You need to chill. This is not a hate forum. Write these feedbacks to Apple, not here. All the things you stated are of a non-importance to user. Solar Charging? WTF? You want Razor with that too?
You need to chill. This is not a hate forum. Write these feedbacks to Apple, not here. All the things you stated are of a non-importance to user. Solar Charging? WTF? You want Razor with that too?
I've never even seen a laptop that has solar charging. Imagine how long THAT would take to fully charge.
And consider that a phone is usually in one's hand and then in their pocket or a case. Where exactly are you going to sit for several hours with your mobile device sitting on a flat surface facing the sun and what benefit would such a MOBILE device have?
I'm really fricking tired of all the "if only my iPhone did *insert unreasonable, battery draining, utterly useless except to 6 users on the planet function here*.
You want it? Go develop it and try to market it. Then you can demand all the features you want. But don't come back here bitching and moaning when no one wants to buy your phone made of wheat grass that is biodegradable, reads and writes AUTOCAD documents (natively), has a secret compartment for holding your house keys (or the peyote you're obviously smoking), and shoots tiny poison darts in the event that you're in the jungle (you know you're in the jungle because of course your phone will have GPS with turn by turn directions because you're too damn stupid to read a map) and run into a village full of hostile pygmies, But your Dream Phone® has a battery that lasts as long as it takes to drink a latte because of all the damn FEATURES that you built into it and just died. "Hold on, pygmies. Let me just sit my phone in the sun for a couple of hours before you try to roast me."
Holy shit, I think I just came up with the plot for the next Indiana Jones movie.
It's only a matter of time before people start bitching because they can't EDIT video on their damn iPhone.
No cut & paste ..... still no way to add invitees to calendar appointments in calendar with exchange....
I second your comment. This is definitely a big limitation to the iPhone. I was really excited to hear Apple was finally going to support Exchange Push, but I should have done a bit more research on the limited functionality they supported on the first release. Definitely a far cry from WM5/WM6/BES technology. I'm sure Apple will catch up soon, but it's definitely a missed feature for any business person on the road a lot.
screw cingular and now at&t and their whole "bar" marketing ploy.
sometimes i get dropped calls or no calls (people say it goes straight to voicemail) when it says i have 5 bars, and vice-versa. (on previous phones)
i don't trust the bars on anything including the iphone. i wouldn't be surprised if apple just helped at&t's reputation out by making the bars display higher without real true signal amplification
Agreed. What's even more interesting is that my bars change depending on whether I have my iPhone plastic case or not. I've never seen a phone be so temperamental than this phone is. I've had to turn off 3G because I do a lot of conference calls from my mobile phones being on the road a lot, and I could never stay connected. Turning off 3G made all the difference because EDGE rarely drops, and I can make it to work (10 miles from my house) without dropping a call while on EDGE. When on 3G, once I drop the call, it takes up to 3-5 minutes before it gets enough of a connection to make an outbound call. By the time I get home from work, I have 5-7 voicemails from people where my phone never rang. I hate AT&T, but I can say with 100% certainty that this isn't their network issue. I also have a Palm 750 (Windows Mobile 6) and a Motorola 9Q (Windows Mobile 6) and I can make calls on 3G just fine all the way to work on AT&T. It's only the iPhone that drops my calls. Numerous people in other forums have proven the same thing, so hopefully Apple will address this 3G issue even through they aren't willing to admit an issue even exists at this point.
Actually, that's your problem, not Apple's. You should have waited to buy the new iPhone (or update the old one) until you got an 'all clear' signal.
That's preposterous. Apple shouldn't have gone RTM with this knowing it was a beta. It sure as hell wasn't marketed as a beta. Don't assume everyone knows that it takes Apple a few revs before they get things right. For what they're charging for this phone, it should have worked day 1 considering this isn't their first generation. They've had a few years to perfect it. I've never had so many issues with a phone as I have with the iPhone 3G, and I switch phones every 4-6 months so I'd like to think I have a pretty good perspective on hand held devices out there. This phone's cool factor has worn off and is starting to become more of a toy than a productivity device. I'm glad I'm still within my 30 days on this phone because it's likely to become a paper weight very soon. My perception of Apple certainly has been tainted after having to deal with this device for the past 3 weeks. The iPhone just isn't ready for being in the enterprise like they claim it is.
