The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient



  • Reply 381 of 1615
    I don't know if anyone has read this far into the comments, but if they have I'd like to mention something that I should have done much earlier.

    There was actually an article written in mid-2015 by James Kendrick of ZDNet, which is parent/sister company to the likes of Cnet, PC Magazine, various IT oriented magazines, etc. -- meaning it's a mainstream publication company, as opposed to boutique blogs. So, in between the first Macrumors coverage and this Apple Insider one, Kendrick wrote two articles for ZDNet.


    I think this quote sums it up the best:

    The company's behavior is unprofessional at best and borderline unethical at worst.


    Now that I've cancelled the Textblade order, I'm watching my credit card account closely to see how long it takes them to give me my money. It's not like Waytools has given me reason to trust that they'll do it quickly.

    edited April 2019 alexonline
  • Reply 382 of 1615
    Wonder why Waytools never gave a textblade to Kendrick... even as a loaner. When they readily gave one to Juli Clover and William Gallagher.

    And I wonder why they never mention the ZDNet articles (that's rhetorical for those who couldn't tell)
    edited April 2019 alexonline
  • Reply 383 of 1615
    Of course Kahuna ignores the difference between myself and Captain Obvious. I purchased when the product was just announced and 'ready to ship' over 4 years ago.

    After investing so much of my time waiting, as a result of these lies and misdirections, I prefer to invest my time now disparaging, ridiculing, and criticizing this pack of liars whenever they receive publicity
    1. You mean ignoring the difference when I clearly posted: "Anyone who placed an order with WayTools years ago and still lets WayTools keep their money"?

    Guess you were wrong again.

    2. Everyone knows you can do all the disparaging you want and still get your money back. So that excuse doesn't work for you either.
    lying shill
    Yet you never show me actually lying. Oh, I forgot, you seem to define "lying" as "disagreeing with" your assumptions.
  • Reply 384 of 1615
    Don't fall for their tricks. These shills want to rather focus on things like:

    • the devious ploy behind 'forums' vs 'fora'
    • it's all about the $99. Get the refund and GTFO
    • you're no longer a customer. So STFU.
    • 4 cents is not worth the postage, and as everyone knows you never mail anything worth less than the stamp
    • peekaboo, here's (yet another) wall of text
    Lions could care less about the opinions of the sheep, especially sheeps thoroughly marinated in kool-aid.

    Rather, where are the lying hyenas now? 

  • Reply 385 of 1615

    A rational person does not pay money for a product when a mountain of evidence indicates they will never receive it.
    Well, let's actually look at evidence. 

    We have the fact that, yep, it hasn't shipped yet and many ESTIMATES have been missed. But here's the thing with missed deadlines - they are only proof that they haven't shipped it. It may make people wonder if they will ever ship and it might be fair to label that poor record as evidence. But if it ever does ship, it becomes meaningless as evidence that it will never ship. So we'll see how that plays out.

    But it isn't the only evidence we have and the more extreme critics have been wrong a bunch of times.

    1. Videos on the WT site showing the keyboard being used - extreme critics claim they are fake.

    2. The Hands on event showing customers using the early TextBlade - extreme critics claim they are just employees, thus more fake video.

    3. First report from a known third party who got to try the TextBlade, though just briefly, as well as seeing others use it. This one disproves the first two excuses brought up by the extreme critics.

    4. More people, this time many from the forum - including members who were very critical of WayTools - getting Treg units. Extreme critics declare they work for WayTools, or have Stockholm syndrome, or are just saying good things in fear that WayTools will brink their device.

    5. Other forum members have had the opportunity to arrange meetings with Treg members and have a little time to try it themselves.

    6. Even the fact that Treg members have said it works well (which some critics assume MUST mean it should ship) actually is evidence that they expect to ship. After all, what company is going to take a product which, if the critics were correct and it is "good enough", and never ship!!!??? Why would they continue to spend millions of dollars instead of sending it out which would immediately lead to more orders?

    Oh, I'm sure you can make something up. It's what you do. But evaluated as actual evidence, it shows there is a greater likelihood that it will ship than that it won't.

