Apple releases iPhone Software v2.1



  • Reply 161 of 314
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Some developers released MMS applications for Jailbroken iPhones. They also did release some video recording and VOIP applications (for jailbroken iPhones too). We just need someone to do them for the App Store now. As far as I know, there is nothing in SDK agreement that forbid such apps.

    I think the guy who did the O2 MMS Web App is working on a full blown app. Hes got some kind of outbound MMS going now too through email but is having some kind of legal probs with the name of his software which I think is causing probs! Hes done such a good job so far of letting UK users receive MMS on their iPhones, I guess its just a matter of time before he manages to do the send MMS function too in a native app.
  • Reply 162 of 314
    I updated this morning and in my home office I have had it switch from 3G to Edge several times even though I have 4-5 bars with both. This had never happened before this update, so although I have 2-3 more bars than before, I have the 3G to Edge switching issue.

    Other than that, syncing is much faster and no stability issues so far.
  • Reply 163 of 314
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Since the update my EDGE is fine, but when I switch to 3G I got NO SERVICE. I did a restart and all is fine.

    Thanks this did the trick. Doesn't look like I can use 3G indoors anymore.... \
  • Reply 164 of 314
    If you triple click the button on the headphones it will go to the previous track now. Pretty handy. Other than what else was mentioned, I couldn't find anything else new. I'm really happy with this update. Feels like the speed I had on my 2G phone with 1.1.4. I'm glad the push notification was pushed back and they focused on stability rather than new features. Good work Apple
  • Reply 165 of 314
    OK, I downloaded 2 new apps. 1 over 3G and 1 over 2G. Both downloaded quckly and installed quickly. In fact, they installed so quickly I assumed it must have been an error, but no, they worked great. These were not updates, but apps I did not already have. Installing apps before used to take 5 to 10 minutes, and these installed in less than 2 minutes each. Much improved.

    Also, 14 hours since I installed 2.1 and no app crashes yet. Was getting crashes at least once an hour before if not more depending on the app.

  • Reply 166 of 314
    First off this update took me 4 hours to get it to work! I got to work 2 hours early so I would have time to do the complete update. I kept getting an error right as iTunes was "extracting software" and it would not finish the backup. It would get about 40% through the backup before it would just stop so I tried just unplugging the iphone from the computer and rebooting everything. I also tried doing a "restore" which would also freeze during the backup process. Finally after 4 hours it finally worked!! I am not too thrilled so far with one feature that I enjoyed that is now gone. As iPhone owners we have all gotten used to not having A2DP (stereo bluetooth) but just last week I realized that I could listen to music via Bluetooth! I was listening to music when I got a call, I answered and turned my bluetooth headset on and continued my phone call, after the call to my surprise there was music playing in my ear! I have some books on tape that I have been listening to and loving life until I updated today and that feature is aparently gone.. Not too thrilled about it.

    I do love that there is now more information when looking at a playlist or album, I also have noticed the speed of which the phone book will let you spin through or search it has certainly improved. My wife has an iPhone too and I really hope we do not have the same syncing issue with hers!
  • Reply 167 of 314
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by saveasnail View Post

    Yup it may not be as good but its still popular and in huge usage in the UK. The majority of people still dont have iPhones here and will be using a standard mobile phone which does have MMS , but not readily or easily accessible email. Im just confused why the iPhone cant to both.

    Their is no technical reason the iPhone does not have MMS. Apple doesn't want to support it.

    Any data enabled phone can use email, not only the iPhone.
  • Reply 168 of 314
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Their is no technical reason the iPhone does not have MMS. Apple doesn't want to support it.

    Any data enabled phone can use email, not only the iPhone.

    Can I ask a question as from the UK, the MMS doesn't seem such an issue to US, Canada etc, is this because you guys dont use it as much as email from mobiles??
  • Reply 169 of 314
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by john_howells View Post

    I think on the whole yes your right BUT I for one would like the ability to choose whether I use an Email or MMS.

    The point of not supporting it is to push everyone to using the technology Apple supports. Which would not work if you supported technology you don't want people to use.


    Whilst every service provider may have the ability to email in the UK this is used very very very little. I guess it's horses for courses and country by country it's going to differ but its one thing I do miss being able to send them!

    I think that system isn't popular because its a poor substitute from using the better dedicated email services. Their is no reason the carrier could not allow you to use another email service, but of course they prefer you use MMS.


    I also miss Bluetooth transfer of images/data, copy and paste and being able to set my own ringtone but it's not going to make me like the iPhone any less!