A year later, and we still don't have CUT, COPY AND PASTE!!!!! That's a HUGE SHORTCOMING, and thus a perfect point of ridicule for Apple's competitors who say that iPhone is not an Email Device, and is mostly Read Only!
One of the Apple execs stated that CUT, COPY AND PASTE! were not the top priorities... I wonder what planet that guy is on?!
Here is my iPhone WISH LIST, but I'd settle with the top 5 items!!!
* Copy and Paste
* Editing of Documents (Word, Pages, PDF etc.)
* Memo-Notes 2 Way Syncing
* Spotlight Search
* Adobe Flash Support
* Removable Battery
* Card Slot for External Storage
* Wireless Bluetooth (in Ear Headphones, with Noice Cancellation!)
* Video Recording (natively)
* Audio Recording (natively)
* Flash on the Photo Camera
* Skype or some Voice over IP
* Solar Charging
* SMS and Phone Call Log Syncing (natively)
* Voice and Internet at the same time while on 3G, not just on WiFi
Memo-Notes 2 Way Syncing + Spotlight Search is what holding me and my friends from buying iPhone, since we are coming from Palm Treo's and have a ton of Notes and Memos, that we can't sync to iPhone, and even if we could, without Spotlight, or some kind of Search, how would we find those on iPhone?
iPhone is a PLATFORM, PORTABLE COMPUTER -- nice buzz words, but how can anyone call it that without CUT, COPY AND PASTE!?????????
CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW, APPLE????????????: !!!!
Solar charging already exists for the iPhone. I was looking at it last night.
No idea how well they work, but one has a cord and the other is located on the holster itself. I'd imagine the one on the holster that requires the phone to be in the sun as well would really heat up your phone quickly. On some roads I've had to put my iPhone on my dash to get a better signal (line of sight) which I've never had to do with any other phone before, but it's helped reduce some of my dropped calls. The problem is the phone gets super hot and I'd worry about it overheating if it was there long periods of time.
This is a thread about the 2.0.1 update, a minor bug fix update. Somebody sprouting off about the device in general is in the wrong place. With sales of the iPhone where they are, it seems that plenty of people don't really care about some of the issues listed. There will always be some frustrated people who will complain for whatever reason. Just recall what happened when the MacBook Air was released; the negative feedback was overwhelming. For those of us who actually have MBA's, we know very well how powerful the machine actually really is and what you can actually get done with it. The same goes for the current iPhone; though not perfect, it still has some amazing capabilities that, if used well, are very powerful. With apps coming out every day, it will only get better.
Going out in a few minutes and will test the GPS a little to see if 2.0.1's speed effects it.
Well said. although my sharp tongue to some responses might have earned me Troll status.
Anyway, as I have said earlier, 2.01 did a great job of improving every aspect of my iPhone 3G. GPS for me is now a very functional tool. Phone calls are crisp and do not drop. Color me very happy.
I was unpacking my wife and I's two iPhone 3G last night. I did mine first then my wife's. When I got to hers, the software update came up and I scratched my head wondering why mine didn't show this update. It must have happened at that moment. Needless to say I went back in and updated mine. Glad about the timing.
Some of these apps are poorly-written, not according to Apple spec, and shouldn't have made it into the App Store. My only complaint about what I think is an incredible device is that Apple Inc. should filter out all the junk apps and keep the iPhone running smoothly.
We just purchased our two iPhones and updated them to 2.0.1 yesterday. I plan on not adding ANY new apps until we are thoroughly familiar with our phones and the apps they already have. This will also let me know how stable the "stock" software is. We never had 2.0 software so I have nothing to compare with, accept the responses from all those who say it's crash prone. Others say theirs was just fine. I wonder what the ratio of 3-party apps these people have? The thing about these "cheap" apps is that everyone tends to just pile them on the device and then it makes it next to impossible to know what it causing all the crashing. I've been using Macs since 1986 and have learned to load very few untested apps on my machines if I want it stable. The iPhone is a little Mac after all and should be treated like a computer.
