WSJ: Apple to launch two larger iPhones this year, scrap iPhone 5c



  • Reply 81 of 228
    bobschlobbobschlob Posts: 1,074member
    Originally Posted by itpromike View Post

    Originally Posted by techno View Post


    Nothing more amusing than watching some clown put a tablet up to his ear, oh wait it is a phone.


    WSJ analysts are the clowns!

    Your perspective is laughable at best. 5.5+" phones sure, this comment would be applicable. Note3's are insanely large... However 4.8" is the bare minimum in this juncture of the industry. I'm tired (as many other I know) of looking at a teeny tiny screen, squinting just to make out text on some things or feeling like I'm watching a video on a small childs toy. A larger screen = a better viewing experience for all content and consumption. And no, I'm not carrying around an iPad mini as some have suggested just t have a larger viewing experience. Why carry around 2 devices when 1 will do (if the 1 device is done right)?


    Originally Posted by gimarbazat View Post

    the one hand holding thing is a total BS. In the past it took forever to get the apps size from iPhone 4/4s to iPhone 5, that's the reason they are holding back on a different size screen.

    Why do you think the ipad mini retina has same resolution as the Air?... (not talking about pixel density)

    You've already shown you know nothing about design.

    Children's toys are not small. They are oversized and exaggerated.


    So, pocketability, and use with a single hand is worthless to you. Personally, I've always been waiting for the iPhone-Mini. But, that's just me.


    Some shoes to go with your phablet:


  • Reply 82 of 228

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    What does screen size have to do with being the crown jewel of design? I doubt the iPhone not being 5" is because Apple doesn't know how to reduce bezel. They've already done it with iPad mini and Air.

    What I'm saying is Motorola has made a device with a large screen that 'fits small' in your hand. It has very very little bezel (on the side) and your hand/thumb reaches the entire size of the screen almost better than it does for the iPhone 5 with a small screen... It was designed very well and if they can do it, why couldn't Apple?

  • Reply 83 of 228
    iPhone Mini, iPhone Air, iPhone Pro
  • Reply 84 of 228
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,302member
    sog35 wrote: »
    This is total and utter horse-sheet.

    If Apple comes up with two large screen iPhones including one that is larger than 5 inches AND gets rid of the 5C - I'll leave this site forever. 

    Be careful what you promise. ;)
  • Reply 85 of 228
    bobschlobbobschlob Posts: 1,074member
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    Originally Posted by techno View Post


    Nothing more amusing than watching some clown put a tablet up to his ear, oh wait it is a phone.


    WSJ analysts are the clowns!

    You gotta wake up, here. It is not a phone. It used to be. Now it is a device for lack of a better word, that is also a phone. The Motorola Razr seemed over sized when I first got one. The iPhone seemed ridiculously large when I first got one. 


    I call it "Beehive Hairdo Syndrome". Starts out small. But over time, the wearer stops seeing it for what it is, and slowly; little by little, over time, and without notice, the thing grows to 3 ft high. The wearer doesn't see it, and wonders what everybody else is snickering about.


    I watched some guy standing in a grocery store checkout line. Holding grocery basket in one hand, and "name-your-brand" phablet in the other. I literally had to laugh watching the thing flop around in his hand like a live fish as he tried to navigate the screen. Very comical.

  • Reply 86 of 228
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Actually, I don't think Steve would have released it.
    You mean like he wouldn't have released the plastic 3G and 3GS, or the fat nano, or the buttonless shuffle?
  • Reply 87 of 228
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    c4rlob wrote: »
    Didn't Apple swiftly discontinuing their first best-selling iPod mini after a year? Which by the way was also the first model in that family offered in a rainbow palette of colors. So actually it wouldn't be unorthodox for Apple to do the same to the 5C.
    Yeah because they replaced it with something they thought was better (nano), not because it wasn't selling (which is what theses rumors are implying). So yes, it is possible. But my guess is the 5C will become the "budget" iPhone and the mid and flagship models will be metal.
  • Reply 88 of 228

    Originally Posted by BobSchlob View Post



    You've already shown you know nothing about design.

    Children's toys are not small. They are oversized and exaggerated.


    So, pocketability, and use with a single hand is worthless to you. Personally, I've always been waiting for the iPhone-Mini. But, that's just me.


