Samsung riffs on iPhone 6 'Bendgate' woes in new Galaxy Note 4 ad



  • Reply 81 of 167
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    Steve Jobs always wore jeans and a turtleneck sweater sans pocket. Of course he put it in his pocket. Duh. Of course it should be designed Togo in your pockets.
  • Reply 82 of 167
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by K2kW View Post

    Steve Jobs always wore jeans and a turtleneck sweater sans pocket. Of course he put it in his pocket. Duh. Of course it should be designed Togo in your pockets.


    It already is. Only deluded Droidies who love tear phones apart in non real world situations believe the opposite. The phone is engineered to actual use, not engineered to resist any random abuse.


    , why not throw it against the wall, see which one survives and grade on that... That's as idiotic as this yet wouldn't advocate it.

  • Reply 83 of 167

    I'll reserve judgement on Bendgate until I see the fiscal Q1 financials.


    That should tell us everything we need to know.

  • Reply 84 of 167
    In honesty though, even if the iPhone were an abominably crappy phone, which it isn't, that wouldn't boost the quality of Samsung's phones one iota. That's not how people perceive it, though, so any chance they get to crap all over Apple's business they seize with both hands.
  • Reply 85 of 167
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I'll reserve judgement on Bendgate until I see the fiscal Q1 financials.

    That should tell us everything we need to know.

    That's just the iSheep early adopters bboosting the sales¡ Then next quarter it'll be all the marketing spin Apple did to convince all the idiots that their crappy smartphone with the durability of a hot candy bar on a dashboard on a Summer day is actually not going to melt on you¡
  • Reply 86 of 167
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member

    Originally Posted by GTR View Post


    Just remember, though.


    For an entire year, many of us will have one that is bigger than yours.



    Simply amazing what a few words can say.....


    Yes at the end of the day people will be pulling out theirs to show their biggest

  • Reply 87 of 167
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    larrya wrote: »
    I also always use the front pocket.


    That area leads to an 'Apple defect' as well...

  • Reply 88 of 167
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gtr wrote: »

    That area leads to an 'Apple defect' as well...


    That means I have to post this (which I know you've seen)...

  • Reply 89 of 167
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member

    When will they learn? Constantly drawing attention to competitors' products just makes you look desperate. Watch the Apple keynote! Watch Cooke compare the current iPhone with the last generation iPhone, implicitly telling the watcher that the iPhone has no real competition.


    Will the iPhone bend? If I apply enough force to it make my eyes bleed, then yes it probably will. So should I buy an inferior phone because of it, or would it be better to buy a better phone and then … y'know … not apply pressure to it until my thumbs turn white and I bring on a migraine.


    Aside from the crappy reporting by AI et al, the really irritating thing about these type of stories is the number of 'keen amateurs' it brings crawling out of the woodwork. A word to the wise: mentioning 'structural integrity' in an online post does not make you an expert in industrial design, in much the same way that looking at naked celebs does not make you a gynaecologist.


    And speaking of crappy reporting, I find it somewhat odd that AI, which loves to mention Samsung as much as possible to rack up the page hits, has completely failed to mention the #Gapgate saga that is making the rounds in Korea.


    What's that? The new Galaxy Note 4 has a gap between the screen and the casing that is wide enough to slip a credit card into?


    And that gap will get wider over time, according to Samsung.



    Oddly enough, I don't expect a stream of 'Gap Engineers' to suddenly appear out of nowhere.


    Is this a real problem? Aside from dust and lint building up in the widening gap, probably not. The real problem is this:


    Apple news, especially bad news, generates ad hits.

    Samsung news does not.

    Samsung spends more on advertising than just about any other consumer device company, which discourages sites from writing stories that cast Samsung in a bad light, and encourages them to write more stories that cast Apple in a bad light, which in turn generates page hits.


    Nasty position for Apple to be caught in.

  • Reply 90 of 167
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member

    Originally Posted by GTR View Post


    That area leads to an 'Apple defect' as well...

    Hilarious, but only Moss bends over that far to flush a toilet.

  • Reply 91 of 167
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    rayz wrote: »

    Hilarious, but only Moss bends over that far to flush a toilet.

