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Quote: Originally Posted by nikon133 That is something I keep hearing, but after so many great-experience fart/burp/baby-shake apps and articles like, it really makes me wonder. Or, maybe, it …
Quote: Originally Posted by snookie This company and many others will never use Androi From the story: "Google's Android mobile operating system has seen a fivefold increase in availability in the corporate market over the last nine mont…
Quote: Originally Posted by solipsism They are okay with $1.99 for a TV show sale, but not okay with a 99¢ TV show rental. This isn?t unique to NBC! Doesn?t this say that these networks aren?t really expecting much in the way of repeat viewing? …
Quote: Originally Posted by thompr Like I said, it's impossible to be concise. Type this into Google, and poke around: "reconstruct patented products" You will find discussions, examples of court rulings, etc, that support and reject eithe…
Quote: Originally Posted by thompr You should visit this link everyday: not necessarily to track the stock information, but for the headlines that appear below. There have been many significant articles rece…
Quote: Originally Posted by addabox Am I the only one that get's a little sad at how often Newtron is the first one to post in a new thread? I wish we could stop this. Can't someone give the poor man a job?
Quote: Originally Posted by addabox Except, of course, "gas" is a completely ridiculous analogy Given that it is not mine, I have no pride of authorship.
Quote: Originally Posted by addabox Ascribing "doing wrong" to one party or another when we don't have more than an anonymous tipster's version of very broad outline of what went down doesn't seem very useful. Do you suspect that either of the…
Quote: Originally Posted by hill60 ...see how far that gets you. The analogy under discussion is this one: "Whatever, a better analogy would be that Apple put a special gas cap on their car and you can only fill up with Apple petro at speci…
Quote: Originally Posted by Sacto Joe It's even more impressive when you realize that, unlike the Microsoft chart, the Apple chart is a logarithmic scale. Man oh man. Why does this sort of thing happen so often?
Quote: Originally Posted by thompr Comparison of the first derivatives don't look good for RIM. Neither does the anecdotal data coming from corporations that are testing whether to move to iPhone from Blackberry. Thompson I agree wholehear…
Quote: Originally Posted by replicant Aside from professionals, why pay for image editing software anymore when you have excellent free alternatives? I find that for most things, Picassa works great.
Quote: Originally Posted by thompr This exercise has prompted me to seek information on patent laws, and I must confess that things are much more complex than either one of us have made them out to be. I believe now that we have staked our claim…
Quote: Originally Posted by AppleInsider Because of their high-value merchandise, Apple's retail stores are occasionally the target of thieves. Last year, security cameras captured footage of a burglary at an Apple Store in New Jersey, where th…
Quote: Originally Posted by thompr Ah, but when you modify said car, are you introducing components that are patented (and which you have not received a license for)? Thompson Are you under the impression that you must receive a license…
Quote: Originally Posted by addabox Apple is alleging that they were "onerous", which is to say something out of line with customary practice. Then don't buy it. Problem solved.
Quote: Originally Posted by FurbiesAndBeans So you didn't bother reading anything I said? You're basically restating what I said about Apple knowing in advance that they were going to be planning on exceeding the threshold thus violating the rule…
Quote: Originally Posted by dak splunder If RIM's making a Blackberry tablet, then I hope it has a physical keyboard! Y'know, like Speak N Spell. Here's the latest that they have announced: The…
Quote: Originally Posted by crift2012 apps are non-expendable, more like a modification to a car that does it only thing, and only depletes when you decide to delete them.. t Much like third-party car stereo systems? We can riff on that to…
Quote: Originally Posted by crift2012 if you can not understand why apple would not allow for instance Andrip apps into the APPLE store, Please read my posts more carefully before stating conclusions about my understanding.