iPhone 3G S faster than Palm Pre; 500K sales "conservative"



  • Reply 301 of 366
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    I think we'll even see more improvement is speed when the 3.0 Bugs update comes out. I'm not saying 3.0 is bad in anyway, it's quite polished. I just notice a few minor quirks that needs to be addressed. Overall even on a 3G the OS runs smoothly and very stable compared to last years 2.1 or was it 2.2 fiasco. I remember Safari crashing several times a day with that release.

    I'm also curious on what the total sales number for the iPhone this weekend. US sales numbers and overall numbers will be exciting to see.
  • Reply 302 of 366
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    I think we'll even see more improvement is speed when the 3.0 Bugs update comes out. I'm not saying 3.0 is bad in anyway, it's quite polished. I just notice a few minor quirks that needs to be addressed. Overall even on a 3G the OS runs smoothly and very stable compared to last years 2.1 or was it 2.2 fiasco. I remember Safari crashing several times a day with that release.

    I'm also curious on what the total sales number for the iPhone this weekend. US sales numbers and overall numbers will be exciting to see.

    v2.0 to about 2.1(?) were just a mess for me. Odd momentary freezes with various windows half-way in view, the iPod app in a short loop (I often have this app on when doing other tasks) and the rampant Safari crashes. Trying to reply to AI required you to be quick, but you couldn’t make a mistake because hitting the back space could muck it up.

    I found v3.0 right from the first Beta to be very good. Except for some odd behaviours with copy/paste and Maps I don’t recall having any issues with the Betas, and those were gone by the 2nd or 3rd Betas.

    I guess third time is the charm.
  • Reply 303 of 366
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    The gravest Palm's error is they're trying to copy iPhone and to simulate iPod. OK, they had no real choice of the moment of Pre launch. But nobody needs iPhone-like gadget since genuine iPhone is here. RiM's determination to keep doing it their own way promises much more.
  • Reply 304 of 366
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    The point is the iphone has brought focus onto apps. Many people now want applications on their phones, it may seem unimportant to you but to all those people downloading apps, it benefits them. I was recently in the Apple store and an an old lady came in there about help downloading apps onto her iphone. It put a smile on my face.

    I hardly agree. While Apple modernized distribution of applications, they were widely available for Palm Treos and Win phones time before iPhone was released.

    Applications are additional bonus, but iPhone is selling itself. I personally know number of people who want (and some of them already got) iPhone because it is a great product, and - to some extend - because it is Apple. I don't know anyone who selected iPhone because they did huge research on available apps before purchase and decided they want some of them so much it justifies purchasing that specific phone.
  • Reply 305 of 366
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member

    30 bucks from apple !!!

    Apple's $30 apology for iPhone activation delays?

    So don't click the link . Check your email first. you may be rich !!


    More news

    Mifi and your iphone


    Verizon MiFi lets iPhone download big files on the go !!.......

    The fateful headline read. But can the Mifi stream Hulu?? . The Mifi is a personal Wifi spot you carry around in your pockets . Its a slim card.

    Somehow and i don't know why but is this a major plus for the porno industry?

    or is my paranoia bubbling over.

  • Reply 306 of 366
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by legend79 View Post

    Very true; Steve didn't care for games until it raked enough cash on the iPhones. Even back in the iPod days; he used to have the whole idea and had to be convinced of it. Let's face it; he gets *A LOT* of things right; more so than any other CEO; but gaming and IM really isn't his turf. It's the teenage hip crow he doesn't understand. Where the hell are my smileys?! If he only took a second to talk to his teens; he's realize how HUGE things like these are!

    Choosing not to focus on gaming and not underestanding gaming are two completely different things. He may not understand gaming, but nobody here has any clue if he does or not. All we can see is if apple is devoting time to gaming.
  • Reply 307 of 366
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Yet another reason why the iphone will sell a ton of phones very very soon. This article also states that the new software speeds up and adds new dimentions the old 3g phones too.

    <<<<< Now add the ability to turn the iPhone into a kind of skeleton key for all kinds of other devices. Apple will now let developers turn the iPhone into a control panel for practically any piece of electronics you can plug it into. Another radical feature: the ability to automatically find and sync up wirelessly with software running on another iPhone or iPod touch.

