Samsung unwraps Galaxy Note 8.0 to take on Apple's iPad mini



  • Reply 81 of 173
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member


    Originally Posted by Freshmaker View Post

    They had a ~7" tablet a long time before Apple did.  Granted it was an incredibly crappy tablet, but they had one.  For once, this isn't a case of Samsung copying Apple.

    Yeah I guess some could say that the Newton came far before any of these and had a stylist.  I hate them, I had the palm phones with them and hated having to keep track of them.  Never ever again!

  • Reply 81 of 173


    Originally Posted by LMGS View Post

    Shaq will like it...


    No, Shaq is waiting for the 27" model to match the Buick that he wears on each foot.

  • Reply 83 of 173
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member

    How Utterly Ridiculous all these claims of Samsung 'copying' Apple into the (near) 8 inch tablet space - Especially since Samsung Created It.


    I've owned my Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 for almost 1.5 years now, and know (sans nonsensical fanatical posturing) that my Apple iPad Mini is within small fractions in every, single dimension e.g. height, weight, thickness and screen size.


    It would not be unreasonable to deduce that Apple may have used the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 as some sort of benchmark/template for the design of the iPad Mini.


    - Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7: 196.7 mm H,  133.0 mm W,  7.9 mm D , Weight 340g


    - Apple iPad Mini: 200mm H, 134.7mm W, 7.2 mm D, Weight Wi-Fi: 308g, Wi-Fi + Cellular: 312g




    01) The Galaxy Tab 7.7's display is noticeably brighter, more vivid and of a higher resolution than my iPad Mini.


    02) In several reviews (in addition to my own ownership experience) both devices typical battery autonomy is within minutes of the other.


    03) The Galaxy Tab 7.7 has featured LTE for some 1.2 years whereas Apple has only used LTE in their devices in the last 6 months.




    Anyway... They're both excellent (near) 8 inch, aluminum-cased tablets, but it is undeniable that Samsung was the first major manufacturer to enter the (near) 8 inch tablet market (more than a year before Apple), as well as the first to introduce a 7 inch tablet device capable of also making (conventional) cellular telephone calls e.g. the original Samsung Galaxy Tab on 2 September 2010.


    So... If anything the iPad Mini was created as Apple's answer to Samsung Galaxy Tab series of tablets.

  • Reply 84 of 173


    Originally Posted by Eriamjh View Post


    Originally Posted by Dunks View Post



    I would have said the distinguishing feature is the fugly camera optics protruding from the (otherwise flush) back.

    I call it a camera nipple.


    I think that it is a nubbin... or a zit.

  • Reply 85 of 173


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    Originally Posted by Eriamjh View Post

    I call it a camera nipple.

    It is sort of a weird design. As we know designing an ultra-thin, light mobile device with touch-based OS creates a series of challenges and compromises. Apple makes compromises and so does Samsung. They just choose different areas where they are compromising. Apple puts their camera along the upper edge area utilizing the void so not to conflict with the thickness of the screen thus accommodating the lens depth they need, but the compromise is that it tends to be an awkward place for the lens as the users' fingers often are in the photography frame. Samsung's design although adding more thickness puts the lens nearer the center of the device similar to traditional cameras. The trade off is that you have to live with the less than elegant esthetics.


    These are conscious design decisions that both companies make weighing the pluses and minuses. 


    I think the same thing applies to the stylus. Samsung has decided that the overall benefits of the stylus such precision pointing and drawing outweigh the negatives of possibly misplacing the stylus and also providing onboard space to store it.


    I agree that the stylus would be beneficial for certain things -- just as Siri and Maps 3D Flyover are useful for certain things.  


    I would prefer an iPad with a good stylus and system software -- to an iPad with cell data.

  • Reply 86 of 173


    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    ... and here they go.


  • Reply 87 of 173
    andreyandrey Posts: 108member
    "They judge me, before they even know me" - Shrek.
  • Reply 88 of 173


    Originally Posted by sennen View Post


    Thing is, you can still use a stylus with an iPad, if you really want/need to. Most people don't so Apple doesn't design around the use of one or supply one. This one gets good comments:


    Looks good. The price/feature/performance mix of many styli I've researched have been less than impressive.

  • Reply 89 of 173
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member


    Originally Posted by KDarling View Post


    Totally different things.


