Steve Wozniak on Microsoft Surface: 'Steve Jobs came back reincarnated at Microsoft'



  • Reply 101 of 206
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    I find it ironic that Woz mentioned a couple of years ago that he would be open to any invitations from Apple if they were so inclined to try and employ him.


    You may wish to stop singing the praises of Android, Mike Daisy, and Microsoft if you wish that to happen, Woz...



    While I cringe a bit at some of Woz's awkward comments, I see no reason to trash the guy because he complimented a non-Apple product.


    And by the way, he is technically still employed by Apple and receives a token paycheck believed to be around $120K a year... Not that he needs it, seeing as he's quite wealthy and owns quite a few Apple shares.

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  • Reply 102 of 206


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    I said he was a great guy.  I meant "accomplishments" not a laundry list of his personal attributes.  


    Lots of us are nice people that donate money and help out our families.  No one should really get kudos for such things, it's a given that we all should do them.  


    In terms of concrete accomplishments in the field of technology though you'd be hard pressed to find anything other than the remote which was a market failure in that it never really got to market in a useable or saleable form.  

    Hmm, Bill and Melinda Gates seem to get quite a bit of kudos for their charitable activities, so has Mother Theresa. At a time when corporate and private greed are celebrated, I think it appropriate to acknowledge significant contributions back to society as an admirable accomplishment.

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  • Reply 103 of 206
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member


    Originally Posted by smalM View Post

    Woz is still an Apple employee. His ID number is 1.

    The ID number of Steve was 0 before he left Apple - I don't know if he got that back when he returned.


    I don't believe that Jobs had employee #0.   There was a story that when it was decided that Woz would be employee #1 and Jobs would be employee #2 -- that Jobs was upset and wanted to be employee #0... But, I don't think that anything came of it.


    You should realize, that at the time Apple Computer was formed -- the only product was the Apple I -- essentially a motherboard -- no case, keyboard, power supply, display, etc.   The Apple I was built [almost] entirely by Woz -- Jobs did not have the engineering or computer background.  What Jobs did provide was drive *, vision and sales.


    * according to Woz' younger brother the drive came in a nagging sort of way...




    Jobs attention to detain and sense of style came into flower in the design of the Apple ][ -- plastic injection-molded case ** with integrated kb, power supply, game paddles, monitor/TV adapter... and no fan!


    ** while most people think that plastic is cheap and metal cases are for macho "serious" machines -- just the opposite is true!   A metal case can be manufactured inexpensively -- with just a few bends and some welds.   A plastic injection-moded case required expensive tooling for the molds -- Something like the Apple ][ molds, likely cost $200,000 in 1977 dollars.   Most microcomputer companies were valued at much less than $200,000.





    Edit: AIR, Job's [premature] vision of a self-contained, all-in-one computer led him to campaign against expansion slots in the Apple ][... and he lost the battle.  Good thing, or the Apple   ][ would have remained a 24-line, 40-column uppercase-only display.. with a tape cassette for I/O -- no floppies, VisiCalc, MicroSoft Soft Card, etc.  It would have died with the Commodore PET and the Trash-80.

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  • Reply 104 of 206
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member

    Many years ago when I had a Powerbook, I was having issues with keeping a decent connection. I posted to a Powerbook mailing list and the Woz responded with the answer to my issue, saying that the Apple modem software was (at that time) known to have issues. Very nice of him to do that. I still have that message in my email.

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  • Reply 105 of 206
    eksodoseksodos Posts: 186member

    This thread is unsurprisingly cringeworthy with all the attacks on Woz.


    How dare he talk positively about another technology company that doesn't have the Apple logo? How rude of him to want to wait until he's had the chance to use a Surface tablet before passing judgement on it?

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  • Reply 106 of 206


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Where's his respect for a dead person who is not here to answer back or refute his dumb comment?


    Steve Jobs would not have liked his comment.

    I think the intention of his comment was to say that he thought Microsoft's new designs are so much better than theirs in the past and he was "symbolically" attributing the improved designs to Steve Jobs' "spirit" influence.  Seems like a compliment to Steve in my opinion.

