Samsung returns to targeted anti-Apple ads with latest Galaxy S4 spot



  • Reply 41 of 210
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,405member
    see flat wrote: »
    What problems? I find Jellybean more stable than my daughter's iOS on the IP5. I've never had an issue or a problem in almost 2 years. And I'm not a paid spokesman.
    What exactly is unstable about iOS? I dont' mean annoying, not to your liking, stupid... whatever.
    Unstable= ???

    He often makes up this stuff, I think.
  • Reply 42 of 210
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,739member


    Originally Posted by sessamoid View Post

    Bump has been available since the original iPhone app store in 2008 (?), IIRC. I used once because it seemed cool. Never used it again.


    Yup, it's gimmicky. Call me practical, but I'd much rather have general purpose device-to-device file syncing capabilities (photos, videos, documents, whatever) without the need to "bump" them together.  Which I do via other apps.

  • Reply 43 of 210
    dnd0psdnd0ps Posts: 253member


    Originally Posted by egern View Post

    You've got to admit, Samsung is innovating. You can certainly argue that Apple implements ideas in a more elegant, controlled and tight sort of way, but iOS isn't exactly pioneering the way in new ideas lately.

    As an Android user myself, I pray that iOS 7 brings NFC capabilities so that technology finally takes off. Android has had it for over a year, but until Apple gets it, it just won't be that wide spread.

    Fandroid on AppleInsider?



    It's interesting how Samsung tries to position their phones as something young people would like. From what I've seen, most big screen phone owners are those who need the big screen for their poor eyesight (middle aged and above).

  • Reply 44 of 210
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,824member


    Originally Posted by SCProfessor View Post

    What problems? I find Jellybean more stable than my daughter's iOS on the IP5. I've never had an issue or a problem in almost 2 years. And I'm not a paid spokesman.


    Haven't had my iPhone 5 for 2 years and so cannot refute your argument directly, however you set the argument up that way. Also haven't had a single issue with the phone and so I suspect that by the time my 2 year contract is up, just as with my iPhone 4 which we still use, I will have had no issues either. The iPhone is all class, the Apple ads classy, everything that Samsung isn't.

  • Reply 45 of 210
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,824member


    Originally Posted by dnd0ps View Post

    ... From what I've seen, most big screen phone owners are those who need the big screen for their poor eyesight (middle aged and above).


    That's exactly the argument put by a Samsung user to me recently, his wife however was very happy with her iPhone 5. The wife, lol, is his employer too, she runs a very successful import business.

  • Reply 46 of 210
    bonsly16bonsly16 Posts: 9member


    Originally Posted by scotty321 View Post

    That is such an embarrassing ad. They are showing off absolutely pointless features, most of which are already available via apps on iOS anyways. The ones that aren't available are ludicrous anyways... answering your phone with your hand moving in front of it? Um, no thank you... how many accidental calls would you end up picking up that way? The Android platform is so terrible that it has come down to touting these atrocities as advantages? Of course they don't mention the viruses, malware, freezes, security breaches, and crashes on the Android platform. They also don't mention that you can never upgrade your OS nor that your privacy is squelched every time you download an app. They don't mention the inferior camera nor the inferior display nor the inferior hardware nor the inferior materials nor the inferior user experience. They also don't have the superior Apple ecosystem that syncs your Mac, iPhone, and iPad together. They don't mention the lack of iMessage -- a truly indispensable tool, nor the inferior apps available for Android (not to mention the MUCH SMALLER NUMBER of apps available), nor the lack of the high-quality FaceTime video chats. I'd like to see an ad that actually talks about all of that. Or, I'd much rather have the wonderfully sentimental and beautiful new iPhone ad that came out last week.


    Some things to consider:


    • First of, this commercial was made to showcase the built-in features of the Galaxy S4. It's an advantage for Galaxy users that they need not to go to the Android market and download apps just to "have" these features. 




    • What do you mean by "you can never upgrade your OS? The Galaxy S3, which was released a little more than 9 months ago is already in Android 4.1.2. It's a few versions shy away from the latest version which is 4.2.


    • Inferior camera? You do know that the Galaxy S4 carries a 13 megapixel camera as opposed to the iPhone 5's 8 megapixel?

           CNET states: When it comes to the out-and-out winner, the tussle between the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S4 grows murkier. In well-lit photos, the        choice for the "better" camera is a coin toss. The iPhone's slight underexposure captures the most detail across a scene, but the GS4 camera produced a lot of the photos we liked best. 

           Lifehacker: The iPhone 5 and the Galaxy S4 are the star-performers here — both rendered crisp, beautiful images. The only thing that puts the S4 slightly over the top is a better result in the highlights of the image. The light looks better on the top of the sleeper when captured on the Galaxy S4, even if it’s slight.

