Bustamante was (is?) a racist



  • Reply 181 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Harald

    The illegal alien lobby.

    It's interesting, no matter what the country, nationalist always talk lunatic nonsense. When times are getting hard, the immigrants are always blamed too.

    Yes and tolerant Europe has no history of nationalism or coming down on immigrants when the times get hard.

    Of course BR's definition of nationalism means "The government should actually limit immigration to the record setting level it is now at and not endorse illegal immigration" and "The government should reserve costly benefits to nationals, native born and naturalized and this includes the privledge of driving."

    Of course your wonderful claim of this being lunatic nonsense is supported by.... what your right hand telling your left?

    I'm sure you will equate denial of drivers licenses with death camps next. It would make about as much sense as your previous post.

  • Reply 182 of 227
    Harald, if I may?


    Originally posted by trumptman

    Yes and tolerant Europe has no history of nationalism or coming down on immigrants when the times get hard.

    If you look at Harald's post (it's the one directly above yours) he says "no matter what the country." Meaning Europe is not exempt from this behaviour. Because NO COUNTRY IS. So what you've actually done is to remind everyone of Europe's history of nationalism, which is absolutely irrelevant to the matter at hand, in an attempt to attack the poster and the post.

    Harald's point is that there's no such thing as "an illegal alien lobby." THAT's his point, and I see you don't address it anywhere.

    The next time I see you attack a poster for his reading comprehension skills, ad hominem insults or intentional misreading of a post I'm going to link to this and we can all point and laugh, shaking our heads and murmuring "That trumptman, what a hypocrite and twat."
  • Reply 183 of 227
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Yes and tolerant Europe has no history of nationalism or coming down on immigrants when the times get hard.

    We do actually. Hitler was German. There are nationalists where I live, and, you know what? They're arseholes too. Uh my post wasn't anti-American but anti-BS. So save it.

    No, actually, let's hear all about your 'pro-illegal lobby,' the one you defend when I point out doesn't exist.

    Should be a laugh to see you try and cobble together a case for it. And I know you well enough to know you won't disappoint and will do your hardest to do so.
  • Reply 184 of 227
    Look at how well the Republican's have run Orange county...

    No wonder they have almost no power in California and are struggling to get it back however they can.


    SIZE OF GOVERNMENT. If government is the problem and not the solution?as Republican strategists say?how to explain OC?s GOP-controlled government? The number of county bureaucrats is at an all-time high (17,000) and county spending has skyrocketed in the past decade by 42 percent to almost $5 billion.

    FINANCIAL ACUMEN. Republicans blame Davis and the Democrats for not understanding money management, but Orange County is No. 1 when it comes to fiscal screw ups. The largest municipal bankruptcy in the world occurred here in December 1994, under the watch of an all-Republican Board of Supervisors. Betting on exotic Wall Street schemes with taxpayer dollars, they lost $1.7 billion almost overnight. Little has changed. Earlier this year, the county?s planning department lost $24.5 million and, more recently, auditors "found" an unaccounted $40 million in various bank accounts.

    TRANSPORTATION. Republicans claimed they had the solution to OC traffic congestion: privately owned but publicly subsidized toll roads. But the plan has become a nightmare. Instead of using the roads to alleviate existing traffic, as they promised, county politicians allowed politically connected developers to use the toll ways for massive new building projects. Result: congestion is worse and the roads, which Republicans promised would be self-sufficient, have lost hundreds of millions of dollars. Local taxpayers face a possible second multi-billion dollar bankruptcy.

    PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Not once has an OC Republican supervisor taken responsibility for the county?s fiscal screw ups. Instead, they?ve blamed low-level county bureaucrats or Democrats in Sacramento. Our favorite moment was when bankruptcy-era board chairman Gaddi Vasquez openly mocked concerned citizens at a public hearing on the bankruptcy?s devastating impact on health care programs. Vasquez gave $100,000 to George W. Bush in 2000 and was named director of the U.S. Peace Corps.