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  • Reply 107 of 206
    msimpsonmsimpson Posts: 452member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Other than dating Kathy Griffiths he hasn't done anything of note for at least 30 years, so he's pretty much open to any and all job offers.  


    That's why he's in the news a lot.  He's just another minor celebrity who never turns down a free lunch or a speaking engagement and will allow himself to be interviewed for anything from a high school newspaper to the National news.  Sad really, and this latest pronouncement just makes him look like an old fool.  He's naive enough to not even notice when others are using him to their own ends also.  


    Both Wozniak and Jobs started out working their asses off in that garage, Steve was still working right up to the day he died, whereas Wozniak hasn't done anything at all with the rest of his life.  It escapes me why he is idolised so much.   


    I would argue that dating Kathy Griffin is about the lowest Woz has sunk in the last 30 years.  Not funny, not attractive, and never shuts up.   

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  • Reply 108 of 206
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    That's not the problem!

    I had fairly regular contact with Woz before and after the accident.  He was a little spacey right after he got out of the hospital, but after a few weeks he was back to his normal self.

    Yep. He's apparently back to 'normal' -- a LOT spacey.
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  • Reply 109 of 206
    msimpsonmsimpson Posts: 452member


    Originally Posted by pfisher View Post

    Many years ago when I had a Powerbook, I was having issues with keeping a decent connection. I posted to a Powerbook mailing list and the Woz responded with the answer to my issue, saying that the Apple modem software was (at that time) known to have issues. Very nice of him to do that. I still have that message in my email.


    The Woz could be reading this thread right now !    

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  • Reply 110 of 206
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Yep. He's apparently back to 'normal' -- a LOT spacey.


    Oh, I don't think I'd call him that... Woz was always a jokester with a twinkle in his eye.  You should have seen Woz handle kids and "out-of-control" adults -- like John Draper.

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  • Reply 111 of 206
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member


    Originally Posted by bdkennedy View Post

    I would say his comments are grossly premature considering there's no final product yet.


    If you listen to his comments in full context, I think they were measured and reasonable... at least until the Steve Jobs line which made everyone cringe.


    I think he just blurted that out without thinking about it. Perhaps a more appropriate comment would have been something along the lines of "It's great to see Microsoft working on what appears to be a very original product design. It seems promising but we'll have to wait until it's released before judging it."

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  • Reply 112 of 206
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    Wozniak is an idiot sometimes.  Wozniak's biggest claim to fame was the original Apple and that's about it.  Woz wasn't part of the Mac team that I know of.  Woz hasn't done anything successful since and I think he is trying to use the media to get attention and he says some of the STOOPIDIST things.  In order for Steve Jobs to be re-incarnated, he has to be reborn into another physical body and that person has to grow old enough to walk, talk, understand technology, etc.  Sometimes, Woz says things that just want to make one hit him over the head to knock some sense into him.  I personally think he should get 1,000 lashes with a wet noodle award.

    Maybe Microsoft should hire Steve Wozniak.  Personally, that might PROVE he's an idiot if he takes the job.



    I really don't think he's out begging for attention. But his history with Apple, combined with his willingness to talk to anyone about anything, make him a frequent target for "journalists" looking for a catchy story.

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  • Reply 113 of 206
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,759member


    Originally Posted by eksodos View Post

    This thread is unsurprisingly cringeworthy with all the attacks on Woz.


    How dare he talk positively about another technology company that doesn't have the Apple logo? How rude of him to want to wait until he's had the chance to use a Surface tablet before passing judgement on it?


    Because he talks positively about EVERYTHING.


    His opinion can't be trusted because it isn't discriminating. No standards.  


    And he had a hand in making THIS monstrosity:





    THANK GOD he no longer has any say at Apple. I'm sure he's a great guy or whatever, but when it comes to tech he's way past his sell-by date.

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  • Reply 114 of 206
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member


    Originally Posted by tmhisey View Post

    A one-hit wonder? lol. You obviously have no idea what took place in the computer industry before you were born -- what 13 years ago?

    Woz, from everything that I've ever seen or read, is the exact opposite of pompous. He's self-effacing and self-deprecating.