             AllthingsD: On many key hardware specs, the Galaxy S 4 shines. Its screen and camera resolution beat the iPhone 5’s and I found its pictures to be slightly better than those from the Apple phone, which is nearly a year old.


    • Inferior display? A 1920x1080 screen vs an 1136x640 screen. The Galaxy's display is clearly not inferior to the iPhone 5. I mean...for real? 

    ( Galaxy S4 has a much bigger screen, higher resolution, higher PPI, much darker blacks, and better screen uniformity than the iPhone 5.


    • There's something like Google Talk in Android. Considering that you would need a Google account to begin using your Android device, using Google Talk doesn't require much. It's free, easy to use, and is a "real-time" chat service.



    • The Galaxy has a 2 megapixel front-camera as opposed to the iPhone 5's 1.2 megapixel front camera. 

  • Reply 47 of 210
    khunsakhunsa Posts: 3member
    What problems? I find Jellybean more stable than my daughter's iOS on the IP5. I've never had an issue or a problem in almost 2 years. And I'm not a paid spokesman.

    Isn't jellybean, not even a year old?
  • Reply 48 of 210
    Judging by the axiom for politicians and advertisers, "never punch down", I'd guess we can tell who samesung thinks is winning. That's the same reason we're unlikely to see apple mention Samsung in a commercial.
  • Reply 49 of 210
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,405member


    Originally Posted by dnd0ps View Post

    From what I've seen, most big screen phone owners are those who need the big screen for their poor eyesight (middle aged and above).

    Actually, even there, the iPhone wins out. You should check out the vision-related accessibility settings (under 'General').

  • Reply 50 of 210
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,405member


    Originally Posted by bonsly16 View Post

    Samsung doesn't need an ad to show the strengths of its phone. People already know which phone is better.

    Which "people"? The 90%? Or the 10%?image

  • Reply 51 of 210
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    scotty321 wrote: »
    That is such an embarrassing ad. They are showing off absolutely pointless features, most of which are already available via apps on iOS anyways.

    Yep, but when it's all you've got
  • Reply 52 of 210
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by bonsly16 View Post


    Some things to consider:


    • First of, this commercial was made to showcase the built-in features of the Galaxy S4. It's an advantage for Galaxy users that they need not to go to the Android market and download apps just to "have" these features. 




    • What do you mean by "you can never upgrade your OS? The Galaxy S3, which was released a little more than 9 months ago is already in Android 4.1.2. It's a few versions shy away from the latest version which is 4.2.


    • Inferior camera? You do know that the Galaxy S4 carries a 13 megapixel camera as opposed to the iPhone 5's 8 megapixel?

           CNET states: When it comes to the out-and-out winner, the tussle between the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S4 grows murkier. In well-lit photos, the        choice for the "better" camera is a coin toss. The iPhone's slight underexposure captures the most detail across a scene, but the GS4 camera produced a lot of the photos we liked best. 

           Lifehacker: The iPhone 5 and the Galaxy S4 are the star-performers here — both rendered crisp, beautiful images. The only thing that puts the S4 slightly over the top is a better result in the highlights of the image. The light looks better on the top of the sleeper when captured on the Galaxy S4, even if it’s slight.

             AllthingsD: On many key hardware specs, the Galaxy S 4 shines. Its screen and camera resolution beat the iPhone 5’s and I found its pictures to be slightly better than those from the Apple phone, which is nearly a year old.


    • Inferior display? A 1920x1080 screen vs an 1136x640 screen. The Galaxy's display is clearly not inferior to the iPhone 5. I mean...for real? 

    ( Galaxy S4 has a much bigger screen, higher resolution, higher PPI, much darker blacks, and better screen uniformity than the iPhone 5.


    • There's something like Google Talk in Android. Considering that you would need a Google account to begin using your Android device, using Google Talk doesn't require much. It's free, easy to use, and is a "real-time" chat service.



    • The Galaxy has a 2 megapixel front-camera as opposed to the iPhone 5's 1.2 megapixel front camera. 


    Samsung doesn't need an ad to show the strengths of its phone. People already know which phone is better.


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

    Some people prefer the iPhone and others prefer the Galaxy -- I certainly don't know which phone is better, but I can see people liking either one. My experience is that iOS has its share of stability problems -- the updater frequently hangs, and is impossible to unhang (the only way seems to be to delete the hung updates, and to reload the apps from scratch) -- really annoying, since I have several a lot of apps, and doing this by hand is a nightmare (and a frequent one). iMessage sometimes eats messages. Some of the apps I use crash every time I use them. Others never do. I have never ever had an app crash on an android device, but my sample size is a lot smaller. I have never had malware on either iPhones or Androids. Perhaps because I neither jailbreak nor sideload (although the fact that Apple has never sold a truly unlocked device has made the decision to not jailbreak a difficult and expensive one -- all of my android devices are fully unlocked).


