Microsoft, HP to introduce touchscreen tablet Wed. - report



  • Reply 121 of 167
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    [CENTER]Full Touch Screen functionality is built directly into Windows 7, and the family PC is an Hp TouchSmart 600 series which runs brilliantly.

    You might also want to take a look at the touscreen implementation of Hp's new TM2 as it redefines user interaction on these kind of devices.

    Hp/MS has been in the touchscreen computer for quite some time and that experience appears to be paying off.[/CENTER]

    I believe one of the problems here is that most Apple users think that MS and whole PC industry is still sitting where they were for the past decade; put faster CPU, better graphics, more RAM - and voila! you have "next gen" PC.

    What really happens, to my opinion, is that - likely because of Apple's success in premium market, among other factors - PC industry is also changing. To me, it is not unlikely AMD and Intel story; Intel was pretty much collecting money doing nothing (oh look! There is a new P4 and it is 10% faster than previous one!) until AMD stirred water with Athlon 64. Intel realised vacation is over, still, it took them some time to bounce back. Products don't appear over night - they are planned, designed, developed and produced, a process that does require time.

    What I believe we'll be seeing in the next period is PC industry (trying to) bounce back. No one thinks any more that people don't want to pay premium price for premium product, or that people don't want to change the way they are using their computers if change is tempting enough. And no one in PC industry wants their business to fade into K-Mart or The Warehouse cheap-bargain bins. As a result, we will be seeing more and more game-changing products from all over the industry. I was pretty impressed with what Asus came out with:

    And I'm pretty sure this is just the beginning, not only from Asus but from whole industry.

    To cut long story short, I believe HP tablet will be good stuff on it's own. I don't think that even Balmer would choose mediocre product for his keynote, nor would HP come out with just another keyboardless laptop.
  • Reply 122 of 167
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by McLarenF1Fan View Post

    I bet quite a few here own an Xbox 360 and love it. When it comes down to it, you're all happy enough to give Microsoft a constant supply of money. Funny how the same people who preach about build quality and total cost of ownership go and buy the worst console out there in terms of build quality and reliability instead of PS3 which is better in every respect.

    Well, HP is currently last on reliability charts I have seen recently, behind Lenovo, Acer... (Asus being first, Followed by Toshiba and Apple).

    However, HP is big company with still a lot of money, and when such a company hits the bottom, they have two options - improve significantly their image and quality, or go GM way.

    I hope that HP will choose option one, but time will tell.
  • Reply 123 of 167
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Well, HP is currently last on reliability charts I have seen recently, behind Lenovo, Acer... (Asus being first, Followed by Toshiba and Apple).

    However, HP is big company with still a lot of money, and when such a company hits the bottom, they have two options - improve significantly their image and quality, or go GM way.

    I hope that HP will choose option one, but time will tell.

    I don't care about HP. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of all the Apple fanboys that bash MS, owning a MS product like the Xbox 360 instead of the better PS3. Don't you guys feel sick giving your money to microsoft?
  • Reply 124 of 167
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by McLarenF1Fan View Post

    I don't care about HP. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of all the Apple fanboys that bash MS, owning a MS product like the Xbox 360 instead of the better PS3. Don't you guys feel sick giving your money to microsoft?

    It depends whether you prefer to play games or simply wish for a glorified blu-ray player.


    To be honest the physical build-quality of the PS3 is much better than the original X-Box. Which was defect prone and noisy.

    But the PS3 has been a disastrously bad games console. Who thinks so? Practically every videogame engineer I have ever met. Along with the management of Sony. The PS3 has damn near killed that company.

    But such a discussion is for another thread. Not this one.

  • Reply 125 of 167
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by McLarenF1Fan View Post

    I don't care about HP. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of all the Apple fanboys that bash MS, owning a MS product like the Xbox 360 instead of the better PS3. Don't you guys feel sick giving your money to microsoft?

    I think I have replied to you by mistake - someone said about bad experience he/she had with specific HP model.
  • Reply 126 of 167
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by McLarenF1Fan View Post

    I don't care about HP. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of all the Apple fanboys that bash MS, owning a MS product like the Xbox 360 instead of the better PS3. Don't you guys feel sick giving your money to microsoft?

    I have actually got myself PS3 slim for Christmas, self-bundled with decent LCD TV... so no, I don't feel sick giving my money to MS . Not that I'm finding Sony any better than MS in general, but PS3 has much more value for me than X360.

    Say... are you by any chance posting on forums..?
  • Reply 127 of 167
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    It depends whether you prefer to play games or simply wish for a glorified blu-ray player.


    To be honest the physical build-quality of the PS3 is much better than the original X-Box. Which was defect prone and noisy.

