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  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    patientlywaiting said:

    I don't think that anyone at the time that was written interpreted their "Yes" and "It is" as a mere "expected" except for you.
    Actually, I think most people, were it not for being upset at the many delays, would feel the same way I do - which is why I gave my example. These kinds of situations where someone says "yes" to something, but something happens so it doesn't happen, are not interpreted as lies. They are everyday kind of events.

    [Bolding is mine]. Right, but that is exactly the context in which they said it. Context matters. It is true that in many cases a simple "Yes" can be a mere "I expect to". But in the context of "I am upset...are you realllly going to ship the TextBlade this year??"* a simple "Yes" is read as an assurance by almost everybody. Except, apparently, you.

    Please, @WayTools_Support , can you weigh in here? I would love to not have a multi-page debate over the meaning of the word "Yes" when you could clear it up in a second.

    *Not a literal quote, but hopefully you understand and will not quibble with some sort of "Those aren't the exact words that AdamRoxby used".
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    @WayTools_Support Glad to see you posting here again. Perhaps you missed it when I posted before. My posting privileges were revoked (a.k.a shadowbanned) at the WayTools Forum over a year ago. Here is the entirety of the post that got me shadowbanned:

    "You really think the TextBlade will be relevant after we have telepathic keyboards? Wow."

    That seemed like a pretty innocuous comment and I feel that I was unfairly shadowbanned for it. Can you help me out, or at least provide some sort of explanation as to why I was shadowbanned?

    *edited to add the word "ago"
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    ericpeets said:
    I don't know if anyone has read this far into the comments, but if they have I'd like to mention something that I should have done much earlier.

    There was actually an article written in mid-2015 by James Kendrick of ZDNet, which is parent/sister company to the likes of Cnet, PC Magazine, various IT oriented magazines, etc. -- meaning it's a mainstream publication company, as opposed to boutique blogs. So, in between the first Macrumors coverage and this Apple Insider one, Kendrick wrote two articles for ZDNet.


    I think this quote sums it up the best:

    The company's behavior is unprofessional at best and borderline unethical at worst.


    Now that I've cancelled the Textblade order, I'm watching my credit card account closely to see how long it takes them to give me my money. It's not like Waytools has given me reason to trust that they'll do it quickly. did I miss these articles when they came out? Thank you for pointing them out--they express my issues with Waytools far better than I could've put them myself.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    I would love to know why my posting privileges were revoked (a.k.a shadowbanned) at the WayTools Forum. Here is the entirety of the post that got me shadowbanned:

    "You really think the TextBlade will be relevant after we have telepathic keyboards? Wow."

    That was over a year ago, and I've gotten no explanation or guidance (or any response at all) despite asking politely over email to be reinstated several times since. WayTools_Support, can you provide any insight or help here?