Apple releases iPhone 2.0.1 Software Update



  • Reply 61 of 158
    Originally Posted by macologist View Post

    * Voice and Internet at the same time while on 3G, not just on WiFi can already do this. If you're in a 3G zone, you'll be able to access the web while on a call. UMTS/HSPA allows for data/voice on the same frequency, while GSM/EDGE does not.
  • Reply 62 of 158
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Now it's working a lot closer to the way I think it should have in the first place, but I guess that's over with now. It seems like everything I use is a little snappier, and contacts is far quicker, maybe two or three times quicker from launch to responding to input over the original firmware. There isn't the sluggishness when unlocking, It seemed as if all the motion and animation was mostly a poor way of hiding load times instead of just being slick. Safari's switch between landscape and portrait modes could still be smoother, I see three intermediate frames and then it completes the transition.
  • Reply 63 of 158
    Bad news, all of my apps have not been working for days nor have I had access to my videos or music. Then, I had everything working again by following the steps of installing a new app and rebooting, then I read on that iPhone software 2.0.1 was out and quickly downloaded it. after a 1 hour installation process, I am right back to having none of the applications work, no music or videos, I'm back to square one!

    I tried installing three app updates from the iPhone, rebooting each time, no luck. Then I downloaded a new app on the iPhone and rebooted, again, no luck. This all began again after updating to iPhone 2.0.1. I tried de-authorizing my computer and then re-authorizing it. Next, I did a sync and still no luck. Tried downloading another free app on the iPhone, rebooting and still no apps work and no iPod data.

    Unfortunately, this software update is no panacea for the woes of us that have this problem. Looks like we will need to wait for iTunes 7.7.2 before we have a true fix.

    If you have everything working while reading this, then consider holding off on a sync with iTunes until a reliable fix is in place.

    AppleInsider Moderator: Please read some of the threads and posts at:

    It seems that this problem is widespread and could use some visible attention.
  • Reply 64 of 158
    Much faster all-around. The camera boots up in half the time it used to.

    Will try GPS and maps later tonight, and the wife will update later and check the Japanese input (which almost forced her back to her old phone due to its sluggishness and crashes... her phone and mine are different birds; wonder if the language setting has anything to do with it?).


    Regarding the post above, all of my 3rd party apps work fine; just played around with 'em to check.
  • Reply 65 of 158
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post


    I downloaded the update through iTunes around 4:30PM PDST and spent the last hour or so driving around Portland, OR neighborhoods testing 3G signal strength.

    1) Much snappier responses in all apps and areas

    - Downloaded YouTubes "Evolution of Dance" in about 12 secs. ( on 3G - not WiFi for all tags to this # in my outline )

    - Opened Showtimes and it fully populated in just few seconds (first time I used it)

    - Contacts, Bloomberg, games, all open very quickly

    - Safari connected to my bank and loaded the home page VERY quickly.

    2) 3G Reception is now fairly constant 4 or 5 bars.

    3) Ironically, WiFi reception also seems stronger and much faster at both my home and office locations.

    I am VERY PLEASED with this "minor bug fixes" update. Geez Louise Apple. Do you have to put the RDF spin on everything?

    Either way, color me the happy camper I fully expected to be 3 weeks ago.

    I hope 3g is better in PDX. I've been pissed at how lousy it is. Sprint's 3g is vastly superior, and this is coming from someone who thought they'd never try Sprint...
  • Reply 66 of 158
    Originally Posted by pmonahan View Post

    Bad news, all of my apps have not been working for days nor have I had access to my videos or music. Then, I had everything working again by following the steps of installing a new app and rebooting, then I read on that iPhone software 2.0.1 was out and quickly downloaded it. after a 1 hour installation process, I am right back to having none of the applications work, no music or videos, I'm back to square one!

    I tried installing three app updates from the iPhone, rebooting each time, no luck. Then I downloaded a new app on the iPhone and rebooted, again, no luck. This all began again after updating to iPhone 2.0.1. I tried de-authorizing my computer and then re-authorizing it. Next, I did a sync and still no luck. Tried downloading another free app on the iPhone, rebooting and still no apps work and no iPod data.

    Unfortunately, this software update is no panacea for the woes of us that have this problem. Looks like we will need to wait for iTunes 7.7.2 before we have a true fix.

    If you have everything working while reading this, then consider holding off on a sync with iTunes until a reliable fix is in place.

    AppleInsider Moderator: Please read some of the threads and posts at:


    It seems that this problem is widespread and could use some visible attention.

    Yes, oh so massive, you're looking at threads with generally less than a dozen comments (and generally the same handful of people). I love how people try to use places like this, or Apple Support as evidence of the "massive" problems.