  • Reply 386 of 1615
    ericpeets said:
    Don't fall for their tricks. These shills want to rather focus on things like:

    • the devious ploy behind 'forums' vs 'fora'
    • it's all about the $99. Get the refund and GTFO
    • you're no longer a customer. So STFU.
    • 4 cents is not worth the postage, and as everyone knows you never mail anything worth less than the stamp
    • peekaboo, here's (yet another) wall of text
    1. YOU made an issue of forums vs fora. You just don't like it when you are shown to be wrong.

    2. Nope. It's about many things. People complaining about others ordering while they keep their own order is just one of them.

    3. Who said STFU?

    4. You clearly missed the point of the 4 cents thing.

    5. Once again, making an issue of HOW someone writes instead of focusing on WHAT they write. And, of course, you never complain about any long posts from the critics.

  • Reply 387 of 1615
    1. YOU made an issue of forums vs fora. You just don't like it when you are shown to be wrong.

    Reading comprehension, Kahuna. Learn some. Look at who kept insisting there was conspiracy behind it, when there clearly wasn't. Look at the number of postings, even after proven wrong. Even after I offered an explanation. Even after I cordially offered to drop it. You can at least count, right?

    Bleetings of a sheep. (Yawn).
  • Reply 388 of 1615

    5. Once again, making an issue of HOW someone writes instead of focusing on WHAT they write. And, of course, you never complain about any long posts from the critics.

    Sounds like you're parroting what I tried to teach you, my sheepish friend: don't read into what I said, just read what I said. It only took you what... 100 posts or so for you to understand? Do try to keep up. You're falling behind.
  • Reply 389 of 1615
    ericpeets said:
    1. YOU made an issue of forums vs fora. You just don't like it when you are shown to be wrong.

    Reading comprehension, Kahuna. Learn some. Look at who kept insisting there was conspiracy behind it, when there clearly wasn't. l
    Strange, I didn't say there was a conspiracy. I did say I saw what you wrote elsewhere about the same thing and you sure weren't posting to be "courteous". You were trying to ridicule WT for using an accurate word. Truly amazing. 

    But what made it extra good (for me) was that you were simply wrong. Even if we take at face value your strongest argument - your definition that said merely said how it fora was "chiefly" used. NOT how it was only used.

    Then, of course, you flat out ignore anything that contradicts your absolutist claim - such as how back in the 1880's, "forums" was almost never used, but fora was. And "forums" didn't overtake "fora" until the mid 1930s (and in Britain it wasn't until the 1970s). Plus the fact that both are still used today, regardless of which is used "most".

    You even got it wrong (on that other site) by referring to speaking "Roman" when it is, in fact, Latin.

    People in glass houses.
  • Reply 390 of 1615
    ericpeets said:
    I don't know if anyone has read this far into the comments, but if they have I'd like to mention something that I should have done much earlier.

    There was actually an article written in mid-2015 by James Kendrick of ZDNet, which is parent/sister company to the likes of Cnet, PC Magazine, various IT oriented magazines, etc. -- meaning it's a mainstream publication company, as opposed to boutique blogs. So, in between the first Macrumors coverage and this Apple Insider one, Kendrick wrote two articles for ZDNet.


    I think this quote sums it up the best:

    The company's behavior is unprofessional at best and borderline unethical at worst.


    Now that I've cancelled the Textblade order, I'm watching my credit card account closely to see how long it takes them to give me my money. It's not like Waytools has given me reason to trust that they'll do it quickly. did I miss these articles when they came out? Thank you for pointing them out--they express my issues with Waytools far better than I could've put them myself.
  • Reply 391 of 1615
    But what made it extra good (for me) was that you were simply wrong. Even if we take at face value your strongest argument - your definition that said merely said how it fora was "chiefly" used. NOT how it was only used.

    Then, of course, you flat out ignore anything that contradicts your absolutist claim - such as how back in the 1880's, "forums" was almost never used, but fora was. And "forums" didn't overtake "fora" until the mid 1930s (and in Britain it wasn't until the 1970s). Plus the fact that both are still used today, regardless of which is used "most".

    You even got it wrong (on that other site) by referring to speaking "Roman" when it is, in fact, Latin.

    People in glass houses.
    Conspiracy that malice was involved. If some sheep/shill doth protest there was, when there was none, who cares?

