Apple announces iPad 2 with new design, faster A5 processor



  • Reply 201 of 417
    -cj--cj- Posts: 58member
    This is by no means a deal breaker but maybe someone can answer a quick question about the smart cover. Does it offer a way to hold the iPad upright in the vertical position? It doesn't look like it in the video but am I missing something?

    I think it looks like a great update, for the record. I can see wanting a retina-like display, but it would be unlike Apple to release an updated product in less than a year, so I don't think it's worth waiting for.
  • Reply 202 of 417
    guch20guch20 Posts: 173member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Wait a second, release ipad 3 this year? you really think they will?

    As far as nothing like the apps, you mentioned; imovies and garageband perhaps, but there are alternatives to facetime.

    And how long do you think it will take for someone to make a knockoff of imove or garageband for android tablets?

    Yeah, just what people want: "knockoff" apps. I guess that's good enough for people who are dumb enough to buy knockoff tablets and phones that run a knockoff OS.
  • Reply 203 of 417
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    The xoom is missing 65000 apps.

    Frankly the xoom hasn't a hope.

    IMO- probably some hope for xoom; androidOS(webOS does 'look' nice... but still not delivered) has a big market share. People are familar with android. The hardware and interfaces of these 'pads/tablets etc' are(or will be) 'roughly' comparable by years end(barring some surpise).

    But your right, -the apps, are the bottom line IMO

    Looks like an ipad2 purchase Mar 11 from me!
  • Reply 204 of 417
    I am totally relieved that the Apple white has made a return... I missed it dearly. This time in glass instead of a plastic material! I didn't even like the first iPad, but just for the white/aluminum combination I'm practically drooling at this new iteration. The black was beginning to look so conformist-like and depressing. Can you imagine bringing this white option over to the next redesigned MacBook Pro body? I'm there in an instant!
  • Reply 205 of 417
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    I was expecting more. More RAM (if that 512MB rumour is true). And an onboard GPS receiver for example (I would have found this handier than a rear-facing camera). The improvements made essentially bring the iPad up to the hardware the competitors are offering. Nothing more.

    I think it's really stretching it when you have covers as a selling point. After all, it's not anything novel. Blackberries have been doing the wake on uncover thing for a while now. And it just strikes me as bizarre....I'd be more worried about scratching the metal than damaging the screen (which would be better off with a screen protector).

    The OS updates weren't all that interesting either. But that doesn't bother me as much, because software can always be improved on. And I expect they are saving the bulk of their software announcements for iOS5 with the iPhone.

    I'm really torn. The way I see it...if I'm going to spend $499, then I might as well spend $100 more and get the Xoom. It offers more, hardware wise and there are software features that are really appealing (tabbed browser, widgets, better notifications, OTA sync/updates, etc)....I couldn't care less about the apps. That'll pickup for Android. And really, how many is a person going to pay for and use? But if I go with the iPad then I'd rather spend less than $499 and maybe pickup last year's model or get a refurb...or pay $499 and get more memory. Gonna have to sleep on this one.....
  • Reply 206 of 417
    rabbit_coachrabbit_coach Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by guch20 View Post

    Yeah, just what people want: "knockoff" apps. I guess that's good enough for people who are dumb enough to buy knockoff tablets and phones that run a knockoff OS.

    Some knockoff people will always buy knockoff stuff. And we probably shouldn' blame them.
  • Reply 207 of 417
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    So do I because November seems a long time to wait for it's release.

    P.S. in our date format it's 11/3

    You don't mention which it is but if by "our" you mean American, you have it backwards.

    11/3(/11) is British

    3/11(/11) is American
  • Reply 208 of 417
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Originally Posted by guch20 View Post

    Yeah, just what people want: "knockoff" apps. I guess that's good enough for people who are dumb enough to buy knockoff tablets and phones that run a knockoff OS.

    Well the better ones are not knockoffs but ported iphone apps.

    But point taken, still cant get good equiv to iphoto, imovie for wondoze from what Ive seen, but Im still looking. However, Android might change that for 3rd party apps, because they will/can be ported from iOS. Time will tell
  • Reply 209 of 417
    direwolfdirewolf Posts: 11member
    I admit I have not read all the comments. I'm at work and don't have time.

    I currently have an iPad 16GB with 3G on AT&T with an unlimited $30 a month data plan. Does anyone know if I can put the $30 unlimited plan on my new iPad 2? Since AT&T does not offer an unlimited plan anymore, I'd downgrade the iPad to a $15 or $25 plan.

    Alternatively, I guess I could use Verizon for iPad 2 and take advantage of their unlimited plan while they are still offering it.
  • Reply 210 of 417
    Apple has this knack for making a brand new product look completley revolutionary and unbelievably sleek compared to everything else out there... then a year later changing the design and making last year's model look like an artifact.