    The product you referenced is an inactive stylus (stick), which pretends to be a meat finger, and is just as (in)accurate.


    What Samsung is using is a Wacom digitizer active pen, which is far more accurate in positioning, and has over two hundred pressure levels to boot.


    There are several third party active pens available for the iPad (for example, the iPen Kickstarter project), but they require interface dongles that plug into the expansion port or headphone jack.  That's why people would like to see Apple build the digitizer technology into the tablet itself.


    I realise it's not exactly the same, but it's hardly a large market. Most people who need/prefer them, illustrators, graphic designers etc, have Wacom tablets already. It's a specialised market, and for most people an inactive stylus is fine. It may well come to Apple's products but I can see why it's not a priority.

  • Reply 90 of 173

    Samsung released the Galaxy Tab 7" in 2011 and the Tab 2 7" last year. Now, after the release of the iPad mini, they're going back to a larger display. The fact that they had a 7.7" screen tablet (which they made in 2011) before doesn't mean the Galaxy Note 8 is not inspired by the release of the smaller iPad. As others have noted, Apple was not the first to release a smaller tablet but they have increased its mindshare. (This is not to knock the success of the Nexus 7.)


    That said, the Galaxy Note family of phones and tablets is, in theory, pretty nifty for those who like to use a stylus. I say "in theory" because the note taking software on them is wretched. Still, many people love them.

  • Reply 91 of 173
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    App selection and app quality, not bullet points and specs, make a great tablet.

    But for spec hounds: on the one hand, the stylus IS nice if you're an artist. On the other, the iPad Mini screen is 4% larger than the Note 8. Not smaller.

    Smaller by diagonal, but larger in actual area, because of the Samsung's awkward narrow shape. (A more extreme example: you could have a screen 4 meters by 1mm, and the diagonal would be about 4 meters--wow, big screen! But the area would be around 1/5 the iPad Mini.)

    Area is a better measure of screen size, even if diagonals have been the tradition in the TV industry (where the shape could be assumed the same).
  • Reply 92 of 173
    hftshfts Posts: 386member


    Originally Posted by KDarling View Post


    There are 1 billion smartphone users in the WORLD.  The max ratio of 0.3% would be 3 million buyers.


    However, the first Note sold over 10 million, with the Note 2 expected to  top that, by perhaps up to double.


    Obviously more than just artists make up the people buying the Note.  For example, there have been news stories about executives using pens to annotate PDFs and then send them to their teams. I've also seen reports of field contractors using them to take notes on construction diagrams.


    Personally, I used to use a stylus all the time on my old WinMo smartphones, to draw diagrams and take notes before going to Home Depot to buy materials.   I also used to jot down circuit ideas.  Sometimes it's just easier for anyone to scribble down info, or draw a picture, rather than have to type it in.

    Shipped or sold, which one is it ?

    How do you know how many they sold when even samsung do not divulge numbers ?

    I enjoy catching you with your lies.

    Show proof, just like Apple does with their SEC filings, if you cannot, then apologie on this forum for sprouting lies.

  • Reply 93 of 173
    hftshfts Posts: 386member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Good then you'll do fine here, just do research before you post.

    Just like you right ?

    The post about penis sizes was so funny (not). Is this what you call research ?

  • Reply 94 of 173
    hftshfts Posts: 386member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Wow. They need a quad core 1.6 GHz processor with 2 GB of RAM in order to match Apple's performance from a 1 GHz dual core processor with 512 MB?

    Is Android really that bad?

    It sure is.


    A work colleague has an android samsung phone (don't recall the model, but not the GS3).

    One day he got an alert for an app that wished to be downloaded, before he could reply no, it went and downloaded itself anyway.

    Now, I don't know the full story, as he doesn't appear to be very tech-savy, although he works in IT, so maybe there is an android/samsung feature that allows this.

    But if my suspicions are correct, this is incredibly bad.

    Any android apologists want to comment ?

  • Reply 95 of 173
    hftshfts Posts: 386member


    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Stylus is much more natural than finger. I cannot say for others, but much as I am concerned, I'd always rather scribble with "pen" than finger. Regardless of being or not being an artist.

    You forgot to use the article "a pen" also "a finger".

    Next time get it right buddy, because you were awfully quick in insulting me a while back.

