IBM: Apple's iOS dominated holiday shopping, 330% greater than Android

in iPad edited January 2014
Holiday shoppers weren't just buying lots of Apple gear this year; they were buying with Apple gear, with iOS users shopping more than three times as much as mobile users on Android.

According to a report on holiday shopping by IBM, published by Kara Swisher of the Wall Street Journal "All Things D" blog, Apple's iPad "generated more traffic than any other tablet or smartphone, reaching nearly 10 percent of online shopping."

IBM's report on holiday shopping, titled "The iPad Factor," noted that Apple's iPhone was close behind with 8.7 percent of holiday traffic, while Google's entire Android platform accounted for just 5.5 percent.

Among tablets, Apple's iPad made up a whopping 88.3 percent of purchases, followed by The Nook with 3.1 percent, Amazon's storefront-centric Kindle family with 2.4 percent, and Samsung's Galaxy branded tablets making up 1.8 percent of tablet transactions.

Swisher also pointed out that eBay's PalPal division reported that its mobile transactions had grown by a factor of 2-3, much of which was represented by Apple devices. It specifically noted that "one of its bestselling items on Black Friday was the iPad 2, selling 250 per hour from 12 am to 8 am Pacific Time."


  • Reply 1 of 154
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Not surprising since the iPad is a laptop replacement for many folks.

    Since getting an iPhone 5 through my employer I've been happy to use its browser almost as easily as I have used a desktop browser (way better than the Blackberry browser the iPhone replaced). Video on Youtube is great. I can see shopping on my iPhone while waiting in line on a Black Friday.

    My Kindle Fire's browser is horrible so I don't use it. I don't know if they improved the Silk browser on the Kindle HD as whatever OS is running on there won't see the light of day on my 1st generation Kindle Fire.

    The iPod Touch refresh will see many scooping those up for the holidays as that's a solid refresh and almost good enough to replace the iPhone for many. Why that don't offer a carrier 3G one minus the Phone is a little odd to me. I'd like 3G/4G wherever I go without the phone service like the iPad cousins. I could then use Skype or FaceTime. That would save everyone the double bills on voice and data that go over the same network.
  • Reply 2 of 154



    But Android!

  • Reply 3 of 154
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Can we say finally say that Android devices are not being used as smart devices the way Apple's products are or are some still going to argue it's because Android users change their User Agent?
  • Reply 4 of 154

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    …some still going to argue it's because Android users change their User Agent?


    "Dude, I, like, totally just got this new phone, bra."


    "Wicked, man. What's it all do?"

    "I dunno, man, but I totally just changed my user agent."


    "What does that even meeeeeeeeean?!" "I know, bra!"

  • Reply 5 of 154
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Can we say finally say that Android devices are not being used as smart devices the way Apple's products are or are some still going to argue it's because Android users change their User Agent?

    Though I've seen people use their iPhones as glorified feature phones it's far more prevalent with Android. My mom recently said she wanted a "big" phone (smartphone) but my sister (who pays the bill) quickly shot her down. I'm not really surprised Apple is selling so well, I can't wait to see this quarterly report.
  • Reply 6 of 154
    Dear Developers: Is it too much to ask to put a line wrap in your code to force a carriage return for text [excluding image objects] so that the horizontal scroller doesn't take a digital dump after anyone go hanky with the keyboard?
  • Reply 7 of 154
    I come to this forum from time to time and it seems you folks are stuck in some sort of time warp. Android phones are now 5 times more common than Iphones, while Android tablets are now just reaching the same number of users as IPads. When I used to have an IPhone (2 years ago) Android had about 1/5th as many users as IPhone and the IPad dominated the tablet market (the market then was only IPad and a few leftover tablet PCs). The party is over guys, and the crowd has moved on. You can cherry pick some stat or another that seems to show some great significance still left in IOs devices but the simple fact is that IOS just isn't what it once was. Undoubtedly Apple still makes tons of money, but just as surely they are bleeding market share month after month. There is only so long Apple can continue to lose market share before they again become a niche brand (like they were in PCs), and all the statistics that purport to show otherwise won't change that fact.
  • Reply 8 of 154

    Nothing new here. This has happened every year for the last 10.

  • Reply 9 of 154


    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    The iPod Touch refresh will see many scooping those up for the holidays as that's a solid refresh and almost good enough to replace the iPhone for many. Why that don't offer a carrier 3G one minus the Phone is a little odd to me. I'd like 3G/4G wherever I go without the phone service like the iPad cousins. I could then use Skype or FaceTime. That would save everyone the double bills on voice and data that go over the same network.


    It will go too much on iPhone territorial.

  • Reply 10 of 154
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,438moderator
    But Android!

    That long 'but' line overflows on the main comment page. AI should put word-wrap:break-word or overflow:hidden in their CSS.
    solipsismx wrote:
    Can we say finally say that Android devices are not being used as smart devices the way Apple's products are or are some still going to argue it's because Android users change their User Agent?