    But the PS3 has been a disastrously bad games console. Who thinks so? Practically every videogame engineer I have ever met. Along with the management of Sony. The PS3 has damn near killed that company.

    But such a discussion is for another thread. Not this one.


    PS3 hardware is darn exotic and hard to program for... but such was PS2 hardware compared to original XBOX. At the end, console that sells is a console that gets titles, easy done or not. And PS3 is starting to sell well with Slim.

    Beside BR (which I want to have), my major problem with X360 is it being MS product, which means that chance of X360 exclusives coming (eventually) to Pc is much greater than PS3 exclusives. So far, Gears of War made through, likewise Halo 1 and 2 did previously... Fable as well...
  • Reply 128 of 167
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    The CES Keynote is happening now (although delayed by some kind of power failure, ahem).

    The press release is already out, however:


    Current and future hardware shown on stage included:


    A new touch-enabled slate PC from HP


    The Sony VAIO L all-in-one laptop built for HD entertainment and multimedia content creation, and including a 24-inch touchscreen


    The Lenovo A300, one of the thinnest PCs yet at just 18mm, but with a 21.5-inch HD widescreen LED display

    Also, there is a new Windows Phone from HTC. Windows 7 good. Xbox good. Bing good. Natal, eventually. The end.

    As I believe Da Harder would say, "Your move, Apple."
  • Reply 129 of 167
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Gotta say, not a terribly auspicious start:

  • Reply 130 of 167
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    I hope Windows 7 on that HP Tablet work better then their Keynote! God Bless Them, they tried. They really tried!
  • Reply 131 of 167
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Gotta say, not a terribly auspicious start:

    Well they started a half hour late but started none the less... You should have published the caption that was with the photo on Engadget...

    "Better than a Blue Screen of Death. The Black Stage of Doom."
  • Reply 132 of 167
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Good Lord we need a transcript of that keynote! Here is a short snippet... Ballmer says:

    7:01PM "I thought we needed a special way to show you tonight. Let's take a look at how technology affected one person."

    7:02PM Voice from above: "We wanted to thank tech for everything it's done for us." It's Seth Myers!

    7:02PM "Let's see how it's helped us. Video chat. 'Hi grandma'" "Video games: before technology, I thought I was better at football than 11 year olds."

    7:03PM "Before Twitter, if I wanted to know what a person thought their cat was thinking... I would have been an idiot."

    7:03PM "Before eBay if I was out drinking at night, and I needed to buy a cigar store indian, I was out of luck." ha!

    7:04PM "Thanks technology... oh I'm wasting my life."

    Now this is KEY!!!

    7:04PM Ballmer is back. "I'm really glad we could help Seth out."

    (My goodness... Ballmer actually was glad he could help Seth out in wasting his life... REMARKABLE! )

    7:06PM "The last 3 decades have been stunning in their changes. The things we take for granted would have sounded like sci fi in the early 80's." Now listing off all of our familiar activities. "And we Bing, we Bing and we Bing, and we Bing Bing Bing!" Okay...

    (you're about the only ones)

    7:15PM "We had three goals with Win 7. First off, we wanted an experience which is faster and leaner. Second, we wanted Windows 7 to make it simpler to accomplish tasks. Third, we wanted to enable a world of new possibilities for software devs, hardware makers, and end users."

    7:15PM "I think we delivered on these goals in a big way. We did it by working with out customers. With you."

    (I know it's a typo from the person having to transcribe, 'but that's still funny. I don't care who you are - get 'r done!')

    Steve Ballmer is the Joe Biden of computer CEO's!
  • Reply 133 of 167
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Xbox good, Bing good, signed a deal with HP to make Bing the default browser, got that pivotal Kia deal for in car electronics, Zune HD good (but no sales figures, interestingly), WinMo 6.5 good, Windows 7 good......

    Man, I dunno, seems kinda lackluster. I guess the CES Keynote is a chance to talk up your wares whether you have anything interesting to talk about or not, but still......
  • Reply 134 of 167
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Turns out there are a number of computers available running Windows...
  • Reply 135 of 167
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
  • Reply 136 of 167
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Yep, an HP "slate" (apparently MS is taking their product categories from rumored Apple product names, now?) running Windows 7 with touch stuff. Interestingly, it looks about as like a "big iPod Touch" as you could imagine. Runs Windows. With touch.

    Well, good night everybody.
  • Reply 137 of 167
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    And there you have it!. Looks nothing like an iPhone!

  • Reply 138 of 167
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    So where is this Courier device I keep hearing about?\
  • Reply 139 of 167
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
  • Reply 140 of 167
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    [CENTER]Looks Good[/CENTER]

    Was that the new iPhone?
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