Smoking may void Applecare warranty



  • Reply 181 of 331
    see next post
  • Reply 182 of 331
    I repair about 10 macs a week. I shudder to think what Apple would do with some of the machines I work on. I recently saw a mac with the following items on the desk beside it: lube (for admiring porn thespians I'm sure), a glass pipe, a CARTON of cigarettes, some emptie baggies, loose pot leaves, and a bottle of jack.

    What did I do? I did my job. I put on latex gloves - relocated the Mac to a less cluttered location, vaccummed it out with a HEPA filtered computer vac. And fixed the machine. Got paid. Thanked them. And made sure they'd call me if they had any problems.

    Society and all of their judgements should all go straight h*ll. It's boring, lame and a waste of time. All you antismoking bandwagoneers get a life. Wouldn't life be so much better if we could just let people LIVE their lives. Rather than spending your lives hating and despising and hating another group of people. I could care less what you do. I may not have the same habits as you or vice versa. I've met some great people from bible thumpers to smokers. And I have liked many of them.

    Apple gimme a break. Love ya but please get a grip ya just look lame now.


    mac repair (part time)

    full time student (astrophysics major)
  • Reply 183 of 331
    Originally Posted by DanielSW View Post

    Gimme a break. In case you hadn't noticed, Apple is taking stands on issues which are important. The health of their employees is very important. Putting the responsibility for the effects of smoking back on the smoker is NOT unreasonable. If fact, it's the RIGHT thing to do.

    Those who insist on being STOOOPID and smoke like chimneys around their computer equipment should realize what damage they're doing, not only to their equipment, but to the technician who MIGHT have worked on it.

    You want the warranty coverage? QUIT SMOKING! Simple.

    Ah... behavioral tax drones. This kind of stupidity is a far greater danger to humans than anything in a cigarette. Do you realize you are blindly following herd panic mentality? People in this mindset are a danger to those around them. Might sound familiar, but my sweeping statement has far more empirical evidence to support it. Wanna bet some cash? A couple grand would really help with my Xmas shopping.

    Ridiculous notion, nobody cleaning junk out of computers has even gotten sick from it. Stop hyperventilating and think. We are not that fragile a species, would never have made it this far. Those eco-bulbs are an example of your idea of "important issues" and the shallow knowledge and reactionary thinking that leads to hysteria. Far more dangerous than the tar in Camel Joe's laptop. I wish people with green T-shirts would stop pretending to be smarter than Thomas Edison.

    These people have never read anything of substance on any of these "important issues". Usually not even the less shallow science texts (the ones without pictures or color bound covers), that support their position. For such an "important issue", you'd think they would be more concerned and would dig deeper beyond the TV and Newsweak. No... National Geographic doesn't count either. These cause crusaders are a plague of backward Dark Ages logic and superstition. Reading books... it's not just for royalty and clergy anymore! Or if you prefer Yoda: "Arms waving does not a scholar make."

    I think Steve Jobs is too busy running Apple, making cool stuff, and probably doesn't have much time to research environmental matters, and just parrots the same stuff that people who watch TV for information do. The only other likely explanation is that he's more interested in changing one component in a laptop, then slapping a green sticker on it so hippies feel good buying Macs. Then again, I never traveled to India in search of enlightenment, so maybe his tolerance for superstition is greater than the average?
  • Reply 184 of 331
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    Smoking is NOT illegal anywhere that I know of.

    Its illegal in ALOT of places, such as some indoor restaurants and SMU has recently banned it from the entire campus! I think Apple is completely right in doing this. Apple may have some employees with asthma and having even hints of smoke in a computer can cause them to have an attack!

    Sucks to be a smoker. Best to quit.
  • Reply 185 of 331
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    I hope that isn't really your position.

    It's gentic and natures way ar balacing the Eco system.

    First I meant genetic and was angry I woke up so early with back pain. But I did go back to bed. Look. My 2nd TRUE LOVE EVER DIED OF STAGE 4 cancer. Brain, lymphnodes, lungs and we never got closure. She had smoked and took the pill, a no no over 30 or 35. Still, she had quit for years. I'm probably also pissed that I smoke now after stoping for amost three years. My g/f and I were held up at gunpoint. Okay, pretty bad, no smoking yet. 10 days later my wifes father who I was close too is killed at work then I get a call that my GREATVAUNT a chief hospital inspector for the board of health who raised me is not doing so well. A little while after thst my gf has an ovarie removed and I start smoking again.