    For example, SGN's jet fighter game, "F.A.S.T.," allows players to dogfight with nearby iPhone users over a Bluetooth connection thanks to this week's iPhone software update, whether or not you're buying the new iPhone. "When you have openness, you have the catalyst for expedited innovation from tens of thousands of developers," Pishevar says .>>>>

    WOW I am saving up to buy the MBP 15 2 chip. But its getting hard to ignore the 3gs.

    >>>>>>>>the full article below >>>>>>>>>


    Good Read . The pre doesn't matter anymore. They can sell a trillion. But the sweet sexy powerful 3gs,is the new standard by which all phones will be measured. Not to better the 3gs . No no that won't happen. We gauge how close any new phone can come to the 3gs.



    And you came to that conclusion after the article talking about few iPhone games..? Um... Okay...
  • Reply 308 of 366
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    Who care about the Palm Peee now? Apple just announced their weekend sales. Yeah there were predictions of not doing well or being a mediocre number. They were WRONG!!
  • Reply 309 of 366
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    Choosing not to focus on gaming and not underestanding gaming are two completely different things. He may not understand gaming, but nobody here has any clue if he does or not. All we can see is if apple is devoting time to gaming.

    Steve has already admitted missing the boat on gaming. And now you see a 360 degree turn with 2 chip MPB's. With the coming 4 core and 8 core chip tech,. GCS ALSO will power up the 3d graphic's for gaming and other uses. I am not a geek so excuse my poor wording. I will say that having a MBP with snow and 2 chips that work together in the GCS frame work looks good for most high end 3d games.

    Newly filed patents portend a wi like iphone/touch capabilities, And PA semi will also help with the gaming .


    I predict that iphone will top i mill in sales .

    just saying
  • Reply 310 of 366
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    And you came to that conclusion after the article talking about few iPhone games..? Um... Okay...

    NO after reading many articles.This one put it in a clear order. Anyway some one said that if i give a link i have to talk about that link .

    I would rather give the link. And go to sleep . Anyway in the articles everything he said is already being done . NO PIE IN THE SKY.

    Did i mis speak nikon ?

  • Reply 311 of 366
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Steve has already admitted missing the boat on gaming. And now you see a 360 degree turn with 2 chip MPB's. With the coming 4 core and 8 core chip tech,. GCS ALSO will power up the 3d graphic's for gaming and other uses. I am not a geek so excuse my poor wording. I will say that having a MBP with snow and 2 chips that work together in the GCS frame work looks good for most high end 3d games.

    Newly filed patents portend a wi like iphone/touch capabilities, And PA semi will also help with the gaming .


    I predict that iphone will top i mill in sales .

    just saying

    More like: Apple has always given minimal to gaming. Every year or two Apple comes out and says something along the lines of "hey, we're finally focusing on gaming". To make this seem more credible, they admit to not being a gaming platform in the past. This is the way the PR game works.

    It doesn't indicate that Steve is clueless about gaming. He might be but we have no evidence one way or the other.

    I wouldn't get my hopes up for Mac gaming though. Remember a few years ago when Macs had the performance advantage and ID demo'd unreleased games during keynotes? There isn't anything new or unprecedented in apple hardware, OS, or corporate strategy that indicates gaming has become a focus.
  • Reply 312 of 366
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    Who care about the Palm Peee now? Apple just announced their weekend sales. Yeah there were predictions of not doing well or being a mediocre number. They were WRONG!!

    You're doing wonders for the level of discourse on this forum.
  • Reply 313 of 366
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    From Davewrite on MDN:

    After the good reviews and the raves from iPhone 3Gs customers the Palm Pre apologists were all over the forums and blogs.

    Their comments are way too funny.

    They're saying (I paraphrase)

    -- 50,000 apps? Who cares? I don't NEED apps!

    -- video? I carry around my video camera so I don't need video. Easy editing and uploading to internet? like who cares.

    -- Pre fragile. Use a HIP HOLSTER (true comment).

    "I wrap mine when I go out in bubble warp" (another actual comment I swear!)

    -- Pre battery life? Easy, don't use it too often, switch everything like Wifi off!

    -- My second one died in less than a week, but that's ok! I got the insurance. (another actual comment)

    -- I DON'T play games on the phone so who cares about all those iPhone games.

    -- I know about those cracked screens but EVERY iPhone user has a cracked screen before (another actual statement).

    -- who cares about tap on focus on the iPhone. My $$$$ Nikon takes better pictures.

    -- google maps with magnetometer? Useless! I don't get lost on city streets.