    Just one man's experience.

    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }


  • Reply 53 of 210
    totemstotems Posts: 17member
    Good think you all bought iPhones. The unthinkable would happen, otherwise; you'd be complaining about a product that you own!
  • Reply 54 of 210
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member

    I think the Windows 8 commercial where they make fun of Apple and Samsung to be very entertaining.....

  • Reply 55 of 210
    phone-ui-guyphone-ui-guy Posts: 1,019member
    egern wrote: »
    Wow it's been that long?  As much as I hate to admit it, it DOES take Apple entering the ring at this point in game.  So many of my friends buy iPhones because they are iPhones.  They have no idea what the competition offers and think that their phone is the best because, again, it's an iPhone.  I know I'm generalizing, not trying to offend anyone.  Whether it's the best phone or not, it's that kind of mentality that leads to revolutionary changes in the way we live (i.e. mobile payments) needing to be driven by a company like Apple with such a devout following and robust marketing campaign.  Retailers and restaurant chains will jump on board right away if they know that all iPhone users in the world now know about NFC capabilities... they won't want to miss that market.  They ignore Android.

    Having said that, I have a Galaxy Nexus and use Google Wallet as often as I can, especially in taxis.  Some places have it all set up, including Macy's, McDonalds, Banana Republic just to name a few.  I love the technology, but I get such strange looks when I pay by tapping my phone.  Guarantee that more than half the time, it's the first time the clerk has seen it in action (several have told me that).  Once Apple integrates it and pours marketing dollars into it, everyone will know about it (and everyone will think Apple did something revolutionary, but that's a rant for a different time).  I live in SF too, so I can only imagine that NFC payment opportunities are even more scarce in other parts of the US.

    Samsung and Apple aside... I have no plans to let Google anywhere near my wallet!
  • Reply 56 of 210
    bonsly16bonsly16 Posts: 9member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Which "people"? The 90%? Or the 10%?image



    Obviously those not sheepishly following the "brainwashed crowd." image



    Originally Posted by igriv View Post


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

    Some people prefer the iPhone and others prefer the Galaxy -- I certainly don't know which phone is better, but I can see people liking either one. My experience is that iOS has its share of stability problems -- the updater frequently hangs, and is impossible to unhang (the only way seems to be to delete the hung updates, and to reload the apps from scratch) -- really annoying, since I have several a lot of apps, and doing this by hand is a nightmare (and a frequent one). iMessage sometimes eats messages. Some of the apps I use crash every time I use them. Others never do. I have never ever had an app crash on an android device, but my sample size is a lot smaller. I have never had malware on either iPhones or Androids. Perhaps because I neither jailbreak nor sideload (although the fact that Apple has never sold a truly unlocked device has made the decision to not jailbreak a difficult and expensive one -- all of my android devices are fully unlocked).


    Just one man's experience.

    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }





  • Reply 57 of 210
    phone-ui-guyphone-ui-guy Posts: 1,019member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    drblank wrote: »
    Built in IR is nice.

    It would have been a great feature for an iDevice in the last decade. Apple could have had a kick ass Universal remote but I think they see IR as being too archaic and limited despite its ubiquity. Now that we have new BT profiles that seem ideal for remote controls I think that's something we'll see moving forward for high-end devices. Well, once Apple makes it a reality anyway.

    I have an IR dongle and app for that. Really wish the IR was built it though. Apple still uses IR for their remotes too. It is a great technology that won't go away fast. It is so great for easy implementation, low energy consumption ,and cost. BT is wonderful, but not as strong on those values.. No doubt it will get closer and it certainly has other advantages.
  • Reply 58 of 210
    wakefinancewakefinance Posts: 855member
    In almost all cases a user with a Samsung phone isn't even near someone with a Samsung phone, or even one with a Samsung phone new enough to do that kind of sharing. 

    This reminds me of a MS Surface commercial where everyone has a Surface to throw around. In real life the Surface owner is alone in a corner with his pocket protector and a "Windows 8 for Dummies" book.

    It's worth noting that S Beam is just Samsung's rebranding of Android Beam. All Android phones with 4.0 or above can beam data, and all phones with 4.1 and above can beam files. That makes sharing through beam very likely as there are many phones that allow it, not just Samsungs. Samsung happens to be the only company that advertises it heavily.
  • Reply 59 of 210
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member
    running time 1:33. I'm guessing it's a youtube-only advert?

  • Reply 60 of 210
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    "Hey my memory is full"


    "Mine too"


    "And mine"


    "WTF this is supposed to have 16GB"


    Turn to "old" people with iPhone's and in whiny voices "Mum, Dad can we have money for memory cards?".


    "Well, I would, dear, but it wouldn't really help much since you can't load apps onto that SD card memory… want to borrow my phone for awhile?"

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