Really? I just setup our 2 iPhones last night and all our POP email accounts ( three- 1and1 and one gmail = 4 total) loaded perfectly. I didn't have to do a thing. We don't have a .Mac or .Me account.
I'm really fricking tired of all the "if only my iPhone did *insert unreasonable, battery draining, utterly useless except to 6 users on the planet function here*.
Preach it brother! No phone in the world will do what some of these people demand before they will "buy" an iPhone. Shoot, some laptops can't do what some of these people are crying about. I think most of them have forgotten one key's a PHONE.
Preach it brother! No phone in the world will do what some of these people demand before they will "buy" an iPhone. Shoot, some laptops can't do what some of these people are crying about. I think most of them have forgotten one key's a PHONE.
Coulda foold me, I thought it was a music playing email getting web device that could maybe do the phone thing if you were carefull...
To the people with a shopping list of missing features: Did you know of the Mac web before you bought your iPhone? If so, what's with the bitching? You knew what you were buying.
Now, for the other whiners: Did you know of the Mac web before you bought your iPhone? If so, why didn't you wait for feedback before buying it--if, you consider yourselves as smart as you perpetrate here.
Finally, those with rational arguments about 2.0.1: Thanks for guinea pigging for me--and for the great read. I, for one, wait for you all to do the testing before I jump...or not.
It's a phone folks, not happiness; Apple hasn't done anything that you didn't see coming a mile away--were you to use the brain God gave you.
screw cingular and now at&t and their whole "bar" marketing ploy.
sometimes i get dropped calls or no calls (people say it goes straight to voicemail) when it says i have 5 bars, and vice-versa. (on previous phones)
i don't trust the bars on anything including the iphone. i wouldn't be surprised if apple just helped at&t's reputation out by making the bars display higher without real true signal amplification
totally true. signal strength not the same as good signal quality.
I have owned countless mobile phones and have not had a problem connecting to my POP e-mail with any. Along comes the iPhone and it won't connect at all.
This is not and end user problem, it's a problem with the way the iPhone handles Mail.
No need to be so hostile.
I'm not sure you are correct about that. My POP eMail works flawlessly.
Have you had a conversation with iPhone technical support about your problem?
You need to chill. This is not a hate forum. Write these feedbacks to Apple, not here. All the things you stated are of a non-importance to user. Solar Charging? WTF? You want Razor with that too?
To the people with a shopping list of missing features: Did you know of the Mac web before you bought your iPhone? If so, what's with the bitching? You knew what you were buying.
Now, for the other whiners: Did you know of the Mac web before you bought your iPhone? If so, why didn't you wait for feedback before buying it--if, you consider yourselves as smart as you perpetrate here.
Finally, those with rational arguments about 2.0.1: Thanks for guinea pigging for me--and for the great read. I, for one, wait for you all to do the testing before I jump...or not.
It's a phone folks, not happiness; Apple hasn't done anything that you didn't see coming a mile away--were you to use the brain God gave you.
I don't see it as a phone at all. I see it as a Pocket Mac first, the first iPod with a built in monophonic speaker system second and lastly and incidentally as a phone. For me the phone part is a very small minority reason for owning an iPhone. I probably spend 5% of the time on it as a phone and 95% of the time on it as a Pocket Mac and iPod with speaker.
Did you know of the Mac web before you bought your iPhone? If so, what's with the bitching? You knew what you were buying.
I don't understand what "Mac web" has to do with the iPhone. You talk about using brains, but I'm not sure one was used when posting about some vaguely defined "Mac web".
Guys, I'd have to say this is some kind of sarcastic post. I've not heard of a phone with included solar charging. I'm not saying there aren't any, but it's hardly common. Phones take more power than a desktop calculators do.
Well I certainly didn't expect it to delete all my music and videos - especially when restoring from a backup that took hours. After all that when I pressed continue it put the phone into a second restore that appears to e stalled in mid-process. Really bummed out about this "upgrade" that is more like starting over.
