Lack of Bidets in the



  • Reply 101 of 178
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    It's all in good fun, boys. I'd love to have a bidet in my house, but right now I'm renting and there just isn't an apartment complex that has 'em. I can live without a bidet like I can live without a dishwasher.


    Originally posted by Influenza

    Re: Gays in Europe

    Oh please, as if homosexuality isn't outright celebrated in America. You watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy every week. Admit it! [/B]

    OK, I admit it! I watch Queer Eye and I like it! There, you happy now?!
  • Reply 102 of 178
    I leave you hosers alone for 24 hours and look what happens - poop talk and the most embarrassing display of new-girl-on-the-boards pick-up lines since Kate or Mulatta (before she went undercover).....

    Meanwhile, I'd like to thank Steve for the info on the ComfortSeat...I didn't even know I wanted one until now....and I thought that Airport was the biggest thing to improve my visits to the restroom!
  • Reply 103 of 178
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    I thought bidets were just another means of aquatic entertainment... sort of like having Buckingham fountain in your bathroom. You mean people actually hang their butts over those things and....


    (Carol - run away now, while there's still time.)
  • Reply 104 of 178
    eating feces, prudence would suggest, is toxic. the mouth is very basic (pH-wise), the stomach less so and by the intestines, the digestive tract is very acidic. there's bile in there. i would think it'd burn holes in your esophagus.

    i have my bowel movements well trained. the urge hits most commonly in the morning. and i shower every morning afterward. if i don't feel the urge, i sometimes try to force a little out, so as not to encourage it later on in the day. rarely do i have to more than once a day, but when i do i only shower after the first. i suppose in the bidet's absence, we use more tp.

    i never tried a bidet, nor have i encountered one in person. not even on my european adventures. though i met some interesting lavatories across the sea. i guess they aren't common in northern europe. if it were available i would probably try it, but in its absence i don't feel it so necessary. ignorance is bliss i suppose.
  • Reply 105 of 178
    Okay, this is getting dangerously close to having people post their daily poop journals, and I believe I speak for most everybody when I say "EWWWW!"

    Enough is probably enough, thanks.
  • Reply 106 of 178

    Originally posted by Towel

    It is the bacteria that causes infections, but your physician was probably right. Eating your shit wouldn't be so bad, because your stomach is real good at killing most bacteria, and what survives will be right at home in your intestines. But it's not at home anywhere else, and so can cause nasty infections if it gets spread outside your intestines: your genitals, your eyes, your ears, wounds, etc.

    actually, think about a little.

    seriously. we have an immune system. we actually develop an immune response to the bacteria etc in our intestine. unless you have an impaired immune response you are not going to get an infection from the shit born bacteria. and the physician who suggested this was on tv and not in a doctors office.
  • Reply 107 of 178

    Originally posted by thuh Freak

    eating feces, prudence would suggest, is toxic. the mouth is very basic (pH-wise), the stomach less so and by the intestines, the digestive tract is very acidic. there's bile in there. i would think it'd burn holes in your esophagus.

    babies eat there own shit all the time given the chance, and dogs do too. and since the bacteria in the gut need to create a proton gradient across their membrane, they too add to the acidity. however, one must assume it doesnt get too acidic, less we have acid burns on our bum. The test can be done, but I would say the pH is on the acidic side of neutral but nowhere near as acidic as stomach acid or lemon juice.

    Edit: just googled it. pH of dog feces: 7.27, which is about the ideal pH for blood. eh. there must be some sort of proton sponging action in the intestine.
  • Reply 108 of 178
    toweltowel Posts: 1,479member

    Originally posted by billybobsky

    actually, think about a little.

    seriously. we have an immune system. we actually develop an immune response to the bacteria etc in our intestine. unless you have an impaired immune response you are not going to get an infection from the shit born bacteria. and the physician who suggested this was on tv and not in a doctors office.

    Most urinary tract infections come from fecal contamination. Ask your girlfriend. Infections from this stuff tend to happen in places where the immune system has trouble penetrating (UT, eye, wounds, etc) or places where there is normal flora that is displaced by the intruders (vagina, ear, etc).

    The much bigger problem with eating shit, of course, is all the other nasty buggers that can live down there. Not such a problem if you eat your own shit (at worst you'll auto-reinnoculate your intestine), but shit-to-mouth, aka eating shit, aka fecal-oral transmission, is still the world's #1 way to spread disease from person to person. Cholera, rotavirus, all manner of helminths and roundworms, you name it. Drinking water that is contaminated with fecal matter is probably the #1 cause of preventable death in the world.

    Which is why washing your hands is way more important than using a bidet. Don't do your business (or pick your bare ass later) and then scratch your eye or shake someone's hand without washing your hands first.
  • Reply 109 of 178
    homhom Posts: 1,098member

    Originally posted by Towel

    The much bigger problem with eating shit, of course, is all the other nasty buggers that can live down there. Not such a problem if you eat your own shit (at worst you'll auto-reinnoculate your intestine), but shit-to-mouth, aka eating shit, aka fecal-oral transmission, is still the world's #1 way to spread disease from person to person

    And I thought that eating shit was the worst part about it
  • Reply 110 of 178
    toweltowel Posts: 1,479member

    Originally posted by billybobsky

    Edit: just googled it. pH of dog feces: 7.27, which is about the ideal pH for blood. eh. there must be some sort of proton sponging action in the intestine.

    The stomach is very acidic, because it secretes hydrochoric acid from specialized cells. It has a special lining of mucus to keep from digestig itself. Once that acidic chyme passes into the small intestine, it's met by a deluge of bicarbonate from the pancreas, which quickly neutralizes it. A good thing, because only the first little bit of the small intestine is protected by mucus like the stomach - the rest would be ripped to shreds by the acidity. The contents of the intestines remain neutral for the rest of the trip. Bile isn't a strong enough acid to change the pH - it's more of a buffer. And most of it is reabsorbed at the far end of the small intestine, anyway.

