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Strange given that Oslo was a demo city for the mapping company that Apple bought to make Flyover ( ) It has already been airplane-mapped once, at least.
Strange given that Oslo was a demo city for the mapping company that Apple bought to make Flyover ( ) It has already been airplane-mapped once, at least.
f/28? uhhhhh
Everyone needs to consider the world vs US when talking about marketshare. Many blogs throw up graphs without considering whether it's NPD research channels or quarterlies or whatever. For instance in this past Christmas season (recognized withi…
Quote: Originally Posted by melgross With the iPod, it was seen that the concept was becoming popular. With the iPhone, it was known the concept was popular. With the tablet, the concept has been seen to be a failure. That's a very diff…
These are probably weak moves at mending iPhone attrition when exclusivity dies. Making the product 'feel' more integrated, I suppose.
Quote: Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 With all the arguments over what a possible tablet device might be called lately, perhaps this reflects a similarly heated debate inside Apple. iBook? iPad? iTablet? MacBook? Newton? Why would this re…
Everyone up on AAPL tickers knew Jan 2007 was the real deal for a phone announcement. But there wasn't a single person outside of the executive VPs and the board of directors who had even laid eyes on it in final form. No one predicted a damned thin…
it's also silly that the stack arcs. that has no purpose on a touchscreen.
Then is the EDGE --> 3GS policy the same as EDGE --> 3G? I get the good low price?
Quote: Originally Posted by bsenka Why does Apple always insist on taking important things away every time they add a feature that every other notebook at half the price already has? These new models have some great features that I and and a l…
There is only one audio port on the 13" now. FYI.
Anyone notice the 13" Pro doesn't have a dedicated line-in? (To make room for FireWire I suppose)
Here's the new layout.
I don't understand why anyone is buying this claim. Do you guys really think Apple is slipping Palm Pre device icons into the resource folder? What the hell is going to show up on iTunes when it's plugged in? The ONLY way this happ…
I would make more accurate analyst calls than this for free. The smaller details display ignorance with regards to Apple's goals. Whether this is the year the iPhone becomes a family of products is a tough call but there's no god damn reason onl…
I don't think $299 is good enough to stay in the game. Sprint didn't bet enough on this.
Where is he currently believed to reside?
Point of interest about "Pink": The Apple phone project was called Purple. The EDGE iPhone was known as Purple 2. From the intense amount of journalism I've pored over it seems Purple 1 was *kind of* related to that joke slide from the iPhone…
Yeah Apple strangely started using "scrub" in product language starting with iMovie/iPhoto. It is 'Seek' to everyone else accustomed to a CD player/mp3 player. Quote: Originally Posted by addabox In the case of the iPhone, it means that you…