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  • Apple moving forward with iPad on a robot arm as your next smarthome purchase

    Pema said:
    Every week Apple is flailing about for some other bond headed hardware. Short of Steve Jobs Apple is really 'dancing in the dark': 
    1) Apple Car - we all know what happened with that. But to save face on the billions of dollars, resources and time wasted we are led to believe that Apple was able to salvage some bits of the effort to morph into other Apple products. Like the trillions waste on moon landings to give us teflon. 
    2) Apple Foldable Phone - what a totally useless and pointless nonsensical idea. Like self-lacing sneakers. 
    3) Now we have the iPad on a Robot - you have to wonder whether this is an early April Fools 2025. 
    4) Not to mention the egregious waste of time and money on scraping stale data, aka AI. I wonder how long this foolishness will continue before someone wakes up and says, hey, the king has no clothes and the whole kit and caboodle blows up like the dot.com bubble. 

    Why doesn't Apple invest in the best possible piece of technology for this year and the rest: SECURITY. Everyday you read about someone, or some organisation getting scammed. Apple is already well-versed in all things Security - Build on that to foil the hackers. That would be money well spent than chasing rubbish that turn into dust. 
    There are a lot of argumentative fallacies in your post. I just to keep my post short, it ignores all the duds under Jobs and makes an odd leap at the end that seems to imply that because of this robot arm rumor that Apple doesn’t invest anything into security.
  • Apple moving forward with iPad on a robot arm as your next smarthome purchase

    I can't think of one reason why I would want to buy this.
    I can't think of any reason that 'I' would need this based on the articles I've read, but let's not forget that we also don't know anything about the actual product. As always, I'll wait until Apple announces and demos a product before I make a determination (this also goes for established products).

  • Flagship smartphone showdown - Apple iPhone 15 Pro vs Google Pixel 9 Pro

    sdw2001 said:
    We’ve reached the point where the specs are close enough that they don’t matter.  You can’t have a gear to head and then say you’re evaluating it in a platform independent way. The platform is everything.  Apple’s image processing, and “ the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” approach literally affects everything one does with a smart phone.  It ends up coming down to design, preferences , and OS preference.  Personally, I use both iOS and android almost every day. Android absolutely sucks next to iOS in my opinion. So there’s no way I would even consider an android phone unless I had to.   

    As an aside, i’m not really sure for whom these articles are written. This isn’t a technology blog or consumer report site. It’s called AppleInsider. Is anyone consulting AppleInsider to see if they should buy an iPhone or a Google pixel? I really doubt it. It seems to me articles like this or nothing but revenue drivers.   
    I find it interesting. I probably wouldn't have heard about this earlier. I then skimmed an already edited video of all the devices announced yesterday but I had to seek that out.

    But none of that is here nor there. This does relate to the iPhone even if just as a competitor, so we should expect to see such articles on AI if they think it will be generate traffic.
  • Flagship smartphone showdown - Apple iPhone 15 Pro vs Google Pixel 9 Pro

    DAalseth said:
    Well, for me Android is DOA. But this does show that Apple needs to do some significant improvements to stay competitive. There’s been a lot of talk about how huge the iP17 will be next year. Apple really shouldn’t wait. Bumping all the 16 cameras to 48mpxl would be a good start. 
    Yeah, this has a lot of great features which includes the Satellite SOS and under-the-screen fingerprint reader. That said, I do see that their Satellite SOS feature doesn't work in two US states and I hadn't seen a mention for working outside the contiguous US. I do wonder if this features, while nice, aren't quite the level of quality that Apple tends to include. For example, I would love t have an under-the-screen fingerprint reader on an iPhone but not at the expense o being a poorly implemented biometric or one doesn't have a high level o security, like their previous implementation.

    Pixel has some SW features with the camera that I'm liking and hope come to IOS.
  • Paid Apple Intelligence features won't come until at least 2027

    DAalseth said:
    My only fear with this is that Apple might say Pages and Numbers are now enhanced with AI features and so make them subscription as well. MS has made a lot of money with Office365, why not do the same with iWork. 
    I doubt this will happen. Pages, Keynote, Numbers, iMovie, Photos and GarageBand are all part of Apple’s whole widget strategy. You can buy a Mac and be productive right out of the box. No need to buy anyone else. And if you need more advanced features there other apps you can buy. They might come up with AI features that you have to subscribe to get but charging for the actual app? Totally not going to happen. 
    I agree with you. It would be folly for Apple to charge for “iWork” apps. While I prefer to use Numbers and Pages over Excel and Word, Apple simply doesn’t have any power behind those apps to charge for them outright. They tried that. It didn’t work. They’d have to invest a lot more time and money to make them more competitive if they wanted to try that. Honestly, I wish they would make them more competitive but I don’t think it’s a focus for the company any more than Preview is at this point.