    Needless to say, my aunt died, willed me the house but the wil dissapears. My family with strong political ties in Boston can make a plane never land. So now I have back pain, low testosterone and a whiole bunch of thing going on. The patch worked for me but now when I do it. Tried severa times, I get acid reflux which is very painful and things are so bad right now my PCO said "look, I know you want to quit and I think this new drug will do it, but things are si bad that I don't want your body going under any kind of stress at all. THIS COMING FROM A DOCTOR. if you took one dose of what I take for pain, you'd probably OD.

    So it's frustrating as knowone in my social circle smokes except the creatives, editors, artist engineers, producers, etc. Then I read this study. Remember that new oil that made potatoe chip with zero fat but depleted your body of vitamin K? It was going to be the next huge thing but dissapeared. Olean I think it was called. Well this study went on to say that those that ate regular chips vs olean chips were identical. The people suffering fro gas say 3% was the same for baked and regular fried. Every result were identical. Not to Kenton another study linking fried potatoesto cancer. But then I read up on cancer. Smoking is bad but there are reports that say otherwise. Not from tobacco companies. Like the amount of people that die from cancer but never smoke. Smoking is like eating. You can't explain it but like eating, you smoke and you full. And I can't even quit right now and have been married only a year yet I see all these finger poiting obese people saying smoking is bad while they eat a full platter of nachos instead of a protein shake.

    There are just as many studys that link cancer to no smoking and non smoking people. What I meant by genetic is say you will get diabetes at 40. Well it could show up at 35 if you trigger it by eating to much sugar. So you basicaly brought it in or turned on the switch skonerthen it should have been. Then I've read cancer reports that say we all have it, it's just matter of whether the switch goes in or stays off and they canwith 100 % say what turns in that switch. But I can tell you this. If there everis a cure or the cure that's out there us released, smoking will rise 1000 fold as it's fear that keeps most people away.

    We are one if the few countries were you are made to feel like a criminal for smoking. But only in a few states. California is the biggist. Go to NY or Boston and your more likely to get a sick to the face before they out it out. Anyway I guess what I'm saying is, I've seen people die from cancer that have smoked or not smoked. Wasn't it Johnny carsins side kick ed mcman that gave it up for 20 years but dies from cancer? In the tonight show Johnny used to smoke on air. Just a few years ago you could smoke in resataraunts. It's all programming people. No one knows the others story and Apple needs to refund the full price of Apple care which for the most part covers the cost of most parts, another report, which shows how high the apple tax really is.

    So now you know but to picture some goofy glasses skinny way to metrosexual, if that, I amtoo, but an apple hussy fit person will probably cause apple to replace the computers and get them fired. Maybe. Dependson Steves mood that day as the pressure builds.
  • Reply 186 of 331
    Originally Posted by shavex View Post

    Its illegal in ALOT of places, such as some indoor restaurants and SMU has recently banned it from the entire campus! I think Apple is completely right in doing this. Apple may have some employees with asthma and having even hints of smoke in a computer can cause them to have an attack!

    Sucks to be a smoker. Best to quit.

    Dunno about that, there have been some pretty awesome smokers in our history. You have a weak case on the "sucks to be" part. However it definitely sucks to have whine flu.

    This will change. You can't tell people what they can and can't do in their own businesses. The zombie corpse of Thomas Jefferson will arise to vanquish this cowardly behavioral regulation obsession. Un-Constitutional to the max. We can either pay the government to force people to adhere to other's opinions or stick to the Bill of Rights. A tough economy will force people to chose between what's important and what's the bloated, mutant swill of puritans & prohibitionists. History is on my side. Puritans like all fanatics, never win for long.

    I'm considering taking up smoking purely for political reasons. All it takes is one coherent Supreme Court challenge and this garbage goes bye-bye.
  • Reply 187 of 331
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post


    water is dangerous:

    water is toxic:

    Notice OSHA's page for nicotine doesn't say anything about carcinogenicity. It's almost entirely about concentration limits in the air to prevent poisoning. It does mention teratogenicity (in animals), but at exposure levels that are extremely high.

    Spewing hot-button phrases like "nicotine is on OSHA's list!" is silly without a contextual interpretation. My interpretation is that, to protect its employees, Apple might just need to improve ventilation in the work place, at least when a smelly computer is being worked on. Oh, and Apple needs to honor its warranties.
  • Reply 188 of 331
    Let me pose a hypothetical to the anti-Apple/pro-smoker side: Suppose you service computers for a living. I schedule an appointment for next week to have my PC serviced. When I bring it in, you discover that I have just defecated inside the case -- and it's still warm and smelly.