    So has the 'fora' vs 'forums' devolved into 'chiefly' vs 'always' vs 'only' vs ??? or something? I didn't have the time to sift through you bleets.

    I see that you and Waytools don't use 'fora' anymore, whereas I keep using 'forums'. Who thinks who's wrong again?

    George Bush sayings people in Mexico speak Mexican..., "When in Rome...",  it's all called humor. Maybe Waytools was trying to be humorous. Sure made me laugh, as do you now. :)
  • Reply 392 of 1615
    ericpeets said:
    I don't know if anyone has read this far into the comments, but if they have I'd like to mention something that I should have done much earlier.

    There was actually an article written in mid-2015 by James Kendrick of ZDNet, which is parent/sister company to the likes of Cnet, PC Magazine, various IT oriented magazines, etc. -- meaning it's a mainstream publication company, as opposed to boutique blogs. So, in between the first Macrumors coverage and this Apple Insider one, Kendrick wrote two articles for ZDNet.


    I think this quote sums it up the best:

    The company's behavior is unprofessional at best and borderline unethical at worst.


    Now that I've cancelled the Textblade order, I'm watching my credit card account closely to see how long it takes them to give me my money. It's not like Waytools has given me reason to trust that they'll do it quickly. did I miss these articles when they came out? Thank you for pointing them out--they express my issues with Waytools far better than I could've put them myself.
    You have to ask:

    1. Was Kendrick's 'safety' ever threatened to end his coverage?
    2. Was his integrity ever challenged that ultimately led to ending coverage?
    3. Why wasn't he simply given/loaned a textblade? (WT had already broken their promise of giving to media after customers anyways)
    4. Why did WT choose not to interact with w/ZDNet media and/or James Kendrick journalist? (Kendrick even announced his article on Waytools forums)

    1 & 2 are resounding NO! Of course not. But it wouldn't surprise me if WT tried to spin it that way anyways.

    For 3 and 4, it would have drawn additional inquiries from not just ZDNet, but CNET and other sibling publications, as well as competing publications on equal levels -- PC World, MacWorld, ExtremeTech, Tom's Hardware, AnandTech, Engadget, The Verge, Wired, etc. etc. The tech journalism industry is quite cut-throat competitive, always looking for an angle and that exclusive coverage -- all of which would have led to a media shower for Waytools. But those type of journalists would have taken the textblade apart into a million pieces, as well as go through Waytools HQ and their factories with a fine tooth comb, nailing anything they find questionable on the wall.

    So, either Waytools missed a coverage of a lifetime (not very bright at all), or they simply wanted to avoid scrutiny (clever/sly but with too many skeletons?).

    edited April 2019 alexonline
  • Reply 393 of 1615
    ericpeets said:

    So has the 'fora' vs 'forums' devolved into 'chiefly' vs 'always' vs 'only' vs ??? or something? I didn't have the time to sift through you bleets.

    I see that you and Waytools don't use 'fora' anymore, whereas I keep using 'forums'. Who thinks who's wrong again?
    1. Just pointing out that the best argument you have doesn't show WT's use of "fora" was wrong. Don't whine because you ignored the actual words you presented that didn't support your claim. Let me know when you can show that "chiefly" means "all the time".

    2. WT has used both forums and fora in the past. Of course, they may be different people posting on the same account, but the fact remains both were used. So you don't know if the person does or does not still use fora. As for me, I've always used "forums". Both are correct.

    Your other comment:
    Dunno about you, but it seems to me they're insisting the plural form of a forum is 'fora' rather than 'forums'.

    And exactly how were they "insisting"? They simply used the word with no insistence about others at all. The only one insisting on one word was YOU, when you said "not fora". WT didn't insist others only use fora. I suspect that's because they know both are correct.

  • Reply 394 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member
    I guess nobody is going to read close to 400 posts but just want to mention that personal attacks on the forums don't accomplish much and in fact drives the attention away of the topic at hand which is when the f*** TB will be released.

    I agree that WT mistreats customers through silencing and banning or force cancelling the orders.
    Sometimes the passive-aggressive / arrogant comments get under my skin too.
    I also believe they have been misleading in terms of readiness and in fact the site tab on availability continues to be misleading.
    And also, communication of the overall status of the project has degraded dramatically.

