Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 1921 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member


    Let's rephrase that a little, eh? "I'll concur with the belief that Windows computers are outselling Macs 95% to 3%. That's to be expected when it enjoys a 500,000 application advantage. What I disagee with is that Windows is going to pull away." Leaving aside the larger percentages, does that make any sense?

    Better put than my analogy. That's exactly what I'm talking about. When murch finally does concede Blu-ray has the advantage on a point, like total sales, he excuses it by saying "yeah, but that's expected." He's literally playing the expectations game now.

    As I've already pointed out, even he now isn't pushing for HD-DVD to "win." He's hoping that Universal takes over. Funny he doesn't see how telling this is.
  • Reply 1922 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    what a waste of a thread.... please argue off line... PM is here for the very purpose, for those active poster who just post for the sake of arguing.... it's not a arguing contest and really won't add much to already deteriorating thread......

    all you BD fanboys are winners online.......... so just move on.

    I may have an award for the next constructive poster. I got lucky with the CC HD-DVD Matrix deal and having it delivered for $22.xx. I'd spare my savings and would let go my extra copy at average price of two sets I have. Let me know if anyone's interested.
  • Reply 1923 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    what a waste of a thread.... please argue off line... PM is here for the very purpose, for those active poster who just post for the sake of arguing.... it's not a arguing contest and really won't add much to already deteriorating thread......

    all you BD fanboys are winners online.......... so just move on.

    I may have an award for the next constructive poster. I got lucky with the CC HD-DVD Matrix deal and having it delivered for $22.xx. I'd spare my savings and would let go my extra copy at average price of two sets I have. Let me know if anyone's interested.

    First, we'll decide how to argue. If you don't want to read it, then go away. Don't come in here and tell veteran members who have been here for years to conduct themselves.

    Secondly, I'm not a BD fanboy. I just acknowledge it's winning right now and is likely to win the format war.

    I see there are no takers on your "award." Hmmm.....
  • Reply 1924 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    First, we'll decide how to argue. If you don't want to read it, then go away. Don't come in here and tell veteran members who have been here for years to conduct themselves.

    Secondly, I'm not a BD fanboy. I just acknowledge it's winning right now and is likely to win the format war.

    I see there are no takers on your "award." Hmmm.....

    how do you determine veteran status?... I've been member here since 1995/6.... account required reactivation due to long term inactive status. Anyway, if you're so called veteran here, you should know better than post something so childish.

    sorry for the OT folks.... BD fanboys are to blame.
  • Reply 1925 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    how do you determine veteran status?... I've been member here since 1995/6.... account required reactivation due to long term inactive status. Anyway, if you're so called veteran here, you should know better than post something so childish.

    sorry for the OT folks.... BD fanboys are to blame.

    Since the board didn't exist then, I have a hard time believing you.
  • Reply 1926 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    This particular forum didn't exist, but appleinsider comments have been around since 97 that I know of... hehe I remember their review of os 9 beta before it came out... i was in love <3
  • Reply 1927 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    This particular forum didn't exist, but appleinsider comments have been around since 97 that I know of... hehe I remember their review of os 9 beta before it came out... i was in love <3

    maybe it was 1997, since I've registered/visited here around the time when I got my Powermac 9600/233 which have been transformed and upgraded with G4/800 running Tiger.
  • Reply 1928 of 4650
    tomjtomj Posts: 120member
    off topic.
  • Reply 1929 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    maybe it was 1997, since I've registered/visited here around the time when I got my Powermac 9600/233 which have been transformed and upgraded with G4/800 running Tiger.

    I don't think the boards existed until 1998. It's earliest reg I remember seeing pre-blackout.
  • Reply 1930 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    When your argument is based around studio support you are hanging on by the most tenuous of advantages.

    Oh my sides!

    Sssh dont mention rankings
  • Reply 1931 of 4650
    Good grief Charlie Brown
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    maybe it was 1997, since I've registered/visited here around the time when I got my Powermac 9600/233 which have been transformed and upgraded with G4/800 running Tiger.


    what a waste of the thread.... please argue about who has posted here longest off line... PM is here for the very purpose, for those active poster(s) who just post for the sake of making out how long they have been online.... it's not a "who has been online the longest contest and really won't add much to already deteriorating thread......

    all you "online the longest" fanboys are winners online (so long as its a long time that you have been online).......... so just move on (the sooner you do move on, the longer you will have been in a moved on state, the more kudos you can claim for yourself when you feel threatened in any argument about being online the longest).

