OH GOD!!!!! [iWalk]



  • Reply 301 of 587
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by starfleetX:

    <strong>the iWalk name could be a placeholder.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Good point. I hope so. iWalk is pretty lame...

    Although it IS on the unit, so I dono...

  • Reply 302 of 587
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member
    I would love to see this be true while hoping that is an early preproduction model.

    It was on their site at the end of October though and it would be hard for me to believe that this is going to happen.

    I wanna believe...
  • Reply 303 of 587
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Just checked my mail. Got this from one who couldn´t register himself while we were still looking through the first one:

    [quote] iWalk Fakery

    Open the sayhello.mov and double the window size, then play. Look carefully

    at the font text that appears as a result of the handwriting recognition.

    You'll see that the iWalk is jiggling slightly from the pressure of the

    guy's hand, but the type is absolutely rock-solid. The only explanation for

    this is that the type isn't really there. It's a layer plopped on top of

    real video of a prop. Once you zoom in on sayhello.mov in Quicktime Player,

    it's really obvious. FYI...

    John Tynes


    So we were not the only ones.

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Anders ]</p>
  • Reply 304 of 587
    I think this is a very early prototy of a Apple PDA we will see at MWSF. juging my the old apple logo in bootup.mov it is probebly about a year old. it looks nice thogh!
  • Reply 305 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by Anders:

    <strong>Just checked my mail. Got this from one who couldn´t register himself while we were still looking through the first one:

    So we were not the only ones.

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Anders ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    OK. now I'm pissed! I just got my hopes up for no good reason. I can see it the letters don't move and the iWalk does! This was a nice try and I'm not sure why such trouble was taken to fake this, but it's too bad. I really want to see a Apple PDA. Bummer!
  • Reply 306 of 587
    david rdavid r Posts: 135member

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: David R ]</p>
  • Reply 306 of 587
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    Okay to those of you saying sayhello.mov is fake, here is my reply. About the handwriting being to crisp, we arent back in the newton days, this is 2002, and we have quartz baby.

    As for the little screen moving, nah, its just that the plastic case isn't recessed enough and it appears to move because it is slightly further away.

    And about the guys hand being out of line, this is an illusion. The writing motions he is making correspond with the writing on the screen, and it's very hard to look at what is on the screen and what the guy is writing. It's not like writing on paper folks, there is distance between the writing surface and the actual screen image itself. this wouldn't matter at all if it was head on, but this is at an angle.
  • Reply 308 of 587
    Just a small additional comment about the original video. While the type does seem to be on a seperate layer, the masking job on the hand is absolutely phenomenal. While there are mistkaes, generally mistakes in a hoax are fairly consistant. The motion blurs, even in still shots, are spot on, so if faked, it makes little sense that they would make the other, more amateur, mistakes.

    I'm clueless but leaning towards it being some sort of real prototype of something. Regardless if it actually exists, if we ever see it again is another story.

    .: Michael
  • Reply 308 of 587
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Forget everything I said before. Stare at the text on the writing movie. Stare only at the text. See how the *rest* of the image shakes a bit? Wow. Stare at it long enough and it's plain as day. No question: Fake.

    Great effort, though, kudos to them.

    [edit: not "shales," "shakes."]

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: BuonRotto ]</p>
  • Reply 310 of 587
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    Apparently everyoen is forgetting that Apple OFFICIALLY announced that they had no plans for a PDA and they weren't planning on planning one.

    I haven't seen the movies - but I've seen my roommate put a cheesy 3d object on to video of our coffee table.

    It took him all of a few hours, with tracking points in 3d space - and it was pretty damn convincing that the object was moving in 3d space.

    This is also including complex shadows.

    the fact that Apple did not register iWalk as a trademark cinches it.


    End of story.
  • Reply 311 of 587
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Wow, I was pretty stoked for a minute there.

    I only wish there was a portable. Fran411 must be in tears.
  • Reply 312 of 587
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    I'm looking at the part in the movie where the guy lifts his hand off and you can see the writing in full for a second (of iWalk). The subtle movement before it fades (I think this may be an artifact, should pop off imediately) hints that it is moving...if the fading is an artifact then the artifact wouldn't move.

    I am also lining up key points (the top of the W, etc.) and they look pretty close to be faked.
  • Reply 313 of 587
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by ThinkDifferent1984:

    <strong>Sorry about that! I posted the wrong address first! the correct address is <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; with the login and pass from the earlier post</strong><hr></blockquote>

    guys downloading from his server. sorry for the slow transfer rates. when we posted it we got 150 hits. our aDSL just can't keep up with the demand. I have lowered the max connections to 4 so if you get locked out be patient.

    BTW, why are most of you on windows machines?
  • Reply 313 of 587
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    One other thing.

    Shouldnt uh . . . the screen be emitting light?

    Because . . . it's not. (in the pics)
  • Reply 315 of 587
    Doing and reading this 'detective work' is a hell of a lot of fun.
  • Reply 316 of 587
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    I understand some of us don't belienve this ( I do) but some of your "it's fake because of xxx" is simply hilarious. I've watched all the movies. I've watched them at full screen, I've watched them frame by frame forwards and backwards. This may not be an Apple product, but it is a real object. Unless someone has the keys to Steven Speilbergs special effects studio (EL or something) these are not done in Bryce or some animation app.

    I am a believer that the device is real. Whether it comes out or not remains to be seen.

    Just wanted to be on record
  • Reply 316 of 587
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by tonton:

    <strong>Tomorrow morning, Steve will be laughing his ass off! I too think there will be some reference to this hoax on Apple's site come tomorrow.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yes my suggestion this time is:

    4 days to MWSF

    No it isn´t the iWalk. Fooled you.

    (edit: please don´t edit your post while I am using it )

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Anders ]</p>
  • Reply 316 of 587
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by cinder:

    <strong>One other thing.

    Shouldnt uh . . . the screen be emitting light?

    Because . . . it's not. (in the pics)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    My Visor Edge doesn't.
  • Reply 319 of 587
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Pretty amazing what you can figure out when you have a common purpose. So far we have clues from the display at its edges, the date on the display, the outlets in the room, the light "bleed," etc. What next, Elvis in the frame?
  • Reply 320 of 587
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by BuonRotto:

    <strong>Forget everything I said before. stare at the text on the writing movie. stare only at the text. See how the *rest* of the image shales a bit? Wow. Stare at it long enough and it's plain as day. No question: Fake.

    Great effort, though, kudos to them.

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: BuonRotto ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I just noticed, if you look very very very very carefully and closely at some of the letters he writes, the ink sometimes bleeds slightly into his hand/skin. It's not much but it's not natural. At one point when writing the second word it looks like he's got a little bit of translucent skin if you look carefully either that or it looks like he nibbled some skin off (doesn't look like hair) the otherwise perfectly straight thumb right where that letter is. It's very hard to spot.

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Nebrie ]</p>
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