I finally just unplugged the iPhone and it's all there except all the music and videos. Mail is still all there. All the downloaded updated apps are there. Sure wish I had been on top of getting NetShare last Friday. I guess that'll never happen now.
You need to chill. This is not a hate forum. Write these feedbacks to Apple, not here. All the things you stated are of a non-importance to user. Solar Charging? WTF? You want Razor with that too?
what????? Copy & Paste NOW!
You need to chill. This is not a hate forum. Write these feedbacks to Apple, not here. All the things you stated are of a non-importance to user. Solar Charging? WTF? You want Razor with that too?
I've never even seen a laptop that has solar charging. Imagine how long THAT would take to fully charge.
And consider that a phone is usually in one's hand and then in their pocket or a case. Where exactly are you going to sit for several hours with your mobile device sitting on a flat surface facing the sun and what benefit would such a MOBILE device have?
I'm really fricking tired of all the "if only my iPhone did *insert unreasonable, battery draining, utterly useless except to 6 users on the planet function here*.
You want it? Go develop it and try to market it. Then you can demand all the features you want. But don't come back here bitching and moaning when no one wants to buy your phone made of wheat grass that is biodegradable, reads and writes AUTOCAD documents (natively), has a secret compartment for holding your house keys (or the peyote you're obviously smoking), and shoots tiny poison darts in the event that you're in the jungle (you know you're in the jungle because of course your phone will have GPS with turn by turn directions because you're too damn stupid to read a map) and run into a village full of hostile pygmies, But your Dream Phone® has a battery that lasts as long as it takes to drink a latte because of all the damn FEATURES that you built into it and just died. "Hold on, pygmies. Let me just sit my phone in the sun for a couple of hours before you try to roast me."
Holy shit, I think I just came up with the plot for the next Indiana Jones movie.
It's only a matter of time before people start bitching because they can't EDIT video on their damn iPhone.
No cut & paste ..... still no way to add invitees to calendar appointments in calendar with exchange....
I second your comment. This is definitely a big limitation to the iPhone. I was really excited to hear Apple was finally going to support Exchange Push, but I should have done a bit more research on the limited functionality they supported on the first release. Definitely a far cry from WM5/WM6/BES technology. I'm sure Apple will catch up soon, but it's definitely a missed feature for any business person on the road a lot.
i think people put too much emphasis on bars.
screw cingular and now at&t and their whole "bar" marketing ploy.
sometimes i get dropped calls or no calls (people say it goes straight to voicemail) when it says i have 5 bars, and vice-versa. (on previous phones)
i don't trust the bars on anything including the iphone. i wouldn't be surprised if apple just helped at&t's reputation out by making the bars display higher without real true signal amplification
Agreed. What's even more interesting is that my bars change depending on whether I have my iPhone plastic case or not. I've never seen a phone be so temperamental than this phone is. I've had to turn off 3G because I do a lot of conference calls from my mobile phones being on the road a lot, and I could never stay connected. Turning off 3G made all the difference because EDGE rarely drops, and I can make it to work (10 miles from my house) without dropping a call while on EDGE. When on 3G, once I drop the call, it takes up to 3-5 minutes before it gets enough of a connection to make an outbound call. By the time I get home from work, I have 5-7 voicemails from people where my phone never rang. I hate AT&T, but I can say with 100% certainty that this isn't their network issue. I also have a Palm 750 (Windows Mobile 6) and a Motorola 9Q (Windows Mobile 6) and I can make calls on 3G just fine all the way to work on AT&T. It's only the iPhone that drops my calls. Numerous people in other forums have proven the same thing, so hopefully Apple will address this 3G issue even through they aren't willing to admit an issue even exists at this point.
Actually, that's your problem, not Apple's. You should have waited to buy the new iPhone (or update the old one) until you got an 'all clear' signal.
