Apple's Schiller speaks out against Android on eve of Galaxy S4 debut



  • Reply 141 of 212
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member


    Originally Posted by 512ke View Post

    I agree, it's just a phone.  


    But it's moment of the shift.


    This is the "shift to Windows 95" moment, when Apple's elegant but higher priced phone/tablet offerings start to become marginalized by a competitor who is ever faster, more nimble, cheaper, and more frantic in its offerings.  


    Big screen, small screen, glasses, watch, e-paper: Samsung and Android will win it all.  


    I've never owned a PC in my life.  I've had iPhones since the first one.  I have stuck with APPL.


    But the reality distortion is gone, and I see Samsung/Android/Google not only taking over but driving Apple to extinction like a slowly evolving dinosaur that struggles to come up with a 5s while the competish has mutated randomly with blinding speed and variety to become top predator.


    Ugh.  Selling APPL tomorrow (unless some wiser person convinces me otherwise lol).

    Changed flavor; you're still a kool-aid drinker. Absolutely no original thought.

  • Reply 142 of 212

    Its ok for SJ to openly claim that they shamelessly steal ideas from others but when Google allegedly stole ideas to create android, its unfair all of a sudden? Or if Samsung uses ideas from Apple that's also unacceptable? 

  • Reply 143 of 212
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member


    Originally Posted by Mars123 View Post

    Schiller sounds like a whining baby complaining about competition instead of offering a legitimate product from his own company

    No, it sounds like he is responding to a question he was asked during an interview.

  • Reply 144 of 212
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    If you read the original WSJ piece, it's pretty obvious Schiller was mugged by these "journalists." There will be some repercussions. It was not an interview, it was a hit piece.
  • Reply 145 of 212
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by Mars123 View Post

    Its ok for SJ to openly claim that they shamelessly steal ideas from others but when Google allegedly stole ideas to create android, its unfair all of a sudden? Or if Samsung uses ideas from Apple that's also unacceptable? 


    Let me help you out, Mars.


    From the dictionary:



    Or did you really think Steve Jobs admitted theft in a public documentary AND never got investigated or prosecuted?


    (And what exactly do you think he stole, anyway?)

  • Reply 146 of 212

    What proof do you have that android stole from iOS? if Apple was so sure of that, why are they so scared to sue Google instead of crying and whining? 

  • Reply 147 of 212
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,754member

    Originally Posted by Mars123

    Its ok for SJ to openly claim that they shamelessly steal ideas from others but when Google allegedly stole ideas to create android, its unfair all of a sudden? Or if Samsung uses ideas from Apple that's also unacceptable? 


    Jobs shoots his mouth off in, what, 1995?  About an event which happened in 1979.  And now it's somehow definitive proof that Apple steals ideas in 2013?


    Maybe you should read some of the details about the Xerox PARC visits before you use them as proof of Apple stealing.  They also signed a stock agreement with Xerox about the visits, so it's not like they gave nothing in return.  Unlike Microsoft did later, and now Google has done by working around having to pay licensing to Sun (now Oracle) in regards to Java.


    And how about the multitouch interface which Apple "stole" (purchased FingerWorks)?  Again, Apple pays to acquire their "stolen" technology rather than just using it and hoping no one is willing to take it to court.

  • Reply 148 of 212
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,754member


    Originally Posted by Mars123 View Post

    What proof do you have that android stole from iOS? if Apple was so sure of that, why are they so scared to sue Google instead of crying and whining? 


    Trouble is, Android isn't actually a product which Google directly profits from.  Hence why Apple has been going after the companies which do profit from using it in their products (Samsung, Motorola, HTC, etc) rather than Google itself.

  • Reply 149 of 212
    mars123mars123 Posts: 26member

    That's a lame excuse for Apple not suing Google. Oracle sued Google for using Java in Android even though google doesn't profit from android. Apple knows they have absolutely no chance of beating Google in a court room. That's why they are suing a Korean company in a court 10 miles from their HQ with local Jury. If Android was stolen, SJ would have sued Google way back in 2009. Its crazy everyone on Apple sites claim "Google stole android" yet no one can show any concrete proof. 

  • Reply 150 of 212
    hftshfts Posts: 386member
    My what a thread!
    My head hurts from the insane bullshit and lies from the trolls.
  • Reply 151 of 212
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    I think iOS needs some Big New Feature(TM). It sure would make Phil's job easier if he could say something concrete like "Our phone is better than their's because it can ..." (e.g. make your breakfast). 

  • Reply 152 of 212
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member
    He was too polite in those statements. I had Galaxy 2 Mini as second phone for few months, this was really a crappy experience, I don't want to go in details. I can only say, I was the happiest man in the world when I installed dual SIM module in my 4S.

