Apple releases Mac OS X 10.5.7, Safari 3.2.3 & 4.0 beta update



  • Reply 141 of 145
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Yes it's part of WebKit.

    Thank you. Then I should think of giving it a try.

    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    But if that's your complaint try bookmarking useful tags and not Stupid Bookmark Folder as one expects an entire Folder to be an abstraction to a group of items/files and not to gleen off the first indexed item --which can change, based upon it's sorting preference--thus the conundrum of what to name it other than a meta name you assign.

    Unless they make AppKit aware of the live changes that may occur in that listing [adding and removing items that precede the index's first item that you expected to be the name of the Bookmark folder] it seems a pointless amount of overhead to add.

    It just seems pointless to have AppKit make a special case for Bookmark folders via WebKit subclassing AppKit to populate a listing and assign the name of that listing to be the first indexed item's name gleened from the title entity.

    No, no, hold it... I need to bookmark entry points of multiple sites. Then I need to group them in folder. I'm gonna benefit from amazing Safari's capability of opening all bookmarks in folder.

    I need this folder, but I don't care what its name exactly is. I'm not gonna see the folder itself, I need bookmarks from inside it.

    Look, I grabbed screenshots (if you can't see them, here's my picassa album).

    1. I create the folder containing my RSS feed bookmarks:

    2. It works like a charm from popup menu:

    Now, this is where the problem is

    3. I configure Safari to open this folder at startup:

    4. Upon selecting "File/New Window"[Cmd-N] Safari's showing me rubbish:

  • Reply 142 of 145
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    Installed the update on two iMacs and all seems to be working fine so far. Haven't noticed anything being snappier yet.
  • Reply 143 of 145
    nitronitro Posts: 91member
    Originally Posted by Trajectory View Post

    Installed the update on two iMacs and all seems to be working fine so far. Haven't noticed anything being snappier yet.

    Oh it is snappier... i had Opera installed and the icon on the dock had a shadow in the back of the "O" now there is a shadow in the front with the new update

    so the sun is definitely shinning on top of APPLE

    let you know if there is more snapiness in th overall performance
  • Reply 144 of 145
    Installed the update via SU and the only issue I have come across is that I am not getting the new mail sound. The setting is active so not sure what is going on with that. Other than that, everything is working fine.
  • Reply 145 of 145
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Anybody know if this has indeed resolved the colour shift issue with the 24" LED Cinema Display?
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