Apple says Steve Jobs feeling a little under the weather recently



  • Reply 81 of 224
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Calorie Restriction is what I'm thinking now I've had time to mull it over, its like something he'd be into, all about control all about being better, but it can leave you with less energy.

    This is of course possible, but obviously Apple thought it was important to issue a statement to allay investor fears. He's sick with something obviously.
  • Reply 82 of 224
    Originally Posted by jcsegenmd View Post

    I didn't see anyone else notice the the profit margin on a £$200 iPhone is pretty slim

    observe, mes amis, a comment by Gregg Keizer, Computerworld July 03, 2007

    Apple's iPhone profit margin greater than 50 percent

    Tear-down analysis by iSuppli finds that $333 out of the $599 price for the 8GB iPhone is profit for Apple, a margin of nearly 56 percent

    Even if they sell 20 million that drastic a drop in price is an oddity, as the profit margin is pretty thin; $299 I could see, even $249, but $199? They'll be selling out at that price and not making a lot of money


    I would bet that a new tear-down analysis would be different now that many of the components are in greater supply. Also they will sell more macs because people will love this apple product. They will also sell plenty of subscriptions and more downloads including apps, songs and video content. All of the later have much lower overhead. ie no physical product. more $$$.
  • Reply 83 of 224
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    This is of course possible, but obviously Apple thought it was important to issue a statement to allay investor fears. He's sick with something obviously.

    yeah, ok, you think maybe the statement was the truth? could it actually be JUST that simple??

    oh look, a giant mole hill! quick, let all the idiots jump up and down to make it really a lot bigger.

    reminds me of the conceited flea lying back on a leaf floating down the river towards a draw bridge, the conceited flea, having an erection shouts "OPEN THE DRAWBRIDGE"

    except all this "panic" is in reverse. like I said earlier IF it is cancer THEN and only THEN deal with it.
  • Reply 84 of 224
    Originally Posted by robogobo View Post

    Oh, come on, that's all because of the lighting and focal length of the lens. Look, I dragged the third one into PS, lightened it a little and saturated the reds, and then shortened it to match the proportions of the first photo from 2007. Now, doesn't he look just fine?


    Look at his chest and shoulders, for crying out loud! HUGE difference.
  • Reply 85 of 224
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    yeah, ok, you think maybe the statement was the truth? could it actually be JUST that simple??

    oh look, a giant mole hill!

    There would be no reason to question the statement's validity if we hadn't been made aware of his cancer and treatment AFTER the fact.
  • Reply 86 of 224
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Alright so the consensus is that Steve is old and frail now? Give me a break.
  • Reply 87 of 224
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by bluesplayer View Post

    You know, I wouldn't rule this out. He did have a health scare and he is a Californian.

    Dude, there are a lot of fat folks out here too.
  • Reply 88 of 224
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Calorie Restriction is what I'm thinking now I've had time to mull it over, its like something he'd be into, all about control all about being better, but it can leave you with less energy.

    You know, I wouldn't rule this out. He did have a health scare and he is a Californian. BUT he wasn't on the stage a whole lot and there was no "just one more thing."

    Maybe he's pushing them to full capacity and that was the best they could do. I just expected more than an iPhone only presentation. The me thing ties in with the iPhone. Maybe he's got it to the point where he has to wait for the hardware/component supplier tech to catch up to what he wants to do next -> He's max'ed out for now. Or maybe he's sick.
  • Reply 89 of 224
    Originally Posted by Mac-sochist View Post

    In my days of simply lurking on this forum, I read any number of ouragan's tirades about how Steve Jobs didn't deserve his success because he was "the illegitimate child of an unwed mother and a Syrian father," and because he "didn't have the persistence or moral fiber to complete a university education." (Like Bill Gates did, for example?) I've almost been motivated to reply on several occasions, if only to say how offended I am by these arguments, but I usually just say to myself: "Well, everybody's entitled to their opinion."

    However: saying that kind of thing on this particular thread is at least bad taste....

    thanks for that.

    seems the 800 pound gorilla has a habit of posting spleen washed drivel, you gotta wonder though how Steve had any influence on the nature of his arrival into the world.

    that guy must have a really big chip on his shoulder.
  • Reply 90 of 224
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    There would be no reason to question the statement's validity if we hadn't been made aware of his cancer and treatment AFTER the fact.

    as someone noted above, its no-bodys business.

    and we wouldn't be questioning the statement either if we HADN'T been made aware of his cancer AT ALL.

    or is that just too obvious?
  • Reply 91 of 224
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    as someone noted above, its no-bodys business.

    and we wouldn't be questioning the statement either if we HADN'T been made aware of his cancer AT ALL.

    or is that just too obvious?