    Some shoes to go with your phablet:


    No, what I"m saying is that 'pocketability' and one handed use doesn't have to sacrifice for screen size and vice versa. The Moto X essentially is all screen and is quite compact as well as fits fine in just one hand and for one hand use. All this while fitting in normal pockets; slacks/business attire as well as normal sized jeans. You can make all the jokes and use all the funny pictures you want, it doesn't change the fact that larger screens can be had along with 'pocketability' and one handed use.... Apple just hasn't done it yet and again are slow to the party. Now you can argue that the several people I've seen using the Moto X purchased special pants just to use the phone so it could slide so effortlessly in and out of their pocket... You can also argue that they might have gotten a hand transplant to be able to use it with one hand (yup I can say silly things that don't really aide my point too)... however when I test drove one for my job I assure you no special accommodations of the like were made and it was a joy to handle and shaped in such a way that it actually felt better than my 5S in some ways.

  • Reply 89 of 228
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    itpromike wrote: »
    What I'm saying is Motorola has made a device with a large screen that 'fits small' in your hand. It has very very little bezel (on the side) and your hand/thumb reaches the entire size of the screen almost better than it does for the iPhone 5 with a small screen... It was designed very well and if they can do it, why couldn't Apple?
    Who's saying Apple can't?
  • Reply 90 of 228
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    You mean like he wouldn't have released the plastic 3G and 3GS, or the fat nano, or the buttonless shuffle?


    No, like he wouldn't have released the 5c.

  • Reply 91 of 228
    cws wrote: »
    The survey you quoted is obviously nonsense.  It ranks Local TV News as the most credible news source!!!!  And then goes on to rank the "Daily Newspaper You Know Best" and "ABC News" well above the NY Times and NPR.  Clearly this survey only demonstrates that there are vast hoards of ignorant people out there who don't know the difference between serious journalism and commercial or ideologically biased garbage.  Just because McDonalds is the most popular restaurant in the world does not make it the best restaurant.

    An important forum trolling skill is being able to cherry pick surveys and web links that prove what one already believes. :)
  • Reply 92 of 228

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Who's saying Apple can't?

    Essentially all the people who are crying that the only reason Apple hasn't is because of those same issues... They are essentially implying Apple can't.

  • Reply 93 of 228
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    This is total and utter horse-sheet.

    If Apple comes up with two large screen iPhones including one that is larger than 5 inches AND gets rid of the 5C - I'll leave this site forever.  This is utter garbage.

    here is what I think will happen this year for the USA:

    iPhone 6 - 4 inch screen, metal $199
    iPhone 6L - 4.8 inch screen, metal $249
    iPhone 5C - 4 inch screen, plastic $0
    If Apple releases a phablet I will leave this site. A larger screen is most likely inevitable, but greater than 5", no way.
  • Reply 94 of 228
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    marubeni wrote: »
    And the Analysts are apparently much better at analysis than you are.

    Sure they are. Just like 1% accuracy is better than 0% accuracy.
    brlawyer wrote: »
    Everyone and their dog laughed at me when I said that the 5C would be a flop. It WAS a flop.

    Perhaps Apple should name it iPhone IIvx now. 

    You have no proof. Strike 1.
    brlawyer wrote: »
    Every possible data available demonstrates that it was a flop, due to Mr Cook's stupid acceptance of analysts' nonsensical recommendations for "emerging markets" and lower tiers instead of striving for the best and focusing on the 5S - that is why Apple has not released any individual sales information on the 5C...because it sells to no one.

    But of course, for some people here the IIvx and IIvi were great successes, right? ;)

    Still no proof. Strike 2. Apple didn't release any specific numbers on the 4, 4s, 5, or 5S either.
    brlawyer wrote: »
    Wrong. Apple's goal was to launch a mid-range model that would maintain its margins on the basis of zero R&D development instead of truly innovating as it has always done.

    Worse, it was clearly aimed at emerging markets or even the vast poorer segments of the US; but it has failed spectacularly at this task because, EVEN in developing countries, the price of the 5S was almost the same as that of the 5C (particularly considering that many people buy on instalments in such markets). So why buy CRAP when you can buy better?