  • Reply 1932 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Jules View Post

    Err yeah, thats because he speaks complete bollocks about 90% of the time.

    Thank you for actually typing that, I didn't feel comfortable stating it myself.

    But I'm also going to hold on to that 10% because I don't see the 90% pulling away WIDE any time soon, I like an underdog and after all, that 10% is actually cheaper with a higher sales ranking within a single retail outlet AND 500 free discs with a rebate, a motorbike ashtray, a chocolate fireguard and 3 free passes from the pope. but I'll concur that complete bollocks is 90% it has more support from 4 parts of that actual brain. Just remember chocolate fireguards never tried to screw anybody!
  • Reply 1933 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    I just love how bitemymac is pushing the thread way off-topic because of his personal outrage.

    Back on topic, other sites are buzzing with a report that Bollywood is going HD DVD. Only... when one follows the digital trail of bread crumbs, the story falls apart. It turns out the original article said nothing about HD DVD. It's one, single movie shot and adjusted in an HD camera then transferred to film to be shown in theaters. However, some idiot forum member at misconstrued it as the film being released on HD DVD and started a topic with that premise. Sure enough, like wildfire, other sites picked up on that forum post and started reporting it as fact, with HD DVD supporters gleefully proclaiming "Blu-ray is dead in India!"
  • Reply 1934 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Well, that's the "beauty" of the Internet. Every little kid can be blindly quoted - even on professional sites.
  • Reply 1935 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Not only was cdfreaks wrong, they absolutely refuse to fix their article or publish a correction. Here's their breathless article clearly saying all of Bollywood is going HD DVD. But look at the very source that they link to, the Inquirer, which says no such thing. The Inquirer in turn links to the article I pointed to above as its source, which again says nothing about HD DVD, nothing about Bollywood in general, just this being the first Bollywood film to be shot with an HD camera instead of film.

    Somebody named Deckard68 already pointed this out in their feedback. Twice. I also pointed it out. Then they deleted my post. And they haven't fixed their completely erroneous article, not that I expect them to do, ever. Clearly, they're a bunch of HD DVD fanboys, to borrow somebody's terminology.

    Has anyone looked at the page lately? It's a massacre. Blu-ray is not just winning, it's trouncing HD DVD in every category tracked. Where's Murch and his sales rank obsession now?

    Top ten sales rank: 85 vs. 419

    Top 25: 322 vs. 1179

    Top 100: 2129 vs 4348
  • Reply 1936 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Amazon BD sales spike is due to a new promo on Sony Movies. We've seen this before few months back, and also seen it drop down to norm after the promo. Here's a link for those few BD player owners out there.
  • Reply 1937 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Amazon BD sales spike is due to a new promo on Sony Movies. We've seen this before few months back, and also seen it drop down to norm after the promo. Here's a link for those few BD player owners out there.

    My cigar buying spike is due to me being out of cigars on occasion. I see this every few weeks to a month. Then it drops back down to normal after I have the cigars.

    That doesn't mean I stop smoking cigars.
  • Reply 1938 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    My cigar buying spike is due to me being out of cigars on occasion. I see this every few weeks to a month. Then it drops back down to normal after I have the cigars.

    That doesn't mean I stop smoking cigars.

    That's right, but you'll buy it at else where. It's like one of your local cigar shop having special sales and local cigar smokers would probably stock up on the bargain price at the this particular shop temporarily, but once the price goes back up, same smokers will shop else where or simply buy less, if you're sensitive to pricing.

    another OT.... oh well....
  • Reply 1939 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    That's right, but you'll buy it at else where. It's like one of your local cigar shop having special sales and local cigar smokers would probably stock up on the bargain price at the this particular shop temporarily, but once the price goes back up, same smokers will shop else where or simply buy less, if you're sensitive to pricing.

    another OT.... oh well....

    Yes, and the fact that sales return to normal doesn't mean brand X stops outselling brand Y.
  • Reply 1940 of 4650
    catman4d2catman4d2 Posts: 174member

    seen this?

    why hasn`t anyone commented on it? to busy arguing I suppose.

    how long before Apple responds?
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