Sprint counters Verizon iPhone 4 with dual-screen Android phone



  • Reply 121 of 171
    Chronster tries to make some points, but when challenged has to resort to the typical liberal technique of bashing conservatives with "What you call bashing is often a very neutral or fair stance. You remind me of all the right wing nutjobs that have gotten so used to Fox News' far right bias that they view every OTHER news network as far left!"

    He has hit the nail on the head. All the OTHER networks are far left. What seems to bug the libs is that Fox, who does lean right, is kicking ALL of them in the rear.

    Just like Apple is kicking rear because of their superior phones, pads, pods, etc., maybe Fox is doing so well because they are superior. There can't be that many knuckle draggers out there. Libs just hate it that Fox is successful and MSNBC, CNN, Gore's Network (is it still on?), ABC, NBC and CBS aren't doing well.

    And I'm sure it bugs them that Rush Limbaugh uses Apple products.

    Deal with it.
  • Reply 122 of 171
    OMG this is definitely an industry FIRST! You guys are idiots.....I didn't think it was possible, but they actually marketed a real piece of shit! I mean who had the courage to do that? Apple was too scared to market shit, so was Microsoft. I'm happy that Sprint stood up to give people what they never wanted: true shit!
  • Reply 123 of 171
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by iansilv View Post

    I am pretty sure that was just a rumor- it was announced at the Verizon event that the agreement with Verizon was a non-exclusive one.

    In which case I suspect all carriers will have an iPhone in the next year or so. I can't see any reason why not so long as they agree to Apple's terms that is
  • Reply 124 of 171
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    And you remind me of all the sheeple who got so used to how far left the mainstream news drifted left for decade after decade that a single alternative to the PC (hint: not Personal Computers) chorus not only shocks you, but requires you to take every opportunity to blast it as "far right" until that becomes an excuse for everyone else to ignore that there are other voices in the country.

    And we can all happily get back to hastening the decline and fall of the American republic by perfecting it with government and intellectual hegemony.

    You will of course win. All empires get soft and inward looking and in time unable to resist the barbarians at their gates.


    lol sigh indeed. It's one thing to have a bias that's hard to spot, but occasionally is spotted. It's an entirely other thing to blatantly spread misinformation and propaganda for a single political party.

    Fox News isn't news, it's an adjunct of the republican party. If you think THAT is the proper response to the very LITTLE liberal bias in the media, you don't deserve a place at any political discussion.
  • Reply 125 of 171
    sdbryansdbryan Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Of course I do. You're biased. That's how that works.

    Right here, you are literally talking out of your ass trying to find reasons to not like this thing, all based on opinion and assumptions alone. Why? Oh because Apple didn't make it.

    AI is the equivalent of Fox News with Apple related news. Did we ever get a follow up on that INCORRECT 16% return rate for the galaxy tab? Turns out it was only 2%, and every other tech news site I visit DID follow up. Not here. Not at Fox Ne--- I mean, Apple Insider.

    Really? You take their word as gospel when they claim a return rate of 2% without any clear specification of the denominator? Base on "sales" of two million or the much smaller number that consumers purchased? Right now their credibility is shot with anyone except true believers. If Apple were caught in a bald faced lie, I would be cautious about their subsequent claims.
  • Reply 126 of 171
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by jazam2010 View Post

    OMG this is definitely an industry FIRST! You guys are idiots.....I didn't think it was possible, but they actually marketed a real piece of shit! I mean who had the courage to do that? Apple was too scared to market shit, so was Microsoft. I'm happy that Sprint stood up to give people what they never wanted: true shit!

    Well credit where credit is due, Microsoft did pretend they were making the Courier and many trolls here swore they were buying one. So this can't take all the credit ... but yes they had the balls to actually build it. Come to think of it I assume all the frustrated Courier fans must be drooling! What if it is just smaller.
  • Reply 127 of 171
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    You remind me of the left wing nutjobs that are so used to the other networks far left bias they view anything else as far right.

    There is no such thing as a centrist news network in the US. Take out Fox and the people in the industry consistantly vote for and donate to Democrats about 20 times as much as Republicans while the country itself is rarely more than a few % points off of 50/50. If you can not see the massive bias in the US media, it means you are blind.

    OTOH, I agree with your main point. If you give Android any credit for its good points or fairly critisize Apple for their shortcomings, you get labeled a fandroid or a troll. There are very few here capable of looking at the products for what they are worth and using their brains to reasonably consider the good and the bad. The iPhone 4 is my favorite of the currently available smartphones, but it is far from perfect. I don't like any of the Android offerings as much, but several are far from junk.

    I'm glad we can agree. Forget what I said about Fox News, that's off topic.
  • Reply 128 of 171
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    lol sigh indeed. It's one thing to have a bias that's hard to spot, but occasionally is spotted. It's an entirely other thing to blatantly spread misinformation and propaganda for a single political party.