That's preposterous. Apple shouldn't have gone RTM with this knowing it was a beta. It sure as hell wasn't marketed as a beta. Don't assume everyone knows that it takes Apple a few revs before they get things right. For what they're charging for this phone, it should have worked day 1 considering this isn't their first generation. They've had a few years to perfect it. I've never had so many issues with a phone as I have with the iPhone 3G, and I switch phones every 4-6 months so I'd like to think I have a pretty good perspective on hand held devices out there. This phone's cool factor has worn off and is starting to become more of a toy than a productivity device. I'm glad I'm still within my 30 days on this phone because it's likely to become a paper weight very soon. My perception of Apple certainly has been tainted after having to deal with this device for the past 3 weeks. The iPhone just isn't ready for being in the enterprise like they claim it is.
A year later, and we still don't have CUT, COPY AND PASTE!!!!! That's a HUGE SHORTCOMING, and thus a perfect point of ridicule for Apple's competitors who say that iPhone is not an Email Device, and is mostly Read Only!
One of the Apple execs stated that CUT, COPY AND PASTE! were not the top priorities... I wonder what planet that guy is on?!
Here is my iPhone WISH LIST, but I'd settle with the top 5 items!!!
* Copy and Paste
* Editing of Documents (Word, Pages, PDF etc.)
* Memo-Notes 2 Way Syncing
* Spotlight Search
* Adobe Flash Support
* Removable Battery
* Card Slot for External Storage
* Wireless Bluetooth (in Ear Headphones, with Noice Cancellation!)
* Video Recording (natively)
* Audio Recording (natively)
* Flash on the Photo Camera
* Skype or some Voice over IP
* Solar Charging
* SMS and Phone Call Log Syncing (natively)
* Voice and Internet at the same time while on 3G, not just on WiFi
Memo-Notes 2 Way Syncing + Spotlight Search is what holding me and my friends from buying iPhone, since we are coming from Palm Treo's and have a ton of Notes and Memos, that we can't sync to iPhone, and even if we could, without Spotlight, or some kind of Search, how would we find those on iPhone?
iPhone is a PLATFORM, PORTABLE COMPUTER -- nice buzz words, but how can anyone call it that without CUT, COPY AND PASTE!?????????
CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW, APPLE????????????: !!!!
Solar charging already exists for the iPhone. I was looking at it last night.
No idea how well they work, but one has a cord and the other is located on the holster itself. I'd imagine the one on the holster that requires the phone to be in the sun as well would really heat up your phone quickly. On some roads I've had to put my iPhone on my dash to get a better signal (line of sight) which I've never had to do with any other phone before, but it's helped reduce some of my dropped calls. The problem is the phone gets super hot and I'd worry about it overheating if it was there long periods of time.
Don't feed the trolls.
This is a thread about the 2.0.1 update, a minor bug fix update. Somebody sprouting off about the device in general is in the wrong place. With sales of the iPhone where they are, it seems that plenty of people don't really care about some of the issues listed. There will always be some frustrated people who will complain for whatever reason. Just recall what happened when the MacBook Air was released; the negative feedback was overwhelming. For those of us who actually have MBA's, we know very well how powerful the machine actually really is and what you can actually get done with it. The same goes for the current iPhone; though not perfect, it still has some amazing capabilities that, if used well, are very powerful. With apps coming out every day, it will only get better.
Going out in a few minutes and will test the GPS a little to see if 2.0.1's speed effects it.
Well said. although my sharp tongue to some responses might have earned me Troll status.
Anyway, as I have said earlier, 2.01 did a great job of improving every aspect of my iPhone 3G. GPS for me is now a very functional tool. Phone calls are crisp and do not drop. Color me very happy.
Some of these apps are poorly-written, not according to Apple spec, and shouldn't have made it into the App Store. My only complaint about what I think is an incredible device is that Apple Inc. should filter out all the junk apps and keep the iPhone running smoothly.
We just purchased our two iPhones and updated them to 2.0.1 yesterday. I plan on not adding ANY new apps until we are thoroughly familiar with our phones and the apps they already have. This will also let me know how stable the "stock" software is. We never had 2.0 software so I have nothing to compare with, accept the responses from all those who say it's crash prone. Others say theirs was just fine. I wonder what the ratio of 3-party apps these people have? The thing about these "cheap" apps is that everyone tends to just pile them on the device and then it makes it next to impossible to know what it causing all the crashing. I've been using Macs since 1986 and have learned to load very few untested apps on my machines if I want it stable. The iPhone is a little Mac after all and should be treated like a computer.
