How to make a G5 suck



  • Reply 81 of 177


    Sharky Forums: gurutoo

    The destruction of a Mac is of little consequence to me since for my purposes they are useless anyway.

    Oh yeah, and the destruction of a brand new flagship Rolls Royce is also of little consequence to me because they are useless, too.


    Sharky Forums: Colossus

    think it looks better... The G5 is a piece of crap... Now he has a real machine in there!

    Who in there right mind would say that about this:

    A real machine in there...? It's a fscking cheap circuit board and a bit of velcro, plus a tacky and tasteless green fluro tube.

    By the way, jkink88, you may have sparked a "war of the platforms". m.
  • Reply 82 of 177

    Originally posted by Merovingian

    ...By the way, jkink88, you may have sparked a "war of the platforms"....

    Let's hope not... we have a bit of a population advantage... ahhh about 95%-5%. No matter how good ya shite is you wouldn't stand a chance.
  • Reply 83 of 177

    Originally posted by jkink88

    Let's hope not... we have a bit of a population advantage... ahhh about 95%-5%. No matter how good ya shite is you wouldn't stand a chance.

    Yeah, I know. m.
  • Reply 84 of 177
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    This has brought PC and Mac users together better than just about anything else in recent memory. It's given plenty of free publicity and yes, even SYMPATHY to Apple. Sure, most of those PC guys will never buy a Mac, but the fact that they can at least show some respect for the G5 says something about Apple's recent efforts.

    I'd feel equally pissed if someone did the same thing to an Alienware and threw in the guts from a beige G3. Of course, Alienware cases can probably be purchased separately.
  • Reply 85 of 177

    Originally posted by Luca Rescigno

    This has brought PC and Mac users together better than just about anything else in recent memory. It's given plenty of free publicity and yes, even SYMPATHY to Apple. Sure, most of those PC guys will never buy a Mac, but the fact that they can at least show some respect for the G5 says something about Apple's recent efforts.

    What still baffles me is why there is so much resentment to Apple by a great and many people in the Wintel camp.

    Oft have I tried to ask the question, but it seems only those without the "hatred" for the Mac answer, with sincere reasons on why they only "mildly dislike" Apple. The die hard Wintel users just never seem to come up with any reason for their "hatred" ? well, besides: "Because they suck!".

    Well, I guess it just means there is no reason for this "hatred".

    I know I can't stand Windows, but I have my reasons, (though here is not the place for it). m.
  • Reply 86 of 177
    yeah, for real, I talk to PC guys all the time, or rather, they talk to me, about my choice in computer, usually the conversations STARTS with them saying "why'd you get a mac? don't you know they suck" then ends with them saying "holy shit! that was ****ing awesome"

    but it seems like people are just pre-programmed to equate macs with crap, kids toys, lower powered, hard to use, and buggy, the really strange thing is, when they acknowledge how much a pain in the ass windows is. something like "windows pisses me off so much, It's the worst software on the planet" me: "have you considered getting an apple?" "what the ****? of course not!"

    *shrug* too each his own I guess, but I honestly wonder why these people even use computers in general if they can harbor such animosity towards them.
  • Reply 87 of 177
    Oh dear.

    I'm wondering about something. When he was disassembling his G5, he obviously can't just lift the entire guts out at once so while he was taking this and that out, didn't a voice pop into his head, you know which voice I mean, the voice of Reason and Rationality?!

    Serves him right if his parents kick him out of the house, after giving him a kicking!

    One other thing I have noticed, I can't access the web page at the mo, obviously high traffic from people keen to see this 'monster', but the web address contains the word 'tip'. I think I'll give this tip a miss thank you!
  • Reply 88 of 177
    The question of why he didn't sell the G5 keeps coming up. You people need to RTFA. (Read The ****ing Article.) The kid said it was given to him by his parents as a present. If he sold the box and bought a new one, his parents would notice. So instead, he put a different computer inside the case.