    -- Voice control is just a gimmick. Don't need it, what are fingers for?

    -- Plastic screens are as durable as glass.

    -- I can MULTITASK unlike the iPhone, and I got like 30 apps to choose from! I haven't bought any yet because they're not very interesting but I'm sure in time they will be lots more! of course they have to release the SDK first....

    -- I carry my Flip to take video, my Canon SLR for pictures, my PSP for games and my Pre for phone calls. Why the heck do I need an iPhone? All I need is big enough gadget bag and make sure my Pre is wrapped in bubble wrap....


    Well... Apple fans will find everything anti-Apple funny, but there are a few good points there.

    - I don't game on phone. As I am already gaming on PC, PS2 and PSP, another gaming platform would really be overkill. I could replace PSP with iPhone/iPod for portable gaming... if they ever come out with games like God of War. Which I don't think you can make without dedicated controls. Additionally, I know number of people that don't game at all, and people that will play games only in home environment and are not interested in mobile gaming. Poor souls, but that is the way things are.

    - Hip holster? I don't like keeping phone in the pocket as I do carry a lot of keys (kar keys, office keys, home keys). Even glass can be scratched with good ole keys. Anandtech claims Pre is not built like iPhone, but compared to other phones it is OK. It is not like every phone with inferior built to iPhone will break the next day.

    - Phone cameras... I made, all together, 14 photos with phone camera (most with BB, a few with wife's Treo). Photography is my hobby and I always have at least compact with me, or DSLR if I'm really going for a kill. Even compact with 8MP, stabilized lens etc. etc. is not something iPhone, Pre can even dream to compare to.

    - Plastic can be made very durable. I never ever had a problem with scratching screens of my BB, Nokias and everything else I was using since '90. I like idea of even more durable screens, but it is not a deal breaker. Choosing between glass screen and - for me - more confortable phone to hold in hand, I'd go for second (if functionality is comparable).

    Now... I might end up eating some of my words in next few months. My wife is looking at Pre as long-time Treo user, while I'm at present more interested in iPhone. I'm modest phone user and already have to carry BB during the work hours, so I'm sure both Pre and iPhone would suit my needs perfectly; but since we'll have one Pre in the house, it'll be interesting to try something else as well.

    At the end, price and available plans in NZ will decide, but it everything works as I am planning, as I said - I might take some of my comments back. Or not.
  • Reply 314 of 366
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Well... Apple fans will find everything anti-Apple funny, but there are a few good points there.

    - I don't game on phone. As I am already gaming on PC, PS2 and PSP, another gaming platform would really be overkill.

    You should take a look at sales of games on the iPhone. Gaming on the iPhone has quickly grown into a multimillion dollar business. Its more like the DS or PSP than most other phone platforms.


    - Even glass can be scratched with good ole keys.

    Nope, the iPhone screen does not scratch.


    - Plastic can be made very durable.

    What really separates the iPhone from the others is the fact that it has a solid plastic body with no latches, doors, or moving parts. That makes it feel more solid and durable.
  • Reply 315 of 366
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Nope, the iPhone screen does not scratch.

    Want to trade your iPhone for mine then? Mine couldn't possibly be scratched.
  • Reply 316 of 366
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    More like: Apple has always given minimal to gaming. Every year or two Apple comes out and says something along the lines of "hey, we're finally focusing on gaming". To make this seem more credible, they admit to not being a gaming platform in the past. This is the way the PR game works.

    It doesn't indicate that Steve is clueless about gaming. He might be but we have no evidence one way or the other.

    I wouldn't get my hopes up for Mac gaming though. Remember a few years ago when Macs had the performance advantage and ID demo'd unreleased games during keynotes? There isn't anything new or unprecedented in apple hardware, OS, or corporate strategy that indicates gaming has become a focus.

    I beg to differ . Once apple can get a mass produced hard core gaming/3d graphic machine ready .They will leap frog all the rest,

    They already have 4 or 5 things in the burner that no one else is doing. Of course a limited production machine like allen ware may be hard to beat. I have waited for more than a decade for a mac that can do some gaming . the 15 in MBP /W2CHIPS looks pretty good . I wll still wait a bit longer.

    But some incredible things will be coming to the apple world very soon.


    I hope
  • Reply 317 of 366
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,553member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Well... Apple fans will find everything anti-Apple funny, but there are a few good points there.

