Director Michael Bay's onstage meltdown steals the show at Samsung CES press event



  • Reply 21 of 137
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    eckergus wrote: »
    I can see how AI is justifying writing up this article. AI is simply exposing Apple followers (us) to the humiliating onstage incident Samsung went through at CES due to the unacceptable failure of their teleprompter and the lack of improvisation skills Michael Bay has. This is just the typical "naa nanana naaaa, you messed up!"

    1) It's more than that. Michael Bay is gold in Hollywood because his movies bring in an amazing amount of money, but they are popcorn films that people tend not to think are very good in general. Bay would have been made fun of regardless. Perhaps the next movie will be a script Shai LeBeouf plagiarized. (See, equal opportunity armchair critics).

    2) It's really not his fault, except for accepting the gig and agreeing to go on stage unprepared for even a basic technical glitch. I can't say I wouldn't have done the same in terms of going onstage unprepared if I were in his shoes but it's still his responsibility to make sure he has the proper info. He could have said "give me the script so I have time to understand what we're going to discuss today." If time was an issue we might have all gone up unprepared but why should that excuse from blame, or for just walking off stage under pressure. None of this makes him a bad person and Samsung (or at least people in charge of the technical side of things) have plenty of blame, too, but he could have handled things very differently and we wouldn't have been talking about it today.

    3) AI would have written about this even faster and in more detail had this happened at an Apple event. Image if Tim Cook came up on stage, couldn't remember what he had to say and then left the stage not to return. Do you think AI would have ignored that? I don't. Tim et al. rehearse and memorizing his scripts but there have been plenty of missteps over the years. Phil Schiller seems to say the wrong proper noun often enough that it sticks out, Steve Jobs when to a NYTimes site in 2010 on the iPad which showed a Flash could not load image, and we've seen countless demos from 3rd-party SW and HW vendors that just don't seem to go right. These get talked out every single time.
  • Reply 22 of 137

    Originally Posted by Grudgeworthy View Post


    Can you guys quit crying. It is apple related cause it's their main competitor. Is it a good article? No. But a little news here and there about the largest rival of apple at one of the largest shows of new tech is worthy of this site. Get over it

    Welcome to Ai, Bro.


    I know, I know, a lot of the posters here remind my of my GF, BJ (not here real name).


    I come here, ostensibly, to get away from the "complaining." Grrr. :)



  • Reply 23 of 137
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I know, I know, a lot of the posters here remind me of my GF, BJ (not here real name.

    Just her nickname? Hopefully not an ironic one, like when we call a giant man Tiny.
  • Reply 24 of 137
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,840member

    A teleprompter? Seriously?


    So it was scripted as to what to say. I'd like to see if Apple uses a teleprompter (which I hardly doubt!). 

  • Reply 25 of 137
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    I'd like to see if Apple uses a teleprompter (which I hardly doubt!). 


    Of course they do. Keynote is probably the single best software for doing that.


    And Steve always requisitioned custom made instruction books for his live demos. What I wouldn’t give to have one of those! You can see them in a few keynotes.

  • Reply 26 of 137
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,840member

    Originally Posted by Grudgeworthy View Post


    Can you guys quit crying. It is apple related cause it's their main competitor. Is it a good article? No. But a little news here and there about the largest rival of apple at one of the largest shows of new tech is worthy of this site. Get over it


    Apple doesn't make televisions. Can't see how Samsung is a competitor to Apple in this space? Considering now other Mac site posted this, I think it goes to show how irrelevant this article is to Apple News. 

  • Reply 27 of 137
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    Not a meltdown. Without a script he couldn't continue and politely walked off the stage.
  • Reply 28 of 137
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,840member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Of course they do. Keynote is probably the single best software for doing that.


    And Steve always requisitioned custom made instruction books for his live demos. What I wouldn’t give to have one of those! You can see them in a few keynotes.


    A book is not a scrolling teleprompter...It simply tells them what to do in a demo.

  • Reply 29 of 137
    The guy wasn't on his game for public speaking. The end.

    People want to see the next train wreck so often that I think we sometimes blow things out of proportion. This didn't look like a "meltdown" to me. Just someone who was out of words with a prompter that yes, he messed up. Then got annoyed and embarrassed and walked off stage. I think the word meltdown is a little strong.