    WASTE, FRAUD and ABUSE. You might assume the Republican Orange County Taxpayers Association would, like other taxpayer groups in the state, oppose tax increases. Ours doesn?t. Reed Royalty, head of the local association, is often the spokesman for large tax-hike campaigns. As a reward, Republican supervisors have named Royalty to head the county?s lucrative pension fund.
  • Reply 185 of 227
    Then there's the whole thing with Arnold illegally earning money while holding B-1 visa.


    "As a 21-year-old bodybuilder, Schwarzenegger came to the United States in 1968 on a B-1 visa, which allows visiting athletes to compete and train, but bars them from drawing a salary from an American company.

    But in his 1977 autobiography, Schwarzenegger said he reached a deal with a legendary figure in the bodybuilding industry ``to pay me a weekly salary in exchange for my information and being able to use photographs of me in his magazine.''

    That arrangement, said a half-dozen immigration attorneys across the nation, appears to have violated the terms of his visa.

    ``It allows you to come in to conduct business, but to be gainfully employed you need a visa that allows you to be gainfully employed in the United States,'' said New York-based immigration attorney Steven S. Mukamal. ``It would seem that Mr. Schwarzenegger violated his own status.''
  • Reply 186 of 227
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by BR

    Yes, laugh all you want. What I stated there does not in any way shape or form contradict my position.



    It's that simple.

    No, not really. In an agnostic system you're not giving identification to illegals, you're giving them to people who can drive. Just like right now, we're not giving legals the right to vote, but they can register without any problem. Does the voting system condone illegal activity? No.
  • Reply 187 of 227

    Originally posted by BR

    Do you always make dumbass retorts?

    Do you watch too much 'That 70's Show'? "Dumbass" seems to be a favourite word of yours, Red.

    You clearly said in your post, which I referenced, that a drivers licence "identifies the person as someone who can drive."

    If you'd bothered reading my previous posts, you would see that is the position I was taking. I thought it was quite nice that you'd finally come around to my way of thinking.

    It was only when you started yelling that you inserted the words 'legal' and 'illegal' again.

    Don't get pissed off at me for pointing that out. Obviously you made a mistake - a mistake that seemed to indicate that you had changed your mind.
  • Reply 188 of 227

    Originally posted by bunge

    No, not really. In an agnostic system you're not giving identification to illegals, you're giving them to people who can drive. Just like right now, we're not giving legals the right to vote, but they can register without any problem. Does the voting system condone illegal activity? No.

    Come now bunge, we know the only fraud condoned in the voting system is punch card ballots. An illegal picking up a voter registration form and signing it would never dilute the power of the vote, that is what punch card ballots, in use over 30 years, were designed to do.

  • Reply 189 of 227

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Come now bunge, we know the only fraud condoned in the voting system is punch card ballots. An illegal picking up a voter registration form and signing it would never dilute the power of the vote, that is what punch card ballots, in use over 30 years, were designed to do.


    Well, it seems no-one will have to worry about illegals voting in the recall election, since it's been delayed as of a few minutes ago.

    All because of punch-card ballots, too!

    California is a strange place.

    CNN Story


    "There was no immediate reaction from the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, the leading Republican candidate to replace Davis should the recall succeed."

    I'm sure it'll be something like, "I'll be back".
  • Reply 190 of 227
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    Do you watch too much 'That 70's Show'? "Dumbass" seems to be a favourite word of yours, Red.

    You clearly said in your post, which I referenced, that a drivers licence "identifies the person as someone who can drive."

    If you'd bothered reading my previous posts, you would see that is the position I was taking. I thought it was quite nice that you'd finally come around to my way of thinking.

    It was only when you started yelling that you inserted the words 'legal' and 'illegal' again.

    Don't get pissed off at me for pointing that out. Obviously you made a mistake - a mistake that seemed to indicate that you had changed your mind.