    You show your boss. He says "Repair it. The feces are fresh, so they did not cause the failure he reported last week. The customer has a legal right to crap in their computer if it makes them happy. Plumbers and proctologists deal with human feces on a daily basis, so you can't claim that being near it will kill you -- we're not that fragile a species. You can just wash your hands after working on the system."

    That is a 100%, perfectly fair, analogy. I know people who follow their dogs around and pick up the turds in bags -- and those same people would gag if they were exposed to some of the tar, nicotine, and tobacco stench that one finds in the computers of heavy smokers.

    If your computer reeks and is stained from something that came out of your body, whether it's tobacco smoke, semen, urine, feces, vomit, or phlegm, don't get righteous and indignant when a company has the decency to not force their workers to handle it.
  • Reply 189 of 331
    Originally Posted by davidcarswell View Post

    I repair about 10 macs a week. I shudder to think what Apple would do with some of the machines I work on. I recently saw a mac with the following items on the desk beside it: lube (for admiring porn thespians I'm sure), a glass pipe, a CARTON of cigarettes, some emptie baggies, loose pot leaves, and a bottle of jack.

    What did I do? I did my job. I put on latex gloves - relocated the Mac to a less cluttered location, vaccummed it out with a HEPA filtered computer vac. And fixed the machine. Got paid. Thanked them. And made sure they'd call me if they had any problems.

    Society and all of their judgements should all go straight h*ll. It's boring, lame and a waste of time. All you antismoking bandwagoneers get a life. Wouldn't life be so much better if we could just let people LIVE their lives. Rather than spending your lives hating and despising and hating another group of people. I could care less what you do. I may not have the same habits as you or vice versa. I've met some great people from bible thumpers to smokers. And I have liked many of them.

    Apple gimme a break. Love ya but please get a grip ya just look lame now.


    mac repair (part time)

    full time student (astrophysics major)

    You sir, are a true pimp and a patriot.

    Your manliness is intimidating to us all.

    Got any educated bets on this CERN thing - boson or no boson?
  • Reply 190 of 331
    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    Dunno about that, there have been some pretty awesome smokers in our history.

    Yeah, and some awesome pedophiles, wife beaters, rapists, and murderers, too, right?

    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    However it definitely sucks to have whine flu.

    Hope you get over it soon, then.

    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    This will change. You can't tell people what they can and can't do in their own businesses.

    Right! How dare we have regulations prohibiting child labor, prohibiting exposing workers to asbestos, and requiring mine safety equipment? In the middle of a recession like this, we should be letting businesses take full advantage of the desperate straits American families find themselves in.

    Go watch some more of your Ron Paul porn.
  • Reply 191 of 331
    Sounds ABSOLUTELY ABSURD. But, as a private company, Apple can make it's own policies, and of course we are free to buy from other companies, or start our own...
  • Reply 192 of 331
    Originally Posted by shavex View Post

    Its illegal in ALOT of places, such as some indoor restaurants and SMU has recently banned it from the entire campus! I think Apple is completely right in doing this. Apple may have some employees with asthma and having even hints of smoke in a computer can cause them to have an attack!

    Sucks to be a smoker. Best to quit.

    I think most people consider "illegal" to be something that can't be done anywhere. Smoking is most certainly "restricted" in many places but I wouldn't call it illegal. If it was illegal then you couldn't purchase tobacco. I'm a non-smoker in Ohio and we've had a "ban" on public indoor smoking for a few years. You can still purchase tobacco, though.

    Driving over the speed limit isn't illegal because it would imply that driving is illegal. Of course driving speed is restricted by law and exceeding the speed limit make one subject to fine.
  • Reply 193 of 331
    I think people are being willfully obtuse and blinded by their hatred of smokers. This is where the incessant anti-smoking campaign have taken us--towards absolute hatred and license to screw people.

    Do you people not see where this can lead? No one is arguing that if smoke has actually DAMAGED your computer, that counts like any other reason to void a warranty from personal damage. What is however obvious from this "decree" is that if a computer merely "smells" of smoke that Apple deems it a "health hazard" which is beyond ridiculous. This opens the door for Apple to void warranties easily and without proof of anything. A computer may not be damaged at all by smoke residue but if it even has a wiff of left over smoke then they will call that a biohazard and refuse to service your computer.