    Someone at AI swiped the story and the word "meltdown" from The Verge. Pure laziness. On the other hand, this Samsung event was a delightful moment of schadenfreude for Samsung haters (of which there are many and growing).
  • Reply 30 of 137
    Oh, so those "conversations" on stage are actually small plays, where you need a script?

    And when asked to answer a question, you have to "wing it"???

    Samsung and this director deserve each other tbh.
  • Reply 31 of 137
    Sorry to photo bomb this thread, but I know lots of regulars will be posting. Does anyone know what's happened to long time poster, "Relic"? Her name is Sonja Gerig, lives in Switzerland, and was in the hospital with possibly terminal breast cancer. She hasn't posted since December 8th and I am worried. I've tried PMing and emailing her to no avail. I believe she was in the Cantonal hospital in Steinhausen. Any Swiss members who can assist finding out her situation would be appreciated. She went to Cal Tech near me in California.
  • Reply 32 of 137
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    Of course they do. Keynote is probably the single best software for doing that.

    And Steve always requisitioned custom made instruction books for his live demos. What I wouldn’t give to have one of those! You can see them in a few keynotes.

    Keynote != TelePrompTer.

    TelePrompTer is used for speeches. Keynote/PowerPoint is used for presentations. Bay should have used the latter.
  • Reply 33 of 137
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Unfortunately Samsung's lack of preperation (which includes getting Bay well versed on the product) has made it easy to overlook what I think is the future of large desktop monitors and HDTVs. We have two eyes or a particular shape with muscles that work in a particular fashion and are placed side-by-side that make 21:9 displays more practical for capturing visual data. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple's next desktop display isn't using this aspect ratio.
  • Reply 34 of 137
    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post

    Not a meltdown. Without a script he couldn't continue and politely walked off the stage.


    He couldn’t possibly have, you know, practiced beforehand and remembered his lines. :p


    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    A book is not a scrolling teleprompter...It simply tells them what to do in a demo.


    Which is exactly the same. I don’t get it, you want word for word? That can be written out. And then when you look at it, it’s exactly the same as a teleprompter.


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Keynote != TelePrompTer.


    Yeah, it is, which is why I said it.


    You can see the screens the presenters use in a few Apple keynotes.

  • Reply 35 of 137
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Unfortunately Samsung's lack of preperation (which includes getting Bay well versed on the product) has made it easy to overlook what I think is the future of large desktop monitors and HDTVs. We have two eyes or a particular shape with muscles that work in a particular fashion and are placed side-by-side that make 21:9 displays more practical for capturing visual data. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple's next desktop display isn't using this aspect ratio.

    I could definitely use a lecture on why curved displays are not bad for 2D imagery.

  • Reply 36 of 137

    It's mildy amusing, if not the unbelievable hilarity of Qualcomm's keynote last year.

  • Reply 37 of 137
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    pmz wrote: »
    I could definitely use a lecture on why curved displays are not bad for 2D imagery.

    It seems to be popular with IMAX but I personally don't enjoy the IMAX "experience. Note: I only commented on the aspect ratio used, not the curvature or their weird display that can go from flat to curved with the touch of a button.
  • Reply 38 of 137
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    sog35 wrote: »
    If Mr Bay truly loved this product he would have been able to produce a sentence or two of glowing praise.  I've seen him in press conferences before and he is not a person LOST FOR WORDS.  The guy knows how to hype his movies.  I bet he didn't even see the TV before that day on the stage.  He basically went there for a paycheck and expected to read the words on a screen.  What a fraud.  Just like Samsung.

    Face it.  No one really loves Samsung products.  They either buy them because they are CHEAP, they have been FOOLED by hype, or are being PAID to use them.
    Trying to look something bad against Samsung in this is ridiculous. The prompters at CES have a problem, it happened again today. Bay was simply caught off guard. He's a director, he doesn't have to know how to do public speeches. This could have happened with many other companies. But yes, I think it couldn't happen with Apple where they do lots of rehearsals.
  • Reply 39 of 137
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    Someone at AI swiped the story and the word "meltdown" from The Verge. Pure laziness. On the other hand, this Samsung event was a delightful moment of schadenfreude for Samsung haters (of which there are many and growing).

    Schadenfreude? Their TV OS is still terrible, especially now compared to what LG has just introduced.
  • Reply 40 of 137
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member

    That scrolls the text and has adjustable rate scrolling? I've never heard of either Keynote or Powerpoint of being used in that way.
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