Android on 80% of smartphones shipped in Q2, while Apple's iPhone took 13%

in iPhone edited January 2014
Google's Android operating system continues to dominate the smartphone segment in terms of shipped devices, with an 80 percent share in the latest quarter according to new data, while Apple's iPhone accounts for less and less of shipments in a growing market.

Industry tracker IDC released its latest numbers on Wednesday, showing that Android was the operating system on 187.4 million of the 236.4 million smartphone units shipped in the second quarter. That equates to a 79.3 percent share for the quarter, up from 69.1 percent for the same quarter a year ago.

Meanwhile, Apple's iOS platform was on 31.2 million iPhones shipped, up from the 26 million Apple shipped one year ago. The market itself grew faster than Apple's shipments, though, and so Apple's share fell from 16.6 percent for the second quarter 2012 to 13.2 percent for this quarter.

Microsoft's Windows Phone platform saw a sizable boost in shipments ? going from 4.9 million in 2012 to 8.7 million in the past quarter ? but only a slight uptick in terms of share, growing from 3.1 percent to 3.7 percent. BlackBerry continued to struggle in the quarter, shipping fewer handsets even as its market share slipped.

IDC's findings are largely in keeping with those of Canalys, which also found Android's lead over all other challengers to be increasing. Released yesterday, Canalys' figures differ from IDC's by only a few million units in a few categories.

Apple's share of phone shipments may be on the downturn, but the Cupertino company remains the top profit maker in the segment. According to the most recent numbers, Apple accounts for 57 percent of profits in the smartphone business. The only other firm making a profit in the market, so far, is Samsung, which accounts for the other 43 percent.

IDC's numbers show Samsung having shipped 73.3 million handsets in the past quarter, up from 48 million units one year ago. The South Korean conglomerate accounts for nearly 40 percent of shipped Android smartphones. That figure is actually down, though, from the 44.4 percent share it held last year. The other top five Android manufacturers by units shipped were LG, Lenovo, Huawei, and ZTE.


  • Reply 1 of 148
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    I don't think Tim Cook and company are worried by these numbers.

    Apple has a lot of new product coming and that will push the needle back in their favor.

    Normally when a new iPhone comes, sales double. This year with the possibility of 2 new iPhone models, I think we could easily see iPhone sales triple.

    I expect the most robust increases will come from emerging markets with the affordable iPhone eating all the competition up.
  • Reply 2 of 148
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    blackbook wrote: »
    I don't think Tim Cook and company are too worried by these numbers.

    Apple has a lot of new product coming that will push the needle back in their favor.

    Not really. I'm not sure Apple will ever have the majority. It's not surprising that there are a lot of cheap phones sold, but Apple doesn't care about them.
  • Reply 3 of 148
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Fewer and fewer. Please.
  • Reply 4 of 148

    I LOVE these numbers.


    Something very cool about NOT being the mainstream.


    I always loved Apple products, but also their underdog, not mainstream, aura.


    That is what makes certain products very desirable.

    That EVERYONE doesn't have them.




    Full Disclosure:

    AAPL Share holder.


  • Reply 5 of 148
    nelsonxnelsonx Posts: 278member

    It certainly looks like Android has already win "the game". I didn't expect that Windows-Mac history to repeat again. At least not as fast! And it looks like in 2-3 years Windows will catch iOS! Can Apple turn the ship around? I doubt. They've just lost so many oportunities. They were kings 2-3 years ago and now...

  • Reply 6 of 148
    This is the study I was referring to.

    So if Google knows of 106 million in Q2 2013 (that's being generous, it's likely below 100 million), then who's selling the other 90 million or so Android devices? I'll tell you - they are all the devices with no access to Google Play. I wonder what Google thinks of so many Android devices out there that aren't tied into their ecosystem. And this 90 million is ON TOP of all the junk devices that ARE connected to Google Play but aren't even powerful enough to run any good Apps.
  • Reply 7 of 148
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member
  • Reply 8 of 148
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member


    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    It certainly looks like Android has already win "the game". I didn't expect that Windows-Mac history to repeat again. At least not as fast! And it looks like in 2-3 years Windows will catch iOS! Can Apple turn the ship around? I doubt. They've just lost so many oportunities. They were kings 2-3 years ago and now...

    With Apple making all the profit, and Samsung (barely) keeping up, everyone else is just trying to make ends meet by peddling their garbage.

  • Reply 9 of 148
    kv4884kv4884 Posts: 1member
    these numbers doesn't make any sense. your headline is misleading. you compared whole android OS to iPhone.
  • Reply 10 of 148
    erannerann Posts: 38member


    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    It certainly looks like Android has already win "the game". 

