Verizon sets its sights on Apple, AT&T in ad campaign



  • Reply 161 of 166
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Apple is with over eighty eight carriers, maybe Verizon should have gone with the rest of the world and ADOPTED THE WORLDWIDE GSM standard.

    If Apple went with Verizon how many carriers would they be with now?

    I think it's ironic that I am with Vodafone and if I travelled to America I would not be able to roam on Vodafone's partner network (Verizon).

    Huh? They're neither using GSM or standard 3G? That's strange. Just took it for granted, I guess. My bad.

    But you know what I mean with that lame one carrier only strategy though. It's one carrier per country, maximum 2. Carriers cannot sell the phone if they want, consumers can't buy it with their favourite carrier. It's like the carrier first has to earn respect or something. Maybe it's just a way of ensuring that Apple can meet the demand and manage an adoption curve that is constantly growing instead of going for it in one blow. Letting it free for all would maybe get out of hand.
  • Reply 162 of 166
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by palegolas View Post

    Huh? They're neither using GSM or standard 3G? That's strange. Just took it for granted, I guess. My bad.

    But you know what I mean with that lame one carrier only strategy though. It's one carrier per country, maximum 2. Carriers cannot sell the phone if they want, consumers can't buy it with their favourite carrier. It's like the carrier first has to earn respect or something. Maybe it's just a way of ensuring that Apple can meet the demand and manage an adoption curve that is constantly growing instead of going for it in one blow. Letting it free for all would maybe get out of hand.

    I think that's right-- that Apple goes into a market with an exclusive carrier to better manage the roll out.

    OTOH, by next year O2, Orange and Vodafone will all be selling the iPhone in the UK, so it doesn't appear as if Apple is adverse to multiple carriers, once they're established.

    The US situation is an anomaly, in that one of the two big carriers is based dead-end technology and has delusions of grandeur .

    If not for that, I'm sure we would have at least two carriers in the US by now.
  • Reply 163 of 166
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    Because they are their companies and that is how they want to do it, for better or for worse, as long as it is not illegal.

    So you want socialism, not capitalism?

    No, we just want what the rest of the world does: Sell phones and then you buy service for it, instead of the stupid shell game 2 year service contract bull shit we deal with here.
  • Reply 164 of 166
    Alright, we've seen the latest phone Verizon is touting and the 'Droid OS they are talking about in their commercial - "iDon't" which is a cry for "iWish" as in we were the exclusive carrier of the iPhone and "iHope" as in this phone and the 'Droid OS is an answer to our prayers!
  • Reply 165 of 166
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    Oh please, you're arguing semantics. Everyone who doesn't have their head up Apple's a@@ knows the ads are attacking Microsoft.

    Again, semantics. The ad is attacking AT&T. One of the things that makes one network desirable over another is the available phones. Thus Verizon targets a product offered by the competition that they obviously feel is losing them customers.

    Because Apple is just as much a control freak as Verizon? Neither was willing to make the concessions necessary to make that partnership work. That AT&T didn't realize the consequences of the iPhone or how Apple would sell them down the river every chance they got or was just too eager to get any advantage they could against their competitors.

    What does history have to do with anything? History shows that Apple makes users wait for 3 generations for basic features that other devices have had for years, iPhones and iPods alike. My Verizon phone has features that the iPhone still doesn't have. Bluetooth on the iPhone is practically useless for anything beyond hands free. The physical keyboard on my Verizon phone makes texting and emailing a breeze.

    ----Physical keyboards might feel nice, but they can be just as impractical as they are practical. I like being able to switch to a foreign keyboard when I need to. Being trilingual and stuck on a blackberry or other smartphone is awful. The iPhone truly is international, and that alone will make me a user for life.
  • Reply 166 of 166
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    The US situation is an anomaly, in that one of the two big carriers is based dead-end technology and has delusions of grandeur .

    You are the one with the delusions.

    Qualcomm's CDMA technology is at a dead-end --- so what? Qualcomm is right now the largest wireless technology company in the whole world. What delusions?

    Verizon Wireless picked a dead-end technology with a massive disadvantage of economies of scale (when compared with GSM's massive economies of scale) --- so what? Verizon Wireless has the highest profit margin in the US. What delusions?

    And then you look at the consumers --- the highest customer satisfaction ratings go to Verizon Wireless customers --- with their supposed crippled phones, nickel and diming... And the lowest customer satisfaction ratings go to AT&T with their supposed "open" GSM phones. What delusions?
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