    It's as believable as almost breaking your fingers in order to 'accidently' break your phone.
  • Reply 92 of 167
    joshajosha Posts: 901member
    Every Samsung phone is permanently damaged during manufacture; the moment they install Android on it.

    Yes, a sad fact of the Samsung bunch.

    "How android weakens the Samsung and all other android phones"
  • Reply 93 of 167
    misamisa Posts: 827member
    macvicta wrote: »
    And rightfully so. Apple should be ashamed for their step backward in durability. If Jony Ive didn't have the proper materials to make such a thin metal device then he should've compromised for the sake of structural integrity.

    Ehhh no. I think the "larger size" is a step backwards in durability, but only because of the larger surface area = larger people using it = larger butts sitting on it. Someone that's not an idiot will put the phone in their coat or purse in a pocket that has nothing in it to scratch it, or put the phone in a "sock" type of wrapper to prevent debris in the pocket from gumming up the buttons and lighting connector.

    Will it Blend?

    The Samsung is destroyed before the iPhone 6+ screen even stops being lit.
  • Reply 94 of 167
    Actually my iPhone 5S bend as well. IPhone is a great phone, but truth is simple and clear - it bends since iPhone 5.
  • Reply 95 of 167
    malax wrote: »
    What's the best designed iPhone to date?

    I haven't yet seen the 6 and 6 Plus in the flesh, but otherwise, I'd be inclined to say the original iPhone of 2007.

    I wish it were 7.5mm and a flush camera lens.

    Do you have strong opinions about lots of things that you've never actually seen?

    A funny question to ask, as I've seen all the iPhones, but yes, I do, as you were wondering.
  • Reply 96 of 167

    iphone 6 and 6 plus is shit and Samsung galaxy s5, note 3 ,ote 4 etc is way better than any other iphone and iphone is just a name and Samsung has way more features

  • Reply 97 of 167

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    What's the best designed iPhone to date?

    I haven't yet seen the 6 and 6 Plus in the flesh, but otherwise, I'd be inclined to say the original iPhone of 2007.

    You mean after all your negative comments about the iPhone 6 you haven't actually seen or handled the phones.  Unbelievable!


    I've had the 4, 5 and now the 6.  The iPhone 6 is by far the best of the lot and a wonderfully engineered product.  Before you pass any further comments perhaps you should get down to Covent Garden and take a look. 

  • Reply 98 of 167
    My daughter hates when I put up the gate so she can't get out of her room and drive my wife and I crazy.

  • Reply 99 of 167
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    What's the best designed iPhone to date?

    I haven't yet seen the 6 and 6 Plus in the flesh, but otherwise, I'd be inclined to say the original iPhone of 2007.

    I didn't really like the iPhones look until the 5 came out, even then it got old real quick, the problem for me is just to many people have one, which kind of sucked out any charm they had. Their not bad phones just too popular for me to appreciate their looks, I like rare phones that not many people have. But I also use 3 phones on a normal basis, so I'm a weirdo, a main stream phone (Lumia 1020), a luxury model (Porsche Design P'9882) and one work phone (which is now a BlackBerry Passport).
  • Reply 100 of 167
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    tinker15 wrote: »

    You mean after all your negative comments about the iPhone 6 <span style="line-height:1.4em;">you haven't actually seen or handled the phones.  Unbelievable!</span>

    I've had the 4, 5 and now the 6.  The iPhone 6 is by far the best of the lot and a wonderfully engineered product.  Before you pass any further comments perhaps you should get down to Covent Garden and take a look. 

    Yep. On the iMore podcast yesterday both Rene Ritchie and Peter Cohen said it's the best feeling iPhone in a long time. Peter said he loves the way it feels in his hand. Ally said she hopes the beveled glass comes to the iPads. To me the 6 is a bit like the 5C. Everyone ripped on that phone because it was colored plastic (even though not all plastic is the same and the quality of this device is top notch). But I personally think the 5C felt better in the hand more than the 4 or 5 ever did. Yeah the 4 and 5 are beautiful objects and I love the look of the chamfered edges on the 5/5S. But the 5C and 6 feel much better in the hand. I hope Apple stays with the curved edges in the future.
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