Apple releases iPhone Software v2.1



  • Reply 221 of 314
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    From cover-flow mode, start playing a music video. Pause the video and click Done. The iPhone returns to portrait mode, even though the device is being held in landscape orientation. The only way to return to cover-flow is to rotate the iPhone to portrait orientation and then back to landscape.
  • Reply 222 of 314
    I hope no one said this before, and I'm reeele sorry If I posted this again lolz \

    Anyways, before the update. I tried the tripple clicking the mic button on the iPhone head phones and it did not go to the previous song (or to the beginning). After the update I tried it again and it worked. Has anyone got a chance to try the new headphones on the iPhone yet with the volume -/+ working? The Apple site still says it's not compatible with the iPhone 3G but something tells me it is

    First time posting - yay
  • Reply 223 of 314
    I used to only get 1 bar of 3G reception in my house (when other phones would get full on the same operator), but after upgrading to iPhone 2.1 I'm getting full reception.

    The SMS application is still slow, however.
  • Reply 224 of 314
    I'm installing it right now, so we'll see how it goes. Although, for the most part, 2.0 was fine for me. The biggest issue I had with it was that TETRIS was constantly crashing, but they made an updated app release a long time ago. Since then, it's been running great for me.
  • Reply 225 of 314
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by killbunnysforbois View Post

    I hope no one said this before, and I'm reeele sorry If I posted this again lolz \

    Anyways, before the update. I tried the tripple clicking the mic button on the iPhone head phones and it did not go to the previous song (or to the beginning). After the update I tried it again and it worked. Has anyone got a chance to try the new headphones on the iPhone yet with the volume -/+ working? The Apple site still says it's not compatible with the iPhone 3G but something tells me it is

    First time posting - yay

    The question is whether the volume controls will work. Apple doesn't list the iPhone as being compatible but I think they will be since it's only a singling that is sent over the mic connector. I'm betting it can be enabled, but we may not know until they hit the shelves next month.
  • Reply 226 of 314
    Had to wait until I got home from work this afternoon, but both my iPhones (1 2G & 1 3G) have been updated. Both phones updated successfully the first time, with no errors or re-trys.

    No problems so far - both phones are running fine. I turned push on both units to see in a few days, the battery life fix (will report back on this).

    Apps load quickly, backups fast (mine were usually fairly quick anyway). Both phones have at least 10 apps, no problems with them either.

    Don't live in a 3G coverage area, so I can't speak to speeds (a network issue anyway), but I can attest to call quality, which is extremely good, also for both.

    All in all, I'm impressed with this update!
  • Reply 227 of 314
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The question is whether the volume controls will work. Apple doesn't list the iPhone as being compatible but I think they will be since it's only a singling that is sent over the mic connector. I'm betting it can be enabled, but we may not know until they hit the shelves next month.

    Aww, I thought those earphones were out. \ Anyways I think it would be great if the iPhone 3G supported those earphones though, it would be very useful
  • Reply 228 of 314
    parkyparky Posts: 383member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Duh- that's why we create playlists and shuffle within the playlist.

    DO you also own a mood ring?

    Do you have your Biorhythms checked regularly?

    Well this saves the time of making the playlist in the first place!

    I to have my own playlists but they are usually based on music I know and listen to on a regular basis, mine use the star ratings to select the music.

    With the Genius playlists I have found that I am listening to music that I would not normally have selected BUT (and this is the important bit), I am enjoying the selections it has made. It selects music from my 18,000 song library that I have in some cases never listened to (or rarely).

    Just because you don't like the feature don't tell everyone it is no good, for some like me it is great.
  • Reply 229 of 314
    parkyparky Posts: 383member
    Originally Posted by FloorJack View Post

    Yes! Mine doesn't seem to be working. I had it off all the time before 2.1. I tuned it back on to test Remote and although I get the BT icon at the top it does appear to be lit up. It wont connect to my computer.

    The Remote application uses WiFi NOT Bluetooth!
  • Reply 230 of 314
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by bitzandbitez View Post

    is APPLE paying off people to post 'good' things about this update to confuse us??

    I knew i should've waited - but since i read the post in here - i thought well Heck i needed to update and ITS WORSE!!!!! URRRRRRRRRGH i am getting so mad at APPLE ... Steve J. are you reading the blogs and the post in here???? its NOT better... its worse... my phone is acting like a Windows PC running 'OS '98

    i want to get a verizon phone now i hear its better recept and just works or maybe a dare i dunno-- they better fix this crap and FAST. They are losing a real APPLE HARD CORE FAN , i usually defend APPLE products but i am getting more & more disillusioned with my 3rd iphone replacement so far ---

    DON"T UPDATE I WARN YOU.... wait until they review this on the blogs and other post here.... so, so unhappy with my i-phone--- yea and please don't tell me to return it and get my $$$ back --

    I held off until I read through this entire thread, then started the update download, which was about when this thread was on page 20. So far, no troubles for me. I was going to wait, but really, my needs aren't demanding. If I thought that I might get calls too important to my livelihood to miss, then I'd wait a week or so to make sure there weren't any major issues.

    A couple things I've heard suggested, one is if you do a restore, don't restore the backup, that might reintroduce a problem if the backup is storing data that somehow got corrupted, go to as clean of a slate as possible. If you download an app, do it in iTunes. It may help to redownload the apps.
  • Reply 231 of 314
    parkyparky Posts: 383member
    Originally Posted by saveasnail View Post

    I totally agree.... MMS is big in the UK and has been for a long time. So to have the latest all singing, all dancing phone but that cant do MMS is a shock to the system. Most people assume they can MMS you and it is an embarrassment to tell them your beautiful iPhone youve boasted over for so long cannot do something so simple. I dont think it would be too much of a stretch to add it to the phone. This is a phone catering for a worldwide market and just because MMS isnt as popular in the US doesnt mean it shouldnt be on the iPhone.

