Reader: Steve Jobs says no tethering between iPad and iPhone



  • Reply 261 of 335
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    No, I'll put you on the ignore list with jfanning and occasionally look at your comments.

    Etsi Kindle Australiassa.

    In other words you are just a troll, making stupid statements and not really wanting a response?
  • Reply 262 of 335
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Classic coming from a Fin. I do recall the a-holish control Nokia placed on Voicestream [the days before T-Mobile USA] and how draconian Nokia was about it's product line. Those were fun times, watching internally the pissed off looks on all the Voicestream personnel.

    If you read under his name you would see that he isn't a finn, but an American.
  • Reply 263 of 335
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I don't understand how people can go from Apple choosing not to include a feature they don't wish to code for and support to Jobs directly telling them what they can and can't do with their devices. Before it's YOUR device, it's Apple's device and they have the right to make it the way they see fit, just as we have the right not to buy it if it doesn't suit our needs. There will plenty of other tablets coming down the line now that Apple has seemingly created a viable tablet market. Why not just hold out for a tablet running Android or just buy an Android phone so you can turn on cellular sharing over WiFi without the carrier's knowledge?

    As for the iPad being a "more like a computer" that is so far from the truth and nothing has made it appear like a PC, which was a major issue for many... until this news came out. You can't really have it both ways. It uses iTunes to sync, there is no way to use Time Machine to back it up independently, and the highest priced model is below the cost of the cheapest MacBook. For better or worse, they've made its position an accessory device for your computer perfectly clear.

    It's an ipad dude, it's going to be cooler than anything else. It's just a shame, ya know? I was playing with the iphone just yesterday in an apple store and it's so smooth and runs so great, but this idea that Apple wants to control the content of the phone is just so bizarre to me. Apple wants to control everything, and hold your hand every step of the way. That's not for me! I want Apple's performance without their babysitting (does that make sense?)

    Either way, you're right to label it an accessory for a computer. I need to drill it into my brain the ipad is exactly that. It still doesn't stop me from scratching my head in wondering how Jobs could think it's any of his business to tell iphone users what they can and can't tether, especially since it's supposed to be a wifi device. What difference does the connection source make?

    Oh well, I won't comment anymore on this. It's really none of my business to voice out like a jerk about it since I don't even own an iphone
  • Reply 264 of 335
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I bought this toaster? And it doesn't have that "Bagel" button that toasts just one side? And some other toasters do?

    So the manufacturer of that toaster is attempting to forbid me from having bagels. So they're totalitarian monsters.

    More like, I bought this toaster that makes absolutely PERFECT toast, and is capable of making the most brilliant fucking bagels on earth, but in order to squeeze more money out of me, the manufacturer of that toaster has taken out that feature for absolutely no reason, even though it's more than capable of handling it perfectly.

    The iToast can go to hell!
  • Reply 265 of 335
    rockrock Posts: 7member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    By that reasoning wouldn't it make sense for me to demand that AT&T allow me to operated two phones on the same data plan?

    Why not?

    As long as I am not using both devices at the same time I don't see what the problem is.

    If ATT can get away with this for iPhones and iPads I don't see why other companies can't charge for multiple devices. What if the ISPs started to charge for internet access per computer? If someone has three computers in their home they would have to pay three plans for internet access.

    I really don't see a difference.
  • Reply 266 of 335
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post


    Oh well, I won't comment anymore on this. It's really none of my business to voice out like a jerk about it since I don't even own an iphone

    Appropriate and appreciated.


    but in order to squeeze more money out of me, the manufacturer of that toaster has taken out that feature for absolutely no reason, even though it's more than capable of handling it perfectly.

    Oh, you were on such a nice roll! ... but, a speculative tangent was apparently too tempting.
  • Reply 267 of 335
    peteropetero Posts: 94member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    As for the iPad being a "more like a computer" that is so far from the truth and nothing has made it appear like a PC, which was a major issue for many... until this news came out. You can't really have it both ways. It uses iTunes to sync, there is no way to use Time Machine to back it up independently......... For better or worse, they've made its position an accessory device for your computer perfectly clear.

    What a great take on iPad's planetary orbit.

  • Reply 268 of 335
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by sapporobabyrtrns View Post

    I am doing that right now. I have one data plan and two phones (Nokia N86) and an iPhone on it. One number, two SIM cards, one data plan.

    AT&T simply sucks and will rape you for as long as you let them.

    It is not wrong for AT&T to make money. It is only fair. It is the way they go about it that is the problem.

    US≠Finland. You have a problem with US carriers, not AT&T.

    Originally Posted by Rock View Post

    Why not?