    I made no mistake. The drivers license is a LEGAL identification of one who can drive. It can be used as LEGAL proof that one has earned the privelege to drive in the particular state. Since it is a LEGAL identification, giving it to ILLEGAL aliens, regardless of their driving ability, condones their state of illegality.
  • Reply 191 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by Harald

    The illegal alien lobby.

    It's interesting, no matter what the country, nationalist always talk lunatic nonsense. When times are getting hard, the immigrants are always blamed too.

    Dont give me that bullshit. Unless you live in a closet or have your head buried in the sand illegal immigration and overpopulation are the two biggest problems facing the country today. They are both directly or indirectly the cause of almost all economic and ecological problems in the US. Either agree or disagree but dont start bringing up the 'he's a nationalist' garbage, as if its a bad thing to care about your country.

    And to further my 'nationalist' credentials, after reading a ridiculous article in my newspaper, I also urge each and everyone here to join 'USEnglish' to make english the official language of the US. I dont think our tax dollars should go to printing govmnt info in every damn language in the world. Go to http://www.us-english.org

    It appears that my county printed spanish language ballots using improper syntax and that infuriated Evelyn Pappa, who said it was an insult because her parents couldn't figure out what to do as a voter. Her parents have been in this country for FORTY years-yes, thats right, 40 years!! And SHE is insulted. Now, they are thinking about suing. Seems to me if the lazy ****s had bothered learning to speak and read the language of the country that has allowed them to live a good life this wouldnt be an issue.

    And didnt someone here say you had to have a working knowledge of english to become a citizen? Apparently that is bullshit. The Federal Govmnt mandated that my county print a bi-lingual ballot, but the Federal Govmnt doesnt pick up the cost. Heres my reply to the Federal Govmnt-**** You! And my reply to the Pappa family, who so proudly show a picture of themselves in the paper-**** you too............................................... .................
  • Reply 192 of 227

    Originally posted by BR

    I made no mistake. The drivers license is a LEGAL identification of one who can drive. It can be used as LEGAL proof that one has earned the privelege to drive in the particular state. Since it is a LEGAL identification, giving it to ILLEGAL aliens, regardless of their driving ability, condones their state of illegality.

    It doesn't condone their state of legality. It condones their ability to drive.

    The fact that the US allows drivers licenses to be used for more than a 'drivers license' is the problem, and the expense of rectifying this ridiculous (and dangerous) slack in the system is more than most would want to bear.

    For that reason, and that reason alone, I agree that handing out licenses to illegal aliens is a mistake.

    Good thing only US citizens can get their hands on passports ... you know, those little books that say 'hey, I'm a US citizen and I can travel'.

    It seems, after reading Trumptmans explanation, that even I could register to vote in California after 'legally' entering the country through a border crossing with either of my passports. (Neither of them is a US passport.)

    I don't mean that I could register to vote with my passport, by the way, but rather I could apparently just wander up to a government office, apply for a TIN with no proof of being a US citizen, and then register to vote. All while legally being in the US, but a non-resident. Even without a drivers license! Imagine that!


    Do you have a problem with me adding to my collection of drivers licenses while I'm legally in California? It would only mean a measly $30-ish extra in the California coffers, though.
  • Reply 193 of 227
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by steve666

    [Illegal immigrants] are both directly or indirectly the cause of almost all economic and ecological problems in the US.

    How so?
  • Reply 194 of 227

    Originally posted by bunge

    How so?

    Discarded taco wrappers, obviously.
  • Reply 195 of 227
    posted by Steve666

    Dont give me that bullshit. Unless you live in a closet or have your head buried in the sand illegal immigration and overpopulation are the two biggest problems facing the country today. They are both directly or indirectly the cause of almost all economic and ecological problems in the US. Either agree or disagree but dont start bringing up the 'he's a nationalist' garbage, as if its a bad thing to care about your country.

