Apple releases iPhone 2.0.1 Software Update



  • Reply 141 of 158
    I am soooo happy with the 2.0.1 update. Everything seems much "snappier"

    Can't wait to see what Apple has in store for us with 2.1!!!

    I am desperate for cut, copy, and paste and MMS!
  • Reply 142 of 158
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by JSUDaniel View Post

    I am soooo happy with the 2.0.1 update. Everything seems much "snappier"

    Can't wait to see what Apple has in store for us with 2.1!!!

    I am desperate for cut, copy, and paste and MMS!

    Yeah, Apple don't want to listen to their customers on that one. That's Apple all over. Sometime they listen, sometimes they predict, and sometimes they are profoundly deaf.
  • Reply 143 of 158
    Apple are very much "we will tell you what to like". In some ways its ok as they have a great product but in other ways its stupid. They do listen sometimes though and change their ways if they realise they have made a serious mistake - recessed headphone jack on iphone 1st gen.
  • Reply 144 of 158
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by TheTechShack View Post

    Here are my thoughts:

    1. The battery can be removed with out swapping the phone at the Apple Store I was told.

    Which is handy in countries that don't have an apple store
  • Reply 145 of 158
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Which is handy in countries that don't have an apple store

  • Reply 146 of 158
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Actually, that's your problem, not Apple's. You should have waited to buy the new iPhone (or update the old one) until you got an 'all clear' signal.

    Actually - it is Apple's problem. The "all clear" was "Hey Guys! This product is now available!!"

    You don't get to release a crappy product and then use the excuse "we never tested it, you should've waited."
  • Reply 147 of 158
    I'm actually still having problems with contacts, etc being slow.

    I notice it the most in the phone app itself. If I bring up the phone and it's on say the Keypad, if I try to click on Contacts, the whole thing locks up for sometimes up to 10 seconds before it will bring up my contacts. In that timeframe I can't even click on any of the keypad numbers or switch to any of the other menus like favorites or recents, etc.

    If I just use the contacts app, it launches right away, but the screen is blank for a few seconds, but nothing major.

    I've even done a full restore at one point, and rather than use the phone backup I selected "set up as new phone" and just restored things manually.
  • Reply 148 of 158
    Originally Posted by lekoman View Post

    Actually - it is Apple's problem. The "all clear" was "Hey Guys! This product is now available!!"

    You don't get to release a crappy product and then use the excuse "we never tested it, you should've waited."

    How many product duds have there been in history? Too many to count.

    The iPhone 3G is far from a dud; in fact, it s selling quite well, despite some negative press. Mine worked OK before the recent update; it works better now and I am happy tat Apple improved the software.

    I am very happy with my phone. I primarily use it as a mobile computer (outlining, drawing picts, surfing the Net, sending mail) and it works great for those purposes. I hope that one day there will be a simple word-processing app, but that is not essential.
  • Reply 149 of 158
    Originally Posted by mbradley67 View Post

    I'm actually still having problems with contacts, etc being slow.

    I notice it the most in the phone app itself. If I bring up the phone and it's on say the Keypad, if I try to click on Contacts, the whole thing locks up for sometimes up to 10 seconds before it will bring up my contacts. In that timeframe I can't even click on any of the keypad numbers or switch to any of the other menus like favorites or recents, etc.

    If I just use the contacts app, it launches right away, but the screen is blank for a few seconds, but nothing major.

    I've even done a full restore at one point, and rather than use the phone backup I selected "set up as new phone" and just restored things manually.

    Mine is the same, but you know what? I don't care as I have one of the coolest phones on the planet. What movie was it, Death to Smoochie where John Travolta's sports car was in the shop, he pulls up in a rental which was a Prius and they friend waiting laughed at him, he said, "If you're important, they'll wait." ;-) Reminds me of the phone - light lag, but nothing big. Once all the PPC code is removed with Snow Leopard (I hear it will greatly impact the iPhone) it should be zippier and have even more computer functions. This is Apples hand held computer with OS X on it, with an added cell phone. Wait. you will see! I have been wanting a mini moble Mac for a long time, I am realizing I already have it!

  • Reply 150 of 158
    Since i uppgraded to 2.0.1 my Iphone has started to be completley nuts.

    7 out of 10 people that call me can hear me but i cant hear them.

    When i make a call i almoust always have to make 2 or 3 tries before tha call goes trough. What happens is that when i push the call button it starts to dial and then sas the call failed.

    The reception with gsm, 3g and edge has also gone nuts

    Even if i stand still the reception varies between no service to full 3g to no 3g just edge and so on.

    I have tryed to restore the phone to its original, tryed the simcard in a nother phone just to rule out any problems with the simcard. Tryed to update it again and so on but everything fails....

    So now i have left it without the update and it works much better.
  • Reply 151 of 158
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by sthammar View Post

    Since i uppgraded to 2.0.1 my Iphone has started to be completley nuts.

    In reading posts like these. The one thing I wonder that people rarely mention....

    Did you contact Apple or your wireless carrier for support?
  • Reply 152 of 158
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by TheTechShack View Post

    Once all the PPC code is removed with Snow Leopard (I hear it will greatly impact the iPhone) it should be zippier and have even more computer functions. This is Apples hand held computer with OS X on it, with an added cell phone.

    The "OS X" Steve talks about on the iPhone, is not the same OS X as running on a Mac, and no matter how many times Steve says it, it won't become true.
  • Reply 153 of 158
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    The "OS X" Steve talks about on the iPhone, is not the same OS X as running on a Mac, and no matter how many times Steve says it, it won't become true.

    Jobs never said its exactly like Mac OSX, but the basis of iPhone OS are directly from the kernal and API's developed for OS X.
  • Reply 154 of 158
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    In reading posts like these. The one thing I wonder that people rarely mention....

    Did you contact Apple or your wireless carrier for support?

    Yes i have contacted both of them, and are still waiting for an answer. All they have sad is that they cant understand what is going on. If the problems would have remaind after i downgraided to 2.0 it would have been the phone for sure, but now they have now idea...
  • Reply 155 of 158
    I found out today that there was an update for my iphone..

    How did I find out ?

    My touch-screen went black, and the phone was unresponsive. I could not even shut it off.

    Until I got home and hooked up to iTunes, I couldn't make or receive calls.

    After the update, however, everything returned to normal.

    I always get nervous when I have to update.

    2.0 was doing strange things to my phone, such as, the screen freezing up, and calls dropping like flies.

    We'll see what happens.

    Love the Forum, and will be on every day.
  • Reply 156 of 158

    Wish you could have discovered the update earlier; it is a big improvement, almost like a new device.
  • Reply 157 of 158
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by sinlinlin View Post

    I found out today that there was an update for my iphone..

    How did I find out ?

    My touch-screen went black, and the phone was unresponsive. I could not even shut it off.

    The first thing I would've asked is, are you sure your battery didn't run out?

    Occams razor.
  • Reply 158 of 158
    Now i have a ipod touch but there is a update 2.0.1 so i will assume the features are the same. Will browsing through safari i came across something new. When you touch and hold on a picture it will give you the option to save the picture, also if the picture is a link, it gives you a option to either open the link or save the picture if you click and hold the picture. i dont no if this is an old feature but take a look to varify this for the iphone.
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