    As companies scramble to find ways to not honor warranties this opens the door to probably the most pain-free (for Apple) way of screwing someone out of their warranty. But because we all hate smokers so much now, we all cheer at another way to give them the middle finger--after all they are nasty disgusting drug addicted sub humans who don't deserve their computers services because the mere leftover SMELL of smoke is hazardous! If you're so stupid as not to see where this will lead, just watch as Apple will claim that YOUR computer smells of smoke and therefore can't be services even if you're a non-smoker. You won't be gleeful then.
  • Reply 194 of 331
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    water is dangerous:

    water is toxic:

    Notice OSHA's page for nicotine doesn't say anything about carcinogenicity. It's almost entirely about concentration limits in the air to prevent poisoning. It does mention teratogenicity (in animals), but at exposure levels that are extremely high.

    Spewing hot-button phrases like "nicotine is on OSHA's list!" is silly without a contextual interpretation. My interpretation is that, to protect its employees, Apple might just need to improve ventilation in the work place, at least when a smelly computer is being worked on. Oh, and Apple needs to honor its warranties.

    OBVIOUSLY water applies differently than smoke residue! Why even mention water?? LOL, you actually brought up water intoxication. What does that have to do with servicing hardware?
  • Reply 195 of 331
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    we are free to buy from other companies, or start our own...

  • Reply 196 of 331
    Smoke WEED not Tobacco!
  • Reply 197 of 331
    Originally Posted by zaphod4269 View Post

    Smoke WEED not Tobacco!

    How about smoke whatever you want?
  • Reply 198 of 331
    It's a shame really. Take a parent. Kid blows off a finger using a firework. Instead of her being punished for neglet, let's pass a law banning all fireworks.

    Kid goes to science musuem, falls off a dislplay he should not have crossed. Instead of punishing the parent, let's pass a law that pits the whole thing behing 5 feet of glass.

    Laws, laws, and more laws and ironically due to indiviuals not taking responsibility and acts as a slug using our govt. to take the place of good parenting. Man this countries a mess. Did you know in the 1970s kiddie porn was legal. Look at how the world viewed gays back then. Now look at you person who we label demented for child porn. They would have been labeled the same, demented, for being gay, but now it's tolerence. Gay was once classified as a sickness. Today doctors are saying the same thing about people who like kiddie porn, a sickness so what does this mean ??? In 20 years do we tolerate kiddie porn??

    Law laws and more laws. People. Wake up. Our civil liberties are being taken away each day and trust me, one day it WILL AFFECT YOU.

    Originally Posted by itistoday View Post

    Really? I thought he made an excellent point.

    See? This is nonsense. You're not really saying anything there. It really doesn't matter whether smoking is legal or illegal, as smoking is an inalienable right. Well, I should say, it's an inalienable right in the mind of anyone who wishes to not be labeled a hypocrite and thinks that they have a right to eat cheeseburgers. If you think people should be locked up for eating cheeseburgers, well, in that case at least you're not a hypocrite.

    Ah, but so are those who drink lots of coffee, and eat lots of chocolate. They are drug addicts too, literally, technically, however you want to qualify it, they are. :-p

    I have no problem with people who are addicted to the drug caffeine, nor do I have a problem with people who are addicted to the drug nicotine.

    So, unless their warranty doesn't cover coffee spills or nicotine tars and that is in fact the cause of the damage, they are all entitled to have their computers repaired. Otherwise it's just robbery. Shame on Apple.

    I must disagree with you here.

    You see, when someone eats red meat they are in fact supporting an industry that is effectively destroying the environment in which you and I live, and so red meat eaters are perhaps more dangerous than smokers.

    Likewise, lying around in the sun can give those people who are lying in the sun skin cancer, thereby killing them and robbing their children of adequate raising and nurturing, turning them into criminals who rob me.

    Hmm... come to think of it, many of the activities people engage in, even seemingly those that are personal, can have consequences just as bad if not worse than smoking a cigarette, which as you rightly point out, can harm other people as well.

    I therefore propose we execute 95% of the population, that outta fix it.

    It is, and there have been many examples of laptop repair people dying as a result of touching a computer contaminated by smoke. I have the statistics lying around here somewhere...

    I myself have lost 3 friends due to this phenomenon, and they were even wearing masks and gloves!

    You are absolutely correct. Perhaps you'll join me in a similar quest to rid the world of those addicted to coffee, chocolate, McDonald's fries, and various other pollutants. Maybe we could pool our asshole resources and finally create a Christian/Catholic utopia where people do not have sex, use scissors with sharp edges, ride bicycles without helmets, and other dangerous and irresponsible activities.

