no degree at all. I liken Steve Jobs and (gack) Bill Gates to Kobe Bryant or Kevin Garnett -- when you've got that kind of innate talent, what is college going to do for you (except take away four productive years from you)? These people are exceptionally rare, and if you self-select yourself to be among them, you had better be right. Education is the surest way for the vast majority of us to develop marketable skills, but you have to appreciate that a small number of us can afford to by-pass the formal education system. (In fact, you might go so far as to say that some innately talented people get their souls and spirits crushed by the educational system.)

    I wish Steve Jobs the best of health. He is an incredible person and I hope for his sake and his family's that he has a long and happy life. His service at Apple, Inc. is just a bonus for the rest of us.
  • Reply 47 of 224
    Take a look at him just over a year ago at MacWorld 2007:

    And earlier this year at MacWorld 2008 in January:

    And then yesterday at WWDC:

    The man is clearly wasting away- and quickly.
  • Reply 48 of 224
    solarsolar Posts: 84member
    Originally Posted by smokeonit View Post

    if you knew how the people died that were poisoned by the putin secret police state people you wouldn't make jokes like that... i think it's one of the worst deaths out there, it's like rotting from the inside, slowly, a VERY painful death... i hope putin and the ones responsible will have to face justice for what they did to those people one day!!!

    You're right, that joke is pretty inappropriate. Sorry to any and all who were offended.
  • Reply 49 of 224
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Empty post
  • Reply 50 of 224
    k2directork2director Posts: 194member
    Originally Posted by FreeState View Post

    For those of you in other places - there has been a really bad cold going around CA for the last 4-6 months. The cold last 1 month+. I had it for nearly two months and lost 10 lbs.

    10 lbs from a cold? Damn, I should catch a couple of those!
  • Reply 51 of 224
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by DestructoTex View Post

    Take a look at him just over a year ago at MacWorld 2007....

    I'm sorry, but I don't see a whole lot of difference between those photos except that he is clean shaven for the first time in the recent one.

    There are differences, and you could convince yourself that he is in fact ill, but there is nothing about them that makes it anything like a certainty IMO. three random pictures from different angles is not enough to show anything one way or the other.

    Again, not saying he *isn't* sick, but these pics are a long way from proving anything.

    Maybe he just wants to live forever. The best way to live a long life is to be the skinniest guy on the block, everyone knows that. Just as people who keep their weight under control can expect to live ten years longer than the rest, those who actually reduce their calorie intake further can add even more years. If anyone would be focussed on stuff like that it's Steve Jobs.
  • Reply 52 of 224
    smokeonitsmokeonit Posts: 268member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    To correct the line above about Steve Jobs being a vegan, he isn't. He is a Pescetarian. Big difference and it allows us to avoid that whole "vegans look sick" thing.

    To keep on theme, the only "fishy" thing about the announcement IMO was the reference to antibiotics. You don't take antibiotics for a cold, flu, etc. unless you are an idiot and Steve Jobs is no idiot. That alone, if true, is a tad suspicious.

    It's clear that he is phasing himself out of the role of being the top presenter at the shows, but that doesn't mean he's sick (although he may be of course.) Bottom line is it's his business and all that crap about the shareholders having a "right to know" is BS in my opinion.

    i agree that his health is his thing, no shareholder has the right to ask for his health record!!! that's ridiculous...
  • Reply 53 of 224
    red_kolared_kola Posts: 24member
    Originally Posted by k2director View Post

    10 lbs from a cold? Damn, I should catch a couple of those!

    That's a fairly common weight loss from a Norovirus (commonly known as Winter Vomiting Bug) or a number of other gastric bugs.

    He was a skinny runt to start with. These things seriously reduce your weight over a shocking quick period of time.
  • Reply 54 of 224
    smokeonitsmokeonit Posts: 268member
    Originally Posted by Solar View Post

    You're right, that joke is pretty inappropriate. Sorry to any and all who were offended.

    i didn't want be rude or anything, thank you for your understanding!
  • Reply 55 of 224
    smokeonitsmokeonit Posts: 268member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I'm sorry, but I don't see a whole lot of difference between those photos except that he is clean shaven for the first time in the recent one.

    There are differences, and you could convince yourself that he is in fact ill, but there is nothing about them that makes it anything like a certainty IMO. three random pictures from different angles is not enough to show anything one way or the other.

    Again, not saying he *isn't* sick, but these pics are a long way from proving anything.

    Maybe he just wants to live forever. The best way to live a long life is to be the skinniest guy on the block, everyone knows that. Just as people who keep their weight under control can expect to live ten years longer than the rest, those who actually reduce their calorie intake further can add even more years. If anyone would be focussed on stuff like that it's Steve Jobs.

    there's the example of karl lagerfeld, he went from super overweight to extremely skinny, EXTREME!!! so it could be that steve met karl and karl convinced steve to to the same to himself???

    karl lagerfeld owns like hundreds of ipods... he's a big mac fan... i think there's a high chance that the 2 have met and are friends???
  • Reply 56 of 224
    In the spirit of "Just one more thing...."

    If Steve Jobs was treated for pancreatic cancer, however successful the treatment may have been, he's undoubtedly having to take insulin; I have known a number of diabetic people who developed this type of cadaverous physiognomy--it didn't mean they were going to die anytime soon. I certainly hope that's the answer, and he's with us for a long time yet, but I think the vision is in place for the next 10 years at least--it's just waiting for technology to catch up with it.
  • Reply 57 of 224
    smokeonitsmokeonit Posts: 268member
    Originally Posted by red_kola View Post

    That's a fairly common weight loss from a Norovirus (commonly known as Winter Vomiting Bug) or a number of other gastric bugs.

    He was a skinny runt to start with. These things seriously reduce your weight over a shocking quick period of time.

    but why the antibiotics thing??? as we know, there's no treatment against viruses... no matter if a simple cold or a stomach virus... only bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics... but not viruses...
  • Reply 58 of 224
    joedrcjoedrc Posts: 86member
    could be the Man Flu! Either way I hope he gets better and I can't see Steve leaving anytime soon, he does look thinner but having a cold can lead to loss of appetite etc.

    Get well soon Steve!
  • Reply 59 of 224
    red_kolared_kola Posts: 24member
    Originally Posted by smokeonit View Post

    but why the antibiotics thing??? as we know, there's no treatment against viruses... no matter if a simple cold or a stomach virus... only bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics... but not viruses...

    "or a number of other gastric bugs"

    I was unaware that antibiotics were any use against cancer either. Your point caller?
  • Reply 60 of 224
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    It's time for another leader, this time with a university education, to emerge and do so much better than Steve Jobs could ever do:

    It's the leaders with university degrees that almost capsized Apple. Why go back to that?
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