New iMac's in Sept - **CONFIRMED**



  • Reply 41 of 302
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member
    Figured I would post the graphic from the Apple Store for effect.

    Oh man! Steve wasn't just playing with our fragile little minds.

  • Reply 42 of 302
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I think they did it because of so many people on the web are upset about Apple lately that they are trying to calm us. Congrats Apple It's working.

    I kinda thought this when Alias was on stage at WWDC. It seemed like a better place to announce that Alias would bring Maya unlimited to OS X would have been Siggraph, but I was one of more than a few people that had stated in Public places that if Apple couldn't come up with something for 3D users I would be done with Mac's the day after the WWDC. iMac users are getting just as impatient as I was. Apple had already lost many Mac sales because people just did not wait as some of us did. They don't want to see the same thing happen to iMac lovers.

    I am still expecting some kind of video card news now from Siggraph on the state Graphics cards for 3D with the G5's. Siggraph is primarily a 3D show, and if people are interested in how committed Apple is - this is exactly what they are going to be looking for. Apple either has to have a Quadro FX becoming available at some point, or they have to prove that the new $600.00 -Nvidia 6800 Ultra DDL will have drivers good enough to manipulate Millions of polygons in huge scenes side by side with a Quadro FX offerings on the PC.

    Alias got me to wait and see, but Apple has still to pull it off the finale. I hope they do. Because I don't want to switch I love my Macs'.
  • Reply 43 of 302
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    note kormacs absents from this thread.....
  • Reply 44 of 302
    fahlmanfahlman Posts: 740member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Jeez-louise, do any of you conspiracy/doubting clowns EVER just simply believe something that's written? Ever? No, you have to start talking "hacking" and stuff.

    Get a grip. It's real, you delusional nutballs.

    You do a couple renderings and all of a sudden you're some big shot
  • Reply 45 of 302
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member

    Originally posted by a_greer

    note kormacs absents from this thread.....

    So is Clintons Dog
  • Reply 46 of 302
    existenceexistence Posts: 991member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Maybe it's something other than the chip...

    [whistles innocently...]

    It's the x300/x600, isn't it? ATI still isn't shipping its PCIe products in quantity.
  • Reply 47 of 302
    existenceexistence Posts: 991member

    Originally posted by Anders

    So is Clintons Dog

    He was run over by a SUV. Damn SUVs!
  • Reply 48 of 302
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by fahlman

    You do a couple renderings and all of a sudden you're some big shot

    I do a few, thanks, but I'm no big shot at all, smarty-butt.

    I'm simply just amazed at the complete inability of SOME people to simply take anything on face value, and have to immediately start looking for hidden meanings, hoaxes, conspiracies, etc.

    One has nothing to do with the other. Call it like I see it...and the first part of this thread WAS indeed quite ridiculous, by any standard.

    "I call fake". "Hacked". "No way, can't be". "Hoax...someone's ass is in trouble!". "It's only on the U.S. section". "A total hack job". "The type isn't anti-aliased right...hoax!".

  • Reply 49 of 302
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I do a few, thanks, but I'm no big shot at all, smarty-butt.

    I'm simply just amazed at the complete inability of SOME people to simply take anything on face value, and have to immediately start looking for hidden meanings, hoaxes, conspiracies, etc.

    One has nothing to do with the other. Call it like I see it...and the first part of this thread WAS indeed quite ridiculous, by any standard.

    You are aware that websites do indeed get hacked? You are also aware the GNAA had advanced info on Tiger? I was simply hypothesizing and with a wink to boot. Sit back and have a laugh.
  • Reply 50 of 302
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I think four smileys in two posts = "having a laugh". Relax. I get it.

    or rather:

    And I wasn't aware it would be that easy to stroll into Apple's store and post some wild stuff, out of the blue. As for the GNAA...never mind.

  • Reply 51 of 302
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I think four smileys in two posts = "having a laugh". Relax. I get it.

    or rather:

    I used to have a few 100x100px scaled-up UBB smileys lying around....good for the rare shockingly delightful news.
  • Reply 52 of 302
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Like the store announcement?

    I wonder if they'll just let it stand for the next two months? Or do you think they'll do something earlier? The post says "announced and available in September", so I guess not.

    But I can't imagine that iMac page just staying "as is" for 60+ days.

    Maybe they'll dress it up with some hype?
  • Reply 53 of 302
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Like the store announcement?

    I wonder if they'll just let it stand for the next two months? Or do you think they'll do something earlier? The post says "announced and available in September", so I guess not.