    - BT transfer I think is one of those me too features, more than one widely used

    - Copy/Paste is coming

    - You can set your own ringtones.
  • Reply 170 of 314
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by john_howells View Post

    Can I ask a question as from the UK, the MMS doesn't seem such an issue to US, Canada etc, is this because you guys dont use it as much as email from mobiles??

    Speaking for myself. I never used it because it costs extra money vs email being free.
  • Reply 171 of 314
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    The point of not supporting it is to push everyone to using the technology Apple supports. Which would not work if you supported technology you don't want people to use.

    I think that system isn't popular because its a poor substitute from using the better dedicated email services. Their is no reason the carrier could not allow you to use another email service, but of course they prefer you use MMS.

    - BT transfer I think is one of those me too features, more than one widely used

    - Copy/Paste is coming

    - You can set your own ringtones.

    My understanding is that from a Mac, setting ringtones is easy with Garage Band but those of us still using a PC (I'm gonna make the switch when the new Macbooks/Macbook Pros come) it seems to be a pain in the ass that I can't work out from looking round and only seems possible with jail breaking?!?!?! If Im wrong, please tell me how!
  • Reply 172 of 314
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by john_howells View Post

    Can I ask a question as from the UK, the MMS doesn't seem such an issue to US, Canada etc, is this because you guys dont use it as much as email from mobiles??

    In general, it's popular among a younger crowd on cheaper cellphones. It's been a bit of contention with the iPhone in the US, but it's not enough of a con to outweigh the pros for most. On AT&T, if you get an MMS sent to you , you get an SMS message with a web address listing cryptic username and password to retrieve it. It's a real PITA because the web address doesn't have the GET into built into the URL and none of it is hyperlinked.
  • Reply 173 of 314
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    In general, it's popular among a younger crowd on cheaper cellphones. It's been a bit of contention with the iPhone in the US, but it's not enough of a con to outweigh the pros for most. On AT&T, if you get an MMS sent to you , you get an SMS message with a web address listing cryptic username and password to retrieve it. It's a real PITA because the web address doesn't have the GET into built into the URL and none of it is hyperlinked.

    Thats really interesting, in the UK it is HUGE and literally everyone uses it across cheaper phones and also the top of the range ones. Yes there is a cost attached but I guess we havent caught onto the Email/mobile thing yet. I've got friends of the same age (I'm 28) that use it loads and often get MMS from family members of all ages of pictures from parties of relatives and stuff.
  • Reply 174 of 314
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by john_howells View Post

    My understanding is that from a Mac, setting ringtones is easy with Garage Band but those of us still using a PC (I'm gonna make the switch when the new Macbooks/Macbook Pros come) it seems to be a pain in the ass that I can't work out from looking round and only seems possible with jail breaking?!?!?! If Im wrong, please tell me how!

    Here is how you make a ringtone in iTunes. I would assume it works on Windows too.

    Create Ringtones for free with just iTunes
  • Reply 175 of 314
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    The point of not supporting it is to push everyone to using the technology Apple supports. Which would not work if you supported technology you don't want people to use.

    It's interesting that Apple isn't supporting an expensive, poor quality way to send images, in favour of a more robust, free method. Just imagine the backlash if Apple were pushing a feature that cost you money over a free one.
  • Reply 176 of 314
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by john_howells View Post

    Thats really interesting, in the UK it is HUGE and literally everyone uses it across cheaper phones and also the top of the range ones. Yes there is a cost attached but I guess we havent caught onto the Email/mobile thing yet. I've got friends of the same age (I'm 28) that use it loads and often get MMS from family members of all ages of pictures from parties of relatives and stuff.

    I would say the carriers have made a concerted effort to push usage of SMS/MMS by making it easier to use. Because they can monetize SMS/MMS, cannot monetize email/IM.
  • Reply 177 of 314
    fantastic, app installation is FAST
  • Reply 178 of 314
    I would love to update my iphone with todays update, however, when i installed itunes8 on tuesday, when i try to connect to itunes store, it informs that my network connection timed out, in addition trying the "update" button. i had to restore my vista machine to one day before the install, install 7.7.1 and i can connect to the store again. hopefully i don't have to wait too long. anyone else have the same issue? (by the way - i know it's not my firewall, connection, flushed the dns, drivers, etc - i basically tried everything i could)
  • Reply 179 of 314
    does anybody know if there is a third party sms/mms app(s) out there...i live is a remote island in southern australia and call / data prices are massive

    btw what is the size of the update?

  • Reply 180 of 314
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by nitro View Post

    does anybody know if there is a third party sms/mms app(s) out there...i live is a remote island in southern australia and call / data prices are massive

    btw what is the size of the update?



    The only MMS app for jailbroken iPhones I know about still isn't ready for v2.x, and their App Store request still hasn't been approved.
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