    - I don't game on phone. As I am already gaming on PC, PS2 and PSP, another gaming platform would really be overkill. I could replace PSP with iPhone/iPod for portable gaming... if they ever come out with games like God of War. Which I don't think you can make without dedicated controls. Additionally, I know number of people that don't game at all, and people that will play games only in home environment and are not interested in mobile gaming. Poor souls, but that is the way things are.



    - Hip holster? I don't like keeping phone in the pocket as I do carry a lot of keys (kar keys, office keys, home keys). Even glass can be scratched with good ole keys. Anandtech claims Pre is not built like iPhone, but compared to other phones it is OK. It is not like every phone with inferior built to iPhone will break the next day.

    I've worn all of my phones my belt with a holster. It's just easier. In fact, when I got my 3G, I ended up using my old holster from my Treo 700p, because I bought an incase skin, and even though I was assured that it would fit into the Incase leather holster (which is very nice) with the skin, it's way too tight. The Treo holster is just perfect. Strange, but true!


    - Phone cameras... I made, all together, 14 photos with phone camera (most with BB, a few with wife's Treo). Photography is my hobby and I always have at least compact with me, or DSLR if I'm really going for a kill. Even compact with 8MP, stabilized lens etc. etc. is not something iPhone, Pre can even dream to compare to.

    The only phone camera that made decent pictures was a Samsung from a couple of years ago. The front was a phone, and the rear a camera with a big lens. but it's far too clumsy either as a phone OR a camera. They still make updated models, but they don't sell too well. The 5 MP camera on the N97, for example, is said, in reviews, to take nice pictures outside, in strong light, but very noisy and low rez (from the ineffective noise reduction) indoors. The LED flashes on phone cameras are almost useless. Less than $100 these days gets a far superior compact camera.


    - Plastic can be made very durable. I never ever had a problem with scratching screens of my BB, Nokias and everything else I was using since '90. I like idea of even more durable screens, but it is not a deal breaker. Choosing between glass screen and - for me - more confortable phone to hold in hand, I'd go for second (if functionality is comparable).

    All of my Palmphones, from the Samsung i300 to the Treo 700p scratched badly from the stylus. Very badly. Everyone I know had the same problem if they used the phone screen a lot. That's why screen protectors were invented. There is a real need with plastic screens.

    Fortunately, the iPhone works so much better that you get the best of both.


    Now... I might end up eating some of my words in next few months. My wife is looking at Pre as long-time Treo user, while I'm at present more interested in iPhone. I'm modest phone user and already have to carry BB during the work hours, so I'm sure both Pre and iPhone would suit my needs perfectly; but since we'll have one Pre in the house, it'll be interesting to try something else as well.

    If the Pre were available before the iPhone came out, I would have been delighted, esp because you can use the old programs in some form or another until they get more "real" Pre programs out there, and I really did like those palmphones. But I'm happy the iPhone came out first, because it's simply a much better proposition overall.

    The physical design of the Pre is disturbing. It's everywhere described as flimsy, cheaply made and scratches too easily. With the possibility that the screen cracking is endemic, and the mostly poor response from Palm and Sprint, I'd wait at least a month before buying one.


    At the end, price and available plans in NZ will decide, but it everything works as I am planning, as I said - I might take some of my comments back. Or not.

    Good luck!
  • Reply 318 of 366
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,553member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    Want to trade your iPhone for mine then? Mine couldn't possibly be scratched.

    It isn't that it cant be scratched, but that it's pretty hard to scratch. Some people can scratch diamonds.
  • Reply 319 of 366
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    What he didn't think of with the "forced" updates Palm is requiring is that if Apple did that, they would be excoriated for it. More control from BIG BROTHER!

    At least, we have the choice to refuse an update. Pre owners don't.

    The hacking community (not that I approve of it) won't like this at all. Palm can force an end to their activities at a moments notice, and they won't have a choice in the matter, unlike with the iPhone, where you don't need to download a new update until YOU want to.

    2 questions:

    You sure you can't disable automatic updates on Pre?

    Why would you want to skip on updates..?
  • Reply 320 of 366
    C'mon. This tired dialogue about glass/plastic screens again? After the two years of banner sales of glass front iPhones, no one would still argue that plastic is more scratch resistant than glass.

    YouTube is filled with torture and durability tests on the iPhone, going all the way back to the original model. Here?s just one link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkXlriABfOo

    The iPhone is durable as hell, even mixed with keys and change in your pocket.
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