    Its demeaning to have your kind questioning my English.  With your handle, is English your first language ?

    No, I won't waste my time in telling you the thread, you get off your sweaty behind and find it yourself.

  • Reply 96 of 173

    An imagined concept and a real functioning device are two different things.  Does Jules Verne get credit for inventing the submarine because he wrote a science fiction novel mentioning the concept?  Imagining a product takes a vision, no doubt but no where near the vision of bringing that concept into reality that people line up to buy.  Bringing that vision into reality is a combination of technology, design, timing and a slew of other factors that have to converge all at once.  No, Samsung would not be making tablets if it were not for the iPad.  Does this mean Apple invented the tablet? No, everyone knows that Windows tablets have been around for decades.  And yet no one bought them, until the iPad.  Everything is compared to the iPad for a reason, they are the standard bearer.  Other tablets are smaller, cheaper, but are still modeled after the iPad running a similar OS.  As ultra books copy the originally criticized MacBook Air, all tablets in their current form are copying the iPad.  Some are a smaller, some have a stylus, but they are still modeled after the iPad.  They weren't first, but they redefined the category.

  • Reply 97 of 173
    hftshfts Posts: 386member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    So you type on a physical or virtual keyboard with a stylus? You use a trackpad with a stylus? You ring doorbells with a stylus? Are you flicking me off right now with a stylus? You recreate the clay modeling scene in Ghost, not with your hands, but with a stylus? You play piano with a stylus? You touch yourself at night with a stylus?

    It's so much more natural than using fingers¡… which are still required to hold a stylus… naturally.

    Maybe he doesn't like to be touched ?

    Maybe he picks his nose with a stylus too.

    This person is nothing but an obnoxious troll.

  • Reply 98 of 173
    hftshfts Posts: 386member


    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    How Utterly Ridiculous all these claims of Samsung 'copying' Apple into the (near) 8 inch tablet space - Especially since Samsung Created It.


    I've owned my Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 for almost 1.5 years now, and know (sans nonsensical fanatical posturing) that my Apple iPad Mini is within small fractions in every, single dimension e.g. height, weight, thickness and screen size.


    It would not be unreasonable to deduce that Apple may have used the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 as some sort of benchmark/template for the design of the iPad Mini.


    - Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7: 196.7 mm H,  133.0 mm W,  7.9 mm D , Weight 340g


    - Apple iPad Mini: 200mm H, 134.7mm W, 7.2 mm D, Weight Wi-Fi: 308g, Wi-Fi + Cellular: 312g




    01) The Galaxy Tab 7.7's display is noticeably brighter, more vivid and of a higher resolution than my iPad Mini.


    02) In several reviews (in addition to my own ownership experience) both devices typical battery autonomy is within minutes of the other.


    03) The Galaxy Tab 7.7 has featured LTE for some 1.2 years whereas Apple has only used LTE in their devices in the last 6 months.




    Anyway... They're both excellent (near) 8 inch, aluminum-cased tablets, but it is undeniable that Samsung was the first major manufacturer to enter the (near) 8 inch tablet market (more than a year before Apple), as well as the first to introduce a 7 inch tablet device capable of also making (conventional) cellular telephone calls e.g. the original Samsung Galaxy Tab on 2 September 2010.


    So... If anything the iPad Mini was created as Apple's answer to Samsung Galaxy Tab series of tablets.

    Did you buy your three family members three of each ?

    So your pics are an accurate representation right ?  You didn't dim the brightness on the iPad Mini, right ?

    You are being honest, right ?

    Go away, your bullshit is nauseating.

  • Reply 99 of 173
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member


    Originally Posted by hfts View Post

    Did you buy your three family members three of each ?

    So your pics are an accurate representation right ?  You didn't dim the brightness on the iPad Mini, right ?

    You are being honest, right ?

    Go away, your bullshit is nauseating.

    Bitter/Evil Troll Says 'What'?


    Oh... You said absolutely nothing of any relevance/merit, or even remotely related to my posts.


    So... Troll On (Fanatical) Troll.


    Anyway... Looking forward to the day when it's finally recognized that even my (and every other) iPad Mini can make FaceTime Calls - Effectively making said device (also) a tablet with 'phone' capabilities.

  • Reply 100 of 173
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    TS, those sound like personal attacks by DaHarder to me.
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