Purported shots of Microsoft's touchscreen device revealed



  • Reply 21 of 224
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    They already have, and have most likely surpassed it, ready for early 2010.

    did you not read past the quote you just posted on? Because, Captain Obvious, i said Apple did think of it, in part.

    The iphone was the culmination of years of MS messing up the mobile phone market and the PDA industry...mix in a little Apple's old Newton, and you've got the iPhone. like i said, Apple may not be the first to think of everything, but they certainly are the best at designing it.
  • Reply 22 of 224
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    I just watched the video over at Neowin:


    That is quite possibly the most impressive UI and device I've seen in a long time. I have my doubts if MS could actually pull that off within the next year or so, but I wish them all the luck! It looks fabulous and I love competition!

    That video looks like it was stolen from Apple's vault. I'm with you, I can't see Microsoft pulling off something that cool in the next few years. Heck, their phone OS is still based off of Windows CE. I'm all for competition because it keeps Apple on their toes, but I'm calling vaporware big-time until this is released.
  • Reply 23 of 224
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    like i said, Apple may not be the first to think of everything, but they certainly are the best at designing it.

    True enough.
  • Reply 24 of 224
    Anybody who knows me here and are familiar with my numerous comments and opinions on Apple's upcoming device should make special note of my reaction to this Microsoft prototype...........

    Awwwwwwwww snap!

    Wow, I'm tellin y'all righhhhhhht now...Apple had better BRING IT come 2010!
  • Reply 25 of 224
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    If Microsoft found a way to put Surface into what everyone in business person carries every day (a planer) Then Apple is screwed. Surface is Windows most advanced OS they've ever displayed and is shipping on larger models.

    Surface is not Microsoft's most advanced OS - that would be Windows XP. Surface is just a media player - kinda like a big Zune.


  • Reply 26 of 224
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Except for the fact that they can hardly keep up with demand for their current offering.

    yes, but that's even a distorted projection of success at that! Companies very deliberately (sometimes) create a false sense of success by creating their own demand by producing fewer than demand. By doing this they can create buzz about how they "sold out in just 8 hours of being released"...yeah, because you didn't make enough in the first place and now everyone wants one because they think it's the new hot item on demand and they all need to be on a waiting list for it...

    Look at the Toyota Prius, you have to be on a waiting list in some areas because its so popular and there wasn't enough produced. It's been like that since the Gen 3.0 Prius has been out (since 2001). you'd think by now Toyota would have a good idea of what consumer demand is and would produce a good amount of these cars. Why, you might ask, have they not kept up with demand? because Toyota knows when something has a high demand, you can ask any price you want, hence create more buzz than it's worth and people with eat it up by the droves...
  • Reply 27 of 224
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    That video looks like it was stolen from Apple's vault. I'm with you, I can't see Microsoft pulling off something that cool in the next few years. Heck, their phone OS is still based off of Windows CE. I'm all for competition because it keeps Apple on their toes, but I'm calling vaporware big-time until this is released.

    That's what this room said about Google Anroid & Google OS. Maybe Old Dogs can learn new tricks. Surface has rocked since it was in concept and table format.

    Put it on a multi surface tablet (planner) and it's nothing short of brilliant.

    Do some research on Surface. Apple has nothing that even comes close to comparing with it.
  • Reply 28 of 224
    Oh yeah, and all you Apple fanboys and apologists:

    You go ahead and keep underestimating the enemy. See if you don't end up like the US in Vietnam or Custer at the little bighorn.

    I'll bet good money that Steve Jobs almost choked on his protein shake when he read that article over at gizmodo. He's probably calling up an emergency meeting on his campus right now!

    If I were him, I would have round the clock shifts 24/7 working on the Apple tablet till it was ABSOLUTELY PERFECT from the hardware to the software. So that it would shake the tech world to it's very foundation when it is unveiled next year!
  • Reply 29 of 224
    Originally Posted by the cool gut View Post

    Surface is not Microsoft's most advanced OS - that would be Windows XP. Surface is just a media player - kinda like a big Zune.


    Get a life and quit drinking the Kool Aid.

    Do some real research and not pull up some random YouTube (Google your competitor) Video.

    I'm loving that Google has put push email on my iPhone with Gmail. It takes the wind out of MobileMe's overpriced Apple goudging while they can get it marketing plan.