    Nokia had the biggest market share and it wanted more of it, so it lowered prices. Now Nokia has one of the smallest market shares and profits.

    HP, Dell etc. have big market shares in PCs and they don't make money.


    Apple has small market share in mobile phones and it makes big money, the biggest. Apple has small market share in tablets and it makes big money, the biggest. Apple has small market share in personal computers and it makes big money, the biggest.


    See the pattern? Where is Android going?

  • Reply 11 of 148
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Not really. I'm not sure Apple will ever have the majority. It's not surprising that there are a lot of cheap phones sold, but Apple doesn't care about them.


    Even so, they're sales will no doubt pick up with the release of iOS 7, iPhone 5S and potentially the iPhone 5C

  • Reply 12 of 148
    sumergosumergo Posts: 215member

    The tired "shipped versus sold" story again.


    Manufacturers can "ship" Sagans of devices by putting them in a semi and wheeling them around the country - hey - you can claim double the number shipped if you include the returns.  Anyone think we will ever get balanced/semi-accurate "sold" (to real consumers for real $$$) figures?


    Me neither, so let's stop publishing this content-free stuff on AI.  Waddyu fink?


    Btw: is there the equivalent of column-inches in net media, i.e., you have to render so many blog lines per hour to be a reputable source . . . ?

  • Reply 13 of 148
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member

    Who exactly won the game? It doesn't matter how many devices you ship... it matters if people use them and if it's driving revenue. Google made ZERO dollars on Android. ZERO. Most of their mobile ad revenues continue to be derived from iOS device. Go anywhere and look. Most people use iPhones or iPads (at least in the US)  Most people I know that have an Android device would rather have an iPhone or iPad.  I spoke with a woman this weekend who said she had three Android devices but doesn't like them so they sit in a drawer.


    So winning is shipping product at zero profit or at a loss with a free operating system that no one uses except for basic phone and some free games?

  • Reply 14 of 148
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    It certainly looks like Android has already win "the game". I didn't expect that Windows-Mac history to repeat again. At least not as fast! And it looks like in 2-3 years Windows will catch iOS! Can Apple turn the ship around? I doubt. They've just lost so many oportunities. They were kings 2-3 years ago and now...


    It's too soon to count Apple out. All of they're biggest releases are still forthcoming.


    It's funny to me how it seems every Q2 we have the reports of "Apple is DOOMED" "iPhone is DEAD" almost daily.


    Well I guess there truly is nothing new under the sun.

  • Reply 15 of 148
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by kv4884 View Post

    these numbers doesn't make any sense. your headline is misleading. you compared whole android OS to iPhone.


    The iPhone is the only phone that has iOS, so it's a "fair" study.


    I believe the IDC had a study comparing manufacturers that came out earlier as well.

  • Reply 16 of 148
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by jkichline View Post

    Who exactly won the game? It doesn't matter how many devices you ship... it matters if people use them and if it's driving revenue. Google made ZERO dollars on Android. ZERO. Most of their mobile ad revenues continue to be derived from iOS device. Go anywhere and look. Most people use iPhones or iPads (at least in the US) 


    Not true anymore here in Montreal. I am seing more Android phones and tablets than iphones and ipads. But the Apple store is still pretty crowded.

  • Reply 17 of 148
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member


    Originally Posted by kv4884 View Post

    these numbers doesn't make any sense. your headline is misleading. you compared whole android OS to iPhone.

    Don't think they don't know that.

  • Reply 18 of 148
    bunlobunlo Posts: 28member
    A good product not always the most popular product, like BMW, Ferrier, First class seat, Electric car.
    I mean, will it make sense to see a commerical to say Toyota Corolla is outsold BMW1?
    I mean this is the culture of Apple fanboys, we do our own job and make it perfect, not the most.
  • Reply 19 of 148
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    13% sounds about right. iPhone always was a luxury brand. Even the upcoming lower cost iPhone will most likely be similar in quality/price ratio to a BMW 128i - certainly not economy class. The super economy class phone buyers in all likelihood don't use their phone as a smartphone anyway but they still get counted in the stats. They probably don't have an account on an app store or have any music, or a wifi at home and in some cases not even a data plan. Apple will always be best in class so their lack of market share at the low end is unlikely to affect their sales among the upper and middle classes. 13% share is about what Macs have too.

  • Reply 20 of 148
    nikiloknikilok Posts: 383member
    Heard of building a huge building with a weak foundation and it would collapse ?
    That's were androids heading.
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