    I'd say it has a lot to do with sales figures. Android smartphones outnumber iOS ones by about 1.5:1 so the fact their online usage is 63% of the iPhone suggests a lot of them are not being used for buying online but still a significant amount are. In fact there will be around the same number of Android users buying online as iOS users but it represents a different portion of each total.

    However, Samsung will have only sold about 2 million Galaxy Tabs by now:

    Whereas Apple has sold over 100 million iPads. When your sales are 50:1, your usage is going to be 88.3:1.8 = 49:1. Same usage but nobody is buying them.
  • Reply 11 of 154


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Can we say finally say that Android devices are not being used as smart devices the way Apple's products are or are some still going to argue it's because Android users change their User Agent?

    Go to Cnet comments about this. Enjoy.

  • Reply 12 of 154
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member

    but Android is winning because Google is activiation 1 Billion devices a month! Just goes to show you the "raw" OS data doesn't mean crap.  a great majority of iPhone users use it as more than a phone while a great number of Android users use it primarily as a phone.

  • Reply 13 of 154
    Most of Android devices serve as doorstop and cutting board.
  • Reply 14 of 154


    Originally Posted by captbilly View Post

    I come to this forum from time to time and it seems you folks are stuck in some sort of time warp. Android phones are now 5 times more common than Iphones, while Android tablets are now just reaching the same number of users as IPads. When I used to have an IPhone (2 years ago) Android had about 1/5th as many users as IPhone and the IPad dominated the tablet market (the market then was only IPad and a few leftover tablet PCs). The party is over guys, and the crowd has moved on. You can cherry pick some stat or another that seems to show some great significance still left in IOs devices but the simple fact is that IOS just isn't what it once was. Undoubtedly Apple still makes tons of money, but just as surely they are bleeding market share month after month. There is only so long Apple can continue to lose market share before they again become a niche brand (like they were in PCs), and all the statistics that purport to show otherwise won't change that fact.

    We get it. You come to this forum to stir the pot and insult iOS users. Was there anything more ?

  • Reply 15 of 154


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    But Android!

    But, but, but, Android has nearly 70% smartphone market share and will be at 90% within two years...  Right before apple closes down with a "Going out of business" sign on all their retail store windows.  All the BRIC nations' consumers will be buying $25 Android devices.  America is the last bastion of Apple device sales.  Ask anyone on Wall Street as to why Apple has a P/E of 14 and Google has a P/E of 20 and they'll tell you that Apple has no future because Android is the future of the world smartphone industry.  Even now, Wall Street considers the iPhone as a minor footnote of smartphone history.  For every one iPhone Apple sells in China there will be 9,999 Android smartphones sold.  The odds are staggering.  There will be at least five Android smartphones for every living human on earth by the year 2020 if you've been able to plot the Android smartphone growth curve.  Android smartphones will outnumber cockroaches by 2025 and outnumber grains of sand by 2030.  You think the iPhone and Apple can withstand that onslaught of Android smartphones?  I don't think so.  Apple is doomed.  Sell Apple now.



  • Reply 16 of 154


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    You might want to take that in and have someone look at it - it sounds like its idling a little rough.

  • Reply 17 of 154
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Can someone explain to me why the first chart doesn't add up to 100%? Isn't a listing of all mobile devices?
  • Reply 18 of 154


    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post


    But, but, but, Android has nearly 70% smartphone market share and will be at 90% within two years...  Right before apple closes down with a "Going out of business" sign on all their retail store windows.  All the BRIC nations' consumers will be buying $25 Android devices.  America is the last bastion of Apple device sales.  Ask anyone on Wall Street as to why Apple has a P/E of 14 and Google has a P/E of 20 and they'll tell you that Apple has no future because Android is the future of the world smartphone industry.  Even now, Wall Street considers the iPhone as a minor footnote of smartphone history.  For every one iPhone Apple sells in China there will be 9,999 Android smartphones sold.  The odds are staggering.  There will be at least five Android smartphones for every living human on earth by the year 2020 if you've been able to plot the Android smartphone growth curve.  Android smartphones will outnumber cockroaches by 2025 and outnumber grains of sand by 2030.  You think the iPhone and Apple can withstand that onslaught of Android smartphones?  I don't think so.  Apple is doomed.  Sell Apple now.



    Thanks for the tag. Sometimes it get hard to tell.

  • Reply 19 of 154
    8002580025 Posts: 177member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Can we say finally say that Android devices are not being used as smart devices the way Apple's products are or are some still going to argue it's because Android users change their User Agent?

    Not every day you see the words smart and android in the same sentence. Guess that explains the 330% lead in Apple sales...

  • Reply 20 of 154


    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Can someone explain to me why the first chart doesn't add up to 100%? Isn't a listing of all mobile devices?

    Bad chart.  Chart only illustrates relative difference between iPhone, iPad, and android traffic.  The numbers are the percentage of all holiday internet shopping traffic - mobile and otherwise.

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