Still can't get my POP e-mail account to work.
Oh, well.
Really? I just setup our 2 iPhones last night and all our POP email accounts ( three- 1and1 and one gmail = 4 total) loaded perfectly. I didn't have to do a thing. We don't have a .Mac or .Me account.
I'm really fricking tired of all the "if only my iPhone did *insert unreasonable, battery draining, utterly useless except to 6 users on the planet function here*.
Preach it brother! No phone in the world will do what some of these people demand before they will "buy" an iPhone. Shoot, some laptops can't do what some of these people are crying about. I think most of them have forgotten one key's a PHONE.
Preach it brother! No phone in the world will do what some of these people demand before they will "buy" an iPhone. Shoot, some laptops can't do what some of these people are crying about. I think most of them have forgotten one key's a PHONE.
Coulda foold me, I thought it was a music playing email getting web device that could maybe do the phone thing if you were carefull...
2.0.1 is good, it should have been 2.0.0
Now, for the other whiners: Did you know of the Mac web before you bought your iPhone? If so, why didn't you wait for feedback before buying it--if, you consider yourselves as smart as you perpetrate here.
Finally, those with rational arguments about 2.0.1: Thanks for guinea pigging for me--and for the great read. I, for one, wait for you all to do the testing before I jump...or not.
It's a phone folks, not happiness; Apple hasn't done anything that you didn't see coming a mile away--were you to use the brain God gave you.
i think people put too much emphasis on bars.
screw cingular and now at&t and their whole "bar" marketing ploy.
sometimes i get dropped calls or no calls (people say it goes straight to voicemail) when it says i have 5 bars, and vice-versa. (on previous phones)
i don't trust the bars on anything including the iphone. i wouldn't be surprised if apple just helped at&t's reputation out by making the bars display higher without real true signal amplification
totally true. signal strength not the same as good signal quality.
I have owned countless mobile phones and have not had a problem connecting to my POP e-mail with any. Along comes the iPhone and it won't connect at all.
This is not and end user problem, it's a problem with the way the iPhone handles Mail.
No need to be so hostile.
I'm not sure you are correct about that. My POP eMail works flawlessly.
Have you had a conversation with iPhone technical support about your problem?
You need to chill. This is not a hate forum. Write these feedbacks to Apple, not here. All the things you stated are of a non-importance to user. Solar Charging? WTF? You want Razor with that too?
Agreed. Even if he's half right.
To the people with a shopping list of missing features: Did you know of the Mac web before you bought your iPhone? If so, what's with the bitching? You knew what you were buying.
Now, for the other whiners: Did you know of the Mac web before you bought your iPhone? If so, why didn't you wait for feedback before buying it--if, you consider yourselves as smart as you perpetrate here.
Finally, those with rational arguments about 2.0.1: Thanks for guinea pigging for me--and for the great read. I, for one, wait for you all to do the testing before I jump...or not.
It's a phone folks, not happiness; Apple hasn't done anything that you didn't see coming a mile away--were you to use the brain God gave you.
I don't see it as a phone at all. I see it as a Pocket Mac first, the first iPod with a built in monophonic speaker system second and lastly and incidentally as a phone. For me the phone part is a very small minority reason for owning an iPhone. I probably spend 5% of the time on it as a phone and 95% of the time on it as a Pocket Mac and iPod with speaker.
Did you know of the Mac web before you bought your iPhone? If so, what's with the bitching? You knew what you were buying.
I don't understand what "Mac web" has to do with the iPhone. You talk about using brains, but I'm not sure one was used when posting about some vaguely defined "Mac web".
* Solar Charging
Guys, I'd have to say this is some kind of sarcastic post. I've not heard of a phone with included solar charging. I'm not saying there aren't any, but it's hardly common. Phones take more power than a desktop calculators do.
I finally just unplugged the iPhone and it's all there except all the music and videos. Mail is still all there. All the downloaded updated apps are there. Sure wish I had been on top of getting NetShare last Friday. I guess that'll never happen now.