    I seem to be lucky, out of 2 iMacs, 3 Macbooks, 1 Macbook Air and countless iPods in my house alone (girlfriend's, roommate's and mine), the only problem we've had was the known G5 iMac power supply for my girlfriend, and my first iPod Touch had some dead pixels. All of which were fixed free and rather quickly.
  • Reply 67 of 158
    Originally Posted by macologist View Post

    * Copy and Paste

    * Editing of Documents (Word, Pages, PDF etc.)

    * Memo-Notes 2 Way Syncing

    * Spotlight Search

    * Adobe Flash Support

    * Removable Battery

    * Card Slot for External Storage

    * Wireless Bluetooth (in Ear Headphones, with Noice Cancellation!)

    * Video Recording (natively)

    * Audio Recording (natively)

    * Flash on the Photo Camera

    * Skype or some Voice over IP

    * Solar Charging

    * SMS and Phone Call Log Syncing (natively)

    * Voice and Internet at the same time while on 3G, not just on WiFi

    1) Cut And Paste - I am sure apple is working on an API

    2) Editing Document's - I am sure Microsoft will help there.... just be glad you can read them for now.

    3) Memo's - Yea.. Not sure if/when

    4) Spotlight search - What's that?

    5) Flash - From last I heard adobe says yes.. Apple says "wait a minute"

    6) Removeable Battery - LMAO!!! When has apple ever had a removable battery in any Ipod product?

    7) Card Slot for External Storage - Apple won't do this.. promotes illegal music sharing. Thank you RIAA

    8) Wireless Bluetooth (in Ear Headphones, with Noice Cancellation!) - Could be coming with an updated API

    9) Video Recording (natively) - I wish too

    10) Audio Recording (natively) - They have an App..

    11) Flash on the Photo Camera - Hardware request issue or possibly a dongle. that's a good idea.

    12) Skype or some Voice over IP - I bet AT&T won't let them, hopefully At&T will release something.

    13) Solar Charging - Apple wont' have anything like that.. Look for 3rd patry.. I am sure there is SOMETHING out there.

    14) SMS and Phone Call Log Syncing (natively) - Yea.. not sure how that is going to happen.

    15) Voice and Internet at the same time while on 3G, not just on WiFi - This already happens.. Try again. Mind you EDGE is NOT 3G!

    I would be happy with just MMS.
  • Reply 68 of 158
    foferfofer Posts: 20member
    Originally Posted by cloudtamer View Post

    1) 4) Spotlight search - What's that?

    12) Skype or some Voice over IP - I bet AT&T won't let them, hopefully At&T will release something.

    13) Solar Charging - Apple wont' have anything like that.. Look for 3rd patry.. I am sure there is SOMETHING out there.

    15) Voice and Internet at the same time while on 3G, not just on WiFi - This already happens.. Try again. Mind you EDGE is NOT 3G!

    4) fast system-wide search, like we have on our Macs. I want to search my calendar. My notes. My email. On my iPhone. But I can't.

    12) They will allow VOIP over wi-fi and there's already at least one (official) app for it.


    15) yeah, that's one of the reasons I skipped EDGE. And the GSM buzz. Simultaneous data/voice on 3G and no horrific speaker buzz every time it connects to the net.

    I'd like to see an LED on the iPhone. To let me know when I have a message waiting, or a missed text, or whatever. My Treo had that and it made things much more comfortable. My iPhone isn needy and I always find myself turning it on to see if I have a message. That's bad UI. An external LED makes more sense. Maybe the home button can glow/pulse/breathe, like my MacBook Pro does.
  • Reply 69 of 158
    foferfofer Posts: 20member
    I've updated to 2.0.1 and all seems well.

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    -You can now drag an app icon across multiple pages in one motion, rather than having to drag it, drop it, pick it up again and drag it over to next page, and repeat.

    I notice nothing at all different in this regard, from 2.0 to 2.0.1. It's still annoying and difficult to drag apps across multiple pages. I'm not experiencing this "fluid motion." I still need to drag, drop, pick it up again, drag some more..
  • Reply 70 of 158
    I have both imap and pop mail accounts on my iPhone. I have always gotten them to work. Sometimes imap is a bit slow to start collecting, but they ultimately come through.
  • Reply 71 of 158
    macaloymacaloy Posts: 104member
    As most have said, I have noticed that the phone moves around quicker and the lags are much less but not completely solved....that is fine

    I did a few text messages and emails and barely had any lag as I kept going and it worked fine for both

    Thank goodness, it was BAD for me before....
  • Reply 72 of 158
    bloggerblogbloggerblog Posts: 2,511member
    This update rocks!