    On the subject of Genius - its a great feature and by far superior to plain old shuffle. With a huge library of songs, it has helped me rediscover music I hadnt heard in a long time. Im not sure why people are so negative about it.

    MMS is not big in the UK, it is used but compared to SMS it is tiny.

    In May 2008 the UK sent :-

    6.8 Billion SMS and only 46 Million MMS.
  • Reply 232 of 314
    parkyparky Posts: 383member
    Originally Posted by john_howells View Post

    I am also a little confused by the "alledged" ability to be able to "...Repeat alert up to two additional times for incoming text messages..."

    Having downloaded the updated user manual and looked for a while I have not managed to find any reference to it!

    Any ideas anyone???

    It is not a user option.

    Once you get an SMS, if you don't read it you will get two more audible warnings after about 3-5 mins.
  • Reply 233 of 314
    parkyparky Posts: 383member
    Originally Posted by john_howells View Post

    Thats really interesting, in the UK it is HUGE and literally everyone uses it across cheaper phones and also the top of the range ones. Yes there is a cost attached but I guess we havent caught onto the Email/mobile thing yet. I've got friends of the same age (I'm 28) that use it loads and often get MMS from family members of all ages of pictures from parties of relatives and stuff.

    It is not huge in the UK.

    In May we sent 6.8 Billion SMS and only 48 Million MMS.
  • Reply 234 of 314
    parkyparky Posts: 383member
    Originally Posted by bitzandbitez View Post

    is APPLE paying off people to post 'good' things about this update to confuse us??

    I knew i should've waited - but since i read the post in here - i thought well Heck i needed to update and ITS WORSE!!!!! URRRRRRRRRGH i am getting so mad at APPLE ... Steve J. are you reading the blogs and the post in here???? its NOT better... its worse... my phone is acting like a Windows PC running 'OS '98

    i want to get a verizon phone now i hear its better recept and just works or maybe a dare i dunno-- they better fix this crap and FAST. They are losing a real APPLE HARD CORE FAN , i usually defend APPLE products but i am getting more & more disillusioned with my 3rd iphone replacement so far ---

    DON"T UPDATE I WARN YOU.... wait until they review this on the blogs and other post here.... so, so unhappy with my i-phone--- yea and please don't tell me to return it and get my $$$ back --

    I have the opposite view to you, my iPhone is working great.
  • Reply 235 of 314
    Well -I- had a fun experience upgrading...

    Since I was using Vista to do it (I say was using Vista cause I'm backing everything up as I write this to return to XP once more), and didn't see the "Vista will fall into the bowels of Hell" post until I was syncing the new firmware. Sure enough the update failed, successfully bricking my phone (1G 8GB). I had to uninstall iTunes and all the supporting files, re-install and re-sync just to get iTunes to acknowledge the phone again. This time it worked and despite that scary moment where my phone wouldn't even turn on for a few minutes I must say 2.1 restores the Apple love to my device. No more glitches, no more crashes, no more restarting to get SMS to not fail. Sorry to everyone who takes life too seriously, it really does feel SNAPPIER!

    1/5 - installation

    5/5 - application

  • Reply 236 of 314
    Yes, I noticed that too. They've definitely turned the loudness up again. The built-ins sound great so why not!

    Originally Posted by iPond317 View Post

    Is it just me or are the ringtones louder? Maybe a fluke, but they seem significantly louder!

  • Reply 237 of 314
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I didn't even know it was available, except for this thread.

    As far as I know, all GSM phones cause some level of interference with audio devices. I hear it very often with my iPhone. Doing it during email (or other data app) is new to me.

    You should reply to the proper post rather than quoting an unrelated post. At first, I didn't understand what you were up to when you were quoting someone talking about bluetooth audio.

    Is email really more robust?

    I really don't see how they couldn't monetize email / IM. Maybe it is easier for them to do so with SMS, but I don't think a multibillion dollar company couldn't figure out how to charge per message for those systems if they wanted to. I think in the end, the business plan is to push people into paying for to data plans rather than charge per email/IM.

    Get over yourself or Perish like snapper boy!
  • Reply 238 of 314
    Originally Posted by russco View Post

    I make heaps of ringtones from my music with garageband. Don't post unless you google it first.

    Can you show me how?
  • Reply 239 of 314
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Well, it is actually so much easier on GarageBand. You don't have to change any extension or file names. In GB you use the Media Browser to choose your song, choose the portion you want as a ringtone, and then choose Send Ringtone to iTunes. Everything is automated and very easy

    I wasnt aware of that.. Thanks.

    This was posted however specifically for a windows user. And before people complain, windows people use iPhones too. And mac's aren't perfect, there are some benefits of having windows, don't be so naive. I just prefer to deal with apples faults, than windows.
  • Reply 240 of 314
    Originally Posted by kglee79 View Post

    I updated this morning and in my home office I have had it switch from 3G to Edge several times even though I have 4-5 bars with both. This had never happened before this update, so although I have 2-3 more bars than before, I have the 3G to Edge switching issue.

    Other than that, syncing is much faster and no stability issues so far.

    I am having same difficultl-y-

    never had it before-

    after 2.1 frequent switching between 3G and Edge- and after having 4-5 bars Edge- then "No service" for 20 min at a time.

    I still have sluggish app response and text entry at times-

    i'll try to search the forum for ideas on fixing

    ( e.g. for sluggish- total wipe and restore? total wipe, reinstall OS, then reinstall apps singly? anyone else have ideas?)
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