    I think we are starting to see Google come to full steam and they will put out what they want when they want without Apple telling them it isn't good for Apple's business model.

    The beginning of the end.
  • Reply 30 of 224
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    That video looks like it was stolen from Apple's vault. I'm with you, I can't see Microsoft pulling off something that cool in the next few years. Heck, their phone OS is still based off of Windows CE. I'm all for competition because it keeps Apple on their toes, but I'm calling vaporware big-time until this is released.

    It's supposed to be ready......now! It's going to debut next year around January at CES. There is no way that Microsoft is going to let Apple steal the show again by releasing another super mobile product.

    Microsoft is going to attempt to beat Apple to the punch.
  • Reply 31 of 224
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    It's supposed to be ready......now! It's going to debut next year around January at CES. There is no way that Microsoft is going to let Apple steal the show again by releasing another super mobile product.

    Microsoft is going to attempt to beat Apple to the punch.

    So why not release it at the September Expo? Seems like it could be on the holiday gift list of everyone this year. Then they could really one-up Apple.
  • Reply 32 of 224
    Wow, impressive video. Who knows if it'll happen, but that's a great concept.

    Knowledge Navigator, anyone?
  • Reply 33 of 224
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    More smoke.

    They can't even fix Windows Mobile, and they've had over two years to do it.

    Oh, they can make a great tablet . . . if they outsource it to Apple.

    This is smoke cubed without any fire at all.

    No hardware shown!

    No software shown!

    No evidence of anything beyond a animation that, today, any high school geek could produce. Just look at various animations out there by young, talented amateurs.

    This certainly seems like desperate smoke put out to draw attention away from the Apple tablet rumors. This seems to be following the path of the Gates/Seinfeld commercials.

    I can remember the Surface rumors that preceded the revelation of the large, $10,000, table that was then late to release and of very very limited use and market. 'It was great' 'It would be the real multitouch implementation'. So far, several years later, no impact.

    Also sounds like all of those Longhorn demos 10 years ago with all those nifty file systems, and UI revolutions that have yet to be released.
  • Reply 34 of 224
    Concept video. It's all canned animation. No real device.

    Pretty sweet if the real thing worked as well as that though.
  • Reply 35 of 224
    PC innovations lab crew working overtime on a great video, but lets see if it comes to life.

    Competition is healthy!
  • Reply 36 of 224
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    man that looks sweet
  • Reply 37 of 224
    All these renders and concept videos explicitly target Designers.

    As a Graphic Designer, this looks fucking awesome.

    However, if it is going to take the form of a notebook, I better be able to fold one screen behind the other so I can easily take notes while I'm out at a gallery/prop house/site getting inspiration and taking notes. I'm not buying it if the only way I can effectively use is when sitting down. Also: pressure sensitivity. If you're going to make it the Kindle of Moleskines, sketching and taking notes better be just like sketching and taking notes. With the added goodness of it being digital.

    The UI complexity is actually pretty sweet, but I'm an advanced user. I hope the software is scalable so my mom can pick it up and feel comfortable using it. BUT: If you're targeting advanced users, go for it. Pull out the stops.

    Again: As a Graphic Designer, this looks fucking awesome.

    But: As a Graphic Designer, this had better sync up with my Mac (unlike the new Zune HD).
  • Reply 38 of 224

    Though Apple's own tablet device only exists in rumors thus far, comparisons are only inevitable as the hype around the anticipated hardware from the Cupertino, Calif., company has continued to build for months and years.

    I sure don't care for the way the word "hype" is dropped whenever a rumored product is mentioned by someone. A product can't be "hyped" when it doesn't even exist. The only thing being hyped are the rumors themselves, and they are being hyped by the rumor spreaders themselves. There is a difference!
  • Reply 39 of 224
    Originally Posted by age234 View Post

    Wow, impressive video. Who knows if it'll happen, but that's a great concept.

    Knowledge Navigator, anyone?

    that was my first thought too. if we take faked technology videos as serious as actually delivered product, then this is a 're-envisioning' of apple's knowledge navigator 'prototype' from the sculley era, more than twenty years later:

  • Reply 40 of 224
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    I like the split home button that folds in the middle yet has no seam. Amazing technology. Should be here by Thanksgiving.
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