    Are you aware of Jobs' special position within the Apple hierarchy? I'm not sure you are.
  • Reply 92 of 224
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by bluesplayer View Post

    Gotcha. BTW I love and agree with the Ron Paul quotes.

    Thanks! Keep him in mind when the general election comes around. I'm voting for him even if I have to write him in.

    NOTE: I have no idea why, but every time I "quote" someone my reply is placed in the wrong time position in these threads.... ADMIN!!!
  • Reply 93 of 224
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Dude, there are a lot of fat folks out here too.

    Gotcha. BTW I love and agree with the Ron Paul quotes.
  • Reply 94 of 224
    gmon750gmon750 Posts: 39member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    Rude and inconsiderate text removed - JL

    It's obvious that you and ignorance are bedfellows. Steve Jobs has done more for the industry than any over-educated booksmart individual could ever accomplish. You seem to have a strange definition of what "success" should be. People like Jobs, Gates, Packard,Rockerfeller, etc.. come from a common cloth. The took the risks and laid it all out on the line for something they believed in and made a huge empire out of it. They came from the school of hard knocks and not from some pompous Ivy-league background with a silver-spoon in their mouths. They have taken the risks and chances that most folks would never consider trying.

    The world was built from the hard work of people that really had a mission. Of course, while everyone is entitled to their opinion, your rant is of extremely poor taste considering the topic of this forum.

    You really need to resist the temptation to escape your parent's basement. Perhaps they need to change the locks to keep you more secure... I mean... "safe".
  • Reply 95 of 224
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by gmon750 View Post

    People like Jobs, Gates, Packard,Rockerfeller, etc.. come from a common cloth. The took the risks and laid it all out on the line for something they believed in and made a huge empire out of it. They came from the school of hard knocks and not from some pompous Ivy-league background with a silver-spoon in their mouths.

    I take it you are not very familiar with Bill Gates' life story. He certainly made an empire, but he was born rich and is Harvard educated to boot. (although he dropped out). But I certainly find him one of the most pompous individuals in the world, and no stranger to "silver spoons" either. He had a run of good luck. Did he make the world better, like Packard, Jobs? Only through charity. About like Rockefeller.

    But you are right, founders are different from vanilla managers. This has always been the case.
  • Reply 96 of 224
    Originally Posted by DestructoTex View Post

    Look at his chest and shoulders, for crying out loud! HUGE difference.

    The loss of fat around the jawline and the thinning of his neck skin, the little but quite visible jowly pouches adjacent to his lips and the clearly more angular shoulder to arm transition tell us he has lost weight. That is unequivocal.... the reason could be benign or malignant... none of can say and of course Apple will keep it quiet as long as possible if it is serious. If it is a temporary thing, he should look great the next time we see him.
  • Reply 97 of 224
    Originally Posted by rjwill246 View Post

    The loss of fat around the jawline and the thinning of his neck skin, the little but quite visible jowly pouches adjacent to his lips and the clearly more angular shoulder to arm transition tell us he has lost weight. That is unequivocal.... the reason could be benign or malignant... none of can say and of course Apple will keep it quiet as long as possible if it is serious. If it is a temporary thing, he should look great the next time we see him.

    Yes. I would not refer to him as well nourished and well developed. I may say thin, gaunt, frail or even emaciated. It could be calorie restriction, but with the known history the worries are warranted.
  • Reply 98 of 224
    Imagine running a multi-billion dollar company everyday, and the stress included with it. Also take into account that it could just be aging. Let's hope he's in better shape when Apple holds its yearly iPod special event later in the fall.
  • Reply 99 of 224
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    He just has a little cold. Being Vegan also keeps you very thin. Apple probably has him checked every freaking week to make sure he's okay. I'd rather see Jobs thin, than a fat sweaty, red faced Ballmer.
  • Reply 100 of 224
    m26e4um26e4u Posts: 2member
    LOL check out the similarities

    Steve Jobs = Montgomery Burns

    Scott Forstall = Smithers

    Phil Schiller = Barney
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