    But I can't imagine that iMac page just staying "as is" for 60+ days.

    Maybe they'll dress it up with some hype?

    I think as a "due to popular demand" and as a form of apology, they will announce them earlier than September. I'd expect full-fledged product promo webpages with a "taking orders now, shipping September" kind of thing? (Is that even legal? I guess so).
  • Reply 54 of 302
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yeah, that's right. I mean, if they're intending to have them AVAILABLE (and shipping) in September, it's not unheard of for Apple to announce stuff and add the tag "announcing today, shipping in [pick some far-off date]...".

    They'd be about true to form if they announced/showed the new iMac SOMETIME in July and just made it known "shipping in September" (and STICK TO THAT!!!). They've announced stuff and set it's shipping date farther than 2 months, on a couple of occasions I can recall (the G4 iMac in January 2002 and last year's G5 rollout, with the 2.0GHz not available for a LONG time after June 23).

    Oh, and do I even need to bring up the iPod mini?

    Is that thing out there, anywhere, in any sort of reliable, "go and grab it tonight if I want" quantity? Not at my local Best Buy, Target or the CompUSAs in northern Atlanta.

    It would only stir up more interest and demand to see it, place orders, talk about it, drool over the specs, etc. than to make us sit completely in the dark until September.
  • Reply 55 of 302
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by pscates

    They've announced stuff and set it's shipping date farther than 2 months, on a couple of occasions I can recall (the G4 iMac in January 2002 and last year's G5 rollout, with the 2.0GHz not available for a LONG time after June 23).

    Oh, and do I even need to bring up the iPod mini?

    Hell, AirPort Express (I think) and Tiger.
  • Reply 56 of 302
    beigeuserbeigeuser Posts: 371member
    Maybe Steve promised the shareholders a new iMac for WWDC but it didn't happen. Now that the current iMacs have run out of stock and the shareholders are angry, Steve desperately needed to do some damage control at the expense of third-party resellers (again).
  • Reply 57 of 302
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    With this cat out of the bag, I think Apple needs to get the hype machine going as soon as its iTunes 100 Million songs feature is over. They need to take the bull by the horns and make something good come out of this gaffe.

    The only problem with taking pre-orders is that none of the customers know what this new iMac looks like or what hardware it will be built upon. So it's hard to take pre-orders. With the original iMac, everyone knew it's features in May, what it looked like, and understood that it could be pre-ordered for an August 15th launch.

    I say Apple should start hyping it by leaking slowly the features of this thing in words. This will generate traffic to the site, and keep everyone waiting to see what the next item of info is. Then slowly reveal what the product looks like by very extreme close-ups or stylized abstracts of what the new iMac looks like. Then, after people have been teased, they should take pre-orders.

    My 2¢...but Apple has already probably had meetings on how to best handle the situation and have a game plan.
  • Reply 58 of 302
    carson o'geniccarson o'genic Posts: 1,279member
    Well this may be an AppleInsider first. We are going to have a thread in future hardware for 2 months on a product that Apple has confirmed!

    I'm worried about the recent upswing in Apple's trend of not getting product out the door. First we had motorola to blame, now IBM and Hitachi? Not enough chips for their computors and hard drives for their iPods. A whole summer without iMacs and missing the big back-to-school purchases. BAD APPLE! It's always something with Apple, I'm waiting for a time that they announce early with real immediate shipping.

    Maybe to patch things over they can come up with an iBook/PowerBook promo as a substitute for the lack of iMacs, at least for the back to sc hool crowd.
  • Reply 59 of 302
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Do you guys suddenly forgot how to speculate? I cannot believe what of a shock this Apple announcement was for you .

    Let me make a start with the processor. While the G5 is the most likely, we cannot exclude the possibility for something from Freescale. What do you think?
  • Reply 60 of 302
    republicrepublic Posts: 168member
    This same message is appearing outside the US and Canada. They seem to be shown in English for many otherwise non-English sites like the Netherlands' store, but the Japanese store shows a message in Japanese.

    Hopefully, this is a first step in gradually removing the curtain from the next-generation iMac, and the store should eventually reflect it if iMacs orders are no longer being honored, now that the message is out. The iMac picture and link are still there at the time of this post, and their hardware page for the iMac in the US is as yet unchanged, so was their message rushed?

    Anyway, I hope it won't be a Freescale G4; they may as well make the largest possible leap from a machine outperformed by the eMac. Not that I am a potential buyer; I'll be content with my only slightly damaged iBook no matter how they treat their next desktop.
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