    Having said that, I understand angry people lash out but I do not agree into attacking anyone if they don't agree with somebody's view. If MTO or anybody else places orders more power to them. I would be hypocritical if I bashed them as in fact I have not cancelled my order nor want it cancelled. (And I admit would be thrilled to get into TREG so I would finally get my hands on one). 

    I am upset as the next one on not receiving mine for so long but don't think it is ok to attack them or to attack DBK or others.
    They are all entitled to their opinion. If we all thought the same then we would all be sheep one way or the other.

    At least me, despite what I said above about how I disagree with WT practices as a company, I would like them to succeed and ship the TBs.
    If I did not care about receiving mine I would not be posting or following up and if I believed they would never ship I would hit that refund button quick. 

    As Rolanbek said, insulting people will never bring them to your side / perspective.
  • Reply 395 of 1615

    Okay Kahuna, but this is really the last time :) I'm tired of entertaining your constant petulant cries: "I'm ignorant. Educate me, explain to me; otherwise, you're wrong." People are beholden to your apparent entitlement of education, especially when you fail at it over and over.

    There are two issues at play here: 1) whether the usage of 'fora' was wrong or not; 2) whether my correction had ill intent. You keep mixing and matching them for your convenience, as well as lumping me with all "critics" over so many years (or vice versa)

    Let's keep them separate for discussion sakes, shall we?

    Same with the used of "fora". It is, as I have pointed out, a legitimate usage. I have also said that "forums" may be more common, but it still isn't exclusive.

    The evolution of language Poisednoise referred to in your post, I think he probably meant anglicization to English. Many Latin words words were anglicized. During that process they then generally take the English "s" for plurals. "Forum" being one of the many anglicized words then naturally follow the English rules of grammar, hence "forums" rather than "fora".

    As to you claims of "exclusive", "not wrong", etc. the following authors and their books would beg to differ.

    1. "A Dictionary of Modern English Usage" - H.W. Fowler
      Fowler say that the only proper plural form of "forum" is "forums".
    2. "Worst Words" - Don Watson
      Watson says "fora" is archaic.
    3. "Garner's Modern American Usage" - Bryan Garner
      Garner claims "fora" is only for the pedantic (i.e., if you mean a different nuance from the normal 'forums').

    I chose only these books because they specifically refer to 'fora' vs 'forums' issue. There are of course many more, and I highly recommend reading more books, since you and Waytools are seriously undereducated on the matter. You can insist on your interpretation until you're blue in the face, but for me (and I suspect the majority of people) they'll prefer to leave that up to the authorities more schooled in the language, rather than some Internet Joe Blo going by the handle 'Dabigkahuna'.

    Sure, it is a legitimate word, albeit in Latin. I mean, I didn't correct them for misspelling. Key is consistency. Let me ask you:

    • Do you have more than one alba?
    • Have you visited many asyla?
    • Is there just one museum in your neighborhood or many musea?
    • What about gymnasia, crematoria, premia?
    • Do you go out to have one pizza or pizzi?

    Again, both you and Waytools like to mix and match randomly both in words and argument as you see fit. The very reason why we have standards like the dictionary and style guides is not to restrict writing, but to reign in chaotic proliferation of word plays that leads to things like confusion, misunderstanding, etc. whether purposeful or not.

    Note that nobody is going to stop you from using fallacious words, as nobody's going to stop you from claiming the sky is green or red. Nor are you restricted from bringing in (or anglicizing) new words into modern vernacular. But really, know that people may misunderstand what the heck you're talking about until it gains popular traction. Especially, if you're trying to preach, patronize or otherwise talk down to people.

    As for the second part, where you insist there was malice in my correction. All I'll say is that it doesn't surprise me, since you (and your ilk) always use over-the-top words like 'attacks' and 'verbal violence' (for some dramatic effect I know not of) when most English-speaking world would find no such thing. After all, when I (and another) have to go to this length to explain 'fora' because you can't understand -- and you still don't get it, right -- it's not at all surprising.

    I'll leave that for your homework assignment, because that problem is yours and yours alone, and you shouldn't try to use this thread and public forums to pander for your many, many, many problems. Seek outside help.

    edited April 2019 alexonline
  • Reply 396 of 1615
    ericpeets said:

    There are two issues at play here: 1) whether the usage of 'fora' was wrong or not; 2) whether my correction had ill intent.