    As compared to the pompous gasbags commenting here who are nothing but self-defecating...

    listen, Sonny, i was word processing on the Wang back in those days. then DOS. heck, i'm even more of a geezer than Woz is. 


    Woz' key work at Apple was over by the very early '80's. what did Woz accomplish after that - anywhere? the mid-80's PC breakthrough work was all under Jobs. 


    besides penning his "self-effacing and self-deprecating" authobiography, iWoz: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It, that is.

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  • Reply 115 of 206
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    You're forgetting a few people who were responsible for Apple's success -- Mike Markkula,  Mike "Scottie" Scott, Rod Holt, Gene Carter, Wil Houde... 



    At the time of the Apple I, there were lots of people (including Jobs and Woz) that were tinkering around building these new microcomputers.  Many were talented, prescient and quite creative "engineers"...


    But none of them had the knowledge, experience and money to build a company.  That difference at Apple was Mike Markkula.  He provided the financing, guidance, business acumen and reputation to attract the talent necessary to build a company -- which allowed the 2 Steves to do their thing.


    No one can say what wuld have happened if any of the major players hadn't joined together to form Apple.


    Wasn't it Jobs who brought in Mike?

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  • Reply 116 of 206
    kpluckkpluck Posts: 500member


    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    No one ever accused Wozniak of having good taste.


    Judging by his waist line, I don't think he has a problem with taste. ;)


    As near as I can tell, Wozniak has done nothing after he left Apple to suggest he wasn't just in the right place at the right time when the company started. I don't know why the press has such an interest in him in regards to technology.


    I am sure he is a nice guy and wish him no ill will but he seems to be treated as some great authority on consumer electronics and frankly, he is not.



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  • Reply 117 of 206
    65c81665c816 Posts: 136member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    There was no reading involved, it was a video. I don't recall exactly, but I think it was some engadget interview, and I don't remember all of the details. It's been a while  since I saw it.

    And you are a fucking idiot if you believe anyone can walk around and spend counterfeit bills without the government closing down on them.


    You are probably talking about:  at the 35:00 point.


    Since you're obviously a moron, and I hate arguing with morons, here's what he did.



    You can find the link to the higher quality printer in that article too.

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  • Reply 118 of 206
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member


    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    listen, Sonny, i was word processing on the Wang back in those days. then DOS. heck, i'm even more of a geezer than Woz is. 


    Woz' key work at Apple was over by the very early '80's. what did Woz accomplish after that - anywhere? the mid-80's PC breakthrough work was all under Jobs. 


    besides penning his "self-effacing and self-deprecating" authobiography, iWoz: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It, that is.


    Reminds me of a Guy Kawasaki preso... Where he described this man with 2 computers -- he sat around with his Apple in one hand and his Wang in the other...

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  • Reply 119 of 206
    65c81665c816 Posts: 136member


    Originally Posted by kpluck View Post


    Judging by his waist line, I don't think he has a problem with taste. ;)


    As near as I can tell, Wozniak has done nothing after he left Apple to suggest he wasn't just in the right place at the right time when the company started. I don't know why the press has such an interest in him in regards to technology.


    I am sure he is a nice guy and wish him no ill will but he seems to be treated as some great authority on consumer electronics and frankly, he is not.



    Because you are an idiot and have no frame of reference.  His 3 chip disk drive interface design was such an improvement on the disk interface cards which at that time required over 30 chips to function that people actually teach it in classes and use it to show how electronic designs can be *BEAUTIFUL* as well as functional.  He can design computers around you in circles, and by that, I don't mean buy off the shelf parts and assemble them.

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  • Reply 120 of 206
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member


    Originally Posted by kpluck View Post


    Judging by his waist line, I don't think he has a problem with taste. ;)


    As near as I can tell, Wozniak has done nothing after he left Apple to suggest he wasn't just in the right place at the right time when the company started. I don't know why the press has such an interest in him in regards to technology.


    I am sure he is a nice guy and wish him no ill will but he seems to be treated as some great authority on consumer electronics and frankly, he is not.




    Don't you think the insulting ad hominem attacks are going a bit far? I mean for a blowhard like Ballmer, I'm all for the insults. But I don't think Woz deserves this kind of vitriol...

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