    Fox News isn't news, it's an adjunct of the republican party. If you think THAT is the proper response to the very LITTLE liberal bias in the media, you don't deserve a place at any political discussion.

    Oh yessss ... we agree on something

    I'd have no problem with FoxNews if it just admitted it was what you say, same with CNBC ... just be honest. Frankly I think Fox is awesome otherwise as an entertainment channel. Plus they love using Macs on shows
  • Reply 129 of 171
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Android is just an ugly mutation of iPhone anyway and this two headed mutant from the Far East, as DED would say, is the pinnacle of evolutionary specialization of the species. Somehow I don't get the impression it will be a survivor in the survival of the fittest.
  • Reply 130 of 171
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    ...an exclusive new Android-powered dual-touchscreen smartphone from Kyocera, a unique device touted as an "industry last."


    This was fresh when Nintendo did it.
  • Reply 131 of 171
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by sdbryan View Post

    Really? You take their word as gospel when they claim a return rate of 2% without any clear specification of the denominator? Base on "sales" of two million or the much smaller number that consumers purchased? Right now their credibility is shot with anyone except true believers. If Apple were caught in a bald faced lie, I would be cautious about their subsequent claims.

    The difference between 2% and 16% is pretty substantial, but as others have pointed out, it's the difference between something being returned to the store vs being returned to Samsung apparently. I misunderstood since both were just referred to as return rates.
  • Reply 132 of 171
    gotwakegotwake Posts: 115member
    The trolls are out in force!!

    The problem I have with companies like HTC, Motorola and Kyocera is they just can't think for themselves. Google has to provide them with an OS and then they try to follow Apple. The problem arises when they step out from behind Apple, that's when they produce sh__ like this. Great concept....... for a toy.
  • Reply 133 of 171
    sdbryansdbryan Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    Will be lessucessful then kin. Don't buy.

    It will require courage since it will almost certainly be orphaned soon after introduction, like the Kin. When I saw the headline I was hoping it would be more like Microsoft's Courier concept video. No such luck. The Courier probably was no more than vapor. Too bad, it did look intriguing.
  • Reply 134 of 171
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Android is just an ugly mutation of iPhone anyway and this two headed mutant from the Far East, as DED would say, is the pinnacle of evolutionary specialization of the species. Somehow I don't get the impression it will be a survivor in the survival of the fittest.

    Nope, you can't outfox Darwin!
  • Reply 135 of 171
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Android is just an ugly mutation of iPhone anyway and this two headed mutant from the Far East, as DED would say, is the pinnacle of evolutionary specialization of the species. Somehow I don't get the impression it will be a survivor in the survival of the fittest.

    The beauty of Android is that it's not a species. It is a kingdom of many classes, orders, families, genera. Android is used in tablets, phones, and soon to be in radios and cars. This phone is just one point of the branch that will not continue forward. So please look at the bigger picture instead of generalizing everything into a black and white image. Android is not one product. Android is a kingdom of millions of products.
  • Reply 136 of 171
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Android is just an ugly mutation of iPhone anyway and this two headed mutant from the Far East, as DED would say, is the pinnacle of evolutionary specialization of the species. Somehow I don't get the impression it will be a survivor in the survival of the fittest.

    Mutation, and thus adaptability is the key to survival. I mean, if you're going to use THAT analogy. Of course, I call it "fracturing"
  • Reply 137 of 171
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by jazam2010 View Post

    The beauty of Android is that it's not a species. It is a kingdom of many classes, orders, families, genera. Android is used in tablets, phones, and soon to be in radios and cars. This phone is just one point of the branch that will not continue forward. So please look at the bigger picture instead of generalizing everything into a black and white image. Android is not one product. Android is a kingdom of millions of products.

    That's what makes it so wonderful for app developers.
  • Reply 138 of 171
    swiftswift Posts: 436member
    "We've got TWO, not ONE!"

    And what do you do with that? What does this do to battery life? Can you put one image across both screens? Launch one screen on the top, and then one to the bottom to compare, say, something you want to buy from Amazon? Or two TV models? Maybe. But wouldn't you save that for a tablet or a home computer?

    Seems gimmicky.\
  • Reply 139 of 171
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    That's what makes it so wonderful for app developers.

    Sad to say this, but I actually wish google was more closed on that part. They really need to set in standards, like Apple did from the start. This is a flaw of android; being too open.
  • Reply 140 of 171
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by jazam2010 View Post

    The beauty of Android is that it's not a species. It is a kingdom of many classes, orders, families, genera. Android is used in tablets, phones, and soon to be in radios and cars. This phone is just one point of the branch that will not continue forward. So please look at the bigger picture instead of generalizing everything into a black and white image. Android is not one product. Android is a kingdom of millions of products.

    I suspect so is iOS. I'd love Apple's genius at interfaces to run my microwave etc. I'd certainly feel safer if my car computer were controlled by iOS than something from Google or Microsoft!
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