    Arguments like: "I don't need iTunes for Android, I can use >>anything else<< (why then?)", "I can copy music directly to phone" (why bother? where will you put it?), etc... are simply idiotic statements from no-brain boys who just don't get the purpose of such device.
  • Reply 153 of 212
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member


    Originally Posted by auxio View Post


    Trouble is, Android isn't actually a product which Google directly profits from.  Hence why Apple has been going after the companies which do profit from using it in their products (Samsung, Motorola, HTC, etc) rather than Google itself.

    Good point! Android is given as free of charge. It is actually a devious plan, I need to give credit to Google for it, although I don't like it.

  • Reply 154 of 212
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    hill60 wrote: »
    philboogie wrote: »
    /snip ...switching to an Android device seems silly if we don't know where they switch from (Apple, BB, MS?)

    ...but we do know, it's in the article.
    In a rare interview with The Wall Street Journal, Schiller went over fourth quarter 2012 metrics related to "switchers," or [SIZE=14px]handset users who switched between an iPhone and an Android[/SIZE]. Citing Apple research, the executive said that four times as many iPhone users switched away from Android than to a handset running Google's mobile OS.

    Apparently I am so intoxicated with Samsung news I read 'Android' as 'Samsung' - my bad
    512ke wrote: »
    I've never owned a PC in my life.  I've had iPhones since the first one.  I have stuck with APPL.

    But the reality distortion is gone, and I see Samsung/Android/Google not only taking over but driving Apple to extinction like a slowly evolving dinosaur that struggles to come up with a 5s while the competish has mutated randomly with blinding speed and variety to become top predator.

    Ugh.  Selling APPL tomorrow (unless some wiser person convinces me otherwise lol).

    Indeed, sell that petroleum stock and buy something nice for yourself.
  • Reply 155 of 212
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    ...runs through the middle of this incredible thread war wearing absolutely nothing and waving his pants round and round his head!

    Woo hoo!!!!


    "Hello, Security? Yeah, could you send someone upstairs? Make sure he's big and make sure he's got a bathrobe or something..."

  • Reply 156 of 212
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member


    Originally Posted by Mars123 View Post

    You value the opinion of a marketing guy more than that of the co-founder of Apple simply because he doesn't agree with you?


    You value the opinion of a man who had nothing to do with the iMac, the iPod, OSX, the iPhone, the iPad, iOS ... over the opinion of the marketing director who was at least partially responsible for Apple becoming the world's most profitable consumer electronics company, simply because he doesn't agree with you?

  • Reply 157 of 212
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    hfts wrote: »
    My what a thread!
    My head hurts from the insane bullshit and lies from the trolls.

    I know, it started out with DaHarder and went downhill from there. That's an accomplishment, downhill from there.

    Thanks to igriv, MacRulez, Mars 123 for leading the descent. Good job! See you later this morning after the Samsung dance numbers.
  • Reply 158 of 212
    hftshfts Posts: 386member
    flaneur wrote: »
    I know, it started out with DaHarder and went downhill from there. That's an accomplishment, downhill from there.

    Thanks to igriv, MacRulez, Mars 123 for leading the descent. Good job! See you later this morning after the Samsung dance numbers.
    They achieved their aim. But at least they gave us a bit of a laugh.
    I find myself constantly shaking my head at the sheer idiocy of their comments, the really sad thing is that they actually believe what they write.
    In the past I thought they were simply here to annoy people, but not now, not any more.
    They would make many a shrink very rich and very happy.
    I can't wait to read their shrill when the samdung g4 comes out shortly, man I can't wait. I want to be educated on how a plastic fantastic piece of junk is the best thing since, we'll since anything and everything.
  • Reply 159 of 212
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    mars123 wrote: »
    I never claimed Apple didn't design the Ax processor. Just like apple, Samsung also designs its own Exynos processor and they both use ARM architecture. The difference is Apple is dependent on Samsung to manufacture their chip while Samsung doesn't need Apple for anything except that Samsung needs Apple's R&D because they're unable to come up with anything original by themselves.

    There. I fixed that for you.
  • Reply 160 of 212
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    ascii wrote: »
    I think iOS needs some Big New Feature(TM). It sure would make Phil's job easier if he could say something concrete like "Our phone is better than their's because it can ..." (e.g. make your breakfast). 

    Wouldn't work.

    Apple could release some nice feature that was well-integrated and worked extremely well and provided a world class UI. All the shills would bring up something that was only vaguely related and which was total crap - and claim that Apple simply copied it.

    Or they'd resort to their usual spec gams. "Ours has more cores (ignoring the fact that Apple's is still faster and smoother)". "Ours has a bigger screen (ignoring the fact that it's a crappy screen and is so large that it's hard to use as a phone)." "Ours has more megapixels (ignoring the fact that it's got such a cheap, crappy lens that its pictures are far worse than Apple provides)." No one but Apple understands the concept of a well-designed system that works well and provides great user satisfaction - so they're left with the sily spec games.
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