    The iPad/iPad2 side-by-side is incredible. iPad2 is sexy as hell
  • Reply 211 of 417
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Aeolian View Post

    Pardon, but if you're teathering with your iPhone 4 then couldn't you just check your phone for the GPS location?

    Food for thought!

    Ya' know, a while back I was thinking about writing a simple iPhone app that logs geolocation...

    So if you are out and about using a camera without geolocation -- you could just tap a button whenever you wanted to film at a new location and it would timestamp and log it to a file. Later you could match with the camera timestamp (compensating for difference in the device clocks).

    Not a difficult app!

  • Reply 212 of 417
    gotwakegotwake Posts: 115member
    Notice all of the haters stopped talking about the 'great' feature called Flash. Its going to be fun when the Xoom finally gets it batterylife gets slammed. Of course, it could be discontinued first.....
  • Reply 213 of 417
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Plus, you can bet that Android tablets will be refreshing faster than iPad is. At the end of the day, I'm expecting same scenario to repeat as in iPhone vs. Android phones. Which is not bad scenario for Apple, to be honest - they will remain biggest individual tablet manufacturer, but I'm not expecting them to remain dominant tablet platform for much more than a year.

    I've been saying this for a while... Apple will have to refresh more often to keep up with Android tablets and phones (yes, I know, "what Android tablets?!").

    When competing with so many companies it seems inevitable that new features will be introduced throughout the entire year in the Android product line. It will be easy for Apple to look old after 6 months once the Android products start hitting store shelves in earnest.

    [Updating the iOS can't, in my opinion, be seen as a refresh.]
  • Reply 214 of 417
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    All & all I am very impressed with the iPad 2. I almost got an iPad until I first used FaceTime on my iPhone 4. The iPad 1 became out of the question at that moment. Looking forward to buying my first iPad this month. I confidentally predicted here that iPad 2 would have Thunderbolt and I was dead wrong! Serve me some humble pie please...
  • Reply 215 of 417
    dimitrirdimitrir Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by Lukeskymac View Post


    Flash? Really? You do know the non-Apple tablet with the best battery life (by far) is the one that doesn't ship with flash?

    Motorola Xoom - better specs and better battery life than both iPads and will have flash support soon.
  • Reply 216 of 417
    rabbit_coachrabbit_coach Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    I was expecting more. More RAM (if that 512MB rumour is true). And an onboard GPS receiver for example (I would have found this handier than a rear-facing camera). The improvements made essentially bring the iPad up to the hardware the competitors are offering. Nothing more.

    I think it's really stretching it when you have covers as a selling point. After all, it's not anything novel. Blackberries have been doing the wake on uncover thing for a while now. And it just strikes me as bizarre....I'd be more worried about scratching the metal than damaging the screen (which would be better off with a screen protector).

    The OS updates weren't all that interesting either. But that doesn't bother me as much, because software can always be improved on. And I expect they are saving the bulk of their software announcements for iOS5 with the iPhone.

    I'm really torn. The way I see it...if I'm going to spend $499, then I might as well spend $100 more and get the Xoom. It offers more, hardware wise and there are software features that are really appealing (tabbed browser, widgets, better notifications, OTA sync/updates, etc)....I couldn't care less about the apps. That'll pickup for Android. And really, how many is a person going to pay for and use? But if I go with the iPad then I'd rather spend less than $499 and maybe pickup last year's model or get a refurb...or pay $499 and get more memory. Gonna have to sleep on this one.....

    Is this ment to be a joke? If so, well you really got me there for a second. Very dry humor.(if so). If not well you must be a really sorry a..
  • Reply 217 of 417
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    I was expecting more. More RAM (if that 512MB rumour is true). And an onboard GPS receiver for example .....

    I guess the GPS is part of the phone chips??? and not stand alone chips?

    But I agree, IMO all devises should have GPS chips.

    What ever was installed for memory should be ok; it 'seemed' to handle the movie demo ok. The upgraded graphic processing is pretty important and speeding up Safari is pretty important too.

    One of the reasons I held back, when I demo'd ipad1, seemed a bit slow to load web... so I waited (ipad is a nice to have, not a need)

    Lets see that CNET video comparision now, well... March 11th
  • Reply 218 of 417
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Serious trolling on ComputerWorld - a big IT pro site. They eventually get around to the software and ecosystem - but only after tut-tutting for paras:

    Apple failed to move hardware bar with iPad 2, say experts
  • Reply 219 of 417
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Originally Posted by Rabbit_Coach View Post

    Is this ment to be a joke? If so, well you really got me there for a second. Very dry humor.(if so). If not well you must be a really sorry a..

    IMO, he gave a honest thoughtful opinion, you may disagree, and thats fine, say what points you disagree with.

    Now if you want to call some one an arse and take to task, take a look at dimitrir's comments.
  • Reply 220 of 417
    Why is it called the iPad 2 on the site, then some parts of the site call it the iPad and it has iPad printed on the back? What is this thing called!?
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