    My friend, you are truly an inspiration to us all. Can I offer you my hallway patrol safety belt that I wore proudly as a maggot of age 7? Those hallways have never been as clean and free of hooligans as when I was around, striking fear in the hearts of anyone with who had any spirit left in them. It's a cherished memory, that belt, but you remind me so much of myself that I think you should have it, I'm getting too old for it...

  • Reply 199 of 331
    Originally Posted by davidcarswell View Post

    I repair about 10 macs a week. I shudder to think what Apple would do with some of the machines I work on. I recently saw a mac with the following items on the desk beside it: lube (for admiring porn thespians I'm sure), a glass pipe, a CARTON of cigarettes, some emptie baggies, loose pot leaves, and a bottle of jack.

    What did I do? I did my job. I put on latex gloves - relocated the Mac to a less cluttered location, vaccummed it out with a HEPA filtered computer vac. And fixed the machine. Got paid. Thanked them. And made sure they'd call me if they had any problems.

    Society and all of their judgements should all go straight h*ll. It's boring, lame and a waste of time. All you antismoking bandwagoneers get a life. Wouldn't life be so much better if we could just let people LIVE their lives. Rather than spending your lives hating and despising and hating another group of people. I could care less what you do. I may not have the same habits as you or vice versa. I've met some great people from bible thumpers to smokers. And I have liked many of them.

    Apple gimme a break. Love ya but please get a grip ya just look lame now.


    mac repair (part time)

    full time student (astrophysics major)

    Obvious you don't attend my school and have yet to graduate.

    Thousands of computers have gone through and been service by Apple and to chastize them because they firstly wouldn't honor his Apple Care warranty because "Employees at one Apple store reportedly told a customer that her computer was "beyond economical repair due to tar from cigarette smoke." Which, as the conditions of the WARRANTEE stipulate is perfectly within their grounds.

    According to the article, only one of the two reportedly dissatisfied customers was told that the employees refused to work on the machine because of health concerns.

    Certain, nobody can force their employees to work on or in an environment that was obviously contaminated and in this particular instance by an noted toxin. For Apple to do so, would ensure a litigation beyond anything seen to date.

    Your choice to do so is your prerogative. As you said you "Got Paid." You didn't do it for nothing. Good for you. However, how did you take care of the waste materials? The fact that you do this as a business subjects you to certain laws.

    Good luck.

    P.S. Your laissez faire attitude reminds me of a few friends of mine that got involved in removing asbestos insulation. Some made a lot of money. All died an early and horrible death.

    And don't get me wrong. You are absolutely right when you say, "Wouldn't life be so much better if we could just let people LIVE their lives." So what is wrong? Some people just have to be reminded of it. That's all.
  • Reply 200 of 331
    Originally Posted by fmaxwell View Post

    Yeah, and some awesome pedophiles, wife beaters, rapists, and murderers, too, right?

    Hope you get over it soon, then.

    Right! How dare we have regulations prohibiting child labor, prohibiting exposing workers to asbestos, and requiring mine safety equipment? In the middle of a recession like this, we should be letting businesses take full advantage of the desperate straits American families find themselves in.

    Go watch some more of your Ron Paul porn.

    Where did you get Ron Paul? I certainly don't get into politicians and their fan clubs. Try again, your pseudo-intellectual reflexes are inadequate, unwind and do some better thinking. There's more here than your limited scope of current political characters. Teens...

    Comparing smokers with pedophiles, wife beaters, rapists, etc. is pretty clueless. But nice of you to prove all my previous points.

    Non-smokers = you & I.

    Smokers = Mark Twain & Albert Einstein.

    You can 'pipe' down anytime now.

    So you think that the government should tell people which jobs are unsafe? Shouldn't mine workers decide if their pay is adequate to work in a certain condition? Do mine workers want to pay more in taxes for the government to butt in, or would they rather have more pay for hazardous work? I'll let you spin on that for a while, ginger pills are supposed to help with the effects of dizziness.

    And those child labor laws, how effective were those? Or did you mean to point out the advances in the technology of milling equipment that most historians cite as the real mechanism that made factories in the Industrial Revolution safer? As opposed to the rather ineffective and largely unenforced labor laws? Gotcha. Yes, you're absolutely right... Abraham Lincoln flew into each and every textile mill in his gold plated zeppelin and freed all the children just like Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom.

    Oh yeah... you also are so right... private businesses are all inherently evil. Not the mechanism that drove the development of the middle class, and dismantled the elitist, antiquated hegemony of the aristocracy.
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