    Flop, flop, flop. Thankfully, the IIvx of the iPhones is no more.

    Strike 3. Apple didn't intend it for WS "emerging markets".
  • Reply 95 of 228
    These "analysts" are so full of crap it's unbelievable! None of them know jack sh1t but they think for investors to have confidence in them they have to publish something otherwise the investors would realize they totally suck! They have to spew this completely uninformed solid gold crapola only to be proved wrong! However the investors don't look at their history, only that the crapola looks plausible! Fact is nobody knows what Apple is going to do except Apple.
    That is why the "analysts" look so freak'n stupid the day after Apples presentations.
  • Reply 96 of 228
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    No, like he wouldn't have released the 5c.
    Because? I'm curious what wisdom you've been blessed with that allows you to know what Steve would/wouldn't have done.

    Also do you really think the 5C wasn't on a product roadmap while Steve was still alive? Do you really think Apple just came up with it on the fly (for what reason I have no idea)?
  • Reply 97 of 228
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,807member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    This is total and utter horse-sheet.


    If Apple comes up with two large screen iPhones including one that is larger than 5 inches AND gets rid of the 5C - I'll leave this site forever.  This is utter garbage.


    here is what I think will happen this year for the USA:


    iPhone 6 - 4 inch screen, metal $199

    iPhone 6L - 4.8 inch screen, metal $249

    iPhone 5C - 4 inch screen, plastic $0


    I agree that the subsidized low end model of the iPhone 6 will likely remain $199. Apple would likely price the 4.8" model around $100 higher but I would love for you to be right and it be priced only $50 more. Your 3rd prediction is puzzling though. Why would they continue the 5c? You can already get it for free on some carriers or close to it. The 5c will very likely be discontinued and replaced with a 6c that is basically the internals of the current 5s in plastic. Then in 2015 rinse and repeat and add a "C" type version for the 4.8" model. This year Apple will very likely stop selling any previous model year phones like the 4S except in a few countries like India. I also expect the colors will change this year since they were not widely applauded. I expect some darker tones and not quite such fisher price type colors. 

  • Reply 98 of 228
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Sure they are. Just like 1% accuracy is better than 0% accuracy.
    You have no proof. Strike 1.
    Still no proof. Strike 2. Apple didn't release any specific numbers on the 4, 4s, 5, or 5S either.
    Strike 3. Apple didn't intend it for WS "emerging markets".
    If the 5c was Apple pandering to Wall Street wanting a cheap phone for emerging markets it would have been designed differently (i.e. not iPhone 5 specs) and cheaper off contract.
  • Reply 99 of 228

    I'm no more sure than anyone else outside Cupertino, but I have a very hard time seeing Apple position a 4.8" model as the "flagship". The "iPhone" that is marketed most heavily will be the one that appeals to the greatest number and widest range of users. I don't see a phone that large being most appealing-certainly not in the U. S. I also haven't read anywhere that even 5+ inch Android phones make up the majority of Android sales. 


    Moreover, I can't imagine Apple "penalizing" their customers by forcing those who want a 4.00" phone to get last year's model (5S or 5C with one year old tech). Yes, the 3.5" 4 and 4S were deprecated, but there was more vocal support for a 4.00" phone. And by the way, many already are complaining that one-handed use is more difficult with the 5 series iPhone.

  • Reply 100 of 228
    cwscws Posts: 59member

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    That's certainly impressive too, tho it's been said by more than a few that personal popularity contributes too much to it.. Going simply by Pulitzer Awards then Bloomberg must be downright horrid as they've never won a single Pulitzer. Ever.

    Thanks for the reply tho. Very often the challenged poster disappears or changes the subject. Instead you went on a search. Well done sir.

    Thanks for being a gentlemen.  As for Bloomberg, just because it doesn't strive for the same level of journalistic excellence that the NY Times does, doesn't make it horrid in my opinion.  They simply have a different mission.  They are young, and their roots are in being, first, a purveyor of data to the financial industry and, more recently, a purveyor of (largely) business news.  News is different from journalism in that it is more of a commodity geared toward a less discriminating audience, much like pop music you might see at a Downtown club compares to classical music you'll see at Alice Tully Hall.  Both are good, and enjoyable, but they simply are made to different standards and specifications.

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