  • Reply 73 of 158
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by mike503 View Post

    I hope 3g is better in PDX. I've been pissed at how lousy it is. Sprint's 3g is vastly superior, and this is coming from someone who thought they'd never try Sprint...

    Yeah, I hear ya. I gave Sprint a try back in the early 00's and had to kick them to the curb due to dropped calls. Never gave them another try.

    Good 3G reception is clearly a game-changer though. Easy to see why AT&T wanted an iron-clad agreement for a few years with Apple.

    I do hope it gets better for you. It is a marvelous phone and handheld computer if you can get decent reception.
  • Reply 74 of 158
    I am bothered by how buggy the app store is. Whenever I check for updates it wants to download four copies of AIM, two copies of the NYT app, three copies of phonesaber, etc. How are we supposed to trust our credit cards to this service?
  • Reply 75 of 158
    jasonfjjasonfj Posts: 570member
    My 16GB 3G is just as laggy as ever. Re-orientation of the screen in Safari still happens a second after turning the screen. Why must it take nearly 3 seconds to open 'Settings' or the 'Clock' app??? Other apps are just as slow. I might understand if I had a huge amount of data, but don't.

    I've never owned a device as slow as this for general app navigation. It truly feels almost unusable to me - and that's after using a Sidekick II for 3 years waiting for this to come along
  • Reply 76 of 158
    One of the big reasons I use Cell phones, is Bluetooth. With 2.0, Apple has broken it

    so badly it is sad. I Own a 2007 Jeep Cherokee, and UConnect still doesn't work. This is after the iPhone 2.0.1 update. I deleted the iPhone, and tried to re-pair it. Same thing, It Re-Pair'd. but no luck on using it.
  • Reply 77 of 158
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple on Monday evening released iPhone 2.0.1 Software Update, the first maintenance and security update for iPhone 3Gs and first-generation iPhones running iPhone Software 2.0.

    And hot damn, does it make the iPhone SO much easier and more fun to use. Now, add the new features in 2.1, and no one will be bitching and moaning about how the iPhone "doesn't live up to their expectations". Oh, I cannot wait...

  • Reply 78 of 158
    I was getting 0 to 1 bars in my house.. now it's a constant 5. I was making calls just fine before so I can't say that they actually improved the reception and didn't just change the bar icon to show more bars.

    Damn Apple though!! I just bought a $250 signal booster that I totally don't need anymore!!!
  • Reply 79 of 158
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by macologist View Post

    A year later, and we still don't have CUT, COPY AND PASTE!!!!! That's a HUGE SHORTCOMING, and thus a perfect point of ridicule for Apple's competitors who say that iPhone is not an Email Device, and is mostly Read Only!

    One of the Apple execs stated that CUT, COPY AND PASTE! were not the top priorities... I wonder what planet that guy is on?!

    Here is my iPhone WISH LIST, but I'd settle with the top 5 items!!!

    * Copy and Paste

    * Editing of Documents (Word, Pages, PDF etc.)

    * Memo-Notes 2 Way Syncing

    * Spotlight Search

    * Adobe Flash Support

    * Removable Battery

    * Card Slot for External Storage

    * Wireless Bluetooth (in Ear Headphones, with Noice Cancellation!)

    * Video Recording (natively)

    * Audio Recording (natively)

    * Flash on the Photo Camera

    * Skype or some Voice over IP

    * Solar Charging

    * SMS and Phone Call Log Syncing (natively)

    * Voice and Internet at the same time while on 3G, not just on WiFi

    Memo-Notes 2 Way Syncing + Spotlight Search is what holding me and my friends from buying iPhone, since we are coming from Palm Treo's and have a ton of Notes and Memos, that we can't sync to iPhone, and even if we could, without Spotlight, or some kind of Search, how would we find those on iPhone?

    iPhone is a PLATFORM, PORTABLE COMPUTER -- nice buzz words, but how can anyone call it that without CUT, COPY AND PASTE!?????????

    CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW, APPLE????????????: !!!!

    You need to chill. This is not a hate forum. Write these feedbacks to Apple, not here. All the things you stated are of a non-importance to user. Solar Charging? WTF? You want Razor with that too?

  • Reply 80 of 158
    My address book is pretty big, and it took Forever to back it up when syncing my phone. I blew it away and recreated it completly (4 hours worth of work) and now it backs up in seconds. For those of you having issues with long sync times, try it. J would export or back up my address book on my PC/MAC and let iPhone sync with nnothing, the. Restore it and see what hqppends.
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