    Second, while a good portion of this thread has been people threatening to send him hate mail and sign him up for spam lists, etceteras and calling him stupid, and carrying that on to calling all PC users stupid. Stop. Whenever people start this, it just about makes me ashamed to ally myself with you. This is why mac users come off as elitist, religious-esque zealots to the rest of the world.
  • Reply 89 of 177
    Hello, i came across this thread from linkage from another user. Or atleast i assume. Id like to express my feelings on the matter of all "pc users are stupid." This isnt so. I for one, being a PC user, have nothing against apples at all. But i cant use one. I didnt say i wont use one, i just cant. It lacks the tools and resources, not to meantion costs, i need. Now yes, OSX is deffinitely a superior OS, my school issued me a computer with it on it. I love it. How it feel, looks, everything about it. But its sad that i just cant do anything with it cause it doesnt offer what i need it for. And yes, this is flexibility. As boastful as you mac users are about how versatile and complete macs are, i just dont like that i cant built one myself, overclock it, change out parts, and how every update screws something new up. Now, those problems are minimal asides from the overclocking and building my own, but it just doesnt offer what i want at the same price. I fear apple is losing the "user-friendly" title now, id love to see apple succeed in becoming large.

    I dont find anything about an apple unstable, nor do i for a PC. If you could point something out for me, besides personal experiences thatd be great. I just dont find fault in either, and ill pick which one does best for me. I have tried both worlds, and 2 years ago i was actually gonna buy a mac. I had it all planned out.. then i couldnt do anything with it.

    So for what he did in the article, it wasnt a bad thing. What was he to do with it? Stare at it?

    Some of the things i said may have been a generalization, but it sure was supported by this thread. Thanks for your time guys,

    using both mac and PC,

  • Reply 91 of 177

    Originally posted by Tylenol

    As boastful as you mac users are about how versatile and complete macs are, i just dont like that i cant built one myself, overclock it, change out parts, and how every update screws something new up. Now, those problems are minimal asides from the overclocking and building my own, but it just doesnt offer what i want at the same price. I fear apple is losing the "user-friendly" title now

  • Reply 92 of 177

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Thanks for supporting what i said.
  • Reply 93 of 177
    >_>>_> Posts: 336member
    Pitchforks on the left, torches on the right!

    *grabs a rope*

    I think it's 'bout time we have us an good ol fashion linchin! Yee hoo!

    - Xidius
  • Reply 94 of 177
    In my opinion, it's gotten to the point of personal preference. Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages. The holy war ended a long time ago, so you guys can get off the boat and maybe still catch the after party.
  • Reply 95 of 177

    Originally posted by Tylenol

    So for what he did in the article, it wasnt a bad thing. What was he to do with it? Stare at it?

    Surf the web, rip music/dvds, and piss off his friend\
  • Reply 96 of 177
    Actually after rereading that, that guy is retarded. but lets not let him represent all PC users, okay?
  • Reply 97 of 177
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    He certainly doesn't represent all PC users. If that many people were that stupid the world would be a lot worse off even than it is.

    For what it's worth, the denizens of the OC forums are not impressed:

    "This has become the most read article in our history"

    Did that dude REALLY do 'that' to a new G5?

    G5 Thread: he could have bought 10 complete 2600 XP systems!
  • Reply 98 of 177
    I read through that "Sharky" Forum. I was amused by this:

    Holy Cow! WE think this kid is stupid... ha! The APPLE geeks are losing their friggin minds over at the Appleinsider forums...

    And this was just choice:

    The comments on the apple thread are priceless. I *almost* signed up to their forum so I could tell them how that "$300 PC" can now do way more than the "$3000 apple" ever could If he had sold the Mac and spent $2500-$3000 on a PC he would have had a kick a$$ pc.

  • Reply 99 of 177
    Apparently someone hasnt used a mac... besides a 10 year old OS9 one...
  • Reply 100 of 177
    mimacmimac Posts: 872member
    It's like this guy just went from this...


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