    And to further my 'nationalist' credentials, after reading a ridiculous article in my newspaper, I also urge each and everyone here to join 'USEnglish' to make english the official language of the US. I dont think our tax dollars should go to printing govmnt info in every damn language in the world. Go to http://www.us-english.org

    It appears that my county printed spanish language ballots using improper syntax and that infuriated Evelyn Pappa, who said it was an insult because her parents couldn't figure out what to do as a voter. Her parents have been in this country for FORTY years-yes, thats right, 40 years!! And SHE is insulted. Now, they are thinking about suing. Seems to me if the lazy ****s had bothered learning to speak and read the language of the country that has allowed them to live a good life this wouldnt be an issue.

    And didnt someone here say you had to have a working knowledge of english to become a citizen? Apparently that is bullshit. The Federal Govmnt mandated that my county print a bi-lingual ballot, but the Federal Govmnt doesnt pick up the cost. Heres my reply to the Federal Govmnt-**** You! And my reply to the Pappa family, who so proudly show a picture of themselves in the paper-**** you too............................................... .................

    Thats the worst thing I've ever heard! Its a good thing you come right out and make your terrible views so obvious so that no one mistakenly takes your points seriously.

    Saying that illegal immigrants are the biggest problem in this country just makes no sense. Maybe it is racist, ignorant people who insist on excluding people and creating needless racial tension who are the biggest problem in this country. If we can't get along with the diversity in this country then it is no wonder the rest of the world sees the US as a threat.

    As for making English the "official" languge in this country, thats just ridiculous. America is full of CITIZENS from every country in the world. As CITIZENS of this country which stands for EQUAL RIGHTS, they should be allowed to speak any language they want. There is absolutely no historic precedence for making english the official language, it never has been.

    To refuse to print basic public information or require public officials to speak different languages needlessly puts people in danger.

    How can any American possibly support an initiative that allows the govt to tell them what language to speak?

    As for it being unfair for the govt to pay to print info or train employees in different languages, those people who speak those languages are tax paying citizens to whom the govt has a responsibility to keep safe.

    Steve666 this is the last time i will reply to one of your ridiculous posts. I will only make the suggestion that you do a little research into AMerican History. Seriously, you need to find out what this country was built on and about all the DIFFERENT people who have made it what it is.
  • Reply 196 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by cris84

    posted by Steve666

    Dont give me that bullshit. Unless you live in a closet or have your head buried in the sand illegal immigration and overpopulation are the two biggest problems facing the country today. They are both directly or indirectly the cause of almost all economic and ecological problems in the US. Either agree or disagree but dont start bringing up the 'he's a nationalist' garbage, as if its a bad thing to care about your country.

    And to further my 'nationalist' credentials, after reading a ridiculous article in my newspaper, I also urge each and everyone here to join 'USEnglish' to make english the official language of the US. I dont think our tax dollars should go to printing govmnt info in every damn language in the world. Go to http://www.us-english.org

    It appears that my county printed spanish language ballots using improper syntax and that infuriated Evelyn Pappa, who said it was an insult because her parents couldn't figure out what to do as a voter. Her parents have been in this country for FORTY years-yes, thats right, 40 years!! And SHE is insulted. Now, they are thinking about suing. Seems to me if the lazy ****s had bothered learning to speak and read the language of the country that has allowed them to live a good life this wouldnt be an issue.

    And didnt someone here say you had to have a working knowledge of english to become a citizen? Apparently that is bullshit. The Federal Govmnt mandated that my county print a bi-lingual ballot, but the Federal Govmnt doesnt pick up the cost. Heres my reply to the Federal Govmnt-**** You! And my reply to the Pappa family, who so proudly show a picture of themselves in the paper-**** you too............................................... .................

    Thats the worst thing I've ever heard! Its a good thing you come right out and make your terrible views so obvious so that no one mistakenly takes your points seriously.

    Saying that illegal immigrants are the biggest problem in this country just makes no sense. Maybe it is racist, ignorant people who insist on excluding people and creating needless racial tension who are the biggest problem in this country. If we can't get along with the diversity in this country then it is no wonder the rest of the world sees the US as a threat.