    So yeah, shit is neutral. The marvelous things you learn in medical school.
  • Reply 111 of 178
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    Argh, from discussing the various methods of cleaning one's bum to the health implications of eating one's own shit? What the FOOK are you guys smoking?

    Personally I like bidets (I've only used one a couple of times), but I do keep those little baby wipes around and they work just as well without having to spend a bunch of money on a hose to spray off my ass. I don't want to feel like I need to shower every time I poop. Yeah, paper usually works well enough but not always. And sometimes I have to use so much it clogs the toilet.
  • Reply 112 of 178
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    i hate to say it, but this thread may have peaked at "hoo-haa".

  • Reply 113 of 178
    hey now. i think it peaked at the pH of dog feces.
  • Reply 114 of 178

    Originally posted by billybobsky

    hey now. i think it peaked at the pH of dog feces.

    hey now, peak?????

    we've only just started!!!
  • Reply 115 of 178
    Guys! How funny!

    One of the ads on the top is a bidet superstore!!!!

    so we're actually sponsored by a bidet store!
  • Reply 116 of 178
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Influenza

    Re: Bidets, toilet paper, etc.

    You know, in America they do sell adult baby-wipe type things for just this purpose. I don't think they've made it to the west coast yet. In fact, this country has gone crazy for disposable, chemical-soaked sheets of paper for any and every purpose.

    Re: Girls

    Carol is totally a man. Oh yeah. Or a bored, trolling housewife.

    Re: Japan

    These people fold their dirty clothes, for petesakes! They're nuts. Many perfectly typical forms of Japanese behavior would be diagnosed as mental illness and the 'patients' would probably be medicated or institutionalized in the US. Of course this is also a country in which women are generally not expected to consent to sex. Ever. And where there's vending machines that sell used schoolgirl panties, and pedophilia seems to be the national pastime.

    Er... no offense to any Japanese folks here. Love your cartoons!

    Re: comparison to PC vs. Mac arguments

    My Mac never tried to introduce a foreign substance into my rectum. Well, maybe my bank account would disagree.

    Re: Gays in Europe

    Oh please, as if homosexuality isn't outright celebrated in America. You watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy every week. Admit it!

    >>Re: Girls

    Carol is totally a man. Oh yeah. Or a bored, trolling housewife. <<

    Well, Influenza, I am in fact a teacher on Christmas break. A teacher who hasn't graded even one of the 135 short stories I have piled in a giant stack.

    And as to being a man, I suppose we could have a contest to see who could describe mentrual cramps better, you or I. Or maybe you could ask me a question that only a female would know the answer to. But if you want to think I'm a guy, I guess I don't mind. Why should I? My ex husband and my various boyfriends would be surprised to hear that, I think.

    But I do know what you mean if you're implying I don't "sound" like a female. I love military history, reading about war (strategy and tactics), spy stories, stuff like that. I can't abide feminist stuff, or books written by females about their troubles. Yuck!

    So, anyway, I AM a female, but think what you like. I can deal with it.

    Oh, and PLEASE tell me you're kidding about the vending machines selling used school girl panties? Surely that can't possibly be true. Please say it ain't so.

  • Reply 117 of 178
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    Oh, and PLEASE tell me you're kidding about the vending machines selling used school girl panties? Surely that can't possibly be true. Please say it ain't so.
  • Reply 118 of 178
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Giaguara

    you are also used to public toilets with never finding toilet paper, and dirty bidets then. hte other side of italy.

    i think i prefer a clean toilet with paper than one with a bidet but no paper or dirty enough so you with you had a .... guesswhat so you could pee like a guy.

    In one of the "Year in Provence" books, I read that the toilet in a French cafe/bar consisted of merely a flat basin area on the floor, with slight depressions into which to put one's feet, and then you had to leap out of the way when the flush occurred, all while racing the light-timer on the light-switch that kept the 20-watt bulb lit for something like thirty seconds, unless you turned it again, which is a little hard to do from across the room while straddling a floor basin with your pants down. hehehahahaha.

    Btw, how is that for a truly FINE example of a run-on sentence? I kind of like it, however, and think I will let it stand. Since I am an English teacher, it does cause me an intense intial qualm...but then it's always fun to break the rules from time to time. hehe. And if you're going to break the rules, you might as well really break them.

    Anyway, I REALLY shouldn't say this, and I'll probably be sorry for doing so, BUT.....I've kinda had the feeling that the French HAD to invent the bidet, because they are totally into sex, but not totally into bathing. Hence, a major appliance for the purpose of cleansing before sex, without having to actually take an entire shower.....

    If I'm WAY out of line here, I truly do apologize; but this has been my suspicion about the bidet for a long time.

  • Reply 119 of 178
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by stevegongrui

    Guys! How funny!

    One of the ads on the top is a bidet superstore!!!!

    so we're actually sponsored by a bidet store!

    sorry to burst your bubble, but that's the nature of google ads... they change based off the keywords found on the page they reside. check out the google ads on the main forum pages or in different topics, and you'll see that they'll change based of significant words and phrases.

    unfortunately, this can also lead to tasteless ads being displayed, such as ads for low airfares being displayed during discussions of plane hijackings and sept. 11th...
  • Reply 120 of 178
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    I told her... I told her to run... but she just - wouldn't - listen.

    BTW, as much as I enjoy discussing the merits of dog poop pH, this thread started down the road to No Good hours ago.

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