    Many Latin words words were anglicized. During that process they then generally take the English "s" for plurals. "Forum" being one of the many anglicized words then naturally follow the English rules of grammar, hence "forums" rather than "fora".

    As to you claims of "exclusive", "not wrong", etc. the following authors and their books would beg to differ....I chose only these books because they specifically refer to 'fora' vs 'forums' issue.
    1. It was not wrong. You had ill intent as shown from your post on the other forum. If you think not, then try to explain how they were "insisting" that fora be used? Because if just by using the word themselves means they are "insisting", then you must be "insisting" people use virtually every word in your post. For example, you would be "insisting" people use "chose" rather than other options (like "select") or "generally" rather than, say, "usually".

    2. Yep, many words are anglicized. I said that myself in post 58 - wasn't even a long post. How'd you miss that? And many words are not anglicized. And many words have both forms accepted (such as in this case).

    3. Funny thing, but I followed your 3 links and search for "for" (so I would find either "fora" or "forums". Neither one showed up! But it wouldn't matter what they say. They can talk all they want about what THEY prefer. Or what most people do or what they think they should do. Yet their preference is not a rule. Besides, you particularly can't claim that because you already used a more recognized resource with the Oxford dictionary quote - which said how "fora" was CHIEFLY used. Thus not limited to that. So, to accept those 3, assuming they even say what you claim, you have to reject your prior source :)

  • Reply 397 of 1615
    arkorott said:
    I am upset as the next one on not receiving mine for so long but don't think it is ok to attack them or to attack DBK or others.
    They are all entitled to their opinion. If we all thought the same then we would all be sheep one way or the other.
    As Rolanbek said, insulting people will never bring them to your side / perspective.
    You're right. Though I try to provide balance to WT's many messages because they seemed one-sided, I'm guilty of insulting the messenger (Kahuna), because well... it's so tempting.

    But their messages speak for themselves.

    And I'd like to add (for people who don't understand), I think most people don't care about $99 after years of waiting. I think most would simply write that off. What they'd like is closure to the messed-up relationship that occurred in the ~4 years of waiting with Waytools. For many people still with orders still pending (and wasn't force-cancelled or anything), they'd like to get some official clarification from Waytools and/or delivery of the product -- anything that could absolve the angst and frustration of waiting and constant frustration from them.
  • Reply 398 of 1615

    arkorott said:

    Interestingly, most Treg members would probably agree with most of your complaints. They might use milder terms, but the areas of complaint would match up quite well. And I and some others members have posted those complaints publicly as well as said so to Mark on calls or in private messaging.

    In fact, I did exactly that last night when he called me. He may be tired of hearing me bring it up!

    My issue (and some others) is those who go way past those reasonable concerns.

    You seem to me - at least what I've read lately - to be a person who could be a good Treg member. Critical but rational about it.
  • Reply 399 of 1615
    ericpeets said:

    You're right. Though I try to provide balance to WT's many messages because they seemed one-sided

    And I'd like to add (for people who don't understand), I think most people don't care about $99 after years of waiting. I think most would simply write that off. What they'd like is closure to the messed-up relationship that occurred in the ~4 years of waiting with Waytools. For many people still with orders still pending (and wasn't force-cancelled or anything), they'd like to get some official clarification from Waytools and/or delivery of the product -- anything that could absolve the angst and frustration of waiting and constant frustration from them.
    1. Of course they are "one-sided". So is Apple, Samsung, etc. But there isn't anything wrong with that. Nor is in wrong if someone only complains about not having their TB yet. Or about delays. Or lack of an update. They would be "one sided" because of their own bias of wanting something they don't have yet.

    2. I have no problem with the second paragraph at all, stated that way.
  • Reply 400 of 1615
    i think people resort to attacks because reasonable questions, and requests have been ignored.  and when people get ignored, they get frustrated, frustration leads to anger, anger leads to insults, and insults seem to get a response.

    so i'm politely asking WT when will you ship, or give an update, or filling us in on when we will see that code fork sent out to TREG for testing?
This discussion has been closed.