    As for making English the "official" languge in this country, thats just ridiculous. America is full of CITIZENS from every country in the world. As CITIZENS of this country which stands for EQUAL RIGHTS, they should be allowed to speak any language they want. There is absolutely no historic precedence for making english the official language, it never has been.

    To refuse to print basic public information or require public officials to speak different languages needlessly puts people in danger.

    How can any American possibly support an initiative that allows the govt to tell them what language to speak?

    As for it being unfair for the govt to pay to print info or train employees in different languages, those people who speak those languages are tax paying citizens to whom the govt has a responsibility to keep safe.

    Steve666 this is the last time i will reply to one of your ridiculous posts. I will only make the suggestion that you do a little research into AMerican History. Seriously, you need to find out what this country was built on and about all the DIFFERENT people who have made it what it is.

    Yes there is a precedent for making people speak english-they didn't have a choice! If you wanted to vote, you spoke english, if you wanted to function you spoke english-and thats the correct way. There are over 100 nationalities in this country-do you think we need to be able to speak every single language on the face of this earth, or is it simpler and more reasonable for everyone to speak one language-english? Its been that way in this country for over 200 years and theres no reason to do things any differently now. English isnt the official language of the US, it was only the defacto official language until buttheads like you decided that the US has no language, no culture, and no history. Apparently the US is just some plot of land that people can come and go as they please, with no ties to the country. Oh wait, in your mind their is no country here. No less than FDR strongly stated that there should be only one common language here for the good of the country. Are you going to tell me he was racist? Do you even know who he was? I'm a second generation American, my grandparents came over here from Poland (LEGALLY), and didn't expect this country to bend over backwards for them. All they wanted was a chance to succeed, and they realized they needed to speak English to do so. If the Govmnt back then started printing things in Polish he would have been pissed off-because it would be saying to him that he wasn't smart enough or tough enough to make it on his own.

    Latinos should be insulted, not pleased, that they are being treated like second class citizens. Its a sad state of affairs that there are people like you walking around thinking that we have to bend over backwards for anyone. This is a tough town. It was meant to be tough. Only the toughest and most self-sufficient immigrants are supposed to make it here. The rest go home. Until now, the age of entitlement and enabling. Its a sad state of affairs that I can't be proud of MY countries culture, language and heritage just because my skin happens to be white. .......................................
  • Reply 197 of 227
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by steve666

    Yes there is a precedent for making people speak english-they didn't have a choice! If you wanted to vote, you spoke english....

    And the Supreme Court has agreed that you are incorrect.
  • Reply 198 of 227
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by steve666

    Its a sad state of affairs that I can't be proud of MY countries culture, language and heritage just because my skin happens to be white. .......................................

    Who is stopping you?

    How do illegals stop you being proud of the US heritage?

    What difference does it make that your skin is white?

    Who is telling you it does make a difference?
  • Reply 199 of 227

    Originally posted by steve666

    I can't be proud of MY countries culture, language and heritage just because my skin happens to be white.

    You'd think speaking the language of your father (and his father before him, etc.) would fall under the category of being proud of your culture, language and heritage.

    And since you're so pround of YOUR(!) country's culture, language and heritage you may want to actually read about all the non-english speakers who have contributed to your history and reflect on how much American culture is built on things brought to the country by immigrants who maintained their own culture enough that it became part of yours.

    What's next? Picketing outside Taco Bell, Pizza Hut or McDonald's because they're too ethnic? Eat American food damnit.
  • Reply 200 of 227

    Originally posted by steve666

    Its a sad state of affairs that there are people like you walking around thinking that we have to bend over backwards for anyone. This is a tough town. It was meant to be tough. Only the toughest and most self-sufficient immigrants are supposed to make it here. The rest go home. Until now, the age of entitlement and enabling.

    I didn't even notice this bit before. That's some quality rhetoric you've got going there.

    Can I ask what kind of retard would set up a town that was intentionally supposed to be 'tough'?
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