    As long as I am not using both devices at the same time I don't see what the problem is.

    If ATT can get away with this for iPhones and iPads I don't see why other companies can't charge for multiple devices. What if the ISPs started to charge for internet access per computer? If someone has three computers in their home they would have to pay three plans for internet access.

    I really don't see a difference.

    OK. Show me the other US carrier that lets you run two phones on the same data plan.
  • Reply 269 of 335
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by CurtisEMayle View Post

    Appropriate and appreciated.

    Oh, you were on such a nice roll! ... but, a speculative tangent was apparently too tempting.

    it's a public forum. If you don't like what I have to say, I suggest you do exactly as I just did with your name, and add me to me your ignore list.

    The rudeness really needs to go. It doesn't do anything for anyone around here and only makes you look like a complete _____ (fill it in for yourself. I'm sure someone with a mind like yours can think of something really AWFUL.)
  • Reply 270 of 335
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    The rudeness really needs to go.

    Thank you, Mr. Rudeness. Now go, like you promised.
  • Reply 271 of 335
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    it's a public forum. If you don't like what I have to say, I suggest you do exactly as I just did with your name, and add me to me your ignore list.

    The rudeness really needs to go. It doesn't do anything for anyone around here and only makes you look like a complete _____ (fill it in for yourself. I'm sure someone with a mind like yours can think of something really AWFUL.)

    Indeed it is. I don't, thanks for the suggestion, no need.

    Agreed. Very true (I did. Without hesitation.)

    [on topic] That's terse.
  • Reply 272 of 335
    Im in Sydney, Australia and use Telstra as telco carrier. We can Tether from iPhone to Mac/PC already via both Bluetooth and/or the USB adapter. I can't see why the iPad would not have the ability to do this?
  • Reply 273 of 335
    dickprinterdickprinter Posts: 1,060member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    Its cute that you missed the joke in your rush to indignation. DP was needeling AI for mispelling Sweden, not showing geograpichal ignorance of the South American country. Maybe a winking emoticon would have helped...

    Leave it to a fellow Jerseyan to have my back while I was away from AI for the weekend. Thank you.

    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    It is very cute that you don't know simple geography. And making a joke about it? Even cuter.

    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Sorry about that. And yeah, the Noorway post was a riot.

    Hey, umm, Genius...where's my apology? Admitting when you're is wrong goes a long way......towards allowing me to view you as a lot less ignorant than you really are.

    No matter what one's view, isn't the idea of a forum to discuss ideas in a mature and respectful manner without fanboys or kool-ade getting brought up? I don't need this iPad to come loaded with everything on the first go-round. I can wait for a do-all product to eventually evolve after all of the issues of an emerging UI/form factor get worked out. Being black or white is needing this thing to do everything under the sun....even though the company who conceived and designed it didn't intend it that way. That includes tethering, USB/FW ports, SD card slots, Flash, camera, etc.

    The iPad is never going to be capable of satisfying everyone's needs, especially first generation, but that's not going to keep it from selling 10's of MILLIONS.
  • Reply 274 of 335
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Classic coming from a Fin. I do recall the a-holish control Nokia placed on Voicestream [the days before T-Mobile USA] and how draconian Nokia was about it's product line. Those were fun times, watching internally the pissed off looks on all the Voicestream personnel.

    Can you read? I am not a Finn. Do you see the tagline under my name?

    How hard was that? So would your inability to pay attention be labeled as typical of the American school system?
  • Reply 275 of 335
    Originally Posted by sapporobabyrtrns View Post


    How hard was that? So would your inability to pay attention be labeled as typical of the American school system?

    More commonly, it's caffeine.
  • Reply 276 of 335
    Originally Posted by CurtisEMayle View Post

    More commonly, it's caffeine.

    I guess. But damn, it is pretty obvious. I thought reading was "Fun-damental". It was when I went to school.
  • Reply 277 of 335
    Originally Posted by sapporobabyrtrns View Post

    I guess. But damn, it is pretty obvious. I thought reading was "Fun-damental". It was when I went to school.

    Yes, but too often the first syllable is in conflict with the last two.
  • Reply 278 of 335
    Originally Posted by CurtisEMayle View Post

    Yes, but too often the first syllable is in conflict with the last two.

    Are you referring to the "demential" part?
  • Reply 279 of 335
    Originally Posted by sapporobabyrtrns View Post

    Are you referring to the "demential" part?

    fun often conflicts with the mental part.

    Not important.
  • Reply 280 of 335
    Originally Posted by CurtisEMayle View Post

    fun often conflicts with the mental part.

    Not important.

    I was close.
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